Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction and i hope to continue this and have some readers for it! I recently got hooked into the show FALLING SKIES, and of course i just couldn't help myself, so I decided to write a story with my own oc. My oc will be meeting up with the second mass eventually and I'm aiming to go along with the plot and direction of the seasons. I hope you all enjoy and come along for the ride on this story's journey. Thanks for deciding to read this!

A Falling Skies FanfictionAnd Like That, It was all Gone

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

That had been the question.

Six months ago, I would've said, "Successful, having a steady job maybe as a doctor, a nice house, tying the knot with the perfect guy. Maybe even having a kid or two."

My answers changed as I went through life. As a kid, I grew up with a nice life, playing with the neighborhood kids without a care in the world and having wild thoughts of becoming an astronaut, the president, and any other crazy occupation. My parents didn't have any issues and I got along with my older brother, well as much as you can with a sibling. I lived in a decent house and got good grades without any trouble. As I grew older and passed through middle and high school, my opinions on the future matured as soon as I realized I should have been more realistic. Either way, I was just a normal kid with a normal life and normal thoughts of the future. I had plans, aspirations, dreams, hopes and goals as well as any other person. But, you know all that changes when the world decides to go to shit.

Just thinking back to six months ago, I find it so hard to believe where I am now, what I have to do… It's funny how so many things can change within the span of half a year, but it does and we are either prepared for it or sometimes, it comes out of nowhere just as the alien invasion had. People joke about the apocalypse, the end of the world and the human race, but if only they knew how serious it actually was.

The invasion. Thinking about it gives me the chills. Memories of my past life cloud my thoughts and make my heart ache. Billions of lives lost and the world was in ruins. What was a 15 year old girl to do? Everything was different, gone, and empty. The streets of my town that used to be filled with bustling cars driving this way and that were gone, leaving abandoned roads and if we were in an old western movie, I'm sure a tumbleweed would be flying across the roads at some point. There were no kids outside. Children who used to play outside, yelling and shouting to eachother down the streets while playing games with eachother. The young faces of all those kids who had whole lives ahead of them, it was just taken away, and just like that, they were gone too, possibly never to be found again. My neighbors, even the ones I had hated like old Mrs. Marsh who always yelled at me for one thing or another like my loud music, just disappeared as if they were never there in the first place and I missed them all. I missed everything. All you hear is silence and I now know why people go crazy in silence. Noise, even the buzzing of a fly is better than pure silence of the ghost towns that littered the earth today.

I never even got to say goodbye. To my friends and most importantly to my family. My brother was off in college, out of state and I haven't seen him since his last visit home. I just wished I had been able to say a goodbye. Maybe say sorry for all the times I had annoyed him when I was younger just for kicks, and for all the petty fights we had to get in. I wished I could thank him for being the best brother I could've had though. Through all the ups and downs, I knew he was a great brother compared to others, but for some reason I always took that for granted. We had never been super close, sharing things with each other, but we had so many good times with each other, just having fun, but that was gone now. A last "I love you," should have been said, but it hadn't. All I had left was my memories of him and the hope that maybe he did survive this.

As for my parents, so many unspoken words were left between us. My dad, he was off on a business trip in France when this had happened and I have no idea what happened to him along with my brother. Was he still alive? I hoped so and prayed to God that both he and my brother were okay or that they didn't have a painful death. My dad had always been an easy going guy, he would have had to, to balance out my mother's strict and "my way or the highway" demeanor. He had always been able to make everyone laugh and knew how to be fun, but still stern when he had to be and the one thing I regret is that I know I was always closer to him than my mother. My brother and mother had an uncanny resemblance in personalities while I inherited many of my father's traits which enabled me to of course be closer to him. My mom, on the other hand. The day of the invasion, we had both had a huge fight about me wanting more freedom to do as I pleased. I was still young and all I could think about was having fun and hanging out with my friends and getting as far away from the house as I could. Looking back on it, I was selfish for putting myself and what I wanted before everything else which made me even more stubborn than I usually am and persistent to make my mom see my way. I hadn't cared when my mom and I had a yelling match against eachother in the kitchen that's now ruined. It was for a silly reason and because of it, my mom was now gone too.

It had been a Friday night when the aliens came and attacked my town. There was a warning on the news about a reporter and scientists discovering strange air crafts in the sky, but at the time they discovered them I thought it was a joke. That night I begged my mom to let me go out with my friends and the cute guy who was going to be there. I had never really been one to obsess of guys, but I was filled with reassurance from my friends that he was definitely going to ask me out that night and I just had to find out if it was true. In Heinz sight, it wasn't supposed to ruin my whole life and be the end of the world. But even if I stayed home, the attack wouldn't have stopped. I remember yelling at my mom for controlling my life again as she always does and not giving me any freedom and that I just can't stay home and study all the time or practice my instrument and train for cross country and track. And that was when, at that moment, I just walked out of the house and I regret it all the time. When I came home the bombs and aliens had passed through my small town, taking all the children I used to babysit and watch play in the yards, and killing all the adults. It didn't take long for me to run through the wreckage and debris to find my mom on the floor and dead.

I don't know how long I cried and just let it all out that night. I cried for all the people that had been taken and prayed that they were all safe wherever they are now. I grew up, being Christian and going to church nearly every week, but no amount of Sunday school teachings and seminaries could help me now. As soon as I could, I paid my respects to my mom and all the people I had known who were no longer with me and went to my room to decide what to do next.

I can't change the past. I wished desperately I could go back in time with a teleporting police box like Doctor Who, but I knew I couldn't and never will be able to. I was all that was left in my town and I guess at the time after I let all my emotions out, I went into a kind of shock where I couldn't really fathom what had happened. All I knew was that the life I had once known was simply a memory now and I had to stay strong and alive.

With no one left, what am I to do?

All I know now is that I wasn't going down without a fight against these aliens and I would try to stay alive as long as possible, maybe find someone else who survived.

That simple question that had followed me as I grew up with the infinite number of answers popped into my head again.

Where did I really see myself in 10 years?

My answer: Hopefully alive.

My name is Kristen Grace and this is my story. Welcome to the world as no has ever known it before.