Loren is at home at eddies house when she reacives a call from eddie...

Loren- Hello?

eddie- Hey babe, I'm going to stay at my dads house tonight

Loren- oh, okay

eddie- okay lo, bye. I love you

loren- i love you too!

*loren hangs up*

as soon as loren hangs up the phone her phone her pregnancy test goes off.. loren walkes to it and pickes it up and it says she's pregnant! loren let out a tear and ran into the walk in closet and grabed all her stuff. when loren finished grabbing all her stuff, she took the back elevator and took it to her car and dove to the Four Seasons hotel...


Eddie- i think i want to propose to Loren

max- Oh Eddie i think thats a good idea.

eddie- thanks papa max

max- eddie here

max walked over to the night stand and grabbed katy's ring and gave it too eddie

eddie- omg pop you don't have to give it to me! I'll get Lor-

before eddie can finish max interrupted eddie by saying...

max- eddie, loren is a speacial girl and so was katy

eddie- thanks pop! i love you


At Loren was greeted by a man at the front desk

Man- Hello! Welcome to the Four Seasons Hotel, how may I help you?

loren- hi, i would like to check into the royal suite

man- ok sure, what car would you like to rent while you enjoy your stay here?

loren- uhhhhh... Ferrari California Convertible

man- okay miss Tate, your car will be infornt of the hotel tomorrow morning 10:00 am,

here is your room key. Enjoy your stay Miss Tate!

(btw the Four season hotel does give out cars when you stay at their hotel!)


When Eddie enterd the building, Eddie was greeted by Jeffery. Eddie got into the Elevator and went up to the the house.

When Eddie unlocked the door to the Appartmet He yelled loren's Name

Eddie- LOREN!

he heard no noise... Eddie ran up stares and didn't find loren anywhere. Eddie went to change his clothes on his side of the walk in closet not realizing loren's side was emty... Finally eddie turned around and saw all Loren's Stuff was Missing. He was so confused at why her stuff was gone, eddie called Loren's phone over and over again but no Answer. Eddie wanted to go lay down but when he got to the bed there was a note sitting there from Loren. Eddie opened it slowly and read it...

~The Note:~

Dear Eddie,

I'm sorry I had to leave.. I couldn't stay, I will miss you dearly. Please don't come look for me... If you're thinking did I cheat on you, I didn't. With me leaving I wont screw up you're life and I will keep Singing and Go with Kelly and live my life... I truly love you and I'm sorry I can't tell you what's going on, but I wish I could. I love you Eddie!


Loren Tate

Eddie was Crying so hard and fell to the ground... After about 45 mins of crying Eddie decided to go to the bathroom and was his face. When he grabbed the paper towl to wipe his hands. When he was about to though it in the garbage He saw a pregnatcy test. Eddie grabed it and saw that the test was in there and saw it said that Loren was Pergnant! Eddie said out loud