"L-Lovi?" An all too familiar voice croaked from behind me.

I turned around and froze. Jesus fucking Christ, it was goddamn Antonio. What the hell was he even doing here?

"Antonio? What the actual goddamn fuck are you doing here?" I demanded, absolutely exasperated. Not only was my 'former' ideal boyfriend somehow screwed up enough to be in the hospital, but if he had come in only five minutes later, I would have been fucked so far up the ass that I'd have to waddle like a penguin for the rest of my life. Inner turmoil is the worst, let me tell you. Back to the delicious- injured- Spaniard over there.

Said Spaniard chucked sheepishly and gave me a shrug. "My costumers called 9-1-1 after I collapsed in my café," Okay so he's not injured physically, good, good.

"Holy bird shit, you're okay, right? Didn't hurt your head or anything?" I wasn't concerned for that tomatotard, nope. Did I come off sounding concerned, though? I did, didn't I? Dammit. "I-I mean… we don't need your head to be more screwed up than it already is…"

"Si, si, that'd be unfortunate- hey wait. You're so mean, Lovi!" He whined, pouting like a little child. He didn't answer my question.

"You didn't answer my question," Voicing my thoughts like a pro. I probably sounded desperate. I should have just let it go and rolled on from there. Maybe checked his medical forms when he wasn't look and left. I mean- I don't have to check myself everyday right? Who am I kidding; I'd drive myself crazy for the next twenty four hours if I didn't.

"Hahah, I guess I didn't… Well, apparently I hit my head on the counter and got this," He informed me, pointing to a bandaged that was wrapped around his head that I know just noticed. Wow, that's embarrassing. Probably explains a lot, now doesn't it?

"Oh, uhm, I see… does it hurt?" Of course it hurts, dumbass! Why don't you think before you speak for once in your life! You're starting to act like Feliciano. Shit, I'm yelling at myself, I aren't I? I think this new disease if affecting my brain.

"Well, not at the moment. They put this sciencey medication on it and now it feels all better!" Well that was a relief- wait what. 'Sciencey Medication'? What the fuck, Antonio. I'm not going to even-

I just sighed and went over to those medical forms I mentioned earlier and gave them a quick look over… Well it didn't look like the idiot was lying. I don't know why ever thought he was, seeing how he was too stupid to do so… Wow, I just realized something. I've known Antonio for almost my entire life, and not once has he ever lied to me.

He's always been straight forward and honest to me, and here I am. Keeping this huge lie from him and everyone I love for selfish reasons. Now I suddenly feel like I owe the bastard. Damn, I gotta change that and fast. Oh I know- when he gets out of the hospital I'll cook him dinner and that'll be that. Yeah, good jog Lovino, you sly dog, you. Why thank you Lovino, I try.

"So when're you getting out of here?" I asked softy, glancing up from the clipboard with an inclined brow.

"They say later tonight if all the tests come back okay~" He responded cheerfully, grinning like the over ecstatic bastard he is.

"Okay well… text me and let me know, okay? We should have some dinner to celebrate you surviving this little fiasco," I joked softly.

"Wow, you really mean it? You're gonna cook me dinner?" He asked, eyes so side they were almost popping out of his skull. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. Is it really such a big deal for me to make dinner for the damn guy? I mean, I'm sure I've cooked for him before- wait nope. I haven't… wow, aren't I shitty guy?

"Yeah, yeah, I really mean it… but I have to stop at Gilbert's place tonight after work, so it might be a little late if that's okay with you,"

"Yeah, of course! But hey… don't you get off work soon? Maybe you should go get ready, don't wanna be late for your date," He teased, waggling his eye brows.

I blushed furiously and tossed the clipboard down on his desk with a huff. "It's not a date! He just wants…. He just wants to talk, you asshole! Don't get the wrong idea," And with that, I spun on my heel and marched out of the room. I really wanted to throw the clipboard at him… I should have…

I heard him whistling behind me, and almost turned around to throw the nearest object I could pick up at him… which was a- what the fuck is that? Is that supposed to be a candle? Why is there a fucking candle here and why does it look like two dude fucking.

And then I remembered. Antonio was friends with Francis, Francis was a pervert. So now everything makes sense and I just kept walking.


When I got back to the gated community, it was around six. Don't ask me why I took so long for me to get here when I only lived a ten minute drive away from the hospital. Let's just say I like to drive around and think… a-and it's not because that candle freaked me out or anything! So don't get the wrong idea.

I pulled up to the gate and swiped my ID card in the little thing attached to this weird, small, fat, squareish, metal pole sticking out of the ground. I don't know what it's fucking called. Metal Pole Knows All Device? Whatever.

I waited the five second delay it usually takes for the signal of whatever from the pole to reach the gate so it would open and let me the fuck inside. And it did just that, and I went in no problems. Just like every day. I don't even know what's so interesting about this but oh well.

I just drove down the lane towards Gilbert's house- dammit I should have texted him when I left the hospital. Pfft- oh well. His house is right here any ways, and I don't think he'll care. I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right? Right.

I parked my car in his drive way, and got out with a sigh. I took a moment to stretch my legs before trudging to the door. Man that was a long car ride…

I didn't even waste time knocking, I just let myself in. I mean- I always let myself in. It's funny because I can sneak up on Gilbert and scare him when he's not paying attention. Like this one time, he was in his 'office' doing 'work' and I- what am I doing, save story time for later.

I looked around the dark, narrow entry way and frowned. It was quiet and there were no signs of Gilbert. This is weird. This is really weird- wait what's that noise? It sounds like… subtle moans and shit. Is he watching porn again like that time I scared him in his office? I wouldn't be surprised, this isn't the first time.

I slowly crept towards the sound on the noise- the living room? That's weird usually he watches that shit in his 'office' where no one would see him- Oh my God.

When I got to the entrance of the living room, I froze. Sitting there, on the couch, was none other than Gilbert Beilschmidt, making out with that damned Matthew Williams. I mean, it was a serious, hard core, boner enticing lip lock they had going on! Matthew was shirtless, sitting on top of the albino with his arms draped carelessly around his neck. While Gilbert was in just his boxers, arms wrapped around the Canadian's waist, looming dangerously close to his ass-

I forced myself to pry my eyes away from the scene and back up with my hand clamped tightly over my mouth so I wouldn't make a sound… it's too bad my mouth was the least of my worries. I stumbled backwards into some shoes on the ground and not so gracefully tripped over them. I landed on my butt with a loud thud, most likely alerting the two lovebirds on the couch. I didn't hear anything, and just sat there with wide eyes and my hand still over my mouth, waiting for something- someone to walk over and blow my cover. It didn't take long really, only a couple seconds, but it felt like hours. I heard the creaking of floor boards as the two made their way out of the living room and into the small entry way with surprised looks on their faces.

It took them a minute to spot me, seeing how I was on the ground in the shadows. And when they did, boy was their reactions priceless. If it weren't for my current heartbreak and severity of the situation, I might have broken out laughing. But now was not the time for that. I needed to leave, but it looked like Gilbert might not let me.

"Lovi? What're you-" Screw him. I was up and out of the door before he could say anything else. I quickly hopped in my car, started the engine, and looked up just in time to see the asshole run out side with such the shocked expression. I put the car in reverse drove out of the drive way before putting it in forward and driving away.

Dammit, my head hurts, my heart hurts, I feel like I can't breathe, I feel like I'm going to cry… but for some reason, I just can't.

I kept driving around the community for a couple more minutes, thankful for how large it was. I didn't know what to do anymore, I didn't want to go home… I parked on the side of the street and took out my iPhone. I knew for a fact I had to do one thing before anything else. I pulled up my messages, oh hey look I had a couple unread ones, and went to Gilbert's, frowning slightly. I then typed in a message and hit send.

June 17, 2013, 6:17 PM

I don't think we should see each other anymore.

I let out a small sigh and locked my phone, tossing it into the passenger seat beside me. I rested my head on the steering wheel, wanting to just let it all loose. I knew I had to-wanted to- cry, but the tears just wouldn't come. And I started questioning myself.

Why won't they come?

Don't I love him?

Didn't he love me?

Why would he do this?

Was it something I said? Did?

Was it my fault?

Was I not satisfying enough?

I kept going like this for what felt like hours until I heard a soft knocking at my window. I jumped slightly and quickly sat up, composing myself with a breath before turning to look out the glass with my usual scowl. Standing there with his usual happy grin, waving at me and radiating his… happy goo like the whole world was perfect, was none other than Antonio. With my brow raised, I rolled down the window. "Hey- aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" I asked irritably.

He blinked in confusion and frowned. "Hm? Didn't you get my texts? I got out an hour ago. I thought you were here to make me dinner… am I mistaken?' Man he looked like a kicked puppy right now- wait what did he say? Not only did he text me, but he saw me park here? What is he? A stalker- oh I'm in front of his house.

"Oh, no, uhm… I haven't checked your texts, no, but, uhm… I was…" Think of something quick- "I wanted to get here early and surprise you before you got home… looks like I wasn't so lucky this time," Fuck I sound like his stupid girlfriend trying to surprise him on Valentines Day by sneaking into his house before he got home from work and lying in bed naked while I wated for him to return only to find out he had the day off… Man why did I have to give that as an example?

"Oh, I see! Well, sorry to ruin the surprise Lovi! Will you ever be able to forgive me?" Man this guy is like the human incarnation of a fucking puppy with those eyes he's giving me.

All I could do was smile and climb out of my car with a frown. "So I take it everything went well?" I asked, walking up to the Spanish man's door, he followed like a damn puppy of course.

"Si, si! They said things couldn't really get any worse so there wasn't any damage… or something like that, I didn't really understand." Man did he not realize that they insulted him? He really was a piece of work.

"Are you serious? Who said this to you?" I demanded as he opened the door and let us inside.

"Hmm… I think it was this small Chinese guy with long hair, kinda looks like a girl… Yao, I think his name was?"

"Of course… I'll talk to him about it tomorrow," Crap did I just say that last part out loud? That wasn't meant for him to hear. Now he's going to question me and I'm going to want to punch his face in.

"Huh? Why?" See? What did I tell you?

"Oh, uh, never mind. So is it okay if I make pasta tonight? I'm not really in the fucking mood for anything else," When ever am I in the mood for something else? Almost never.

"Yeah, sure, go right ahead, the kitchen is all yours!" He replied ecstatically, practically bouncing up and down with his glee.

"Alright, well just sit in the living room and maybe take a nap or something… Just don't come in and bother me under any fucking circumstances or I'm going home, you got that?" I shouted, glaring that the older man, making sure he knew I was serious… even though I really wasn't. I didn't want to go home and face my brother. I was probably going to end up crashing here… for the week.

That's usually what I did when something bothered me. I'd hole myself up in Antonio's guest room and refuse to do anything but go to work… but lucky for me I had the day after tomorrow off… and the rest of the week after that until Sunday. Then I'd go back to work again on Monday. So this would be the perfect week to crash here! Great, so that's what I'm going to do, no questions asked.

"Ey ey, captain!" He exclaimed giving me a little sailor salute thing before scurrying off to the living room.

Take back everything I just said, this is going to be a looong week.


About an hour later I found myself lounging on the tomatotard's extremely comfy couch with a glass of wine and a plate of pasta. Man, life couldn't get any better than this. The tomatoturd was currently in the kitchen, pouring himself his own glass of wine because I had refused to do it for him. Even if it was his wine and his house, doesn't mean I was his goddamn maid.

"So Lovi~" He chuckled, walking into the living room with his wine in one hand and pasta in the other. "How was your date?" He asked giving me a wink.

Oh that's right, I had almost forgot about that. Thanks tomatodick.

I frowned and glanced down at my food, feeling the urge to cry resurface. For some reason, this time I felt the tears coming, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them. I quickly set my glass and plate on the coffee table in front of me before the flood came. I knew once it started, I'd probably knock that shit over, ruin my clothes, tomatoman's couch, and dinner. Better to be safe then sorry.

"We're… uhm… we broke up," Was my soft replied, my voice hoarse and throat tight. I swallowed hard as the salty tears began to fall. And suddenly I felt strong arms around me, surrounding me in a warm, soothing embrace. It was nice.

I turned my head and buried my face in his shoulder and just cried. Cried until I passed out, in those warm, soothing arms.