"Scott, whats wrong? This is your favorite, you'd usually have finished two plates by now."

Melissa was beginning to really worry about her son. He'd been acting strange the past few days and had barley spoken to her, which wasn't at all like him, and now he's not eating his favorite dinner. She knew something was bothering him, she just didn't know what.

"Nothing mom. I'm fine." he replied quickly, never taking his eyes off of his still full plate.

Not making eye contact. Melissa though. That's never a good sign. "Why don't you look me in the eye and say that? If that's true then it should be no problem."

Taking a deep breath Scott lifted his head looking his mother directly in the eye, for the first time in three days, and repeated his words, careful to keep his voice from shaking. "I'm fine."

Melissa had to admit, he sounded very convincing, and if she were a stranger she'd have believed it. But she was his mother, had seen him grow up, and raised him for 16 years. She knew her son well enough to know when he was trying to lie to her, when he was lying he'd rub his hands over his jeans, probably to wipe off the sweat, something he'd always done since he was a kid. "Bull shit."

"What? No its not." Scott continued to rubs his hands over his jeans. "Why don't you believe me?"

"Because I'm your mother and I know when your lying," she points to his hands, "and you are lying. So start talking."

"Its nothing mom. Okay?"

"Nothing meaning there is something bothering you. Whether its a big deal or not, I want to know about it."

"Mom... just drop it okay? Its nothing, I'm fine." Melissa noticed that he look down right as he said, "I'm fine." he most defiantly was not fine.

"Scott, I just worried about you, and when I see something is bothering you, I want to know so I can help you. You can tell me anything. I mean that."

"I know you do." He said sadly. "I know you worry about me. And I know I can trust you, and talk to you I just... you don't understand, and I know you want to help me with everything I go through but... I just don't think you can help me this time."

Scott could feel his heart beating faster in his chest, and he knew what was coming. He tried to hold it back, he couldn't lose control in front of his mom like this, but he was really struggling, and it was starting to hurt. His mother saw the look of pain on his face, even though he was trying to hide it.

"Scott, sweetie, are you okay? Whats wrong?"

"Nothing mom." He growled, his eyes flashing a bright gold. Scott felt a wave of panic rush over him and saw the expression on his mothers face, her color quickly draining. He jumped up knocking his chair over and ran up stairs, slamming his bedroom door.

Melissa yelled after him, "Scott!?" She was scared and shocked, but he was still her son and she had to find out was going on with him, and what she'd just seen. Though she tried to keep her voice from shaking when she called him, but she couldn't. Slowly she rose from the table, her hands and knees trembling, and climbed the stairs to Scott's room.

"Scott?" She asked in a softer voice, though it was still shaky, and gently knocked on his door before opening it. The scene she saw broke her heart. There sitting on the floor in front of his bed in the dark, was her son Scott with his hood pulled up over his head hugging his knees and rocking back and forth.

Her voice softened as she saw how upset her son was, though she was still shocked afraid after what she had seen, she realized it was not him she was scared of, she was afraid for him, especially looking at him right now, seeing him this way. Her voice softened wand was no longer as shaky, though her body was still trembling.

"Hey." She whispered as shes slowly slid down to sit next to her son. He had his back towards her and she could hear him breathing heavily, almost as if he was just beginning to have an asthma attack before it was full blown.

"Do you need your inhaler?" she finally offered, not sure how else to calm his breathing, though what she didn't realize that Scott was breathing like that not because he was gasping for air like she though, but because he was trying to calm himself back down.

"No." Scott's voice was rough, and came out sounding almost like a growl.

"No, just... just go away. Please?"

"That's not going to happen." Melissa reach a hand up to gently rub his back, but as soon as she touched him he jumped almost as if she were going to hit him, she felt his muscles tense under her hand and her heart broke even more. Slowly she moved her hand back and forth in a soothing motion in an attempt to calm him.

"Sweetie," she whispered, her voice broke as she tried to keep from crying, "please, talk to me. Let me help, it breaks my heart to see you like this."

His response was the same as it was when she'd asked him before, though this time he sounded more heart broken, as if he wanted to tell her but couldn't. "You can't help me."

"I can try. Please Scott? Look at me."

He shook his head quickly, "No, no just please leave me alone."

Again she told him, "Not going to happen. Turn around so I can see you."

Carefully she pulled his hood off of his head, placed her hands on his shoulders and turned him around to look at her. Reluctantly, he let his mothers hands guide him towards her. He was fully shifted already, and his wolf like features made her gasp, her breath catching in her throat.

"I told you. You can't help this time." Scott's voice broke as a stray tear finally found its way down his cheek.

"What are you?" She asked, her words came out sounding much more harsh than she had meant, almost hateful or fearful. But none of that was true, she was only shocked, seeing the hurt look on his face she immediately felt guilt wash over her.

"Scott, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"Its fine." Scott interrupted. "I get it. Your scared of me." he paused for a moment, Melissa opened her mouth to protest but his voice came out first. "Hell, I'm even scared of me." More tears rolled down his face, and with out realizing she was even doing it, the motherly instincts in her just wanted to hug her little boy and comfort him, and that's exactly what she did.

Scott froze. He clearly had not been expecting her to hug him, slowly he wrapped his arms around her returning the hug, still unsure where it had come from.

"I didn't mean it to come out like that Scott. I may be feeling a lot of things right now, shocked, confused, heart broken, and yes even scared. But not I am not scared of you, not for one second. Scared for you, but not of you."

"Your... your not scared of me?" He asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm not. I'm scared for you, because when I saw you in here like that, it broke my heart. I don't know what you are, or what's going on, but I know what ever it is, its hard for you, and it scared you and hurts you. And because of that, I am scared for you."

Scott took a deep breath, he felt himself begin to relax, his heart rate slowing back to normal, and his wolf like features melt away as he turned back into himself. He said one word. "Werewolf."

"What?" Melissa asked, feeling very confused.

"Werewolf." He said again, never letting go of his mother. "You asked what I am, so I'm answering you. I'm a werewolf."

Taking a deep breath she repeated the word to her self letting this sink in. "Werewolf?"

Scott nodded softly in her shoulder, "Yea. A werewolf."

"But how? Since when? I don't understand, how could this happen?" Reluctantly she pulled out of the hug so that she could see him, and gently caressed her sons face, tears building in her eyes.

Scott explained everything to her, how he and Stiles had gone into the woods looking for the other half of the body, and how he had hidden behind a tree when Stiles dad caught him, so that he himself wouldn't get in trouble, and how he had landed on the body, then been attacked and bit. He told her about all of the weird things he started noticing the next day, about how he had completely healed by the next night, how he didn't need his inhaler any more, and how Stiles had been the one to figure it out first, and how he hadn't believed him until the full moon. He even told her about Derek and the hunters, and Allison's family. By the time he had finished telling her everything Melissa was completely in tears.

If her heart wasn't broken before, it defiantly was broken now. She couldn't believe everything her son, her baby boy, had been forced to deal with. Once again, she hugged him, this time fully aware she was doing it, as tightly as she could. Scott hugged her back as tightly as he could with out hurting her, since he was much stronger now.

"I love you Scott. So, so much. Don't ever doubt that okay?"

"I know mom." He nodded softly into her shoulder again, "And I won't doubt that. I love you too."

"And don't be afraid to talk to me either. I may not understand all of this, but your still my son, and as your mother I will always be there for you to help, in anyway I can. Even if you just need someone to cry on and hold you."

Scott nodded again, "I know mom, I will. And thank you."

"For what?" she asked.

"For always loving me, and being there for me. Even with all of this, I know its not easy. For just, everything you've done for me and everything you will do for me. Thank you."

Melissa gently kissed his head before responding, rubbing his back and head in a soothing motion.

"Kiddo I'm your mom, that's kind of my job. I may not get payed for it, even though I should, but its my job."

Scott laughed at that, making Melissa smile, she loved when he laughed. It meant he was happy, and she always wanted him to be happy.

"Hey mom?"

"Yea sweetheart?"

Scott pulled back from the hug to look at her, "Do you think maybe we could go finish dinner now? I'm really hungry."

He smiled a little bit and she laughed softly, glad her son was back to his old self again.

"Of course we can. If you don't mind warming up?"

"Nope." he smiled again, "Not at all. Food is food." Melissa wiped her own tears off of her face, then gently dried her sons face as well.

"Come on. Lets go eat." They both got up and went down stairs to finish dinner, both of them feeling much more relieved now that the big secret Scott had been keeping had been put out in the open.