I know the timeline is a bit off, but I really wanted them to go in the summer.

Their friends and family all know of Caskett, but have yet to see, for real, how they interact as a couple. They do hide the fact that they're together, from the rest of the precinct.

Chapter one

They'd finally gotten a weekend of – all of them, together. It was perfect really; warm weather, sunny, blue water, white sand and a luxurious beach house. Castle had taken the day off, so he could set everything up and have dinner ready for when everyone would arrive. None of them had had the chance to get away from the city in quite a while, so when the opportunity presented itself, Castle was fast to arrange the getaway.

Kate was just deciding on wether she should pack the wrapped swimsuit or the bikini, when an impatient knocking on her door sounded. She ran to the door and opened it with a smile. She was really looking forward to this, just spending time with her friends and Castle. It was so different being with them outside of work. Good different.

"Lanie, Jenny. Hi! Come on in, make yourselves at home, I'll be with you in a second." She said breathless, making Lanie raise her eyebrow.

"You know, my bag's been packed since the day I was told we would be going to the Hamptons. What's taken you so long?"

"Oh, it's actually just the swimwear I need at this point. I can't decide." She said, emerging from the bedroom with a red bundle in one hand and a black swimsuit dangling from the other.

"I'd pack both, if I were you, Kate." It came from Jenny while Lanie backed her up. "I like them both. Just throw them in, so we can get moving"

"Anxious to see Javi, huh?" She yelled from the bedroom.

"Don't you know it!" came the fast reply. Apparently the occasional booty call had become something more. Not that Kate minded. She'd been waiting for months for her friend to come to her senses.

"Okay, I'm ready. Will one of you grab the car keys from the bowl?" Borrowing the Lexus from Castle was a brilliant idea. It was actually Castles idea that the girls should take his car 'it'll be good for you girls to have some girl time before you come up here' he'd said. And of course he was right. Not that she would admit it when asked.

"Got it! I brought my iPod, we should plug it in. Kevin just updated it the other day." Jenny said on her way out of the door. Lanie held the door open for Kate and saw the medium sized bag she had slung over her shoulder.

"That's it? Kate. Seriously, where's the rest of your stuff?"

"Castle's got it. Relax Lanie."

The drive to the Hamptons was great. Jenny and Lanie were excited to see the house. Kate hadn't told them much about it. She didn't want to spoil the surprise.

"Girls, this is it. Hope it lives up to your expectations!" Kate laughed, seeing their eyes bulging.

"If you and Castle for some odd reason don't work out, let me know."

"I hear ya, Lanie."

"Come on, the boys is already here."

As they were walking the short distance to the door, Castles head popped out of a window on the first floor.

"Hey, the door's unlocked. Just leave your luggage in the hall. I'll come get it in a minute." The window was pulled shut as fast as it was opened and Kate shook her head and started walking towards the door again.

"OH! Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes" Again, open and shut as fast as lightening.

"Do either of you know what he's been making?" Jenny asked.

"Not a clue. Let's find out." Kate looked up before walking the rest of the way to the house, finally making her way inside.

They had barely set aside their luggage, when they heard someone making their way loudly down the stairs.

"Hey Castle." Kate said, turning around to greet him. Mid turn she was getting pulled to him and greeted with a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth.

"Hi. How was the drive, ladies?" He asked, while ushering the girls into the living room, where Ryan and Esposito were just finishing setting the table.

"Oh, we had loads of fun, Castle. Don't you worry." Lanie said, the way only she can say it, making Castle look at Kate. She just shook her head and smiled at him. Letting him know he had nothing to worry about.

"Hey Honey, Beckett, Lanie. How come you took so long?" Ryan asked, while placing the wineglasses on the table.

"Oh, that one is all on Kate. Couldn't decide on the swimwear." Jenny answered. Castle's head whipped around to look at Kate, his face turning into a giant smile.

"Really." He drew out. Pulling her to him again. "Yes, really Castle. I ended up packing none of them."

"Whaaa…You? Ag…"

"No, Castle. Jesus." She cut him off with the help of the boys, who were doing their best to block out the current conversation. She blew out a sigh of relief, she definitely didn't want them to know what had almost happened the last time they were here.

"Sooo, that dinner, hmm? How's that coming along? I'm starving." Thank you, Lanie! Kate thought, but also noticing the look, clearly they had some talking to do after dinner.


Finally got to write this down, it's been bugging me a while. Even though this chapter is quite short, I hope you enjoyed it.