Review please!? As someone who wants to be an author someday, the reviews really help. I love reading them and know what you think of what I write. I get happy every time I see I have a new review. Please and thank you. :)

Melissa paced back and forth, walking the perimeter of the hall, she had spent the past half hour venting all of her worries to Stiles, only to discover that he had fallen asleep leaning up against the wall very early on in her rampage. In frustration she continued her pace, back and fourth, back and forth; hoping to ware her self out until she could just lay down and pass out from exhaustion. But no such luck. She pace, took a shower, ate half a bag of chips, bit off all her nails, and paced some more. Finally after hours of worry the sun began to rise, along with Stiles.

"Gah!" Stiles, complained, "Never sleep sitting up against the wall. Leaves a nasty kink in your neck."

The boy stood up and stretched, cracking various parts of his body working the kinks out as he did so, making Melissa cringe. She knew cracking like that repeatedly would cause arthritis, she'd always scolded him for doing that, but was not in the mood to do so now. Now, all she wanted was to kick open Scott's bedroom door, run in, and hug her little boy.

"I know, I know. It bad for me, and all that junk, bla bla bla. But I can't help it, it just feels good to..."

Stiles continued to ramble on about why he would crack his joints in the morning, how he was stiff and sore until he did, but Melissa wasn't listening. She was staring at the door, urging it to open with her mind, for Scott to walk out rubbing his eyes asking what was for breakfast just like every other morning. Only then would she allow herself to feel relief.

Minutes passed, though it felt like hours to her, and still no sound on the other side of the door that blocked her from her son, no turning handles or shower running. Nothing. Her eyes were rimmed with dark circles and tears from her lack of sleep, but her body and mind felt none of it as of yet. Finally she couldn't stand waiting anymore. Turning to her sons best friend, who was now casually popping his knuckles as a yawn escaped his mouth, she burst.

"Where is he Stiles? The sun is up, its now..." She paused to look at her watch, "8:30am, shouldn't he be out here by now? He should have shifted back and been out here by now right? You've been through this with him before, how long did it take last time?"

Panic washed over her as she had a sudden, horrible thought occurred. "Oh no... no, no, no no... What if he got out, what if he's hurt, wh-"

"What if he hurt someone else?" Stiles added helpfully rubbing the back of his sore neck.

"I don't care. I mean I do, but most importantly I want my baby to be okay... what if one of the hunters got him? Or the Alpha I..." she trailed off not really sure where to go from there.

"Relax Mrs. McCall. I'm sure Scott's fine, he should be out soon. Maybe he just fell asleep last night and hasn't woken up yet. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some morning business to attend to... if he's not out when I get back, we can break the door down to check on him."

With that idea, which Melissa was wanting to do with out waiting any longer, Stiles shuffled off in the direction of the bathroom. She continued her pacing of the halls perimeter, picking at her nails nervously when she heard a soft voice from behind her.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"Scott." She let out a deep sigh as she filled with the relief of seeing her son, she rushed forward pulling him into a quick hug before moving to see his face.

"Am I okay?" She let out a week laugh, "I'm more worried about you. I was beginning to think you left last nigh and someone hurt you. I had you pictured bleeding to death out in the wood somewhere, me and Stiles were about to break the door down here in a minute."

"No, I was here all night. Mom, I'm okay." Melissa nodded in response, never taking her eyes off of him, Scott could still see the worry on her face though, could hear her heart beating quickly, and knew there was more.

"There's something else bothering you isn't there?"

"Yea, I just... Scott your my son. Its my job as your mother to protect you and keep you safe, make you feel better when your hurt, physical or emotional, and I couldn't do that. I couldn't protect you when you got attacked that night, from the alpha in the school. And I couldn't fix things for you last night. I saw you in pain and all I wanted to do was make the hurt go away but I couldn't..."

More tears fell from her eyes, but this time not from lack of sleep.


"Do you have any idea what its like to see your child in pain and not be able to help? Let me tell you, it's the worst feeling in the world." Melissa was fully crying now.

"It made me feel like a bad mom... not being able to fix all of this for you."

"Mom." Scott said more firmly this time, his voice soft. "You are not a bad mom. Your a great mom, I couldn't have asked to have a better mom than you. Look at me, I turned out okay right?"

Melissa nodded, "You turned out great, and honey I couldn't be more proud of you but-"

"No but's. Listen. A huge part of who I am is because of you, what you taught me and how you raised me. You made me who I am. If you were a bad mom I'd have to be a pretty bad person. And you just said I turned out great; that you were proud of me, which mean a lot to hear you say that by the way. So there's your proof, right there that your a good mom."

"I just wish I could have helped you last night. Made the pain go away."

"You may not have been able to make the pain go away, you did help. You do help. Just the fact that I have you here, that you still love and support me, it helps a lot. Lets me know I'm not alone through all of this, and I'll always have someone there for me, even if no one else is. Lets me feel, on some level, semi normal, like a 16 year old boy and not some monster out of a horror flick." He let out a small laugh, look at her. "Okay?"

"Glad I could help." she offered a week smiles to him. "Yesterday, in the hospital, This 13 year old boy and his mom... the kid had been a long time patient, he was so sick... we though he was going to get better, he started improving, then things got bad again. Yesterday he..."

Melissa paused letting out a small sob. "She was a single mom like me. Last nigh when I saw you in pain, I finally understood how she felt, watching her child suffer, not being able to help. Then this morning when I thought something happened to you... and you running off to help people all the time. I know you need to help them but it scares me that you could get hurt,or worse. If I ever lost you Scott I just don't think I could handle it..."

Scott hated seeing his mom so upset, so scared, he didn't know what he could say to make her fears go away, make her feel better after what she's just told him. But he did what he could. Reaching out his arms he pulled his mother against him hugging her as tight as he could with out hurting her, tears spilling over from his own eyes now.

"Its okay mom, its okay. I'm here, I'm safe, everything is going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'm so sorry for scaring you like that. You won't lose me mom, ever, I'm right here, and I'm going to stay here."

He closed his eyes taking in a deep breath, he could smell her shampoo she had used the night before, her worry and fear, her relief she was now beginning to feel as they held on to each other tightly; as if their lives depended on this one hug in this moment. He felt her body relax as she took in deep breaths, he could hear her heart beat slowing back to its normal rhythm. Melissa noticed that Scott's muscles felt more relaxed then they had last night, less tense. She held him so close to her that she could feel his heart beating inside of his chest, she heard him breathing in her ear and felt his warm breath; a reassurance that he really was okay. That he was alive and safe like he had promised her.

As if on cue, Stiles came back to ruin there mother and son bonding moment. "Alright, who's ready break down a door!?" He announced re-entering the hall, rubbing his hands together with mock excitement.

The little family laughed from where they were standing, breaking the hug.

"Morning Stiles. Perfect timing as always." Scott teased with a big grin on his face, "ruining a perfectly good moment." he shook his head disapprovingly just to add to his words.

"Ha Ha, very funny Scott." Stiles said, his voice laced with sarcasm, though Melissa and Scott could have sworn they saw him fighting back a smile. "Your mom was going nuts out here man. What took you so damn long to get your little werewolf ass out here hu?"

Scott shrugged, "Rough night? Any way, whats for breakfast? I'm starving."

Just like old times, Melissa though, a smiles on her face. "How's pancakes sound?"

Both boy cheered and raced down the stairs a head of her, clearly they aproved.