Pov: Percy
I was walking with Annabeth down on the pier of the lake. Annabeth was a beautiful girl with curly blond hair and a good tan. She looked like a typical California girl but it was ruined by her stormy gray eyes. Now I don't know where the dumb blonde stuff came from because Annabeth was the smartest person I knew. There was one more thing she was a child of Athena.
Ya I know some of you are looking at me with crazily but it's true. You see we were at camp halfblood the only safe haven for kids like us. Here we are trained to fight monsters and to control our powers. We learn to use all types of weapons and to top it all off every single camper has a godly parent and a mortal parent. We are called demigods. My parent was Poseidon.
Annabeth was my girlfriend ever since we went through this huge war against the Titans after we thought we could live peacefully but no, Gaia had to ruin our plans. By trying to wake up and destroy all human civilization. And they with a couple other demigods we had to save the world, again.
That war had ended nearly two years ago. And they were safe I had barely turned nineteen two days ago and was thinking about college. Seeing my option was my main priority at the moment.
"So seaweed brain what you thinking about," asked Annabeth.
It took about a minute to respond,"the future."
"What about it?"
"Nothing much."
"Well all I know is your seaweed brain can't take too much thinking."
"Hahaha very funny." We walked in silence as I looked at my surroundings. To my right was the lake where some campers were canoeing. To my left were a cluster of cabins forming the shape of an Ancient Greek omega. Forward was the forest stocked with all types of monsters. A little away from the cabins was the big house. A big, old, blue building.
You see each cabin represented a god and that's where there children stayed. During the day they took all kinds of lessons. From sword fighting to climbing the rock wall that clashed and spewed lava.
I walked Annabeth back to her cabin and kissed her goodnight and headed back to my cabin. As I was walking a giant mass of black fur tackled me. It started licking me and that's when I knew it was Mrs. O'Leary my giant trained hellhound who was my pet. She licked me some more and got up and started hopping all over the place. The last time I had seen her this happy was when she met Cerberus.
"What is it girl do you want me to follow you?" At this she got more excited but stopped moving and bent her head so I could mount her. She started running and almost hit the Apollo cabin but ran into a shadow just in time.
Shadow traveling felt like a roller coaster except a hundred times worse. After several minutes of this discomfort we appeared in some forest not unlike the one back in camp half blood. Mrs. O'Leary exhausted fell asleep under a tree. Okay leave me here and not knowing what to do.
I stood there for a while but decided to go explore this forest. Boy was I wrong. As I walked deeper into the forest the trees got thicker and more sinister. I heard something snap and I reached in my pocket to find riptide in pen form. I uncapped it and turned at the source of the noise and found a rabbit. Wow I was afraid of a rabbit maybe I was a seaweed brain.
As I continued riptide drawn I heard a growl. I turned to see darkness but two large red eyes staring at me a roar came from the darkness. Out came a dragon, it was thirty feet long and twenty feet high. It's mouth was full of razor sharp teeth that spewed fire. Great now I'm going to die. It stalked toward me and lunged. I dodged barely though instead it ran into a tree.
I rose keeping my eyes on the dragon it looked slightly dazed but nothing major. It looked at me spewed fire in my direction I dodged but not before setting the forest on fire. The dragon lunged again and again I dodged each time sometimes leaving a cut with my sword. But after about the eighth time I wasn't so lucky I dodged but its claw grazed my shoulder pain shot through it. I ran away full sprint from where the dragon came and found myself in a clearing.
Light shown through the trees revealing a nest in the middle with one egg but before I could process more the dragon ran after me. I dodged again and it hit a tree, again. But this time I lunged onto its back and ran up toward the head. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I yelled driving my blade into its skull with all my force. The beast began to dissolve. Pretty soon it was gone, I looked at the dragon egg.
I walked over and felt a sensation telling me to bring it home. But why? We hunt monsters I should drive my sword through it now, but I couldn't. I grabbed it, it was about the size of a small dog. Easy fit in my hoody and that's what I did.
I mean dragons can be trained right I mean look at Peleus. He was a a dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece at camp. So I knew I should take it with me as I walked back to Mrs. O'Leary.