Drabble #54: Nostalgia

It had been four years since Patricia had last seen Anubis house, but it hadn't been long since she'd thought about it. Throughout university, she often caught herself thinking about her memories from high school and the friends she made them with. Now at twenty-two and packing up her dorm room at university, about to graduate, she couldn't help but feel nostalgic about Anubis. Everything has gone by so quickly; she remembered her first day at Anubis house and now she was about to enter the real world and find a career.

Patricia began pulling the boxes out from under her bed, and opened one to find her high school yearbook. She blew the dust off of the cover, and traced her finger over the familiar gold writing, which contrasted against the maroon leather cover. The first few pages were simply pictures of every single student in the school, which was not many as it was a private boarding school. She kept flipping until it came to her grade, where she smiled at seeing the familiar faces of her friends. Jerome with his signature smirk on his face, and Alfie sporting a stupid grin. Then there was Nina, Amber, Fabian, Joy, Mara, and… Eddie. His blonde hair was combed to the side, and he had a genuine smile on his face; just like she remembered him.

After they graduated, the two had agreed mutually that they would go their separate ways as they wouldn't like to try long distance. If not much had changed, Eddie went to college in America, while she attended a small school only half an hour from Anubis. This definitely wasn't the first time she had thought about him since she had last seen him. In fact, almost every night for the first semester of university he was all she had thought about, feeling lonely at her new school. But things had changed since then; Patricia rarely ever thought about him particularly, even having one or two short-term boyfriends at university. Now she was single, and had no plans for any relationships.

Patricia continued to flip through the pages of her yearbook, landing in the back where some of the signatures were. There were paragraphs on paragraphs from her close friends like Joy and Nina, saying how much they were going to miss her. But oddly, what Eddie had written was the shortest one in the whole book. It said simply: Only time will tell. Patricia felt her heart flutter at the memory of when she read that for the first time, back when she was riding in the car home for the summer.

Just as she was about to turn the page, her phone started playing a piece of classical music that Patricia had never been able to identify.

"Piper." She answered, picking up.

"Hello Patty! You'll be home in the afternoon tomorrow if I'm not wrong?" Her tone was still sweet as ever. The sisters never got much time to talk, as Piper was almost always on tour with her International Symphony Orchestra.

"Ah, um- yes, Piper. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. I have to go now, sorry." And before giving her sister time to respond, Patricia hung up her phone, sighing. With one last look at her yearbook, she put it back in the box and climbed into bed for the night.

Patricia woke up at six the next morning to finish packing her trunks, and by the time she did it was nearly ten. As she hadn't eaten, Patricia slipped on her coat and to her favorite café in town. The sky was filled with grey clouds, rain drizzling onto the pavement. Without an umbrella, Patricia threw her hood over her head until she reached the café.

Inside, she stood in a short line and then ordered her usual: hot peppermint tea with an English muffin. Since starting college, Patricia had grown a liking to tea. When her order came, she found a small table in the corner of the café and began to eat her breakfast, scrolling through Twitter on her phone. Occasionally she would glance up from her meal to see what occurred in her surroundings, and most of the time it was people dozing off, waiting for their order. But once, when she looked up from her table, she made eye contact with a pair of brown eyes. She looked at him for a moment before breaking contact to take another bite of her muffin. She played the glancing game for the next hour, requiring her to order another English muffin. Almost every time she would look at him discreetly, he would be staring at her. So when she decided to turn her head and he was staring again, she raised her eyebrows as if to say "What?"

He shook his head, a smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth. Then without warning he stood up out of his chair and took a seat across from Patricia.

"May I help you?" She asked, but her tone did not come across as strong as she would've liked.

"Don't be like that."

"Like what?" Was her response, causing him to scoff.

"Please. You know what I'm talking about. We ended on good terms so I'm just confused as to why you're acting like you hate me." He told her gently.

"Fine." Patricia mumbled. "Hi Eddie, it's nice to see you again."

So as Patricia came in contact with her past, there was not much more to say, because only time will tell.

A/N: I don't even know where to start. January 17th, 2014 was the last time I posted something on this site. I wrote this out of feeling nostalgic for the show, as it has obviously been a while since anyone's seen it. So after watching an episode and a few short clips this morning, I decided to give this a shot. I can honestly say that the time that House of Anubis aired brought me some of the greatest joy, as it was the time where I was going through a lot of difficult things. I didn't have very many friends, and coming home to watch the show every night was the greatest gift I was granted. And then? I started writing. Fanfiction has helped me evolve as a writer so much and I couldn't be more thankful for that. So maybe I will begin posting on here again, or maybe not. It's undecided.

To those who have never heard of me:
Hi, I'm DesiredHOA01, and I wrote fanfiction on here for about a year and a half. Believe me, I'm not new to this site or the show at all. I've simply taken a much extended break to work on some original projects.

I am on wattpad quite often, so if you would like to PM me on there that'd be best, but I will most likely answer on here too.

I've missed you all.