Sorry for the late update but enjoy the new chapter and leave a review please! :)


Chapter 6

I woke up to Rose stirring next to me in her sleep. Looking at the clock, I realized it was already past ten. Those pills sure did induce a whole lot of sleep. But I guess it was a good thing since the rest would speed up my recovery. The soreness in my chest was now decreasing, not incredibly fast, but still noticeably and the action of sitting up and getting out of bed only caused a mild sting of pain. Getting out of bed quietly, so as to not disturb the breathtaking brunette who was still asleep, I got up to go take a shower.

After getting dressed I had some cereal then decided to make a simple breakfast for Rose. I still couldn't move around too much but I could make coffee and put together some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with considerable ease. I knew she loved them, though I didn't quite understand how she handled such copious amounts of sugar at once. Plus I wanted to do something to show her that I appreciated the fact that she was spending her precious vacation time taking care of me.

There was also some lingering confusion at the back of my mind because I vaguely remembered waking up sometime in the morning when Rose came into bed. She had said something about college and me and packing. These pills put me in a constant daze and add to that the fact that I was sleeping, it seemed like trying to remember details of a really drunken night. Yeah, I'd have to ask her about that.

Taking the plate full of sandwiches and the mug of coffee, I turned around to take them to the room and then stopped before taking a single step.

There she stood, looking absolutely beautiful in grey lounge pants and a tank top. A frown unconsciously made its way to my face thinking about how she usually wore a lot lesser while sleeping. I guess I still had a long way to grovel before we reached that place again. And it would be torture, knowing what was under that tank top. God, who made tank tops so snug in the first place…

I finally looked up to her face to be greeted with a scowl marring that beautiful face. Fantastic. Really good progress on your part Dimitri. Deserves a real good pat on the back.

"I thought I made it clear that I don't want you moving around too much and exerting yourself!" She said putting her arms around folding her arms across her chest.

Did she have to do that? And who the hell made tank tops with such low necklines? Damn it, now I had to shift around in my suddenly tight pants. Did she have to do this, knowing I was barred from strenuous physical activity? Which, unfortunately, included sex.

Snapping back from my rather inappropriate thoughts, I realised she had spoken, and rather angrily too. Rose as a mother hen was almost as demanding and moody as Rose PMSing.

I cleared my throat. "Relax Milaya. I just put together a couple of sandwiches and made some coffee for you. It's no big deal."

"Yes it is. You are my guest and you're currently hurt. You need to be resting. Properly. Don't let me remind you again." Then she took a deep breath and smiled widely. "Now give me the food."

Maybe she was PMSing too. I put the coffee and plate of sandwiches on the breakfast bar and sat down opposite her, slightly rearranging the bulge in my pants as I did so.

The first sandwich disappeared in the blink of an eye. Well then I guess she was slightly hungry.

"You have to eat too you know." She spoke while picking up the other sandwich. A crumb fell off and perched itself on the top her left breast, exposed slightly by the tank top. Lucky crumb. But why, why was this happening? It was pure, sweet, sweet fucking torture.

Clearing my throat and arranging my jeans yet again, I spoke. "I already had some cereal. Uh, I seem to recall you saying something about packing and going to college this morning. What was that all about?" Anything to change the subject. That lucky fucking crumb.

She gulped down the last of the sandwich before speaking. "Um yes…uh, you're coming to university with me. I have a week of extra classes starting tomorrow so yeah, I'd like you to come. If the doctor allows it of course. I'd like…uh, I'd like it if you came along for some time. Wait I said that already."

Why was she so hesitant in asking me this? Did she really think that I wouldn't want to go with her? Reaching over, I covered her hand with mine and brought it up to my lips. "I'd like that too, my love."

A light pink flush spread across her face, and the skin exposed by the tank top. Damn the tank top. It's all the tank top's fault.

She beamed. "Great! We'll leave at around five because me and Liss and a few other friends are meeting up at the pub on campus. I'd like you come along. If you want to, of course."

I kissed the back of her hand again. "It would be a pleasure to accompany you sweetheart." The thought of spending an evening with college undergrads, who would most likely end up drunk, did not sound too much fun. But Roza was going to be there. And for a relaxed, carefree evening with her after so long, I would go through much worse.

"Well, I'll go get the clearance with the doctor then I have a meeting with Hans. Though I'm sure it won't take too long. Then I have to go over to my apartment and pack, and we'll have lunch together." I said getting up clear the plates.

But she had already taken them to the sink. "You're a funny man Belikov. I made it clear that I want you resting. So go meet with the doctor and then Hans and I'll go pack for you."

I leaned back against the breakfast bar. "I can pack for myself just fine Milaya."

"I know you can but you can't stress yourself so much. We have to travel today too you know."

"Yes, I know."

She walked up to me and gave a small peck. Tease. My jeans were growing increasingly tighter.

"Then you know you have to rest."

"I'm injured Roza, not invalid." I grumbled.

A devilish smile appeared on those red lips as her hands travelled down to the front of my jeans. "Oh, I know that Guardian Belikov, I know that."

And then she was gone, walking into the bedroom, her laugh echoing in the hall. Dear God, that woman. I am almost certain she is PMSing.

After telling Rose that I was leaving I headed out to the hospital in court. The doctor said it was perfectly fine to travel the short and relatively plain distance to Lehigh, but that I still should take it easy. Yes with Rose hovering over me like I was paralysed, I was taking it pretty damn easy.

After this was the meeting with Hans. I wasn't especially fond of the man; he had a fetish for loading me with work. But surprisingly enough, the meeting was about me getting a six month leave from guarding duties and any other duties, for recuperation. Only in the event of an emergency would I be required to perform active field duty. Surprisingly generous of Hans, but I definitely wasn't complaining.

When I got back to Rose's apartment she was already there, my brown leather bag sitting next to the door, all packed.

I walked into the kitchen to see with a big smile on her face and two plates of food on the counter. My heart skipped suddenly at the sight of her smile. This is what I wanted. This is who I wanted to come home to for the rest of my life.

After lunch, Rose insisted that I rest so we settled on watching a movie. Some random romantic thing playing on the TV. Yeah, definitely PMS. Rose didn't usually watch romantic movies unless she was PMSing. Yes, I knew that.

Near the end of the movie, Vasilisa called saying the cars were ready for departure and that it was time to leave.

As we walked to the common garage for court owned cars, a feeling of happiness filled me. I was eager to watch Rose as a student. That and I would get a lot of free time with her.

Once everyone was settled in, me and Rose in the middle with Vasilisa and Christian in the back where they insisted on sitting to make me more comfortable, Rose leaned in to me.

"Comrade, you need to know something."

Something about her slightly panicked tone didn't sit too well with me.

"What?" I whispered back.

"There's this human guy-" my heart nearly stopped with those words itself, but as she went on I calmed down. A bit. "Who's kind of interested in me. Its nothing harmful, I guess, he's just persistent. And a bit annoying. And he has a tendency to stare. And I wanted you to know this before we get there because Liss told me he'll be there at the pub this evening."

Hmmmm. This man and I would need to have an interesting little talk. Instead of saying anything I just pulled her to side a little tighter and rubbed her hip with my thumb.

"Dimitri, sweetheart, there's no reason to jealous. I mean, you're not jealous right? I don't even like the guy."

How could I not be jealous? A man was intent on pursuing my Roza and I wouldn't be jealous. That would be like Rose going without food for a day. Yeah, just NOT possible.

"Relax, love." I whispered to her. And she did.

"So this evening will go fine?"

My eyes narrowed automatically at the scenery passing by as we drove. "Oh I'm sure this evening will be interestingly delightful, love."