Just realised we haven't heard from poor ol' Yuki since oh… chapter 23… holy crap 23!? LITERALLY 14, I repEAt FOuRtEEEn chapters without Yuki?! What kind of monster am I!? Ugh I feel so ashamed, I'll just go put myself in a cor…ner…now… 14 holy mother of…

Destiny: 14 chapters… 1 4 chAPTErs…. 14….four…teen…

Kyo: Dude I think you broke her.

Yuki: … My apologies?

Kyo: Nah, I ain't sayin it's a bad thing. Actually it's a pretty great thing, good job ya rat *patsYukionback*

Yuki: …no problem?...

Destiny: 14…. Four…bloody…teen...over a dozen chapters… over a dozen….

Chapter 37: The Trio

"...Kyo... I'm so sorry..."

Kazuma finished his story, Kyo's story, with a whispered apology. His voice was filled to the brim with pain, guilt, sorrow. The man was a broken shell, but nothing like the shattered boy in the other cell.

Kazuma turned in his seated position to look at Kyo, whom hadn't said a word since he began the story. He was surprised to see the orange-haired boy standing in the middle of his cell, back facing his master. His back was dotted in drying blood from his wounds but not once did he tremble. His fists were clenched at his sides but his shoulders were squared. Kazuma couldn't begin to imagine what was going through his mind.

The dojo master pulled himself up to stand, gripping the bars that separated him from his pupil. "Kyo, say something I beg of you," he couldn't take the silence.

Kyo didn't move an inch, he just stood there for the longest time. Kazuma placed his forehead on the cold bar. "Kyo, please..."

"..." A murmur from the other side made the dojo master's head flick up.

"So you killed my father then. And burnt down my village." Kyo's voice was a harsh, muffled whisper. His fists clenched tighter but he still didn't turn around.

Kazuma hung his head in shame, "I never intended it to turn out like that. I was a fool who had no concept of the ferocity of a fire. I wish every night that things had gone differently."

Kyo's shoulders tensed, "You know I always thought of you as a father-figure, I looked up to you, I thought I could trust you with my life. Now... I don't even know what to think..." His voice was cool, but there was an ever so slight tremble evident.

Kazuma gripped the bars tighter, staring at the gritty ground below, "I know. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, and I would never ask of it. I just want you to know I would do anything, ANYTHING, to take it all back. But since I can't, I will do everything in my power to bring you happiness, Kyo. You deserve that much. I'm just sorry I brought this pain on you. So unbelievably sorry..."

Kyo wanted so much to believe in his mentor, wanted so much to trust him like he did before. But it was different now. His entire life had been a lie. His and Kagura's both. Kagura.

"Kagura too then?" He questioned softly.

Kazuma shook his head, though Kyo wouldn't have seen it with his back still facing the man. "Two years after the incident the king and queen wanted a girl. But I couldn't do it again. I refused and was harshly punished for it. Akito went by himself, so I don't know what became of her village. I was afraid to ask," Shishou winced as he was reminded yet again how cowardly he'd acted. 'Never again,' he vowed silently to himself.

Kyo gritted his teeth. It was one thing to have it happen to him, but it was another to learn it happened to his little sister too. And she was his sister, regardless of where they were born- they grew up together and that's what made them family. Which is much more than he could say for the king and queen, his false parents. No not even false parents, they did nothing to deserve even that title. They were his captors. And Akito, his torturer. Pure and simple.

And as for Kazuma? If he'd been asked what his Shishou was to him a day earlier he would have said 'father' without hesitation. And those feelings continued to linger, clinging tightly to his heart as betrayal flooded through. He couldn't forgive him, not now anyway. But he couldn't hate Kazuma either. The dojo master had been Kyo's lifeline for when he was sinking under the torrent of abuse and impossible expectations. No, he could never hate him.

Kyo finally turned his head and looked at the man in the other cell. Shishou's head was down and his knuckles were white from grasping the bars too tightly. Kyo took in a small breath and moved slowly toward the bars. Kazuma's eyes opened as the bars trembled slightly. Flicking them down he spotted Kyo sitting back down against the bars. The dojo master opened his mouth but Kyo beat him to it.

"I don't forgive you..." the teen muttered, as he brought his legs up and rested his arms on his knees. He looked so much smaller than he was, so much more vulnerable.

"...But I don't hate you either..." Kyo continued looking away from the other man. And Kazuma couldn't believe how much he didn't deserved this pupil of his.

Yuki's eyes widened as he approached the gates of the Kenshin castle early that morning. He took one look at the cluster of knights readying their horses just inside the opened gates before speeding forward.

The guards barely gave him a glance, only nodding him through when he slowed at the gate's entrance. Yuki dismounted his silver steed swiftly, graceful even in his haste. Leaving his horse next to the bustling stables, his lilac eyes scanned the armoured crowd for any familiar faces.

He heard Shigure before he saw him, his voice booming orders through the crowd. Glancing around in the direction of the Kenshin King's voice the Onwa prince spotted the man just outside the castle doors. He looked thoroughly dishevelled, his hair stuck up in places as if he'd just been woken. His face was distraught and he looked paler than usual.

Yuki started pushing himself through the bodies of armour in an attempt to get to the king. He desperately needed to know what was going on.

He'd got about halfway through when a hand suddenly grabbed his forearm. The Onwa prince followed the limb to find Rin on the other end. She looked out of place in the sea of large metalled bodies, but her composed face told him that she could handle herself. She tugged him in a notion for him to follow, as she couldn't get her voice heard over the crowd.

Following the maid as she weaved expertly between the knights, Yuki barely managed to keep up. She stopped in an area where the people had thinned out. Yuki turned to see where Shigure was, noting that he was still at the entrance which was closer now.

Rin blew her bangs out of her eyes as she turned to the silverette. "Sorry for grabbing you," she muttered before giving a small bow.

Yuki shook his head in dismissal, "What's going on here?" He asked, cutting straight to the chase.

The dark-haired woman's facade slipped as her stoic face melted into worry. "It's Tohru. She's gone missing again."

Yuki blinked at the word 'again' but decided not to question it as of yet. "Did she run away? When did this happen?" His pulse was beginning to pick up, his concern spiking in his chest.

Rin bit her lip and looked down, her demeanour completely different than a few minutes ago. "We think she climbed out her bedroom window. As for when, that's more up for debate... She could've left at anytime between this morning and... two nights a go..." Her voice trailed off at that point.

Yuki's eyebrows rose in disbelief, "What? Why such a large timeline?"

The maid's eyebrows creased, "She locked herself in her room three days ago. I brought her food but she barely touched it. She wouldn't answer when I talked to her through the door, but I could hear her footsteps or rustle of blankets. But... Yesterday I didn't hear anything. I just thought she was sleeping, I didn't even stop to think that she wasn't in there. I should've checked sooner..." Rin wrapped her arms around herself, as she frowned at the ground.

Yuki's mouth opened in confusions as he processed this odd series of events. Why did Tohru shut herself in her room? Whatever reason she had, Yuki would have thought someone would have been able to talk her out. Momiji, Shigure, Hana? Or maybe someone more persistent like... Kyo. Kyo? Come to think of it, where was that orange-top. Yuki glanced around the courtyard, finding no orange in the crowd. He looked back at Rin.

"Why would she lock herself in her room, that doesn't sound like her at all. And what about Kyo, surely he of all people would have talked to her about it?" Yuki's intense stare searched Rin's face for answers.

The maid shook her head, "Kyo's not here anymore, nor is Kagura. He was banished from the kingdom a little over three days ago." Her voice hardened a little as she spoke of the Fudoushin prince's whereabouts.

"Banished?! How in the world did that happen?" Yuki's usually calm voice rose slightly, his eyebrows shooting up into his bangs.

The dark-haired woman frowned but shook her head again, "I don't know the details, Tohru wouldn't tell me. But it would seem Kyo hurt her in some way, so Shigure had him banished." Rin was clearly angry.

Running a frustrated hand through his silver hair, Yuki closed his eyes. "That doesn't make any sense. Kyo would never hurt Tohru. He's hot-headed and stubborn, sure but he would never turn on her." No, there was just no logical way Kyo would have caused Tohru, of all people, to banish him. He refused to believe it.

Rin put her hands on her hips, "Tohru herself said so. I've never seen her so upset, she couldn't stop crying and locked herself in her room for days. What else could possibly cause her to do that?" She accused cooly, defending her princess.

Yuki frowned at the thought of Tohru crying, but still couldn't bring himself to think Kyo had caused the tears. "I don't... I don't know, but I have a feeling Kyo's banishment and Tohru running away is connected in some way." As his words left his mouth, he became more confident in his theory. "I need to speak with Shigure, thank you for your help, Rin," Yuki was already backing up in the direction of the Kenshin king as he spoke.

Rin put her hand on his arm again, but this time she didn't tug. "Haru's gone too, I think he's with Tohru," her voice was barely a whisper and Yuki had to crane his head to hear her. The prince raised an eyebrow but nodded regardless, filing the information in his head for the mean time.

Leaving the maid, he rushed over to Shigure, who was saddling his own horse with a determined expression. "Shigure," he called as he reached the king.

Lifting his head, Shigure's eyes cleared a little as he recognised the young man approaching him. "Yuki, what are you... Oh, the meeting. I'm sorry I'm going to have to reschedule, Tohru's missing." His mouth formed a tight line, before he returned back to saddling his horse.

"I know, Rin told me everything. Shigure, why did you banish Kyo, don't you think there's some kind of link..."

"Don't speak of him in my presence!" Shigure yelled unexpectedly, cutting off Yuki's words mid sentence.

"…But Shigure, it doesn't make sense... He would never..." The Onwa prince tried again, desperation rising slowly in his pitch.

"I said ENOUGH!"

Yuki blinked, mouth shutting closed just as quickly. He'd never seen Shigure raise his voice like that at anyone before.

"I don't want to hear it! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my daughter," the Kenshin king finished his words by mounting his horse. Without another glance in Yuki's direction, he sped off through the gates; his men following right behind.

In less than a minute, the courtyard was close to empty and Yuki was left standing there in a shocked daze. Snapping out of it, the silverette gritted his teeth cursing Shigure's stubbornness.

"Fine," he muttered to himself, "If you won't listen, I'll do it myself." And with that, Yuki Onwa mounted his steed and shot off back through the forest. His destination: Fudoushin Castle.

~Later that same morning~

Tohru woke that morning in a cold sweat, her fists bunching the coarse blanket tightly. Her mouth opened to let out a small noise as she bolted upright. The remnants of her nightmare clung to her mind, and she shook her head to clear it.

She'd been having the same dream for four days straight now. Ever since Kyo left... No was forced to leave... Ever since then, his face haunted her. The last time she saw him replayed over and over in her tortured sleep. His face creased in confusion as he was dragged by guards into the foyer. The shock when he saw her crying and standing next to her father. The harsh flinch when Shigure told him his sentence. The way his eyes, usually so firey and bright, flickered out like a candle in the wind. His head bowing in defeat, as if he fully accepted his fate...

Tohru clutched at her heart, finding it hard to breathe as tears formed again. She slapped a hand over her mouth as a small sob escaped. Glancing through the veil of tears, she spotted white and black hair peeking out of a blanket across the room.

Not wanting to wake her friend, Tohru shakily got to her feet and made her way outside. The cool air of the morning hit her damp face as she walked slowly toward what was left of the village.

As she entered the sparse forest bordering it she took large quivering breaths, trying to think of something, anything else. She looked up at the trees, impossibly green and gold in the morning sunlight. Shielding her damp eyes, she looked down at the fallen leaves crunching beneath her boots.

She closed her eyes as a gust of wind brushed through her hair and caressed her drying cheeks. It was warm and she leant into it. It reminded her of something. The wind turned into a warm hand, brushing hair out of her face. Her eyes shot open and the vision was gone and she was alone.

Tears pricking her eyes again, Tohru shook her head and kept moving until she came to the broken village. Haru had told her about it last night, but nothing could compare to seeing it for herself. It was hauntingly beautiful.

The charcoal remains of the houses mere ghosts of their former selves. Some still had four crumbled walls while others were barely recognisable as houses. Bright green foliage covered almost every man-made brick. They peeked through the cracks of the walls, splayed across the floorboards in a blanket of moss and debris, and bordered the door frames. Mother Nature had reclaimed this village in its entirety.

Tohru stepped toward the closest house, stepping over twigs and overgrown weeds. The wall closest to her was partially covered in greenery and only came up to her knee. The princess bent down to touch the black charcoal peeking through.

She drew her hand back as the section she touched crumbled under her fingertips. A wave of new sadness washed over her as she looked up at the houses. These had been homes. Family's used to live here, laugh here, feel safe here. And now it was all gone and crumbled away; lost to them forever.

Tohru heart ached again, now not only for Kyo but for the people of this village too. She continued through the green streets with her hands clasped together at her chest.

Suddenly a rustling sound came from her left making her jump and swivel around. The brunette let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

"Oh, Haruka it's just you. You scared me," Tohru breathed out a small laugh but it felt unfitting in their surroundings.

Haruka shifted the wild flowers in her hand while lifting an eyebrow, "Sorry if I startled you, I didn't expect anyone to be out here. So you're feeling better I suspect?"

The princess nodded, "I am, thank you so much for your help, I'm sorry for any trouble I caused," she bowed to the woman who waved a hand for her to come back up.

"It was no trouble, dear. I was happy to help," Haruka smiled softly. "I was just about to visit my husband, you're welcome to join me if you'd like to," she pointed the flowers in the direction she was headed.

Tohru's eyes widened a little, "Oh I wouldn't want to impose on you."

The woman's crimson eyes softened again and she gave a small smiled, "You're not imposing, I'm sure Shou would love to see a new face."

Tohru stared at her eyes for a moment, then snapped out of it and nodded slowly, "O-ok if you say it's alright, I'd love to meet your husband."

Haruka smiled again and gestured the girl to follow. They passed across the path Tohru had been walking and began weaving between the houses. Before too long they reached a small clearing bordered by azalea bushes and trees. A handful of wooden crosses were scattered in the centre, a wiltered flower rested below each.

Haruka handed Tohru the bouquet in her hands and silently moved to each grave, picking up the old flowers. The princess followed at the woman's gesture, and proceeded to place a flower in the wake of the old ones at each grave.

The older woman stopped at the last grave and smiled at it, kneeling down next to the brown cross. Tohru wordlessly handed her the final flower so she could do the honours. Haruka delicately placed the bright yellow carnation against the base of the cross.

She turned to look up at Tohru with a smile, "Tohru, meet Shoutaro. Shou this is Tohru."

Tohru bowed to the grave, "It's nice to meet you."

Haruka turned back to the grave and closed her eyes. A few moments passed before she opened them again, now a little misty. "It's funny. He's been gone for over seventeen years now, but I still miss him exactly the same," she commented to the wind.

"He must have been a wonderful husband," Tohru's eyes swam with pity and awe as she looked between the grave and the woman kneeling.

Haruka laughed as she wiped a few tears from her eyes, "He really was. And he would have been an even more magnificent father." The woman's voice choked and died away as she finally stood up.

Tohru looked at her in confusion, but the woman was already walking the way they'd come in. Bowing again at the grave, she hurried after the woman.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Tohru," the ruby eyed woman turned as the princess caught up to her. "I should think you're probably famished by now. We'll have some breakfast then I'll make a lunch for you and Hatsuharu, since I'm sure you'd like to continue on your journey as soon as possible. Am I correct?"

The subject changed so rapidly Tohru could do nothing but nod and thank her again. It was probably for the best, it was none of Tohru's business to pry into other people's lives.

When they were saddled back in their horses that early afternoon, the princess promised Haruka that she would come visit her again. Haruka smiled at the girl's determined face. "I would like that."

And with a last wave, Tohru and Haru left the village and headed towards the Fudoushin castle.

Don't even know what I'm gonna do with this story *sigh*. I've set it all up so all three of them (Kyo, Tohru and Yuki) will be in the same place again next chapter but it's also where all the action should go down too. I'm not so great with action heh… So I'll do what I do best and procrastinate the crap out of writing until a big wave of motivation hits me like a bus. Wish me luck! I apologise if anyone's still following this slow-ass story. I love you, but I'm having my usual difficulties in the writing department. You understand *bows*.

Till next time! xx