Wordgirl's Life Story Series

Part 9: It All Ends Here

(Becky is visiting the home of her great-granddaughter, Nadine, who is now new mother herself with two children of her own. A daughter, Janella, who's now 2½ and a son, Kurt, who's 7mons old.)

(Janella, had inherited superpowers and she will become the 5th Wordgirl.)

Janella: Hi Great-Great Grandma. Look at what I can do. (She floats in mid air and picks up a heavy lamp.)

Wordgirl/Becky: I see that. Very good, Janella.

Nadine: She's pretty strong, Great-Grandma.

Wordgirl/Becky: I can see that. You have to promise that you teach her to use her powers for good and not evil.

Nadine: I will. She could be the 5th Wordgirl.

Wordgirl/Becky: That will be a site to see. If only both of your great grandfathers were here to see this.

Nadine: I guess. Grandma told me all about them both. Did you hear that Mack is married now?

Wordgirl/Becky: Yeah, I'm sorry that I couldn't make it to the wedding.

Nadine: Mack understood why you couldn't come. Your friend is sick and you wanted to help her out and all. I also want to tell you that Mack and his wife, Maria are now expecting their first baby.

Wordgirl/Becky: That's very good to hear. (She looks at her watch and goes to stand up.) Well, I have to get going.

Nadine: Great Grandma, if you ever need a place to stay, Edwin and I are more than happy to let you stay with us.

Wordgirl/Becky: Thanks, Nadine.

(Becky heads home to make lunch for her and Violet.)

Violet: (She hears Becky in the kitchen.) Hey Becky. How was your visit with Nadine?

Wordgirl/Becky: It was great. She told me that Mack is married and that he and his wife are now expecting.

Violet: I love hearing about things like that.

Wordgirl/Becky: Yep, so do I. Janella has my powers and she wants to become the 5th Wordgirl.

Violet: I would love to see all five of you together. That would make a great picture.

Wordgirl/Becky: Yes, it would. I only wish Tobey were alive to see that.

Violet: Becky, he may be gone but his spirit is still here. He sees everything that we see and he knows about his great-great granddaughter becoming the 5th Wordgirl.

(Later after lunch, Violet goes to read in her room as Becky goes to write the final chapter of her book.)

My Life Story

By: Rebecca Botsford-McCallister

AKA Wordgirl

Chapter 8: My Dedications

I want to take this time to write about who I am dedicating this book to. I know most people put their dedications in the front of their books and don't take time to write more than the names of the people they appreciate and who made their books special. But I am going to write a whole chapter on who I dedicate this book to.

First, I want to dedicate this book to my home planet of Lexicon. If it wasn't for my birth family on Lexicon, I wouldn't be here to write this book. I may not have lived there my whole life, but this beautiful planet is a part of who I am.

Second, I want to dedicate this book to my Earth family, the Botsfords. Tim, Sally, TJ, and Bampy. You all gave me a real family and treated me as if I was biologically yours.

Third, I want to dedicate this book to my two dearest friends in the world, Todd "Scoops" Ming and his wife, Violet Heaslip-Ming. They are the most dedicated friends I could ever ask for and, especially Violet, I will always cherish your friendship.

Fourth, I want to dedicate this book to my villains. Butcher, Dr. Two-Brains, Granny May, Tobey, Chuck, the Evil Sandwich-Making Guy, The Energy Monster, Mr. Big and Leslie, Eileen, the Birthday Girl, Amazing Rope Guy, The Whammer, Glen Furlblam, The Coach, Lady Redundant Woman, the Masked Meat Marauder, Timmy Timbo, Big Left-Hand Guy, Ms. Question, Seymore Smooth, Steve McClean, Nocan, Invisi-Bill, Kid Potato, Victoria Best, Capt. Tangent, Hal Hardbargen, The Learnerer, and Miss Power. Even though I had battled each and every one of you and we had been enemies, you all are as important in my life as anyone, some, like my beloved husband, Tobey, are even more so. I have never hated any of you. And in the end, I'm glad that we became friends. You all will always be in my heart.

Fifth, I want to dedicate this book to the citizens of Fair City. You all gave me the determination to continue to fight the good fight. There are so many of you that I can't name you all. But I want to thank you for letting Huggy and I come into your lives and helping you when you need it. Whether it's battling a villain or helping you with your vocabulary.

Sixth, I want to dedicate this book to my three children, Stephanie, Teddy, and Charlene. You three make me proud to be a mother and now you all have given me grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and now, great-great grandchildren. And I know your families will continue to grow and prosper, even after I'm gone from this world. And I know that there will always be a Wordgirl. Whether her name is Becky, Stephanie, Molly, Nadine, or Janella.

And finally, I want to dedicate this book to Capt. Huggyface. I saved this dedication for last because it's best to save the best for last. Capt. Huggyface will always be a part of me as I'm always a part of him. If it weren't for him, I would be a nobody or would I have the dedication to keep going. I will always dedicate my life to him.

With these dedications, I hope future generations read this book and learn what a great town we have. A town where the super hero and her sidekick battle villains and teach anyone vocabulary skills.

The End

Written by: Becky Botsford-McCallister

Illustrations by: Violet Heaslip-Ming

(After Becky finishes her final chapter of her book, she goes to share it with Violet, who then gives her the pictures she drew to be a part of the book.)

(Two months later, Becky is sitting in the publisher's office and has been told that her book will become a bestseller and after her book is published, she donates one to the Wordgirl Museum Library, one to Woodview Elementary Library, one to the City Library, and one to the Wordgirl Museum itself to be displayed, but not read.)

(Later at the book store, Becky and Violet are there as people wait in line to have her sign her book.)

(Many citizens, including families of some of their deceased classmates are there as well.)

(And the money she makes goes to help Woodview Elementary School, which was in danger of being closed due to lack of funds to maintain the building.)

(Three years later, Violet is on permanent bedrest, due to her lack of strength, due to her illness.)

Wordgirl/Becky: (She comes in with some tea for her friend.) Here's some tea.

Violet: (With a weak tone of voice.) Thanks Becky.

Wordgirl/Becky: How are you doing?

Violet: I'm fine because my best friend is here. You being here keeps my spirits up.

Wordgirl/Becky: Thanks.

Violet: So how are the sales going on your book?

Wordgirl/Becky: They are still selling like hot cakes.

Violet: You wrote a best seller that's going to last longer than us and our children. And so forth. If you could change anything about your life, what would it had been?

Wordgirl/Becky: Well, maybe I would've told you that I was Wordgirl when we were ten instead of when we were 12. Like when you told me that you were "The Framer" I should've just told you that I'm Wordgirl. We could've been a great fighting trio. You, Me, and Huggy.

Violet: That would've been great. If I could've changed my life…I don't know. I think my life is pretty much the way I wanted it to be. I guess Todd and I could've waited to experience love and parenting after we got married.

Wordgirl/Becky: I don't know. I think you both were great parents at 16 years old. Tommy became a great man because of his loving parents.

Violet: Thanks. Becky, can you read to me your dedication chapter?

Wordgirl/Becky: Sure. (As Becky reads to her best friend, she doesn't notices as her friend's eyes begin to close forever, until.) The End… How was that? Violet? (She then sees that her friend's eyes are closed and she picks up her friend's hand and it's cold to the touch. She then begins to panic and checks her pulse.) VIOLET! (She then realizes that her best friend had just died and she sits there and cries.) I love you, Violet. You're not only my best friend, but you're like my sister.

(A few days later, after the funeral for Violet, and after Violet's two remaining children and their families head home, Becky is still standing there, looking at the tombstone. It reads, RIP Violet Heaslip-Ming. Loving Mother and Friend.)

(Becky then places flowers on the grave, stands there for a few more minutes.)

Nadine: Great Grandma, it's time to go now.

Wordgirl/Becky: I'll be right behind you, Nadine. Well Violet, this is it. You and I are always going to be best friends and now you're with Todd and Tommy, as well as your parents. Let everyone know that I miss them all and someday, I'll be joining you all as well. I don't know when though. (As she walks through the cemetery, she notices that she sees graves for Eugene May and his wife, Emma and prays for them as well.)

(Several weeks have gone by and Becky is now living with her great granddaughter, Nadine and her family.)

Janella: Great-Great Grandma, look at me. (She goes flying around the room with super speed.)

Wordgirl/Becky: My, you're as fast as I was, maybe even faster.

Janella: Thanks. Mommy is teaching me to become a super hero. Just like she was. Grandma was too. And so was Great Grandma. And so were you.

Wordgirl/Becky: That's right. (She then begins to feel somewhat sick.)

Janella: Mommy, Great-Great Grandma isn't looking too good.

Nadine: Why don't you go and lie down?

Wordgirl/Becky: That sounds like a good idea. (Nadine helps her up and she walks to her room and lies down for awhile.)

(The next day, Becky goes to see her doctor and she finds out that, like her friend, Violet, she too has a weak heart and she won't last more than two years, if that.)

(That next year, Becky is now on permanent bedrest and she spends most of her time looking at scrapbooks and photo albums.)

(She flips through the pages and sees everyone she's ever known. Friends, family, villains, townspeople, her sidekick and she smiles at everything she's done over the past 89 years. With her tenth year being, what Victoria would say, The Best.)

Janella: (Who's now, 6, comes in and sits with her.) Are those everyone you knew?

Wordgirl/Becky: That's right. That's your great-great grandfather, Tobey. And that's your other great-great grandfather, Chuck.

Janella: He's got a sandwich for a head. That's neat.

Wordgirl/Becky: You know, he wasn't the only one to have one you know. His brother, Brent had one too. And I think their mother did too. She is one of your great-great-great grandparents.

(They go through the photo album, talking about all the different pictures of all the people Becky knew.)

(At the age of 100, Becky is laying on her bed, dying from a weak heart.)

(As she dies, her life flashes before her eyes and she sees every person, event, and memory in her life.)

(Becky Botsford-McCallister aka Wordgirl the 1st dies, in the company of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren.)

(At her funeral, they and the families of her friends are all present as they bid her farewell forever.)

(Her tombstone reads, Here Lies Rebecca Botsford-McCallister AKA Wordgirl the 1st. Loving Mother and Superhero, "WORD UP!")

Stephanie: You know, Mom may be gone from this world forever, but her legacy will live on forever.

Teddy: Along with the legacies of everyone else that Mom knew and loved. Including Dad.

Charlene: We are also part of her legacy. Us, our kids, our grandkids, etc.

(Her three children leave the cemetery after the rest of the mourners do.)

(As her spirit awakens in the afterlife, she is now surrounded by those who had died before her, including family, friends, former villains, etc and they are all now reunited and are able to spend eternity together forever.)

The End Forever!