The Rules of Dating a Bad Boy

There he is, sitting at the back of the classroom. He doesn't look interested when in fact he is interested. Very interested. In what? You. You're teacher, Mr Whatshisface, is usually nice but today he's being an ass. And since your late (your bestfriend had a major breakdown last night!) someone has taken you place (Tina, you're a bitch) and there are no other places (except by Mr Moody pants) your teacher asks you to sit there.

Now, here are your options. You could either:

A) Refuse and ask to sit someone else creating a big scene and possibly making a fool of yourself

B) Swap with someone but now that person owes you

Or C) just suck it up and sit by him!

Let's say you chose C and you're now walking towards him. Everyone one in the class holds their breath. Tina mutters sorry and you glare. You pull out the chair, put your books down and as soon as you small ass sits down everyone lets out a sigh and turn back to the board.

Half way through the lesson you have to do partner work. You find Ava and she smiles, you too always work together in this class. But then Mr Whatshisface (you've seriously got to remember his name) announces that you have to work with the person NEXT TO YOU. The whole class groans. One half of you wants to laugh looking at all the mismatched pairs but the other half quickly reminds you of who you're sitting next to and you silently join in.

The teacher hands around the sheets and an object and then writes 'LIES' in big bold letters. You inspect the thing carefully and are puzzled when you find that it's a ring that you've been given. You've been looking for a long time now and are startled when you hear the rest of the class get on which the task. You read the board:


You chuckle; your teacher has always been a weird guy who loves technology. After sitting still and silent for a few moments you realise that you and your partner haven't done anything.

"Shall we begin?" you ask smiling nicely.

"Okay" you suspected he'd have a deep voice but his wasn't scary deep it was like the perfect bass along with your melody.

"Cool" you smile again and he smirks.

Eventually you do the work. Why eventually? Because your too busy laughing! Zach can be a right laugh! Oh yeah didn't I mention, his name is Zachary Goode. He asks you a bunch of questions, some weird, some normal and some…you don't understand:

What's your favourite candy? It seems normal, so you answer with M&M's and then he laughs, says 'ditto' and you share a packet.

Who do you live with? A little personal but you still answer. Just you and your mom. He doesn't answer but you don't push him.

Okay, on this one you lie and he feels it. Do you have a boyfriend? You say 'yes' and he immediately shake his head even before the rings buzzed him.

You ask: How did you know I don't have a boyfriend?

He says: Because if they did you wouldn't have given me the time of day.

You don't reply and give him the ring.

You're turn to ask him question which he answers very sneakily and sly which pisses you off loads!

How old are you? He sighs and says that it's a boring question with the addition of a nickname 'Gallagher Girl'.

You try again. What school do you attend? This time he lies saying that he attends Roseville High for Idiots. You laugh but don't reveal that you have friends there.

And lastly. Have you done anything you regret? He doesn't answer and then storms away from you just as the bell rings. Everyone looks at you. You wonder what you've done and walk out the classroom and try to catch up with him.

Earlier if you had chosen A you would have had to work at the teachers desk and would have worked in a three with Tina and Michael. Tina would have asked loads of personal questions while Michael would have asked you to go out with him and ask why you said no.

But if you chose B you would have swapped with Tom, so then you would have been working with Courtney. You too would have gotten along alright but Tom and Zach would have argued which ended in Zach having detention and Tom planning payback.

Hi, I know Broken has just finished and I'm already writing! This is only short and it's kind of like you're Cammie and this is her mind making the decisions and we'll have to see whether she makes the right decisions with Zach :) oh and I don't know if they're spies but what do you think?
