Okay, so I know that the sequel is a little delayed but I had work. I hope you all like it. And for those of you haven't read Never Turned, read that first or you probably won't get this.

Enjoy and don't forget to leave a review!


Chapter 1

They say distance makes love stronger. That, when you spend time apart it makes your love grow. Its bullshit.

Living far away and spending so much time apart takes a toll on you eventually. Since the time I lived in the academy I was never cried much, if at all. In my time at Lehigh I have cried more than I have in my entire life and that's saying something.

Lissa and I have been in Lehigh for the past six months now and in these six months I have only seen Dimitri three times. It went from seeing each everyday to three times in six goddamn months, one of which was just overnight visit. Christian and he came in late that night, so Lissa and I were already asleep. He woke me up accidentally, we did it a couple of times and when I woke up he was getting ready to leave. For the first time since I have been with Dimitri, I felt used. When I told him all he had to say was, "I'm sorry Roza, but I had to leave. I had my duty and I had to go."

Sure we still talk and Skype each other when we can, but it's not the same. Even when we call each other, more often than not we end up in nasty arguments and fights that end with one of use hanging up on the other.

Each time I get into a fight with Dimitri, I remember what he said to me when I told him I was leaving. We'll work it all out love, don't worry. My eyes begin to sting with the force of tears again.

Fuck, look at me. I'm become fucking pathetic.

I sit up from my fetal position on the couch and look around the on campus apartment that Lissa and I share. It's pretty spacious in terms of campus accommodation. But then again having a best friend who's the queen of the moroi world has its perks.

I came home early today. One of my lectures was cancelled because the puny professor caught some flu or the other again. Using the free time I'd just sat on the couch, reminiscing like the truly depressed girlfriend that I was turning into.

But you know what? I've had enough. I'm fucking tired of feeling all sad and shit about my relationship not working out. I refuse to be that girl. I'm Rose Hathaway and I don't do sad. I'm going to work for my relationship and I'm going to save it no matter what.

Just then my phone rings. Lissa's name and picture flash on the screen. I almost feel angry sometimes. Lissa and Christian see each other more than Dimitri I do. They take trips together and see each at court and on campus whenever they can. But whenever Christian visits Dimitri's with Russia in his family or on some mission with the guardians or he has work at Court, the list is fucking endless.

No Rose, stop it. Stop it. Remember, no more moping. No more moping.

Breaking out of my train of thought and collecting myself, I answer the phone. "What's up Liss?" I ask.

"Hey Rose. I just finished class and we're all heading to that pub on the other side of campus for a couple of drinks before Christian and Dimitri get here. You said you'd meet us there, I just wanted to remind you."

Shit, I'd forgotten about that. "Oh right. Shit! I'll see you there in half an hour Liss!" I hang up quickly not wanting a Mother Lissa lecture on how I'm always late for social gatherings.

I spring off the couch and sprint to my room and quickly trade my t-shirt and fleece jacket for a nice cashmere sweater that Lissa bought for me when we went college shopping. Then I change my sneakers for a pair of nice high heeled ankle length boots that I bought with the no limits credit card that Abe so graciously gave to me. After washing my face, I rush out the door, throwing on my coat on the way.

I start walking briskly to the other side of the campus where the pub was, but luck was seriously not my side. It was snowing and the heels were a bitch to walk on in the snow.

Still I made it to the pub five minutes earlier than I told Lissa and immediately I spotted Lissa and Eddie and James and some other people from our classes. I walked over to them and sat down, greeting everybody and hanging my coat on the chair. Lissa already had a beer waiting for me, what can I say, I have good friends.


These last six months have been hell. I have barely seen Roza. I am always working. Literally always. I hate every minute of it. It really has taken a toll on me. Every time I try to go visit Roza, some thing always gets in my way. Because of my duty, my relationship is breaking and I don't know what to do. But what can I do? It's my job. They come first. But for the first time in my life I seriously wish that they didn't. I've also turned into an ass. Whenever Rose and I talk we end up arguing. I hate fighting with her. I told her we'll work it all out and I've failed her.

But I'm going to make it better. I have to. Tonight Christian and I are going to down to the Lehigh and I get to see Roza again. Finally. It's been so long, too long.

Turning the shower off with a sigh, I step out and wrap a towel around my waist and walk out into my bedroom, slapping on some aftershave on the way. I put on some clothes and pack a bag for the weekend that I will be spending with Rose.

But since I still have time before we leave, I pour myself a drink from the vodka bottle on my bedside table. Vodka's become my companion when I'm missing Rose terribly.

Just as I'm finishing my drink, my phone buzzes on the table and I answer it.

"Guardian Belikov we need you to come in immediately. We need a guardian for interrogation at the headquarters immediately. Please report for duty." And the line goes dead.

Fuck. I change into my guardian uniform and quickly leave the house and tell Christian I won't be going with him today.

So much for making my relationship better.


After three beers and a couple of games of truth and dare later me Lissa walk back to our apartment with our arms linked while we sing I'm Sexy and I Know It in our slightly tipsy state. As we approach our building, I see the sleek black Bentley outside and my hear races. He's here. Maybe we can finally talk today.

Smiling widely, Lissa and I enter the apartment to see Christian lounging on the couch. He gets up upon our arrival and grabs Lissa in an embrace.

My smile drops a little as I look around. No sign of Dimitri.

"He couldn't make it Rose. He said to tell you he's sorry." I hear Christian say.

I nod mutely and sprint down the hall to my room before either one of them can say anything else.

I've had enough.

I pull out my phone and dial Dimitri's number, not such a good idea with alcohol in my system but I do it anyways.

It goes to voicemail when he doesn't answer but I don't give. I dial his number again.

He finally answers on the fourth ring.

"What is it Rose, I'm in the middle of the some-" His tone is tight and tired.

"I don't care if you're busy and this won't really take long. Can you give me two minutes of your goddamned precious time? Just two minutes?"

His tone is slightly quieter and softer when he answers. "Roza, I really can't-"

I cut him off again and continue anyways. "Just listen to me. I've had enough this. I can't do it anymore. Wait for you and then have Christian tell me you're to busy when he visits." I hear shuffling in the background as if he's moving around and then a door being shut. "I've seen you thrice Dimitri. In the last six months, I have seen you three times! There's always some emergency or the other and you can't ever visit and when we talk we always end up fighting. I love you so much Dimitri but you're breaking my heart everyday."

I hear a shaky breath being taken and when he answers his voice is a thick whisper. "You're breaking mine too Milaya. This is killing me."

A tear rolls down my cheek followed by another and another. "This is it Dimitri. We're done. It's over."

His voice is so panicked; I almost take back my words. Almost. "What? No, Roza, no. Just listen to me okay? No! We'll talk about this Milaya. We'll work this out. I promise you I'll try and be better. I'm sorry Rose! No, no, NO! You can't do this to me Rose, we're in this together!"

I laugh bitterly. "I can't do this? Why Dimitri? You've given enough fucking reason. And we're in this together really? I don't even know you anymore, you're practically fucking miles away Dimitri. I don't know how to reach out to you anymore. YOU'RE NEVER HERE! You're breaking me, without even being here."

When I finish, he is yelling too. I've never seen him lose control like this. "You think this is easy for me Rose? You think I like living away from you? You think I'm fucking happy?" He roars, making me flinch and gasp.

"Well if you're so fucking unhappy, why don't you do something about me? Why don't you even try?"

"You think I'm doing this by choice? It's my DUTY Rose!"

"You know what? To hell with you and your duty. I wish I'd never fucking met you."

His voice is quiet when he replies and it's clear that my words have hurt me. "You don't mean that Rose, don't say that."

"Go to hell Dimitri. It's over. I never want to see you again. I hate you!"

Hanging up on him, I hurl my phone across the room with a vicious growl. It hits the fall and smashes all over the ground.

The buzz from the beer has faded away, but I'm drunk on rage now. I see red everywhere.

I rush out of my room and vaguely hear Lissa saying something to me, but I grab my coat and dash out of the house before she can stop me.

It's over; it's really over this time. I've lost Dimitri, the one person that I love to death.