A/N: Well I'm back…briefly. Just wanted to update one of my stories. I decided to update Toy Story since I had it mostly written. It has not been proofed but I will proof later. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: everything belongs to SM.

Carlisle's POV

Nessie gripped my shirt in her little hands, desperately clinging to me for protection.

"Edward. I-"

He raised his hand to stop me. Since he'd already intercepted Nessie's thoughts, I'd decided to ease the block I had on my thoughts.

"It's alright Dad." He reached out for Nessie who was crying harder now. She shook her little head and pulled tighter to me. As a loving father would, he ignored her resistance and counted it as fear, and stroked her hair lovingly.

"Nessie, it's alright baby." He soothed, still caressing her curly brown hair. He looked up at me with understanding in his eyes. My son loved me and he knew I would never put his precious daughter in harm's way. "You okay, Dad?" He asked me, softly stroking his daughter's cheek with his finger.

"I guess you could call it that." I mumbled as I watched him ease his child's fear. "I'm fine."

"Hmm." He simply said. "Lying doesn't become you Dad." I looked at him astonished. What was I thinking? I can't fool a mind reader. My mind was in shambles and he knew it. "It never has."

"I am really now that she's home. Safely here with us."

He nodded again and gave me a little half smile. "Nessie, come here, sweetheart." He whispered, gently taking her into his strong arms. She offered some resistance, but he wasn't having that. He held her firmly at her sides and cautiously plucked her from my protective embrace. She was his child and I got the impression that he was not going to allow her to dictate how this 'discussion' was going to go.

She cried louder when he placed her on his hips and tried to wiggle out of his arms. He stood there for a moment and watched her as big tears covered her face.

"I want to sit with, Papa!" She cried, reaching for me. I didn't budge, but instead sat with my hands clasped over my crossed legs. Nessie was Edward's child, and I wasn't about to overstep here.

"It's alright, baby girl." I offered, as if she needed reassurance in her father's arms. "You need to settle down. You're okay."

"No! I want to sit with you, Papa! I don't want to sit with Daddy!" She squealed through her tears. I was amazed by this turn of events. Earlier she'd asked for her Daddy. Now she knew that she was in trouble, and was trying her best to make it her mission to get away from him.

"Nessie!" He said firmly, his voice steady and slightly elevated. She jumped as the seriousness of his voice startled her. "Knock it off! Right now!"

She instantly stilled herself and I was truly proud of my son right then. He had come a long way from the boyish teenager he once was. He'd morphed into a strong man, husband, and father and I was proud at the progress he'd made. It took some time and discipline to get him there, but I could humbly say that I'd done my job well.

"I understand you've been through a lot baby, and you're afraid, but you are not going to behave like this." She nodded and looked over at me with pouty lips.

Aw…my sweet baby girl.

Edward looked at me and rolled his eyes.

Well she is.

He smiled and shook his head. "Nessie are you going to calm down so we can talk what happened?" He asked gently taking a seat on my bed beside me. He continued to hold her on his lap despite her efforts to slide back into mine. He held her firmly in place. "Nessie! You are not going to sit with Papa right now. Now stop it!"

"I don't want to get in trouble, Daddy!" She whimpered, breaking my heart further.

"She's not innocent Dad." He said reading my thoughts.

"I know, Edward. Edward she was wrong, but still…she's just a baby." I defended her. I couldn't help it. I knew my little had to be punished for her role in this, but the grandfather in me couldn't help trying to protect her. He rolled his butterscotch eyes at me again.

"I know that sweetheart, but you are in a lot of trouble. What you did was dangerous and could have caused you to be harmed."

I remained silent as my son lovingly chastised his little daughter. Admittedly his sudden appearance in the house startled me. I had completely forgotten that he'd sent me a text stating that they would be home shortly.

Nessie had settled down after she saw that Edward meant business with her. She kept her eyes glued on me and he kept her from my shielding arms. He hugged her to his chest and tenderly kissed the crown of her head.

"Are you alright princess?" He asked her and kissed her again. I didn't have to be a mind reader to hear the concern in his voice, the fear, the relief. He loved his baby, his miracle. There wasn't anything in this existence that he wouldn't do for her and right now he just wanted to show her that he loved her.

She pulled back and placed her little hand on his face to show him what happened, but I was sure he was getting the full recap of what had transpired earlier at that busy shopping mall, as well as her past and current emotions surrounding the incident. He cradled his angel in his arms and swayed their bodies gently. "I'm so glad you're alright baby. Daddy is so glad that you are okay and safe. It's a good thing Papa was there."

She nodded against his chest. "Yeah. Papa kept me safe." I smiled and stroked her leg. Edward looked at me and smiled.

"Way to kick butt Dad." He winked slyly at me and I shook my head. "My Daddy!" He teased. "Now that's how you're supposed to kick some-"

"Edward!" I stopped him. "Please. Nessie." I glanced down at her, reminding him that she was still in the room.

"Oh yeah. But you rocked that Dad." He patted my shoulder. "Pretty tough for an old dude."

I twisted my lips. "Keep it up."

He chuckled and stood and sat Nessie on the bed. He kneeled in front of her, taking her delicate hands in his own. He contained himself so he could get back to the seriousness of his daughter's behavior.

"Nessie, I love you very much. You already know this. So does Papa, but what you did today was unacceptable. If Papa tells you to do something you have to do it. You could have been seriously harmed today or injured. Under no circumstances will that happen again. Is that clear baby?"

Nessie was crying. "Daddy I don't want a whipping." She sniffled. "Please." She begged.

"Well Nessie you should have thought about that before you disobeyed your grandfather. What you did was serious and you could have been taken from us or worse. And you know better than to act like that in that store, just because you can't have a damn toy. You have more toys than you can play with and you act like you don't have anything at all. It is ridiculous. I'm glad Papa gave that toy away. He should have given it away. You don't deserve anything if you are going to behave like that."

My baby cried harder as her father continued to scold her. "Daddy I won't do it again. I promise."

"Oh, I know you won't Nessie because you're due for a good one. You know you don't act like that. Now don't you?"

She ignored him and kept crying and sniffling.

He raised her chin so she could look at him. "I asked you a question Nessie."

"Yes, Daddy." She sniffled and looked at me breaking my heart even more. I wanted to take her in my arms and love on her and tell her that all was forgiven. I wanted to just pat her on her hand and move past this but I knew this would not be the case.

"Dad, don't feel sorry for her." He respectfully admonished me. "You know I'm right about this. What she did was serious. If you had not been there or reacted a little slower, she could have been hurt. So please don't take up for her wrong doing!"

"What?" I asked. "I'm not." I didn't say anything out loud. She didn't hear me. You are the one intruding in my head and verbally repeating my thoughts so she can hear them.

He ignored me and continued telling his child exactly how he felt about her misdeeds. "No Nessie you are not getting away with that. No ma'am." He stood and removed his belt. If my heart could race, it would have jumped right out of my chest. I panicked when I saw him take that belt off and he knew it. Nessie panicked as well and went into hysterics pleading him not to whip her. I certainly didn't want to witness it. Forget not intervening. My heart couldn't take this.

"Edward," I started to plead Nessie's case.

"Don't Edward me Dad. She needs to understand the severity of this."

I looked at him with pleading eyes, but I knew he was right. I knew it had to be done. I just couldn't bear thought because surely this spanking would be way worse than the one I'd given her for destroying my study.

Just ground her son. She's been through a lot today. I think she has pretty much learned her lesson from this. A grounding should be sufficient.

"Not good, enough. She needs to learn a lesson that will stick." He pulled her from the bed towards him.

"Edward at least talk to her first." I pleaded.

"We've done enough talking, Dad!" He bent to eye level with his daughter who was pulling away from him with everything she had. "Nessie! Stop! You are already in very hot water and behaving like this is going to make it worse."

"No Daddy. I won't do again. I promise. Daddy I promise. Please just give me one more chance. I won't disobey my Papa again. Please Daddy. Please."

"Edward," I didn't know how much more of this I could bear.

"Dad! Just leave!" He said. He was very much in control and I knew he wouldn't harm Nessie. I wasn't worried about that. I just felt there was another way.

"Edward please listen to me son."

He stopped struggling with his little girl and gawked at me.

"Dad, I would prefer if you do this since she showed out on you, but if you don't want to I understand. I'll do it myself if I have to, but I cannot have her disobeying and disrespecting you like that and certainly not running away and risking her safety like that. That is uncalled for and is not something that I take lightly or can dismiss as her father. I can't do it."

He pulled the belt completely and gave Nessie a starter lick on her fully clothed backside. "I won't ask you to stop again Nessie." She instantly froze but kept crying. "Now bend over that bed."

It took me a minute to think about what he'd suggested. "Edward, I don't want to whip Nessie. She has learned the consequences of her actions and I don't think there will be a repeat of this incident. I've shown you everything that happened at that mall. Even the incident with Charlie. There's no way she hasn't learned the error in what she did. I think grounding her will suffice, son." He knew I would never over step his authority, but I always gave him my honest opinion.

"Well I have to disagree with that Dad. Nessie knows that Bella and I don't tolerate tantrums and such at all. To create a big scene like that, I mean God, Dad. What if Alice hadn't seen where they were? What if you didn't get there in time? There's no telling what would have happened. Now do you want to wear her behind out or do I have to do it, because either way the rod won't be spared."

Edward had a point. Nessie had to learn a lesson. He had a responsibility and duty to his child, just as I had to him. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't do this again and I resolved to respect his decision. It broke my heart, but if he had been Nessie, I would have worn him out until he couldn't sit down. So why wouldn't I take what Nessie had done just as seriously. I shook my head and massaged the wrinkles in my forehead.

"Edward, you're willing to leave her punishment to me?" I asked.

"Yes. Dad. I am." He shrugged as if restating the obvious.

"Then I've already scolded her for what she did and I have decided that she would be grounded. That is my choice. I think she's been through a lot today and has sincerely learned her just lesson. Please don't ask me to spank her son. Please."

"Dad you've whipped her before when she destroyed your office." He should his head in disbelief and confusion. "So the message you are sending is that is okay for you to spank her when she destroys your material belongings, but not okay when she risks her life?"

"Edward, you know I value Nessie's life more than any of that stuff." I countered.

"Well, that's not the message I'm getting from this." We both stared down at Nessie who was standing with the back of her legs against the mattress, crying. "Let me make this easy for you Dad so that you and I stay in good graces." He reached for Nessie's hand. "We are going home so I can take care of this. We will see you later."

He turned and started walking them towards the door. Nessie looked tearfully back at me. "Papa." She whimpered.

I just stood there and thoughtfully watched my son retreat with his daughter. I couldn't be upset or resist him. He made a valid point. Nessie was a big part of my life and she was certainly more valuable than any material thing I owned. I just strongly felt that with everything she'd endured today, a whipping was overkill and unnecessary for a child her age. I was conflicted as I looked Nessie's pitiful face.


He stopped and Nessie bumped into the back of his thighs. My mind was an open book so already knew what I was going to say before I said it.

"Edward, son, you're right. Please don't leave. I just-"

"It's okay Dad. I understand. There won't be any hard feelings." He reached his hand out and took Nessie by the arm. "Let's go Nessie."

I watched sadly as he gently pulled her behind him and she resisted. "No, Daddy. Please. I don't want a whipping. I don't want a whipping. I won't do it again, Daddy. I won't."

Edward looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I fully understood where he sat right then because I'd been in that position numerous times. He walked with her trailing behind him and I watched them disappearing through the door. He must have decided not to go to their cottage, because a few seconds later, I heard them in her bedroom on the third floor. I hung my head in defeat as my son gave his girl a lecture on obedience and gratitude, similar to the one I'd given him on several occasions. I rubbed my head sadly as I listened to her apologizing and trying to plead her case. It was pointless. Edward had made up his mind. Nessie and I had both given a full play-by-play of what had happened today, and he was about to handle his business.

Maybe I should have spanked her. At least I could have gone easy on her.

I felt like an intruder but since this little incident happened with me today, I decided to stay and listen, and to make sure Edward didn't go too far with her…not that he would, but I decided not to chance it. I felt so guilty. If I'd paid more attention, she would have never left. Now she was going to be punished for something that was really a direct result of my irresponsibility.

"Renesmee, have a seat." Edward told her.

I could hear her shuffling around and taking her seat on her bed. The poor little thing was still crying.

"What happened today, Nessie?" He asked.

She whimpered but kept quiet.

"Nessie, please talk to me. I don't want to punish you when I haven't fully discussed this with you verbally." He'd learned that from me as well. I never used to punish them without giving them an opportunity to give their version of the story and without them understanding the punishment.

"I-I went…my Papa took me to the mall." She whispered.

I started pacing in my bedroom. I could hear Jasper and Emmett out back playing football and really thought about going to join them. I was sure they knew what was going on and wanted to keep a safe distance.

"And then what happened?" He asked her.

"We went to Build-A-Bear and I made a pink princess bear. I wanted a lot of clothes for her but Daddy…I mean my Papa…wouldn't buy them for me."

I smiled when I heard her mistake. She did that all the time and I knew firsthand that Edward wasn't bothered by her calling me that. It made him feel good that his child had bonded so well with me and felt safe and comfortable enough around me to trust me like that. He didn't feel any resentment or ill feelings about it mostly because he knew me. He fully understood that I would never try to take that title away from him or usurp his parental authority. He was her father and I always deferred to his judgment. Besides, he could read my mind and he knew my true feelings towards his child. He trusted me with his own life and the lives of his family. There were never any lines crossed, boundaries blurred. I was Nessie's grandfather and he was her father. She understood the difference and so did I.

"Why wouldn't he buy them for you Nessie?" He asked.

"Because Papa was being meany Snape!" She said sharply. Edward laughed out loud and I stifled mine to minimize my intrusion though he knew I was still in house and listening. I knew exactly what she was talking about. You couldn't be related to Renesmee Cullen and not know every single character in the Harry Potter series.

Edward collected himself and continued. "Sweetheart that's not nice." He sniggered plainly enjoying that little comment a little too much. "Why would you say that about Papa? He loves you."

"Daddy? Really? Everyone knows that Snape is not really evil…at least Papa and I don't think he is." She explained. This child was brilliant. She and I had discussed the latent evilness of this character, but had concluded that he really wasn't all that evil.

"Oh, my apologies." He said sarcastically. "And just how does your Papa fit into this explanation?"

She sighed, seemingly grateful for the chance to stall. She'd do anything to get out of getting that whipping.

"Daddy let me explain. Snape was once into the dark arts, but he was always being a pain to Harry. He wasn't an all-out villain, but he certainly didn't make things easy for Harry. That's what happened today. Papa isn't evil or a villain, but he was making my life hard today."

Edward was silent and so was I. After a few seconds, we both started laughing. "Oh Nessie that is so funny." Edward said. He was trying to contain himself and be serious, but Nessie's juvenile innocence got the best of him.

"Well," He started again. "I think you owe your Papa an apology. Do you really think he's mean to you?" He already knew the answer to that but he wanted her to know he truly cared about her feelings and if there was any possibility that she did, he would take care of it.

"No. He just…sometimes he says no."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing again. We'd created this mess. Nessie was so adorable and usually problem free, that no one in this house ever said no to her. Well no one except her parents of course.

Edward was quiet for a couple minutes. "Wow. Nessie you are going to be in for a huge awakening. You might think that everyone is supposed to give you everything you want darling, but there will be times when people tell you 'no.' Get over it sweetheart. That is a part of life, and definitely a part of life around here. Just because you can't have your way does not give you the right to carry on the way you did today. Your Mom and I tell you that you can't have things all the time, and you don't act like that with us. Why is that Nessie?"

She must have shrugged him off because he said, "Don't shrug your shoulders Nessie. You do know. Now answer me."

"Because I would get a whipping."

"Right. So you think that when you're with other people you can just show out and do what you want just because you think they won't punish you? See…that's why your Papa should tear your behind up for what you did this morning because you take them for granted. That behavior is unacceptable Nessie. You know better than that and you knew what you were doing when you did it. You are a very smart girl Nessie, very intelligent. You are better than that and capable of managing yourself better than that. We expect more from you and you will not do that again with us or with anyone else. Do you understand?"

"Yes Daddy." She whimpered again.

"And leaving out of that store…Nessie I am so grateful that you are alright. Do you realize how scared your Papa was when he realized you were in danger? Do you realize how scared I was when you guys showed me what happened? Nessie we love you more than anything in the whole world. You have no idea baby what that would do to us if you disappeared or if someone hurt you."

Nessie started crying again.

"You should feel bad Nessie, because what you did could have had serious consequences. That man could have tried to take advantage of you sweetheart and where would that have left us? All of us…including your Papa. We don't want anything to happen to you baby. You are the most precious gift to all of us and we all are here to love and protect you. You are my baby girl and it hurts my heart to even think about anyone getting that close to you."

Nessie kept crying. "I'm sorry Daddy. Please don't be mad."

"I am angry Nessie. I'm angry that I could have been searching desperately for you somewhere or possible facing a worse outcome. I'm not angry at you personally Nessie, just at what you did. When your mommy and I leave you in the care of your Papa or anyone else in the family, we expect that you will be obedient to them for your own safety. That means doing what they tell you to do. If Dad told you to stay put, then you should have done it. I don't care how upset you were. You are growing very fast Nessie, and your development is superior to other kids your age, but you are not grown! You are not an adult and you will not behave as one!"

"I-I wanted those clothes and Papa didn't want to buy them and then he gave them away."

"He should have Nessie."

He sighed heavily.

"You still don't get it do? I'll bet that there is some little girl somewhere who will be happy with just the naked bear. You know what Nessie? I'm very sorry this incident happened to you and to my Dad, but there is a lining in this. It shows me that we have failed you on some level. We have catered to everything you want and have failed to help you understand being truly thankful for your blessings. Bella and I are going to have teach you to share and be a part of a community and to give thanks for the things you have…things that are given freely to you and that you don't have to work for."

He sounded so much like me. I'd definitely given him that lecture before. Karma was rough.

"Daddy, I was just trying to go to the car."

"I don't care Nessie. You don't just leave like that. You don't leave without a grown up's permission Nessie." He paused and all I heard was Nessie crying softly in the background. "Nessie I think you understand clearly why I'm about to spank you. Now come on. Let's move forward with this."

"Daddy, I don't want a whipping. Papa said I could be grounded." She pleaded.

That did it. Edward was right. Nessie needed to understand that I valued her life more than material possessions. I should be the one to discipline her in this instance, not him. In her mind she had conceptualized that it was better for her to get off 'easy' with a simple grounding than to be more harshly punished for putting herself in danger. She was young, but she had to learn to own some responsibility in this.

"Come here, Nessie." He said firmly.

Nessie cried louder.

"Edward, I thought about what you said." I sent him a very loud mental message. "I'll do it."

He stopped and waited for a couple of minutes. "Nessie, I'm going to talk to Papa. You sit here on this bed until one of us comes back."

"Okay Daddy." She sniffed.

I heard him walking downstairs to our and towards our room. The door was still open so he walked in and came over to where I was standing next to the bed. I gave him full access to my mind so I didn't have to articulate all of this to him.

"Dad I know this is hard for you," I held my hand to stop him.

I shook my head in frustration and rubbed at my forehead again. If I were human I would have a migraine right now. I looked at my son and was so appreciative of the fact that he could read minds.

"Edward, I am very sorry son."

"I know that Dad."

"You know Charlie was right. If I hadn't allowed myself to become flustered by Nessie's little outburst…"

He rolled his eyes.

"…I would have realized that she had left the store. I was irresponsible and let a three year old child wander aimless out of the store."

"Dad you can't take the blame for this. Nessie is very intelligent. She knew what she was doing. She was rebelling because you didn't give her what she wanted."

I exhaled again. "Edward, I don't want you and Bella to think that you cannot trust me."

"Dad? Really? That is not even on the table. It's not even in the deck."

"But…" I shook my head again and he knew I was frustrated. "Edward, I said I would spank Nessie because I don't ever want you or her to think I value material possessions over the sanctity of her life. I love Nessie as if she was my biological child, and I would never put anything before her. If I gave you that impression, please forgive me son."

He pulled me into a tight hug. "Dad, you didn't do anything wrong. The same thing could have happened to me or to Bella." He stepped back so he could see my face. "You diffused that tantrum; you taught her a valuable lesson in being thankful, you kicked some ass…" He grinned devilishly. "…really, really, really, kicked some ass."


He laughed. "And you handle the situation with Charlie very well. You came home and took care of her, although she does know how to clean herself in the bathroom. She was just playing you."

"I know."

"Anyway, I would say that had she just thrown that unnecessary outburst she probably could just be grounded…in your case. If it were me, I would have taken her straight to the car. But running away…unn…unn. That is inexcusable."

I hesitated, and then conceded. "I agree."

"Dad, I know you'll take good care of her. I trust you." He handed me his belt.

"I do own a belt, son."

"Well get to it then."

"And I'm not removing a single stitch of her clothing."

"Alright, softy." I punched his shoulder. "Man you have gotten soft. We are going to need you to apologize to us for all of those beat downs you gave us."

"I never beat you down." I pushed him to the side. "Now let's move it before I change my mind, and give you the whipping."

"You wish." He taunted. I turned back to look at him. "Just kidding….just kidding."

He followed me back upstairs to Nessie's room. She was still sitting on the bed when we walked in. Her eyes were puffy from crying and Edward and I walked towards her. She cowered away from us and when I came near her, she reached out to me. I picked her up and hugged her close.

"Nessie, Papa has decided that he's going to spank you for running away and putting yourself in danger. We just want to keep you safe baby and hopefully in the future you won't do that again, okay?"

I felt her nodding against my shoulder, resolved to her punishment.

"Okay." He patted my other shoulder. "I'll be outside with the guys."

This sucks. I thought.

"Like a vampire." He whispered and winked at me. "You'll be fine." With that he left.

I sat my little granddaughter on the bed and knelt before her, taking her cherub hands into my own.

"Papa?" Her voice was pitiful and low.

"Yes, baby?" I asked pulling her hair back out of her face.

"Will this hurt?"

Aw damn!

"Yes baby it will, but only for a short while and all will be forgiven. We can finally put this behind us and learn from this, okay?" I offered the truth. There was no sense in lying to the girl. I stroked the back of her tiny hands with my thumbs.

"Okay." She whimpered. "Papa, I'm really sorry I ruined our day."

I tapped the tip of her nose with my finger. "It's okay, darling. There's always a next time."

"Is Grandpa Charlie pissed off at you?"

I widened my eyes. "Nessie!"

"That's what Uncle Emmett says when somebody makes him mad." She offered.

"Well you shouldn't say everything your Uncle Emmett says."

"Well maybe he shouldn't say it." She countered. She was right. I was going to have to speak to him about that.

I chuckled softly. "Well, maybe you shouldn't be so smart. Huh?" I tickled her belly and she giggled and tried to stop me. "Maybe you shouldn't be so darn cute either."

"Well maybe since I'm so cute, you shouldn't spank me."

Oh, she's good…and sneaky too!

I laughed softly and jiggled her sides. "Oooh, how I wish I could just let this one slide, sweet girl. But I'm afraid I can't. Besides if I don't do it, you're father will."

She dropped her head sadly.

"Are you ready princess?" I asked.

She held her palms up. "Really, Papa? You shouldn't ask a kid that."

I chuckled again and stood up and removed my leather belt. I kept my eyes on her small frame. She was trying to put the best on the outside but she was afraid.

"Nessie, I need for you to bend over the bed." Fat tears streamed down her face as she slowly and reluctantly flipped over on her knees. She grabbed a pillow and buried her tiny face in it.

I rolled my head backwards. I was really dreading this. I folded the belt in my hands.

"Nessie you can never run away again okay?" I told her. She nodded against the pillow as I brought the belt down against her little behind. It wasn't harsh, but firm enough for her to feel it.

"OW, Papa." She cried and jumped up on her knees and reached out for me. "Papa it hurts."

I held the belt in my hands and fought desperately to keep it together. I hugged her to me for a couple of minutes while she cried.

"I'm sorry sweetheart."

"Papa, I won't do it again."

"I know, but we're not done yet." She trembled. "It's alright baby."

She was crying harder now and her nose was running. "Just one more Papa."

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I waited for her to bend over and when she did I continued this daunting task. I gave her several more swats at the same intensity as the first but faster.

"P…a…p…a." She sobbed.

"We're almost finished, sweetheart."

"Papa." She cried as I spanked her bottom earnestly now. "Papa please!"

That did it. I put the belt on the bed and picked her up in my arms. "It's alright baby. It's over now."

She cried harder against my chest. I laid down on the bed with her still in my arms and snuggled her to me. She seemed so frail in my muscular arms and I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. I cried silently with her until she calmed down. I cleaned my face on the sleeve of my shirt when she began to snivel trying to control herself.

We stayed this way for a while and she finally stopped crying. I heard my boys shuffling in the house and three set of footsteps coming upstairs. Good thing I'd stopped crying. They would have ragged me to no end. Well Edward knew how I was feeling and Jazz did too. They weren't the ones I was worried about.

"Daddy." Nessie said when he came over to the bed. She crawled to the foot of the bed and reached up for him. He sat on the bed and pulled her chest to chest in his lap.

"It's alright baby." He kissed her head and I groaned. Jasper sent a wave of calmness throughout the room and Emmett jumped in Nessie's spot and 'snuggled' next to me.

"Em." I told him. "You big baby. Get off my bed with those shoes. Esme is going to kill you."

"They tell me you whippin' ass these days Pops." He said, ignoring me.

"Emmett!" I scolded. "Mind your mouth. Do I have to remind you that there is a child in the room?"

"Sorry, Ness." He apologized.

"You need to watch what you say around her anyway, Emmett." I scolded him. "She repeats everything you say."

"Smart girl." He cracked.

"Emmett, don't be a wise guy." I told him. "And get off of my bed."

He groaned and jumped off bumping into Jasper.

"Emmett, I sware you're as dumb as a dunkey in heat. Jesus, boy, you're stupid!" Edward and I laughed to ourselves at Jasper's southern drawl.

"Jasper what did I just tell Emmett about his mouth?" I scolded him this time.

"Sorry, Daddy." He apologized reaching for his niece. She went to him for more comfort. What good was a whipping if everyone was going to spoil her afterwards?

"You guys have got to control what you say. It's not acceptable around Nessie." I told them. Edward smiled.

"Sorry Dad." They said again.

"So Dad who was the guy and where is he so I can give him seconds. Nobody messes with my niece." Emmett boomed, bumping his fists together.

"Emmett, he's in jail." I said.

"Or the ER with that broken hand." Edward interjected. "Hey Dad. Maybe they will call you in to bandage it up for him."

My boys laughed.

"You boys just won't do." I said shaking my head. Jasper was still rocking and singing to Nessie when Edward's phone rang.

"It's Bella. I called her earlier and filled her in. She's worried and I'm sure she calling to talk to Nessie." He said.

He answered the called and Jasper gave Nessie back to Edward.


"Hey. What's going on with Renesmee?" She asked.

"She's fine. Everything is good now."

"Good. Let me talk to her."

He put his phone to Nessie's ear. "Hi, Mommy." She said.

"Hi, baby."

While they talked, my own phone rang. It was Esme. I got up and walked outside to the hall and left my boys in the room. "Hi."

"Hey honey. Bella told us what happened. Are you alright?" Esme was a breath of fresh air. Her voice was soothing as always, and I was so glad she'd called me.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I wish I was there."

"I wish you were here too."

"Don't beat yourself up Carlisle. Just be thankful that our wonderful little granddaughter is safe now and even though you had to spank her, you were awesome today."

"Did Edward tell Bella about my little run-in with Charlie?" I asked, really curious as to how Bella would handle that.

"Yeah she called him after Edward told her what happened. I'm not sure what they talked about, I just know that she called him."

"Hmmm. I feel mentally exhausted. I need to hunt."

"Well call me back when you get out there. We can talk more then."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

I went back in my bedroom only to find all three of my boys piled up in my bed watching "Sleeping Beauty" with Nessie.

"I'm going to hunt. Be back soon." I told them.

"See ya Dad."

I went to the closet to find some more appropriate clothes, changed, and went downstairs to the kitchen. I sat in a chair to put on my shoes.

"You know you really are an old softy." I looked up to see Edward standing in the doorway. "Nessie has made you fluffy."

I smiled.

"Seems you've lost your swing." He teased. "Getting delicate in your old age."

I smiled again and brushed past him, landing a hard swat to his backside.

"OW." He yelped, rubbing the sting.

"I'll see you when I get back." I winked at him and he smiled. I smacked his backside again.

"OW! DAD!" He yelled after me. "NOT COOL!"

I laughed and sped off into the forest to call Esme back and to take in a much needed hunt.

What a day.

A/N: Thanks for reading this little story. I think this will be the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading it.