G'day one and all!

AS the title says its a Author's Notice!

IT has being a while since my last update hey? For that I apologize!

Issues with finding a Job and just some general Issues and a Medical Scare (The doctor said something he shouldnt and yeah...) Some my friends know some they dont, Have sapped away my creativeness and my attention to Updating Chapter 8.

Now before any of you start screaming "OMG HES ENDING THE STORY" or anything like that know that i am NOT giving up! Just a Mix Between Writers Block and the issues above.

Now where is CHAPTER 8? WELL IT IS 1/2 way done! Some character idea's and Plot lines i had prepared Were destroyed with the latest Naruto Manga Updates ( I SWEAR KISHI IS READING MY MIND!) and decided to pull back and rework some of them.

Seriously I had Awsome plans for Lee and his inabilities being... Available But seeing the story about Lee and Gai & his father I shall not disrespect such YOUTHFULNESS! ~the Sound of a Frying Pan making contact with my head is heard here... repeatedly~

Urgh my head... Oh yeah... Now where was i... Oh yes my story..

Now the main question you all are wondering?

When IS my story going to come out you ask?

Im hoping to *couchblowupcough* i mean Remove... yes... remove the writing block i have and HOPEFULLY should have it posted up Before I go to Sydneys Supanova (June 14th) and meet STAN LEE! HELL YEAH!

SO yeah thats about it...

My apologies once again for taking so long and i do hope Your all eager to see a new update!

