A/N Hey guys! terribly sorry I haven't updated in what seems like months, I hate myself for it because I love writing so much, but school work just got so much in the way! Also this chapter is slightly shorter as I felt the next chapter will be quite long and i wanted to update today! Enjoy!

Chapter 17

Sleepy Mornings


I wake up to find myself clumsily positioned on Maddy's sofa, my legs almost numb beneath me and my face squished against the back in the corner, I slowly realise that we must have fallen asleep after the big dinner of pizza we ordered last night.

Unsticking my eyes open to look around the room, I quietly sit up, unaware of what the time even is, or how long I was asleep – but I notice Maddy curled up with her arm on her laptop in a similar position to me on the other side of the sofa.

I tuck my feet up and wrap my arms around them, it's still dark outside so it must be before 7am, so I debate waking her this early. I much prefer just perching here, watching her sleeping, as creepy as most people may think it to be, there is something beautiful about it, how they're completely unaware of their surroundings in the outside world, temporarily comatose whilst their brains take them to another world inside their mind.

Here I go again, stupidly philosophising about deep things at 4am. But what even more catches my attention is the streaks of light that edge from the high window above the chair opposite onto her face, moving as the clouds outside bend the light.

Just as I sit staring at her for a moment, in disbelief that such a wonderful person is in my life – her feet stir and stretch out so they almost touch mine, with a deep sleepy sigh, but she doesn't wake up yet.

Her tiredness and peace makes me yawn, but the movement of my out stretched arm knocks the book that was balanced on my knee onto the floor with a loud thud.

I cringe with a tint of alarm on my face as I watch it fall, then turn my attention to Maddy who abruptly woke up from the loud noise, eyes wide with sympathy I quietly mouth 'Sorry!' to her after she slightly looks up at me over the large hoodie I was wearing last night covering her shoulder.

With a sleepy smile and voice she replies 'It's okay – what time is it anyway?' Before shifting her laptop onto the arm beside her and mimicking my position with my hoodie still over her legs.

'Urm – I don't know.. like 4?' I give a quite little chuckle.

'So why are you up?' She yawns and scrunches up her nose and eyes to form cute little creases,

'I don't know really, I only just woke up..' I tactfully try and find an excuse to avoid admitting to watching her sleep 'I woke up an pushed the book off- honest' I try and give her a cheeky smile – but fail.

'Wait no Dan you look way too awake and I know I've seen you sleepy, were you watching me sleep?!' She says with a tint of alarm and cheek in her voice, shit busted

'Nooo of- of course not! Why would I – I do that that's silly really-' I try to cover up my tracks but I'm fully aware I'm crap at lying to anyone, especially Maddy.

'nah I don't mind if you were-' she says slowly with mystery, 'I mean if you were, I would just think it's kind of cute' She's fiddling with the tassels on my hoodie now looking down at her feet,

I relax slightly – 'Oh really?' But then I feel myself blushing and losing words to say, however then she just makes this worse by batting her eyelashes as she looks up, throwing me completely off-guard.

'Although, with those dimples it's pretty hard for me not to see anything you do adorable' that was it. I just completely melted inside at her compliment. Thousands of people on the internet saying I'm 'hot' is one thing, but the girl I love – well that's another.

I nervously cough and through my wheezes I make out 'Thanks – you too' before a silence ensues with nothing said or done but us just staring at each other for a few moments sharing a smile.

...before she breaks my trance by scooting over to me, to my surprise, and sitting facing away from me, leaning her back onto my knees and head onto the back of the sofa. I'm a little surprised and don't know what to do with myself or my arms for a moment, but put my arm facing away from the back on top of hers, until I find her hand and hold it gently.

We stay in this position for a while, just listening to each other's breathing and sleepy deep sighs, my hand enclosing hers like they were meant to just fit like that forever, I feel her relax her muscles, and hear her breathing become more shallow as she falls back to sleep. I do the same, as we both drift off to sleep again together.


The touch of Dan's hand on mine, the entwining of our breaths, is this what love feels like?

To feel at one with a person, no barriers, emotionally and physically anymore, like we were always meant to be?

These thoughts flood my mind with euphoria as my eyes flutter open, and I realise I'm still leaning into Dan's knees, him still lightly sleeping, now's my chance to witness what he did when he watched me.

Now I understand, the certain beauty of seeing the one you love completely relaxed and unaware, if it's possible makes him even more beautiful.

I remember him waking me at about 4am, I stretched and kick open my laptop lid, to see the time of about 7am now. When I nestle my knees back into myself I realise Dan is now awake and tightens his grip on my hand.

I turn around, to find a compassionate and sleepy look in Dan's eyes as he whispers in a husky morning voice 'Good morning – again' with a cheeky smile.

'Good morning Sunshine' I say as I give him a wink and straighten out my legs, swing them off the sofa to stand up, but never letting go. 'So I guess you want to get up now?'

'Yeah I suppose so, gees I haven't been up this early in a long time' He says as he shifts around to stand up as well, but as he stand I have an overwhelming emotion, like the moment just feels right-

So as he stands I lean in and catch him in a short kiss, taking him by surprise he tenses then joins my wavelength of passion and returns the kiss.

I break away and smile dreamily at him, I stare into his brown eyes and curly fringe for a moment before he says 'so we're doing morning kisses now are we?' with a joking touch to his voice, before standing up to his full height and leading me into the kitchen.

I return with a little laugh and thankful smile, thankful and in disbelief that this great guy is my boyfriend now.

'So do you want some coffee?' Dan says as we reach the kitchen, 'because you know I know I'll fall asleep this early without it'

'Of course – that is if you could even find it this time!' I'm a little more awake now, playing along to his witty banter.

After we shared the rest of the cereal out, and Dan actually successfully made the coffee, we sit down at the table sipping our coffee in unison like an old married couple.

'Sooo' I start between sips, 'I think we might have dosed off'

'You don't say?' Dan gave a little chuckle,

'So do you need to be getting home anytime soon or?' I enquire,

'Not that I know of – besides, I'm enjoying it here, with you' There he is again, catching me out the blue with little compliments that make my heart jump.

'Dan I-'

He interrupts me – 'No no I know, cheesy right? but it all true!' He puts up his hands in defence, nearly flinging his coffee everywhere before timidly putting it down and continuing, making me hardly suppress my giggles – 'Seriously, I honestly think these are going to be the best moments of my life'

I look away, flourished by the comment, 'Oh Dan you don't know, I mean I'm not that great am I? How can there not be anyone better than me to make your life better I don't-' I'm talking too fast for even myself to understand, speaking complete babble I don't think he can comprehend it, the dazed look and hint of concern on his face justifies that.

I take in a deep breath, 'What I mean is that, we haven't even been on a first date yet'.

He responds with confidence and compassion, 'Why don't we change that then?'

A smile which feels like it's stretching from ear to ear spreads across my face; there honestly isn't anything wrong that Dan could do now.

'I mean who needs first dates anyway? What we've been through is more than enough to make me fall in love with you'

I look up from staring at the swirling coffee, almost empty now – and look him in the eye, 'you honestly mean that?'

'How couldn't I? You worry too much, you should never have a doubt that I don't love you, you're one of the best things that's happened to me'

He gives me a big grin, after all the fluffy stuff I never expected him to say, he reassures good old Dan with the wide toothed smile I know all too well.

I put my coffee down without saying anything, walk around the rough table to where he sits, and he pulls me into a tight hug. My head rests against his shoulder, the force of his body pressed on mine, one of the safest places and feelings I have experienced in a long time.

Hugs a brilliant things, they seem to feel like an eternity even for just a few seconds, along with feelings the security and care through another person, it's amazing.

We finally break away, his hands remain on my waist and mine on his, and I say 'Thanks Dan, truthfully, you are the best thing too'

'How about that date today then? We need to get outside now hey?' He takes my hand as we walk out of the kitchen and I say goodbye, him reassuring me he'll be back shortly after he's gotten changed out of the same clothes he wore yesterday, and I do the same – excited for the day to follow.

A/N I hope you liked it! Next Chapter very soon i promise this time!

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