Sorry to say I got my maths wrong in the last chapter, Gabrielle was 22 when they moved back to the village and she was nearly 23 when Evie was born as Evie is seventeen that makes Gabrielle nearly forty and Xena fifty.

Nearly half a candle mark later it was almost time to join everyone outside. Xena and the younger girls had already left, the girls went to join their age mates that were arranged in their classes and Xena to make sure everything was ready. So that just left Evie and me sitting at the table drinking more tea. There was a light knock on the door before it opened and Effie walked in with Megan right behind her.

"My Queen", they both said together as there gave the solute and bowed to me.

"Knock it off Effie; you of all people do not have to bow down to me".

Ephiny was dressed for the occasion even had her Regent's mask already nestled in her blond curly hair. Making her way over to me she said, "when are you going to learn that I don't do it because I have too I do it but because you my love deserve it. You are a great Queen Gabrielle when are you going to except that fact".

"I am only a great Queen because of you, Pony and Xena and I don't like taking all the credit for it".

"Okay I am not going to get into another argument with you over this but I just hope one day you come to see that it's true too. "Are you guys ready", she asked.

Yes I just have to fetch my Queen's mask", I replied getting up.

While we were talking Evie and Megan had taken the opportunity to find their way into each other's arms and were kissing.

Effie turned around and said. "Isn't that how you two got into this mess in the first place"?

"We are just saying hello mama", Megan replied as she let go of Evie and pulled out the betrothal bracelet that she had made for her out of her arm-guard "If I had known it was your indention to do this last night I would have brought it with me then". She added as she tied it around Evie's wrist and leaned up to kiss her on the lips once more".

Effie marched over to her and slapped her bare thigh and said. "Now would not be a good time to remind us that you Missy were just sneaking around last night just to make out".

I walked back into the room just as Megan cried out. "Ow Mama, that hurt". As she reached down trying to rub away the red hand print that was now showing on her thigh as she scowled at Effie.

"I feel sorry for you if you think that hurt, because by the time our Queen has finished dishing out a little Amazon justice. You little girl are going to know what real pain feels like especially as you have only had three strokes of Artemis's arrow at one time before".

Both girls visible paled at Effie's words and think I did a little too. She was right both Evie and Megan had only ever received three strokes of the Arrow for every one of their misdeeds over the last two years and each time it had been dished out by Epony.

Over the last sixteen years since I had become Queen I have dished out many official punishments. The first few were the hardest or so I thought but now I knew they would pale in comparison to today's ones. "Right let's go", I said putting on my mask as I headed for the door.

Two of my personal royal guards were waiting outside. They each give their solutes and say, "My Queen" before taking turns in bowing their heads in line with the protocol of being my personal guards.

This time I didn't say anything about it and just greeted them by name. Being my personal royal guard was considered an honour and every four years a tournament is held and only the best four warriors are given the position. The winners this time were, Merlaze, Jessie, Jerri, and Abbie. I waited with Jerri and Abbie while Effie and the girls headed off towards the platform where all outside royal duties took place.

"Ready My Queen", Abbie said a few candle drips later this time I can't help rolling my eyes at her.

Both Abbie and Jerri gave me a slight smirk as they both know of my dislike for the title and only called me it when I am dressed the part as the law states.

I must admit I never tire of seeing the sight of my Amazon's standing together. These are strong women and children who for the most part and kind and caring towards one another. It fills me with pride to know that I am accepted among them. I made my way to the middle of the platform to stand in front of my throne which has been pushed back a bit for today's events. Almost as one they stood up straighter and give me the solute and every head bowed and a cry of "My Queen" is heard.

The only four not doing it are my guards; they had each taken up their assigned posts and were watching over me.

I waited until everyone was looking up again before I begin. "Good morning everyone I am sorry to have to call you all together on such short notice and it pains me to tell you that last night Princess Evie and Megan failed in their duty to protect you all. While on punishment guard duty they were caught making out. I know this isn't the first time that this has happened but I do hope they their punishment helps to remind people of the consequences of failing in one's duty.

Epony escorts the girls onto the stage, both are looking very contrite she hands them both a punishment shirt. They know the drill although either one has even been publicly punished both have been officially punished in front of all the warriors in training before and have had to wear punishment skirts.

Being a tribe of women modesty is very rarely an issue we have communal bathing and swim naked together all the time. So the girls change into their skirts without any hesitation unlike the first few times I had to do it in front of people.

Epony places the punishment bench centre stages, its stands about waist height and has runs going up the front of it that are spaced a couple of inches apart so that even the smallest of person can find a secure and comfortable position over it. It's long enough for two people to lay over it at one time although no-one is ever been punished in this manner.

Epony picks up a long thin box that's lying on top of it and opens it before presenting it to me. I reach inside and pull out Artemis's arrow and hold it in my hand as I wait for the girls to finish getting ready. Epony closes the box and waits by the girls until both have finished getting changed and hand her the skirts they have taken off. Epony leaves the platform and both girls turn to look towards me.

"For dereliction of duty you will both be given twelve strokes of the Arrow, Megan you will be first", I say loud enough for everyone assembled to hear.

Both girls solute and bow their hands and say, "as you command my Queen".

This means that both girls except their punishment and are willing go over the bench. I am pleased to say that in the sixteen years I have been carrying out these official punishments no one has ever refused to go over willing and I hope that no one ever does.

Megan steps forward and gets herself comfortable over the bench. I place my hand on her back to hopefully ground us both before I line up the first strip. I pull back my arm lift it high in the air and bring it forward with all the force that I can. These two have brought this all on themselves and I am going to do my damn best to make sure that they learn this lesson and never to anything like this again.

I feel Megan flinch under my hand and hear a small grunt of pain. I don't bother lining up my next strip I just pull back and slam back into her bare bottom again. Another little grunt lets me know she felt that one two, by the time I lay the last of the first six across her bottom she is sobbing gently. I tap her back to let her know it's time to get up and change places with Evie.

I look up and see that Evie has tears in her eyes already. I know she's not crying because she fears her own punishment she is crying because she knows that Megan is in pain because of her bright idea.

As Megan steps up to Evie, Evie throws her arms around Megan and sobs out, "I'm so sorry".

Fighting back her own tears Megan manages to reply back, "not your fault babe I agreed to come remember".

"Evie", I say to get her attention. She lets go of Megan and makes her way over to me. She stops before and bows her head and solutes me again as she says. "My Queen I respectfully ask you to allow me to take the second half of Megan's punishment. It was my idea to meet up last night Megan would never have turned up without me asking her too".

"You both knew the consequences of what you did last night and you will both pay the full price for it".

"Yes my Queen", she replies wiping the falling tears off her cheeks before bending over the bench.

I expected Evie to ask so I wasn't surprised by her question Xena would have done the same thing in her shoes. I lay my hand on her back like I did with Megan and lined up the first strip just to let her know it was coming. Evie flinched but didn't moan until the last strip which I placed cross ways across the five I had already given her. In my heart I agreed with Evie this whole mess was her idea and she should suffer a bit more because of it. I patted Evie back to let her know it was time to get up, she looked up at me over her shoulder and said, "Mama please I don't think I can bear to watch her take another six".

"Evie it is part of your punishment to bear it baby perhaps next time you will think your idea's though a little more".

"I swear Mama there will never be another time if I have anything to say about it", she says getting up and I heard quite a few light chuckles and some bless hers coming from the assembled crowed.

The two girls hugged again and I let them for a little longer this time before I called Megan's name. My Amazon's know I'm a softy at heart and they knew this punishment is hard on me too.

Megan made her way over to me slightly slower than before, her backside was already aching and throbbing far more that it had ever done before and just the thought of going back over the bench was making her cry this time. She knew Evie was watching and that Evie heart was breaking at the mire thought of it too. Stealing her resolve and trying to be brave for Evie she laid over the bench once more.

I had placed most of Megan's strips close together so there was still a lot of untouched flesh for me to aim at. I didn't let up on the force of my strokes but I was careful where I aimed them after all she did earn this punishment too and for a whole different reason.

Megan was sobbing and trying to catch her breath by the time I lay the last one across her swollen, bruised and welted bottom. I knew how she left because I have been in the same position as her before. I let her take her time getting up after all she was only seventeen and not a full warrior yet so there was room for a little compassion at a time like this.

I watched as she stiffly made her way over to Evie every step pulling on her throbbing bottom. Evie looked devastated at the sight of her girl and she pulled her into arms again as she cried, "I'm so sorry please forgive me".

I wanted this over now, both girls were a sobbing mess and I need to finish it so I could cry in the arms of my own love for the pain I had put these too through today.

Megan kissed Evie cheek and pulled away slightly so she could reach up and cup Evie's face in her hands as she replied the best she could. "I love you".

"Love you too", Evie replied pulling away now and making her way over to me and laying herself down over the bench.

When I put my hand on her back she looked up at me and said. "Love you too mama".

"I know baby I love you too", I replied before I set about blistering my daughters butt again.

When at least the final blow landed and Evie stuffy stood up and made her way back over to Megan I addressed my Amazon's again and said. "I pray with all my heart that those two aren't the only ones that learn a lesson from today. You are dismissed to go about your normal day".

All the warriors in training marched off with their tutors to start their morning lessons and the young girls went off with their moms or assigned caregivers And everyone one else went off to do whatever it was they need to do. Which left Xena, Effie, Evie, Megan, Pony and myself, Pony walked up to me to take the Artemis arrow out of my hand and put it back in its box.

Effie decided to leave her daughter for the moment to come and hug me. "I know that was hard for you, love you Gabby".

"Love you to Effie", I replied finally allowing my tears to full.

"Pony and I will take the girls to get them checked out by the healer. I expect she'll let them rest up for a couple of candle marks before she sends them back to their lessons. You take the morning off with Xena and get yourself centred again okay".

"Thanks", I replied giving her a watery smile.

Xena walked over to me at that point having finished giving the girls the once over and kissing them both on the head. "Alright love", she asked wrapping me in her strong arms and dropping a kiss on my head too.

"I am now", I reply with a sigh.

Evie and Megan walk slowly over to us and Xena lets me go so I can give the girls a hug and a kiss before the head off with Effie and Pony.

Once it's just the two of us she asks, "you have the morning off what do you want to do".

"Just snuggle somewhere with you". I reply.

"It's a lovely sunny day so lets go home get changed grab some towels and some lunch and head to the lake for a little picnic and cuddle time for two", she said giving me a little squeeze.

A candle mark later I was snuggled up to Xena wiping the last of my tears off my face over the heartbreak of having to thrash both the girls this morning.

Xena moved so that she could sit up against the rock and pulled me up with her as she asked. "So what was your mom doing here this morning"?

I swallowed hard because I knew I would be crying again very soon for a different reason.

"She just wanted to pop in and tell me that the girls are true soul mates and they aren't under a spell or anything", I said looking up at her shyly.

"That all little one", she asked giving me a knowing look.

"Well not all but don't you think that it's important that we know that", I said trying to dodger telling her the rest of it.

"I guess so but we have watched them fall in love for years now and I know you weren't worried about it and I wasn't worried about it so what brought your mother here. The truth this time please, Gabrielle".

I sighed because I knew there was no way out of this now. I would have to tell Xena what happened. "My mom felt my bad mood this morning and when I lost my temper with Becca when she threw a temper tantrum over eating her breakfast. Mom wanted to make sure I didn't spank her while I was so angry".

"Were you going to spank her", Xena asked me.

"Yes but only because I was so wound up, once mom calmed me down everything was fine", I replied quickly looking away from the disappointed look in Xena's eyes.

"Gabrielle you know the rules we never spank the girls when we are angry".

"I know and I felt guilt about it afterwards I didn't even realise it until mom orbed in".

"So if mom didn't orb in you would have spanked her".

I really didn't want to answer that question but I knew I had too. "Yes I would have done, I didn't even think about it at the time. But mom already spanked me so it's not fair for you to spank me again", I said hoping she would leave it at that and not dig anymore.

"So let's get everything straight", she said and I sighed again. "Your mom spanked you for trying to spank one of the kids while you were angry".

Damn she had to ask that exact question I thought to myself. "Not exactly because of that", I replied knowing that my mom could be listening in now and she wouldn't let me get away with lying to Xena about this.

"So what did she spank you for then Gabrielle", Xena asked now.

"Does it matter why she spanked me? I still got spanked and Becca didn't, can't we just leave it at that please", I asked.

Xena just gave me the look and I knew I was screwed.

"Fine", I replied in a huff, "mom spanked me because I was being a brat and I wouldn't answer her questions".

"So after I left and told you to behave yourself you had your own temper tantrum was rude to your mom and nearly spanked one of our girls while you were angry", she said summoning it all up nicely that once again spelt trouble for me.

"Yes but I've already been spanked today and my mom wasn't playing around this time Xena she really left me have it and she didn't heal me afterwards", I said with a slight pout.

"Good I'm glad that your mom learnt from her mistake last time she healed you after she spanked your butt for being rude to her".

"You make me sound like a petulant six seasons old child may I remind you that I am nearly forty season's old".

"Gabrielle you are an immortal it doesn't matter how old you are and if you behave like a petulant child you will be treated like one. But your mom already dealt with that and that was between you two anyway. I am more worried about the fact that you even thought about spanking one of our girls while you were angry".

"Xena I didn't think about it and that's the problem I was just acting on instinct. Rebecca was acting like a brat and because of her actions Evie's porridge ended up getting dumped in Evie's lap. I just reacted without thinking and I'm sorry and I felt bad about it afterwards and I apologised to the girls for losing my temper with all of them this morning".

"Well I'm glad you apologised but what happens the next time you lose your temper with the girls and your mom's off doing whatever she's does and doesn't notice in time to stop you. It's not like you haven't be warned about this before Gabrielle. I think that you need something more than just a telling off to help you think next time".

I sighed once again and to be quite honest I knew this was going to be the outcome when my mom first grabbed my arm this morning and asked me what the first rule of spanking was.

"You're not just going to spank me, are you", I ask her.

"Oh no my bard you need something that really sticks in your mind the next time you're in a temper".

"Not the hair brush either then", I say.

She taps my noise as I pout, "no love this time you've learned my sword belt. I know you didn't spank one of the kids this time Gabrielle but it was only by good luck that you didn't. You said that you felt guilt about it even though you didn't spank her, image how you would feel if you had have spanked her".

I didn't want to think about it, it brought up to many feelings about my own beating at the hands of so called father.

I have only ever been spanked with Xena's sword belt once before and that was years ago just after I became Queen. Xena, Ephiny and Epony with nearly all the able bodied warriors were off fighting a large force of Roman's led by Brutus who had heard that Xena was still alive and living with the Amazon somewhere. Brutus and his men were attacking any Amazon tribe they come across looking for her. He had no idea that she was with the Telaquire tribe.

We had banded together with our sister tribes to go after him once Artemis brought us the news. Artemis made Xena the warrior Queen I was ordered to stay home and look after Evie who was only about one and a half full seasons old at the time and run the village. At the time I couldn't understand why I couldn't go too I was an immortal too so I couldn't die. Yes I could get hurt but so could Xena. I waited a couple of candle marks before I gave my four personal guards the slip and headed after Xena and the rest.

To cut a long story short I caught up with Xena and the Amazon's but I got captured by Brutus. Had to be rescued by Xena in a very daring manner which seriously pissed her off big time. In fact I had never seen her so angry and I hope never see her that angry at me again. So I found myself confined to a tent with an equally pissed off Ephiny while Xena the rest of the Amazon's took care of the Roman threat once and for all.

Ephiny didn't like being left out of the fight but she was the only one that Xena trusted to look after me besides Epony. And as Epony was the better fighter it made more sense for her to guard Xena's back. Ephiny put me to bed with a well spanked backside and told me to stay there. I was only allowed out of bed to use the chamber pot and Ephiny refused to leave my side while I was used it.

The next day all the fighting was over and the dead on both sides were taken care of but it was until the following afternoon that a much calmer Xena came to see me. She told me that under Amazon law because I had disobeyed an order of Artemis I would have to be thrashed with a strap. As we were away from home and we both held the rank of Queen Xena would have to be the one to do it and she was going to use her sword belt. The only ones that needed to witness it were Artemis, Ephiny and Epony. I was thankful for that small mercy at first until I realised that everyone would still hear what was going on as the tent didn't offer any soundproofing.

Artemis orbed in and summoned Epony to come join us, my aunt is seems wasn't in a very forgiving mood either and I was sentenced to twenty four lashes. The most I had given out so far as Queen was only been twelve and I can remember what that backside looked like at the end of them. As I was only wearing a shift Xena had asked me to take it off. I had been naked in front of Ephiny and Epony many times before and I certainly didn't want to make a fuss with my aunt still looking so stern. As we were in a tent Xena had me bend over a table and placed a pillow between me and the table's edge.

The first lash felt like a brand of fire across my backside I was already crying by the tenth. Xena had also placed a few well aimed lashes across my thighs that had me bending at the knees and crying out. By the twenty four one I was a sobbing throbbing mess I didn't even have the energy to stand up. Xena picked me up around the waist and careful carried me over to the bed.

Epony helped her to lay me down, my aunt dropped a kiss onto my head and I knew nothing else until the next day. I was in agony for three days after that but it was a full week before I even wanted to think about sitting again.

Xena must of realised I was thinking and she gave me a slight smile as she said. "It won't be like last time I only want to give you something to think about. You'll only receive six this one from me and one for each one of the girls. If in the future we ever have to repeat this lesson it will be two lashes is that clear".

I nod my head in understanding as I bite my lip before asking. "When and where".

"Here and now if you like", she replied.

I nod my head again at least here there isn't anyone to see or hear.

We both stand up and I take off my skirt and undergarments as Xena undoes her belt and pulls the scabbard from it before laying it down on the blanket. Alright Gabrielle I want you to turn around, bend over and place your hands on the rock. I don't want you to lean against it though as we don't have anything to act as a cushion.

I do as I'm told and wait for the first whack across my quivering bottom. It's just as I remember a burning brand of fire and I close my eyes against the tears and the pain. Xena tries not to overlap them so the last two land on the top of my thighs again. I feel her rub my back as she lets me know it's time to straight up again. It hurts but no ware near as bad as last time and as I turn to face her she drops the belt and wraps me in a hug as she kisses my tears away.

We stay like that for a little while until Xena says, "do you want to go for a swim it might cool your butt off".

My tears have stopped so I eagerly agree and we both strip off and head to the water.