Tyki Mikk Romance.

Lizzie's POV:

If you're reading this right now you may think I'm crazy. Why? Because I'm the daughter of a General from the Black Order. Well uh Ex-General. He'd rather lose his thumb than go back to that hellhole. My father is the one and only Cross Marian. In simple terms he's a drunken womanizing bastard. Since mother left him he seems to have overdosed himself in his own misery. Alcohol and women is the solution to everything. On his good days he'd teach me science and sorcery. He wanted me to become an exorcist like my mother, Cloud. She is also a general of the Black Order. One who actually sticks to her duties. A General is supposed to find and train new exorcists and hunt down Akuma. My father tends to just build up a debt collection and run. Over the past few years we've took a kid on the road with us. A kid about two years younger than me. Allen Walker, there is apparently something special about him and he wants to become an exorcist. However my father didn't quite teach the young Exorcist Trainee that much. I sadly had to do so. The poor kid was left to pay off debts while my father dragged me around to his hiding spots. He'd rather have the Walker boy pay off the debts than me. It was awful. The boy may have been only two years younger than me but he was so small and fragile. When the Walker boy first came home with us he wouldn't leave the bed, he was curled up in a ball, crying for someone named Mana. He was trembling in fear refusing to eat, drink or bathe. It had gotten to the point where my father and I had to force him to eat. Once Allen had gotten back on his feet, my father resumed his duties of screwing random women, Allen and I bonded, he was like a little brother I never had. I helped train Allen since by that point I was already trained with my innocence. The Bloody Rose. My father discovered I was a potential when I was around ten so using the piece of innocence and his sorcery he turned it into a Calibre Auto revolver: the same as his innocence: Judgement but in Black. Because I was so young at the time he had to constantly help me for the year once I was eleven. When I was thirteen I began training Allen because my father was never around to do so and for the next 4 years. I must say my father did help now and again by throwing the kid into danger. He was quite rough with Allen and sweet with me, probably because Allen was a boy. Once Allen turned Fifteen, my father decided to send us both on our way but separately since he wanted to spend the next month with me which was surprising. Once my father dragged me off, ditching Allen we headed off into a small town about ten miles away from London. From there I would be getting a train into London, transferring to another train and heading off to the Black Order. After my father daughter month which consisted of him teaching me how to scam people and a couple of tricks with my innocence, I was back on the road again, solo this time of course. I boarded the train for London and this train was about to change my life.

The future love of my life was sitting in the next compartment. As I opened the doors into the compartment which turned out to be the luggage one, there crazy looking Vagabonds, a child, Allen Walker, some red head and a creepy looking Dracula wannabe, who didn't even have his clothes on I may add there all simitanisuely looked up at me. I was hard to miss with my natural bright red hair.

"General Cross!" The redhead cried.

I instantly kicked that little shit hard. I know I look like my father but I am NOT HIM. "It's Lizzie!" I turned to Allen and kneeled, looks like he was playing poker and winning thanks to his unknown skills at cheating. "Hi Allen." I huffed and took a seat next to Allen and the redhead. "I'm sorry Lizzie, I was just winding you up, Allen told me so much about you. Girls are so sensitive." He wrapped his arms around me. I faced him. "Seriously redhead, how would you like it if I called you General Cross? I hate that guy." I huffed, my father had warned me after all to never reveal our relation in front of others besides exorcists since the Noah Clan want him so bad apparently and they could use me as Bait or something. Not like I care. I can handle myself.

"Where were we?" The Vagabond sitting in the middle glanced up at me, well I couldn't tell over those stupid Waldo glasses he was wearing. "Chill out Waldo, short stack is taking his turn….geez Allen why are you playing poker? Aren't you on a mission?" I questioned, taking note of the Exorcist jacket laying by the homeless guys' I tried to take it back but the Waldo hobo just wasn't letting me. He snatched it back and I ended up toppling over on top of him. Tyki's friends ended up continuing the game on his behalf while I dealt with Shifty Waldo. "The card shark gave this to me, lady. If he wins it's all his, I swear. Besides, he is winning after all." He added with a low whisper. "Whatever Waldo,"

"It's Tyki."

"Okay Tyki, give it to me and whoever wins will get the jacket, deal?"

"What makes you think I would trust a troublesome lady such as yourself?"

"I'm no lady."

"So you're a gentleman."

Cocky bastard. That earned him a slap across the face.

"Skirts and frocks are not for me." I huffed and snatched his glasses away. I regretted doing so…his hazel brown eyes hypnotised me and that cute little mole just beneath his eye. I don't normally have a thing for guys or girls. I'm just a typical bitchy unofficial exorcist and a General's daughter. Little did I know who this man really was…

"Royal Straight Flush!" Allen yell pulled me out of the moment. It was then that I realized. I was still on top of the Waldo vagabond. Gazing into his eyes. I quickly sat up, realizing where I was sat exactly made me shiver. His treasure, big one at that judging by the size of that bulge in his boxers that I must've invoked. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red. I quickly got up, took the jacket and headed over to Allen. The Dracula guy was getting into some sort of cloak and the fellow redhead was staring at me with that one eye of his. "I've heard so much about you Lizzie, I'm Lavi. I'm a bookman in training. Oh and that's Krory, we just picked him up, he's new." Finally introductions! Just the right thing I needed. Tyki by now was wearing his glasses and sitting upright against some luggage, shivering as Allen gathered his belongings as well as his friends. The kid was silent the entire time. Allen must've felt some pity he ended up giving the guys their belongings back. I picked up my duffel bag, knowing that his eyes were on me. I turned to Allen. "Let's go and find seats that we actually paid for!" I huffed. I hated that Waldo guy; I didn't want to be near him and his gorgeous….ahh stop it! I mentally slapped myself and headed on out into an ACTUAL compartment to find a seat and nap.

"Don't mind her, she's just quite a moody person but she means well." I could hear Allen say as he left the guys. I scoffed and took a seat, gazing out the window. The sooner I get to the order the better.