A/N: Hope this will make you laugh. The ended should crack you up, I promise.

Disclaimer in chapter one.

The other three sat at the table wide eyed on the turn of events that had just taken place. Serena actually pulled out her phone and started videotaping the entire scene playing out before them. She would be damned if she let the opportunity of good entertainment slip through her fingers.

"Oh my god, someone has to stop them!" Casey shouted over the brewing noise. She knew she would probably be the voice of reason in the situation, but she also knew that she wasn't going to risk getting involved.

"No way! This is Youtube material! There is no way I'm passing up this chance." Serena shouted back continuing to videotape. "Ooo that one is gonna hurt in the morning."

Amanda simply shook her head. "Liv is getting her ass handed to her on a silver platter by a prosecutor; I am NEVER letting this go." She said through fits of laughter.

Serena glanced at the detective and smirked. "You know how that saying goes; don't start none, won't be none."

Casey sighed at her friends' immaturity. It was rare that she ever had to be the voice of reason, but she knew that neither Serena nor Amanda were going to do anything to resolve the issue, so she took it upon herself to at least try. She took a deep breath and went to attempt to assist Alex in ended the onslaught.

The other two vaguely took notice to their friend heading out into the mob of people. They were too busy enjoying things for themselves. It wasn't everyday that they got to see a good fight take a place and it was a moment neither of them wanted to miss.

Meanwhile, things weren't exactly going Olivia's way, at least, not the way she had hoped. She was pressed facedown on the floor with her arms twisted behind her with one of Abbie's knees on the back of her neck and the other in her lower back. Frankly to say the least, it hurt like hell. The only thing she could think to do was flail and try to force the attorney off her.

Abbie smirked as she watched Olivia struggle to regain the upper hand. She thought that it was actually a little pathetic that Olivia was a cop and she was getting her ass whooped by a prosecutor. She would never be letting that go.

In all honestly, Abbie knew that Alex's plan was bound to backfire, but never had she thought that the detective would in fact resort to throwing punches. They simply could've gotten into a screaming match or something verbal; there was no need for Olivia to punch her in the face. But then she thought that if she saw another woman that close to Casey, she would probably punch them in the face too.

She smirked and tightened her hold on Olivia's arms when she suddenly felt herself being lifted into the air by an imaginary force. She fought against the force but it only seemed to tighten its hold on her. It wasn't until she glanced over her shoulder and saw her girlfriend scowling at her did she realized what was going on.

"Let me go Casey! Let me kill the bitch, I had her too! Put me down!" Abbie continued to shout as she squirmed in Casey's grasp, still wanting to tear the detective limb from limb. Casey shook her head and threw Abbie over her shoulder, the brunette still squirming and shouting obscene profanities that would make the writers of MTV blush and shake their heads.

Alex helped Olivia to her feet and fixed her with a glare of her own. The blonde knew that the entire scene was mostly her fault, but she knew that Olivia had overreacted. Never in a million years would she have thought Olivia would flat out punch Abbie in the face. Judging by a sequence of events, Alex knew that her detective had paid for it in the end.

Once they were outside Alex folded her arms, "You could've handled that a lot better." She said flatly. Olivia's jaw dropped open and she widened her eyes in shock. Was Alex really about to pin all of this on her?

"I could've…You were the one that was practically letting her grope you!"

"Oh would you calm down she wasn't groping me we were just dancing…You let your jealousy get way out of control. You didn't have to hit her…"

There was silence because for once in her life, Olivia was at a loss for words. She wondered if her girlfriend knew how overly hypocritical she was sounding at the moment.

"My jealousy? If I recall correctly all night you've wanted to rip out the throat of any woman who even looked in my general direction. If you didn't let your jealousy get 'way out of control' I wouldn't have ended up hitting Abbie, now would I?"

Alex opened her mouth to respond but quickly snapped it shut. She knew that Olivia was right about her being jealous all night, but she couldn't help it. She wanted Olivia all to herself, and she hated it when other women and even men looked at her. Alex had finally accepted that she was indeed possessive.

She sighed and averted her eyes to the ground. "Alright, I was being a little…irrational. But I just didn't like the way that waitress was looking at you and I guess you just didn't notice it they way I did. You don't realize how beautiful you really are. I suppose I just felt threatened."

Olivia's heart swelled at Alex's confession. She wrapped her sore arms around the blonde and pulled her into a hug. "Sweetheart you have to trust that I don't want anyone other than you. There isn't a reason for you to feel threatened because I'm right where I need to be." She finished and pulled Alex into a soft kiss, which she happily returned.

Alex pulled back and rested her head on Olivia's shoulder. "I'm sorry I got so jealous. Can you forgive me?" she asked softly.

Olivia chuckled and placed a kiss on the blonde's head. "I forgive you, but I don't think I'm the only one that you owe an apology to." Alex lifted her head and they both turned towards the direction that they heard Casey's voice ringing through the air.

"AND on top of that what the hell did I tell you about fighting people?!"

"…she hit me first."

"That does not mean you have to start a freaking bar fight! I swear the two of you are such children. Remember that rule from Pre School that said keep your hands to yourself?" At this both Alex and Olivia broke out in to snickers.

"I remember getting that talk in pre school." Olivia said laughing.

Alex nodded and rested her head on her girlfriend's shoulder again. It took her a few minutes but she finally remembered something. "You know I just realized that Serena was videotaping that and she's notorious for putting stuff on line…"

"Ah don't worry about it. What's the worst that could happen?"

"What do you two have to say for yourselves?" Elizabeth Donnelly scolded in a hard and heavy tone of voice. Abbie and Olivia shrunk down in their seats even more, looking like scolded puppies.

"She started it." Abbie mumbled folding her arms refusing to make eye contact with the DA.

Liz was less than impressed by the way they had handled themselves. She glanced at the remaining four who were standing against the far wall of her office looking as if they were trying to hold in their laughter.

"Is something funny to the rest of you?" she asked glaring holes into all four of them. They quickly shook their heads and became even more interested in the floor. Liz huffed and turned back to the two that were sitting before you.

"Where was I…Oh yes, I cannot believe that the two of you, having the tittles that you do, would go out to a public place and completely disregard everything and start fighting. I cannot explain how disappointed and enraged I am. Do you know how many people have seen your foolish behavior?"

Olivia opened her mouth to respond but simply thought better of it and it. She knew that it wasn't the time for smartass answers and she wasn't about to get into even more trouble. Liz was a scary woman.

"And you four!" she said in reference to Casey, Alex, Amanda and Serena. "What do you have to say for yourselves?! Letting them act like this in public, I mean honestly, how would the four of you allow this to go on? Have none of you any shame?" The foursome hung their heads low and started mumbling amongst one another.

"I didn't even do anything…"

"It was Alex's fault anyway…"

"None one told them to start fighting…"

"This old hag needs some toothpaste…"

Liz was about to continue of lecture when everyone in the room heard loud cackling approaching Liz's office. After another few moments, in walked Lena Petrovsky laughed at something that was on her iPad.

"Liz have you seen this video that's on Facebook? 'Cop loses fight to lawyer' it's so great!" she looked up and saw all eyes on her in the deadly silent room. "Um…was I interrupting something?"

Liz shook her head and relaxed into her chair. "Actually I saw it on Twitter." She mumbled shaking her head again.

Serena slowly raised her hand and spoke, "I thought it was on Youtube?"

"I saw it on Instagram too…" Casey added.

"I got it an email forward." Amanda said trying to recall who actually sent it too her.

"I am one hundred percent sure that it's been blogged on Tumblr and someone made it into an online game.…" Alex concluded.

Abbie was looking mighty proud of herself while Olivia sat with her head in her hands blushing furiously. She knew that she would never be able to live that down. Ever.

Hope I made you laugh. Leave a review?