Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural. Or Disney. Or anything else that cool….

Author's Note: Thanks for the great reviews on the last chapter! They are far better than chocolate…or even Funyuns….and I LOVE them! So, now you know how important your reviews truly are. My junk food stash pales in comparison to your carb-free treats. I need more!

Chris and Sam were a few yards ahead, the kids trailing directly behind them, each holding one of Castiel's hands. He was allowing himself to be pulled this way and that, Katie and TJ talking non-stop about watching Cars the night before; while Joey slowly trudged behind, his hands shoved deep in his pockets as he tuned out everyone in the way only a teenager can do.

"How have you kept Dean from just leaving," Chris asked suddenly, glancing behind them, making sure Dean and Jen were out of earshot.

"I took his keys," Sam quietly admitted. "You know how the hotel offers safe services for valuables? Well….I checked the Impala's keys in under a fake name. And I rearranged the spark plug wires on the distributor cap and as an after thought I just removed the battery, it's locked up in the trunk. It's not going anywhere."

"I guess Jen and Dean are more alike than we thought," Chris said. "I hid the keys to the Xb as well. I dropped them down the back of toilet tank in a waterproof diver container. So far, she hasn't found them yet. Not that it would matter though, I took the battery out of the key fob."

"I guess we know what we're up against at least," Sam said with a worried grin.

Jen and Dean kept a few paces back, opening mocking the attractions while slowly formulating a plan of attack for their vacation wardens.

"Dude, what's with the Peter Pan shirt? You and your 'friend' look like weird non-identical twins…or lovers," Jen said passively as she tried to keep the blaring sun out of her sensitive eyes.

Dean huffed, once more thanking Chuck for the over-sexed cover illustrations; he was at least thankful that Jen was with them in the park, under his watchful eye and not at the pool reading those damn books and figuring out who they really were. "My ass of a brother let Cas pick out a shirt yesterday, and apparently Sam thought it would be hysterical to let Cas pick me out a matching one," Dean grumbled. "And the Mickey Mouse ears are worse, just so you know. I feel like everyone is staring at me."

Jen snickered quietly until she saw Dean's own bitch face; if looks could kill….

"So how bad do you wanna let this revenge get," Jen asked curiously as she glanced from Dean to Sam.

Dean's tired eyes narrowed as he stared at the back of his brother's head. He considered what Sam had put him through so far; the drive, the no say so in picking their destination, the early mornings, and finally the Peter Pan t-shirt. The grimace told Jen how badly he wanted revenge, but he mumbled softly, "As long as he's breathing and can tell me where my car keys are, I'm in. How about you?"

Jen thought about it before answering, "The kids are off limits, but we can totally use them to lay the revenge trap if need be."

Dean turned towards her and smiled deviously, "Jen, I like your style."

They continued to fall further and further behind until Sam and Chris had to stop walking entirely, waiting for their slacker vacation cohorts to catch up.

"So Chris, I don't want to keep you guys from your plans today," Sam said apologetically. "Besides, I don't want Dean to be a total vacation buzz kill for everyone he can come in contact with."

"Nah," Chris said with a shrug. "My brother is actually meeting us here in Epcot around 11am to get the kids; he's taking ours for the night for a sleepover so they can spend some time with cousins they don't see often. We'll be kid free in about two hours. This is perfect actually; it's been awhile since I've been able to just hang out with people."

Sam nodded his understanding, "Yeah, same here. We're always working."

"So if you guys are up for it, let's just see how this goes," Chris replied. "Besides have you considered that if they can bitch about their vacation hatred to each other, we have a free pass to tune them out?"

A small smile crept onto Sam's face as he nodded slowly. "That's perfect actually," he said. "You know we're going to be in for it though? You have no clue how bad my brother can be. He has played some horrific pranks when he feels he's been wronged."

Chris smiled and replied, "Trust me, Jen can top whatever he can do."

Sam and Chris locked eyes as a thought crossed through both of their minds. "It could also be a disaster," Sam said slowly.

Chris nodded worriedly. "Double the trouble."

They looked back at the pair, each sporting a sour expression as they open gestured and mocked the surrounding tourists. Chris noted the slight squint and tired expressions on each of their faces; a crooked and evil grin creeping over his own face.

"Does Dean have a hangover this morning," he asked. "Cause Jen sure does."

"Yeah, he wouldn't stop complaining about it earlier," Sam replied quickly. "What do you have in mind?"

"Just follow me, I've got this one covered," Chris said as he pointed the way.

As their group moved through the crowd, Chris navigated them to a stage within the Europe exhibit. He and Sam moved to sit on the benches facing the stage, the kids directing Castiel to a bench in front. Dean and Jen paused at the back, Dean exclaiming, "What is this? I'm hate shows!"

"This is gonna suck, shows are lame," Jen agreed as she followed Dean up the aisle. They sat right in front of Sam and Chris, hoping to block the view somewhat, just to be annoying.

As the performers took the stage, Dean was surprised; it was a band—sporting 80s rocker hair, knee highs, and kilts. He groaned as a bagpipe came into view, as well as drums and a guitar. He turned and glared back the Sam, the first squeal of the bagpipe cutting through his pounding head. He didn't miss the mischievous look in Sam's eyes. As the music got louder and faster, heavily accent-laden lyrics poured through the speakers.

Dean looked for Cas, who seemed mesmerized by the band. His mouth was hanging slightly open as he stared the band, which was doing some sort of rock stomp dance across the stage. The show was incredibly long, every bang on the drum making Dean's head throb, while every squeal on that blasted bag pipe made him want to turn and strangle Sam. He closed his eyes, trying to breathe slowly, trying to imagine that it wasn't some Scottish punk rockers on the stage, but maybe someone cooler….maybe Metallica….heck, he'd even take one of Sam's emo bands over this racket.

He glanced at Jen; her frown had deepened as well. Dean leaned back to Sam and asked, "This fun for you? Torturing your brother while he's hung over?"

Sam smiled without taking his eyes off of the stage, stating, "I'm having a good time, you could be too."

Dean frowned at his words and leaned towards Jen, saying quietly, "I think we have a challenge on our hands. We need to pick up the pace."

Jen didn't say anything, her eyes narrowing dangerously as she nodded slightly, her pink hair blowing in the light breeze.

"You hungry? I'm starved," she said loudly, turning to Chris and Sam. "Is there any place around here we can grab lunch?"

"We need to get the kids to the entrance for Stephen to pick up. We can grab lunch afterwards," Chris commented as Sam pulled his map, complete with highlighted route, from his pocket. After a minute of talking, they collected the kids and Cas (who was starting to tap his foot to the music, at TJ's insistence) and headed to the entrance of the park.

Sam and Cas sat at on a nearby bench; Cas staring up at the huge sliver ball that marked the entrance to Epcot. Dean stood a few feet away, refusing to sit next to Cas as long as they were wearing matching shirts; he didn't miss the way Sam watched Chris and Jen in the distance. Dean glanced at them, hugging the kids and waving as they headed off with their uncle and his girlfriend. Dean went back to studying Sam; he could almost see a wistful look in his eyes, and again he was reminded that once upon a time, in a different life, Sam would have been taking this vacation with a family of his own. Not just his pain in the ass brother, but a wife and kids.

He bit back another frown and watched as Jen and Chris started walking back towards them. They walked to a nearby restaurant, one that Sam assured Dean had burgers on the menu. As a waiter ushered them towards the patio, Jen nudged Dean's arm. "Okay, watch and learn," she said with a glance at their table. "Just help me get Chris and Sam sitting next to each other."

Dean nodded, somewhat confused by her statement. He dove for his chair and kicked one out towards Sam. He pushed Cas into a chair, close enough to keep him out of trouble; he just hoped Cas wouldn't intervene and try to save Sam from some justified revenge. He wanted to see Sam suffer, just a little bit.

Chris and Sam exchanged a look as they sat down across from Jen and Dean, each sporting an alarmingly innocent look.

"I'll be right back," Jen said as she quickly stood up and sauntered away. "Bathroom break."

Jen slid out of sight and headed straight for the manager, a goofy smile on her face as she began to explain what she needed. She was back to her innocent smile by the time she slid into her seat across from Chris. Lunch was remarkably quiet, making Sam nervous. Dean hadn't said anything negative in nearly forty minutes, a sure sign something bad was going to happen.

Sam was mid-bite when he saw it; a large candle laden cake headed right for them. As staff surrounded their table, the singing began; an outrageously enthusiastic version of Happy Birthday. He stopped chewing, his eyes boring a hole into Dean's smirking face, as Dean just stuffed another french fry into his mouth.

As the singing died down, the manager stepped up to the table, his face beaming as he gathered the attention of the nearby tables. "We have a very special event today! Chris and Sam are both celebrating their birthdays today, but even more special than that—they're celebrating their honeymoon," the man said proudly. "Chris, Sam, stand up!"

Chris was frozen on place, a piece of burger suddenly caught in his throat. He choked as Jen gave him a definite wink—one that might have seemed playful if it hadn't been for the slightly malicious grin on her face. At the prodding of the manager, Sam slowly rose from his chair; and not wanting to be alone in his embarrassment, grabbed Chris' arm and practically hauled him to his feet. The manager started clapping, encouraging the surrounding tables to join in. Dean and Jen clapped the loudest, while Cas looked on curiously, trying to move his own hands in a similar fashion.

"Why don't you kiss, you know, for the crowd," Dean said with a wicked smile.

Sam threw Dean his usual bitch face, while Chris looked terrified and made an attempt to put a little distance between him and Sam. The manager nodded and smiled, trying to encourage them, "Give us a kiss on the cheek!"

Sam leaned down to Chris' ear and whispered something. Chris slowly smiled at Jen and leaned towards Sam. Jen and Dean both froze mid clap, their eyes widening.

Sam leaned down and planted a solid kiss on Chris' forehead, who winked at Jen as he planted a kiss on Sam's cheek. The applause turned into cheering, even a whistle from somewhere across the restaurant.

Chris and Sam quickly sat back down, smiling, confident in their win as Jen and Dean sat quietly across the table, speechless as they could get.

"Nice touch, Jen," Chris said with a smirk. "Making it our birthdays just wasn't enough was it? You just had to make it a honeymoon too."

"Real mature, Dean," Sam stated firmly.

Dean shrugged and smiled. "Not my doing, Sammy," Dean said proudly as he patted Jen on the shoulder. "Found my prankster equal though."

Dean groaned as he glanced at Castiel, who had apparently started on the birthday cake. He had chocolate icing all around his mouth and was spoon deep in the cake sitting in front of him. "Dean, you must try this food that was provided to us by the restaurant," Castiel explained. "It is quite wonderful. What is this called?"

Dean looked uncomfortably at Cas before replying. "Its cake, chocolate to be specific," he said. "You have a ton of it on your face, Cas. Really man, go wipe it off."

As Castiel tried to wipe the chocolate from his face, really only making it worse, he asked, "I am quite curious, Sam. Are you and Chris now a couple? I am aware of this contract made between humans, but I was under the impression that a contract already existed between Jen and Chris. Is this now void?"

Sam shook his head in disbelief. "No Cas, it was a joke. We were showing Dean and Jen that we can beat them at their own game," he explained. "You understand?"

"No," Cas said honestly. "But I sense I am making you uncomfortable. I will save my questions for when we return to the hotel this evening."

Dean felt the scathing glare from Sam, but refused to make eye contact with him. He could put off the bitch face and lecture until later. It wasn't like he could really make Castiel less weird by just trying anyways.

As they walked out the restaurant, Sam and Chris received several smiles, thumbs ups, and even a few handshakes. When they were out of earshot, Chris pulled his own park map from his pocket. "Sam, I've got an idea," he said as he pointed to an exhibit on the map. Sam smiled and nodded.

The walk across the park was long, the Florida sun beamed down brightly overhead.

"I'm stopping for water," Dean called out as he headed to a nearby kiosk. Once he was sure no one was watching him, he grabbed an armful of bottle waters and a handful of salt packets. He crouched down behind the kiosk and quickly dumped a few packets into two of the bottles, shaking them until the salt dissolved. He sauntered back to his group, handing out bottle of water to everyone; pausing to shake his head at Cas' t-shirt.

Sam and Chris were busy talking over the map, and each took their bottles of water without any real notice. Sam was the first one to gag, looking around frantically before running towards the nearest garbage can, Chris just a step behind him.

After wrestling a bottle of water away from Dean, Chris and Sam were finally able to rinse the incredibly salty taste from their mouths. "That was just wrong," Sam mumbled as he spit into the trash can, the salt making his mouth pucker. "That was incredibly childish, Dean."

Dean innocently shrugged his shoulders before looked at Jen, "What did I do? My water was fine. How is your water, Jen?"

Jen took a long swig from her own water bottle before saying, "Mine is downright refreshing, nothing wrong with this one."

Chris snorted derisively as he tossed his own tainted water bottle in the trash. They continued their walk across the park, Dean and Jen again falling behind.

"So Dean…what's the deal with your friend Cas," Jen asked curiously. "He seems a little off somehow."

Dean struggled to find an answer, wondering just how far into Chuck's books Jen had read. "He's from out of town," he said, stumbling over the words.

"Where is he from," Jen asked, pushing for an answer, as she watched Cas in the distance.

"Uhhhh…New Zealand," Dean said quickly, remembering the weird characters from Flight of the Concords and hoping it was just a cultural weirdness.

"Really, never would have guessed it," Jen commented. "I was thinking Mars maybe."

Dean laughed, he knew Cas was weird, but an alien? He smiled at the thought of Cas wearing a Martian suit, roving the aisles of the local supermarket, trying everything in sight, as he asked for directions to the local pizza man.

"So you guys just drive around all the time," Jen asked. "Doing what?"

"Oh…just stuff….work mostly," Dean stammered. "We're kind of caught between a few states so we travel a lot."

"Spend any time in South Dakota," Jen asked innocently. "I've always wanted to see it."

"Um, yeah, we have a friend there," Dean admitted.

"And you have Ohio plates on you Impala," Jen stated.

"Yeah," Dean said slowly. He dropped back a step, wondering how to catch Sam's attention. Jen was putting it all together, if she hadn't already.

"And your from Kansas," Jen asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

"Um…yeah," Dean admitted slowly, trying to remember if he had previously told her that… 'Maybe Sammy did,' he thought to himself.

"You must know Carver Edlund then," Jen said suddenly, turning around quickly to face him. "You and your brother and weird friend must be friends with him! He has characters named after all of you, down to your plates and home town. So you're what? The inspiration for his books or something?"

Jen was surprised when Dean grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a group of tourists, out of sight from Sam, Chris, and Cas.

"Okay. Fine," he said frantically, hoping he could satisfy her with a realistic lie. "We know Carver Edlund. He's a reclusive writer we met years ago. He's modeled his characters after us somewhat, but he's taken a lot of artistic license with plot and content. We're not monster hunters, obviously, because that would be nuts, right?! And we don't look anything like the cover art! Sam and I have gotten some unwanted attention since he published those books. We're trying to do our thing without having to deal with Edlund's bullshit. Okay?"

Jen slowly nodded, trying to put together what she knew. "Okay, I just knew you had to have some sort of connection to Edlund," she said triumphantly.

Dean shuffled his feet uncomfortably before he started back in the direction of Sam.

As they caught back up, Dean groaned as the next exhibit came into view.

"Sam! I said nothing educational," Dean exclaimed as he angrily crossed his arms over his chest.

"Dean, it's a boat ride," Sam exasperated. "It's not a big deal."

"You know the rules, Sammy! I don't do shorts. Or cake. Or boats," Dean argued.

Sam took a step towards Dean, his face red, his breathing harsh. "No Dean, I don't know the rules," he said angrily. "Cause you make them up as you go along! Now get on the goddamn boat before I break both your legs and drag you on the boat with me—just so I can throw your grumpy ass overboard!"

Dean straightened his Mickey Mouse ears and tossed his shoulders back, lifting his chin high.

"Fine," he said dramatically. "Cas, you're sitting with me. Sam might need to ride in his own boat anyhow; his weight of his bitchiness might capsize our boat if we ride together."

Jen laughed aloud until Chris shot her his most disapproving look as he gestured her to join the line.

"What," she said with a shrug. "I'm not going on some boat ride. I'll hang out here."

"No, Jen," Chris argued. "This is vacation! Let's go! Forward march!"

Jen and Dean shuffled their feet as they headed up the line, Castiel a step behind them, trying to figure out why boating was so offensive. He had seen plenty of people do it over the millennia, very few seemed as outright annoyed by it as Dean.

"Does this boat go someplace that is unsatisfactory," Cas asked in his monotone voice.

"Yeah, hell," Dean mumbled as he glared at yet another man wearing the same t-shirt as himself.

"Dean, I do not believe this boat ride can in fact deliver us to hell. It would require some sort of demonic presence or possession, neither of which I can detect," Castiel stated, his voice dripping with concern.

Jen didn't turn around to look at Cas, but she did lean towards Dean and say, "New Zealand, huh?"

Dean felt his face getting red as he nodded weakly. "Yeah, well, he's got a wicked sense of humor," Dean said, mentally kicking his ass for coming up with something so downright unbelievable. Dean groaned aloud as he saw the boats, large enough for all five of them to sit in one, he begrudgingly slid onto the first bench in the boat and pulled Cas to sit next to him. He leaned forward to see the heavy duty tracks the boat was attached to.

"Why is it that only the cool rides and roller coasters are closed for maintenance when you want to ride them," Dean grumbled. "Why couldn't this one have been shut down for an hour or two?"

Sam smacked him in the back of the head before answering, "Maybe if you're lucky it'll break down while we're riding it and we can sit on this boat for the rest of the afternoon, making small talk and comparing the photos in our wallets."

Dean turned on his bench and glared at Sam. "Don't you dare jinx us, you know we already have incredibly bad luck—with everything Sam! Why would you say that," Dean asked loudly, his eyes wide with disbelief. "If this boat breaks down, I'm throwing myself overboard."

"I'll be a few seconds behind you," Jen said from her seat on the third bench. "What is this ride anyways?"

"It's a vegetable ride," Chris answered, reading from the map and list of exhibits. "It goes through some greenhouses and gardens, apparently Disney is trying to go green and grow their own produce for use in its restaurants. I guess they've teamed up with some other large science groups and companies, NASA being one of them."

"So, Mickey Mouse is teaming up with the space nerds so they can grow brussel sprouts on the moon," Dean commented as he threw his hands in the air. "Another brilliant way to spend a butt load of tourist trap money! Veggies in space, I can see the newest attraction already!"

Sam sighed deeply and rolled his eyes as Jen giggled from the back of the boat, a small smile working its way across Chris' face.

"Is your brother always this upset over vegetables," Chris asked Sam.

"Usually only if they're on a plate in front of him," Sam replied with a shrug.

The boat lurched forward, the automated guide beginning a recorded message about sustainability. As the double doors opened, a large overgrown greenhouse came into view. It looked like a jungle, complete with the high humidity that Dean hated. The sounds of a wild, untamed jungle became apparent as the doors closed behind them.

"Sam, if they keep howler monkeys in here, you're a dead man," Dean spat as he moved as far back on the bench as he could get without falling back on Sam.

"Relax man, it's just a recording. They're making it seem more authentic," Sam explained patiently. "It's just a greenhouse to showcase some of their work on larger scale. They do a lot of re-forestation and stuff, relax. Look at the plants and stuff and just chill out; jeez, should have left you locked in the bathroom."

"Hey I offered to stay behind," Dean commented.

"Dean, I have never known you to get so uncomfortable around plants before. After all, you have faced far worse adversaries than these moss covered trees," Castiel stated. "If you are afraid, you may hold my hand. TJ explained that is it very effective when he is upset or scared. You may hold my hand at this time."

Dean glowered at Cas' outstretched hand and slid to the far end of the bench. "I'm not holding your hand, Cas."

"If you feel the need, I am here," Cas replied. "You are safe with me."

Dean hunched down in his seat and folded his arms over his chest. The tour continued on, the next set of double doors opening to a greenhouse filled with thousands of plants tucked into plastic mesh, their roots hanging in the air while tiny hoses misted them with water.

"What in the devil's ass if this," Dean asked as he wiped a drop of water from his face.

"A hydroponic greenhouse, they're growing plants and veggies without dirt," Sam explained with a shake of his head. "Don't you ever watch anything other than porn?"

"Well, I'm sure this is like porn for you, Sammy," Dean snarked loudly. "The sheer sight of veggies hanging midair must be enough to make you—"

"Ouch! Why did you hit me," Dean cried out, rubbing the back of his head.

"Dean, there are kids in here," Sam hissed into his ear. "Keep it clean!"

"You're the one talking about porn," Dean exclaimed.

"Dean, I do not think the pornography you partake of has anything as wholesome as vegetables in it," Castiel said, joining the conversation. "After all, even the pizza man was only delivering a cheese pizza; not one with vegetables like Sam prefers to consume."

"Cas, that movie was so not about the actual pizza being delivered," Dean remarked. "It was about the pizza delivery guy getting—"

"You! The guy in the Peter Pan shirt," a loud angry voice called out. Dean looked at the boat ahead of them and saw a man glaring back at him. He sneered at Dean and pointed to the little blonde girl sitting next to him and exclaimed, "I'm here with my daughter! You wanna keep your filth to yourself! You and your little Peter Pan butt-buddy better keep your traps shut before I come back there and shut them for you!"

"Fight," Jen yelled out from the back of the boat, standing on her seat as she held up a ten dollar bill. "I got ten on Dean! What've you got, Chris?"

Cas pointed towards the man and asked, "Dean, what does butt—"

Dean didn't say anything as he grabbed Cas' outstretched hand and shoved it down, clapping his other hand over his mouth. Cas continued to try and mumble around Dean's hand, the man continuing to stare at them, his mouth twisted into a snarl.

Ten shameful minutes later Cas, Dean, and Jen were sitting in a row on a bench outside the ride. Chris and Sam were looming over them, hands on their hips, their faces red with anger. Dean wanted to point out their identical bitch faces, but he was pretty sure Sam might punch him, hell, maybe Chris would too.

"How on Earth do you manage to do this, Dean," Sam exclaimed as he shoved a finger in Dean's face. "How do you get THROWN OFF A RIDE AT DISNEY WORLD?! The ride doesn't even last more than ten minutes total!"

"Skill," Dean asked with a shrug.

"Serious skills," Jen said; high fiving Dean with a smile.

"Besides, I wasn't the one in the water," Dean said as he motioned towards Chris.

Chris glared at Jen as he dramatically wrung more water from his shirt. "Yeah, Jen, just how did you manage to tie my shoe laces together? Were you planning on me falling out of the boat?"

With a serious expression, Jen replied, "Sometimes the universe is just on your side. Besides, I practiced while you were deployed. In fact, beware of the Jeep's glove compartment when you open it next."

"What did you do to my Jeep," Chris asked angrily. "When we get home—"

"You'll what," Jen snapped with a daring smirk. "Take my laptop—"

"Oh no," Chris said with a malicious smile. "Forget the laptop! Your books! Those crazy ones with the angsty looking dudes on the covers that you're always fawning over! Good luck finding them!"

"You wouldn't dare touch my books," Jen hissed as she stood up, standing almost eye to eye with Chris.

"Oh really," Chris said as he tapped Jen's shoulder forcefully, knowing just how to push her buttons. "Remember the one that got covered in grape soda? The one you thought Joey ruined? The No Rest for the Wicked volume, your gorram favorite?! Well, it was ME! I did it! And I smiled when it happened, dammit!"

Castiel sat calmly on the bench, hands folded in his lap as the group around him dissolved into something reminiscent of the chaos surrounding the fall of the Tower of Babel. Chris and Jen were arguing loudly, as Sam towered over Dean and pointed a finger in his chest while loudly talking about Dean's inability to have fun. Dean continued to openly mock Sam, making Sam's pointed finger turn into a balled fist.

He watched with great interest until Chris finally let out a loud whistle.

"Here's how this is going to go down," Chris explained loudly, as he pointed from Dean and Jen to the far distance. "You two jackasses can go ahead and blow off the rest of Epcot. You wanted your walking papers so badly? You got 'em! Get the frell out of here, before we stuff you both in a dumpster somewhere!"

Jen and Dean looked at each other uncertainly before Jen asked, "What will you guys do without us?"

"Oh Jeez! Well, let's see—probably actually have some fun without you two picking fights with us and every surrounding bystander," Chris stated as he pulled his map from his pocket. "You two can do whatever, we'll meet back at the hotel at 5pm so we can get ready for dinner. Maybe after enough booze, you two will be more tolerable!"

Dean and Jen slowly and cautiously began to walk away. Chris and Sam walked a few steps behind them, heading towards the next exhibit on the map. As they walked up to a large map of the park, Jen slowed down trying to figure out where the nearest monorail was. As she leaned down to look at the map, she felt a hand on the back of her head, the slight push just enough to unbalance her. The large map came rushing up at her, nothing to stop her descent expect her face.

"Ouch! Goddamn it! Chris," she exclaimed as she held her aching nose. "I'm bleeding now!"

"You'll be fine," Chris called out. "A little blood can only improve your Disney experience. See you at 5pm sharp!"

Chris and Sam rounded the corner as Sam caught Chris' arm. "Cas, we totally forgot about him," Sam said, his eyes wide at the thoughts racing through his head, of what Cas might have decided to do on his own.

Chris and Sam raced past Jen and Dean and headed for the bench they had abandoned Cas. They found him right where they had left him, his Peter Pan shirt and Mickey Mouse ears helping to disguise him from the nearby security guards.

"Cas, sorry man," Sam said apologetically. "Forgot about you back here."

"It is quite alright," Cas said plainly. "I knew that someone would come for me."

"So, what's the plan, Chris," Sam asked.

"I say we wander the park and see everything we can and have fun, before we have to meet up with our troublesome counterparts," Chris said with a smile. "Besides, I can't imagine that those two can keep out of trouble for long. I say we let them stew in their own juices."

Sam thought back to the other night when Dean had drunkenly danced in the fountain and ended up sitting the park security office while Sam had explained, and lied, to a fully grown man wearing a Goofy suit that Dean was typically non-violent and had suffered a traumatic incident as a child.

"Yeah, I give them two hours before we get a call to make bail for one or both of them," Sam said with a laugh.

Sam and Chris toured the park with Cas trailing behind, who was busy eating another ginormous bag of cotton candy and everything else that he could convince Sam to buy for him to try.

"We should get them back," Sam said slowly, thinking back to having to kiss Chris in the restaurant. "I think they deserve to suffer a little bit."

"I've got experience in this actually," Chris said smugly. "I've got military training, so pranking comes naturally. What have you got in mind?"

Sam was staring at Cas as he said, "Let's make a quick list of supplies we're going to need. We might need some divine help to pull this off."

An hour later, Chris and Sam were riding Space Mountain; their plan laid out down to the last detail.

"So…how is Cas going to make it all the way to the store and meet us back at the hotel when we get there," Chris asked curiously. "That's gotta be pretty darn impossible, does he even have a car?"

Sam didn't answer right away. "Cas has some impressive connections so he's got a quick way in and out of the park," Sam said confidently, lying about Castiel's real connections. "He's pretty discreet about it."

Chris nodded uncertainly as the roller coaster gained speed.

Meanwhile, near the Epcot entrance Dean was bouncing on the heels of his feet with excitement.

"This is gonna be great! I think this might be the only ride in here that was meant for my demographic," Dean exclaimed as yet another high speed car flashed past on the track above their heads, high in the air.

Jen was standing off to one side, one hand gingerly touching her swollen nose and busted lip, a frown etched into her face. "I don't know," Jen mumbled quietly. "Looks….fast….and high…."

"Looks totally awesome to me," Dean said excited as he pulled Jen towards the line. "Sam would hate this ride."

When Jen didn't answer, Dean took one look at her face and knew.

"Are you seriously afraid of roller coasters," Dean asked, shocked. "Cause this is hardly a roller coasters. It's just the Test Track. The cars are on tracks and stuff."

"It's just…kinda high," Jen said slowly as yet another car whizzed past overhead, the passengers screaming loudly.

"Jen! You're like practically six feet tall! How can you be afraid of heights," Dean exclaimed.

"Hey! It doesn't work like that, asshat," Jen snapped. "I'll go, I just want assurances I won't die."

"Sure, I'll be there, you'll be fine," Dean spouted confidently as he nudged her along in the line. "Besides, we have a few hours before we have to meet up at the hotel. We can do what we want, nothing educational though, right?"

"Yeah," Jen said, trying to sound more confident. She wasn't yet convinced that this Dean Winchester wasn't the real Dean Winchester, and she knew how many times he had escaped certain death. One roller coaster trip would be safe enough, right?

Within minutes they were strapped into a Test Car and being pulled through a series of controlled road hazards, accidents, and terrains. A woman's voice poured through the car's speakers, explaining the laboratory protocols that new car designs underwent before manufacturing.

Jen jumped in her seat as they rounded a sharp corner and a semi-truck came out of nowhere, lights and horns blaring through fake fog before it closely passed their car on the narrow track. Dean laughed at the road crash dummies and pointed to the evident fast track they were approaching. The loud speaker narrator suddenly increased in volume and began to repeat, "LEFT!"



"Dean! Why is the ride repeating itself," Jen yelled out.


"I have no clue," Dean yelled back. "Maybe it's malfunctioning!"

"What?! You said this ride would be fine," Jen cried out loudly.

"It's almost over anyways," Dean replied, yelling to be heard over the malfunctioning ride. "We just have to do the fast track, it ends after that!"


"The fast track," Jen repeated in disbelief. "But that is the fastest part and this ride is broken! I don't want to—"

"To late Jen! We're going," Dean yelled back as the car accelerated on the track and flew around the sharp corner.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa—"

Meanwhile, a few hundred feet away:

"Does that sound like Jen and Dean to you," Sam asked aloud as he and Chris hurried into another line.

"Nah, they're probably back at the hotel by now," Chris said with a shrug. "Let's ride Space Mountain again too! Jen hates roller coasters so I never have anyone to go with."

A few hundred feet away , out of sight from their counterparts, Jen was busy heaving into a garbage can while Dean hovered overhead, trying to hold her short hair away from her face while also glaring at anyone who dared to give the duo anything more than a half second glance.

"I'm so ready for a drink," Jen said pitifully from her position over the garbage can.

"Let's head for the hotel," Dean replied. "We can hang out at the pool and get drunk."

"That sounds perfect," Jen mumbled. "Maybe we can make some trouble for Chris and Sam while we're there too."

Meanwhile, fifty miles away at a Super Target, Castiel was wandering the aisles with a list in one hand and a shopping basket in the other.

Per Sam's instructions, he had suddenly appeared in the men's restroom of the store and was trying to discreetly mingle with the shopping masses. He had already found several of the things on the list do to Sam's incredibly detailed list, including something called Vaseline, when he was approached by a store employee.

"Sir, can I help you find anything," the young woman asked.

Castiel straightened up, adjusting his trench coat over his shorts and Peter Pan shirt. He held out his list and said, "I was given precise instructions to find everything on this list. If you would check, I think I am doing quite well; however the last item's location and specifics are becoming problematic for me. I am on a tight schedule for Sam."

The young woman tentatively took the list from his outstretched hand and surveyed the items listed. She smiled mischievously at him after she finished reading the list of odd items, trying to imagine what his evening was going to consist of.

"This last item is in the Housewares section, I can help you find the exact one you need if you want help," she said cheerfully.

"Yes, that will be most helpful, as I said, I have a schedule to keep," Castiel replied.

As they walked together across the store, the clerk asked, "I take it you're into Peter Pan."

"Yes, the character and original story are quite interesting. It is one of the many literary works that showcases the human race's desire to defeat aging and death, but was written simplistically as a children's story so the feeble human mind could embrace such a concept. During the time of its creation, my garrison was charged with protecting Sir James Matthew Barrie to ensure that the book was written as intended. The creation of Peter Pan was a unique event ordained by God himself," Castiel explained.

He didn't see the weird look the store clerk cast him as she led him to the aisle he needed. "Okay, this is the one on your list," she said, picking out a small box and placing it in his hand. "That's everything you need?"

"My list says to procure orange dye," Castiel replied. "This is not orange."

"Well, it's just called Sunshine Orange," the clerk explained.

"No. My list says to procure orange dye, not Sunshine Orange dye," Castiel stated firmly. "You must take me to your orange dye at this time. It is imperative to my mission."

Castiel took the box in hand and stared at it. "This box does not contain the item I require," he replied firmly, looking disapprovingly at the young woman.

"Sir, this is the closest thing to 'orange' we carry," the clerk stated, using her hands to emphasize her statement.

"Fine, it will have to do. Sam may be upset, but I will just have to make him aware that orange is not currently a description fit for dye," Castiel explained.

"Do you need anything else," the clerk asked.

"I am curious about the body language you exhibited a second ago, the movement with your hands and arms," Castiel said. He took his hands and tried to manipulate his fingers the same way she had.

"Oh, you mean air quotes, it's just something to help emphasize a certain word when speaking," the clerk explained, wondering if this guy was part of some prank.

"Very well then, I will make a note," Castiel said. "I am ready to leave. Sam gave me money; do I give it to you now?"

"I'll walk you up front," the young woman said as she directed Castiel to the front of the store and up to a register. She pointed Castiel to the register and waited for him to hand her the basket. As she rang up his purchases, she asked, "Is your friend Sam picking you up outside?"

"No, he is in Disney World with his new friend Chris, they engaged in a provoked kiss earlier today. I believe he and Chris will be using the items I have procured to extract revenge on Dean and Jen, who are currently getting intoxicated by the pool," Castiel stated in his monotone voice as he held out the handful of money that Sam had given him.

The store clerk nodded even as a confused look crossed her face as she sifted through the money. "Well, you got everything on your list, so good luck with all that," she stated as she placed his change back into his hand.

"I must thank you for not laughing at me," Castiel said. "Dean once sent me to the store with a list. Sam assured me it was a joke Dean made at my expense. Is there some sort of retail regulation that restricts someone from buying bananas, Vaseline, and duct tape all at the same time?"

The clerk did her best not to giggle or smile to widely as she said, "I'm not aware of any that do. Have a good day!"

Castiel gathered his bags and headed back towards the men's room. He hoped he wasn't going to be late getting back to Sam and Chris; he wanted to show Sam his crossed off list.

At the hotel pool, Dean and Jen were drunk.

Not tipsy.

Not buzzed.


So drunk that Dean had answered more than a few of Jen's questions about the Chuck's books.

"Do you know someone named John Winchester," Jen asked with a giggle as she watched another blue haired 'cougar' give Dean a look from across the pool. "Cause there's one of him in the books too!"

"Yep, him too," Dean slurred as he twirled a paper umbrella in his fingers, his head heavy against the lounge chair. "I bet I could kill a fugly with this tiny toothpick umbrella…..I should ask Bobby if it's ever been done."

"You know someone called Bobby," Jen exclaimed. "Wow, that Carver Edlund must have you guys under a tight radar! Cause there's one of him in the books…bet you guys can't take a dump without it showing up in one of those books!"

Dean snickered at the thought of Chuck downloading a vision of him taking a giant crap in some roadside diner.

"Yeah, good ole' prophets probably see some stuff they just don't wanna," Dean laughed. "Hey! He doesn't mention me showering, does he? Cause if he's getting visions of that, I'm gonna have to hunt him down and put him out of his misery."

"Speaking of misery, do you think we were to awful today to Chris and Sam," Jen asked as she watched Dean try to prick his finger with the toothpick umbrella.

"This might need to be sharpened….What? Oh, yeah, maybe," Dean said disinterestedly. "We did have some fun at their expense, so yeah, probably."

Jen drunkenly rolled her head towards him, "We should be better tomorrow. I'm gonna have to give Chris a massage or something to make this up to him."

Dean laughed loudly, "Dude! You framed him as a honeymoon having gay guy—with Sam of all people! I don't even want to know what kind of massage it takes to get buy forgiveness for something like that!"

Jen giggled and nodded, "Neither do I!"

Dean and Jen were to drunk to notice Chris and Sam sprinting along the pathway behind them, Castiel walking slowly behind, bags in hand.

Chris and Sam waited for Castiel to slowly climb the steps into Chris and Jen's tree house. Sam reached for the shopping bags, but Castiel held them tightly and said, "Sam, Chris, I have failed on the dye. They did not have orange, only something called Sunshine Orange."

"Dude, it'll be fine, it's close enough," Sam said as he pried the bags from Castiel's hands.

Castiel gave Sam a disapproving look and said, "I wish you would have been more specific about something not 'orange' being 'just fine'. It would have made my trip faster."

Sam stared at Cas in disbelief and asked, "Cas, did you just do air quotes? Where do you pick up this stuff? Did Dean teach you that? Seriously man, you have to stop letting him corrupt you."

"I picked it up at Super Target, where I picked up everything else," Castiel explained.

Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. They divided up the items and Chris headed for the bathroom, dye in hand, a devious smile on his face. Sam grabbed his own bagful and called out, "Chris, meet you poolside in twenty minutes."

He pulled Castiel out the door and headed for their own tree house, the shopping bag held tightly in his hand.

Twenty minutes later, Sam and Chris were ushering their drunken companions up the stairs to their respective tree houses. "Dean, seriously man, you need a shower," Sam said, his nose wrinkled at the smell.

"Hey man, its hot out here, and you're the one who made me come to Florida. I hate Florida," Dean rebuked childishly.

"Doesn't matter. You need to get dressed so we can get a move on, we're meeting Jen and Chris in an hour so we can go out to dinner," Sam explained with a grin. With any luck, their well laid plans would work out.

Dean stumbled down the hallway to the bathroom and yanked the door open, looking back towards Sam as he said, "Good, cause I'm starved—"

Sam stood at the end of the hallway, arms crossed, and smiled as a loud THUD resounded down the hallway.

"Ow! Sam," Dean drunkenly yelled out. "Something's wrong with my bathroom. It's got a…force field or something….my door threw me down! Get in here!"

Sam slowly walked to the bathroom doorway and looked down at his older brother, who was sprawled across the floor. Dean was staring up at him, a bruise starting to form along his jaw, his eyes glued to the doorframe.

"Sam, what did you do," Dean accused.

"Nothing," Sam stated although his smile said otherwise.

"What am I looking at," Dean asked as he pointed with one unsteady hand.

"Plastic wrap," Sam said smartly. "Stretched over the doorway in such a way that your drunken ass never saw it coming. You, brother man, were taken down by a food storage device."

"Is this cause I made you kiss Chris," Dean asked as seriously as he could manage in his intoxicated state.

"What! No…..this one was just because you've been a dick this whole time," Sam said. "Get a shower. We're meeting them in a bit for dinner."

Dean was in the middle of shampooing his hair when he realized what Sam had said. "This one," he mumbled to himself. "What other one is there?"

Sam was standing by the front door, dressed and ready to go, when Dean angrily walked into the room.

"Ready to go," Sam asked innocently.

"No. I'm not. I can't go now," Dean said coolly.

"Oh, why not," Sam asked with a smile.

Dean glared at Sam and spastically waved an arm over his appearance.

"I have friggin orange hair, Sam! And an orange face! Orange everything, thanks to you," Dean yelled.

Sam burst out laughing at Dean's orange appearance and opened the front door.

"Actually, Dean, the orange makes your….freckles stand out," Sam said with a snicker. "Get your shoes. And don't say no, because I think Jen might like some moral support tonight."

"Moral support," Dean asked, suddenly confused.

"What, did you think I was the only in need of some revenge," Sam asked.

Dean sighed deeply and glared at Sam. "Fine, but you better watch your back," he stated.

"Dean, if you can think up anything better than this, I say bring it," Sam snarked.

"What about Cas, where is he," Dean asked as he looked around the room.

"He said he was going to watch Cars again tonight, along with two other movies. I already made him popcorn, got him candy galore; he'll be fine here," Sam explained. "Now quit stalling and come on!"

Across the pathway, in the opposite tree house, Chris was impatiently tapping his foot.

"Jen, come on, Sam and Dean are walking up now," Chris called out. "Let's go!"

"I don't want to go," Jen whined loudly from behind the bathroom door.

"Tough, get dressed and get out here," Chris said with a thump on the door.

Chris opened the door and smiled at Dean's orange face. He and Sam exchanged a small smile as they filed into the room. They stood silently waiting for Jen, knowing what to expect.

Sam and Chris exchanged a silent look of triumph as Jen slowly walked into the room, her face and hair matching Dean's perfectly, the orange dye covering all but a tiny bit of her pink hair.

"I see you got some orange revenge as well," she muttered to Dean as she pulled a hat over her hair. "This sucks! It's gonna take days to come off!"

"Days," Dean exclaimed. "No, I'm staying in my room until it's gone!"

"No, Dean," Sam interjected. "We're going out for the evening. Drinks, cigars, dinner; let's go!"

Dean and Jen were forced to walk ahead, Sam and Chris walking behind, laughing, and comparing their results with the plastic wrapped doorways.

"Hey! You two look like those things from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—Oopah Loopahs! Yes! That's it," Chris called out. Sam burst out laughing as Jen and Dean simultaneously turned around and glared at them.

"Hey Sam! Check this out, remember the song from the movie—Oompah Loompah doobadie doo, I've got a riddle to ask of you: what do you do when your spouse in an ass, making you feel like you're stupid and crass," Chris sang out, following the tune perfectly.

Jen and Dean ignored the outburst of laughter from behind them, exchanged looks and rolling their eyes.

"Chris! I got one—Oompah Loompah doobadie doo, I've a riddle to ask of you: what do you do when your brother's a jerk? Bitching and moaning when you take him off work," Sam sang aloud.

As laughter erupted behind them, Dean leaned toward Jen and said, "I hope you didn't already give Chris that massage, cause you might wanna hold off on being nice for a while."

Jen snorted and shook her head. "Asshole asked for a massage before I got my shower," she said.

Hours later, long after the cigar bar had closed, Dean and Jen were stumbling down the sidewalk, Chris and Sam a few yards behind them.

"Man, the dye thing was a brilliant idea," Sam commented. "Can't believe I've never done it before now."

"The only bad thing is we're the ones who have to look at their orange faces for the next few days," Chris replied as another drunken round of oompah loompah doobadie doo floated down the pathway. "But all in all, I think we did a good thing today. I think that deep down; they may have had some fun too."

"God, I hope so," Sam said with a sigh. "If this doesn't make him loosen up, I might have to start medicating his coffee."

As they passed through the lobby and headed towards the door to the outdoor tree house suites, Sam paused and did a double take.

"Hey guys, hold up a minute," he called out as he quickly walked towards the lobby counter.

"Cas, what are you doing out here," Sam asked as he looked from Cas, who was still wearing his trench coat over his Peter Pan shirt, to the confused looking night receptionist.

"Sam, I think I have taken care of the problem on my own," Cas explained proudly. "I dropped the remote to the television and apparently hit a button somehow. The movie is no longer playing. I haven't finished it yet."

"Would you kindly send someone to correct this unfortunate error I have made," Castiel asked the receptionist.

"Certainly, sir," the woman said with smile.

Sam could see the twitch on Cas' face and groaned, knowing there was no way to stop him. Cas pulled his lips back to expose his teeth, his eyebrows lifting high on his forehead, his eyes bulging out of his head, all in another hideously terror-striking smile.

Sam watched as the woman's own smile faltered as she reached for the phone.

"Ma'am, we can take care of it," Sam interjected. "You don't need to send anyone to our room."

"If you're sure, sir," she said, still mesmerized by Castiel's contorted smile.

"Yes," Sam said as he grabbed Cas's arm and pulled his away from the startled young woman.

"Sam, I think my smile was most effective that time," Castiel stated confidently.

"Yeah, if you were going to terror induced heart attack," Sam replied as he motioned for Cas to rejoin their group.

"So Cas, what movie were you watching," Dean asked with a yawn.

"Dean, you and Jen look quite ill, you look orange in fact," Castiel remarked as the leaned uncomfortably close to examine Jen's orange face.

"We're fine, Cas. What movie were you watching ," Dean asked again.

"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," Cas said. "Sam said it was going to be necessary that I memorize some of the lines for the next few days. I am not yet sure I understand why."

"You'll see, Cas," Sam replied with a smirk. "It's the song you need to learn."

Dean glared back at Sam and muttered, "Bitch."

Hey you there! Wanna see the awesome Oopah Loopah pic of Jen and Dean,go check out the Supernatural FanFiction Writer's Page found on Facebook! See you there!

Okay wonderful readers, you took the time to read it, please spare a second to review it! Thank you!

Wow, this has been one monster chapter! Over 9,000 words!

Thanks to Winjennster for her tempered patience with this chapter's completion as well as providing some of the pranks. Mostly just for not killing me because of how long it took to write this...

Also, thanks to Chris for the help with the car details, rit dye, plastic wrap, and especially the oompah loopah songs! Totally made the dyeing worthwhile!

Also, thanks to McHuberson for help with Castiel's Target experience! ;)