Author's note: I said Finn lived in Concord, Connecticut growing up. It is actually in Massachusetts. Minor, but I meant the latter. I'll change it. This will be the last shorter chapter because now things will really take off, hopefully. Thanks for your patience and support.

Also, Glamor magazine(mentioned soon) is real, and it is not mine!



Quinn knew something was wrong with Finn. Unlike the oblivious Noah, she could always tell when Finn was hurt or upset, but hiding it. In reality, Finn couldn't hide anything. For being such a big, built guy, he was actually a huge softie. Everything showed on his face. It was actually quite comical.

All she knew was that the first weeks he had until he saw Rachel had been amazing for him. He constantly joked and talked with her, and then conveyed all of that very information back to Quinn.

About a month and a half to go, however, Finn stopped going on and on. He was always checking his phone, but never seemed to light up at a text or message. He didn't talk to her as much. It was worrying.

On top of that, there had been internships to worry about. So far, Finn hadn't heard back on anything. Quinn had, and she hadn't told the boys yet. Waiting was something she wanted to do, at least until Finn got word on something.

At three on a Monday, she was reading when he came through the door, groceries in hand, along with the mail.

"Anything?" she asked, looking up.

Finn shook his head in response. Quinn took off her big, dark framed glasses, and stood, helping her friend with the brown paper shopping bags.

"I'm sure you'll find something, Finn." She said reassuringly.

"I'm not trying anymore. You have yours, so I am not going to have mine.

"Wait, what?"

Finn shook his head a bit, running his hand down the back of his neck. "I saw the letter you got when I was grabbing a pencil off your desk. You got the Glamor internship."


"No, don't. Puck has a job lined up for the music place, you have this internship, and I have nothing. What I am supposed to do when I get to New York? I love Rachel, but she's barely been talking to me, and I feel like I am moving just to be with her but nothing is working out." Finn said, slumping into a chair.

"Well, you've only been trying magazines. Why don't you explore your options a bit? Or look for another job and finish up your masters later? Who says you have to do it right now?" Quinn reasoned.

"Yeah well, I get what you're saying. But that doesn't mean I can just not have a job."

"Why not? I mean, you work at a library now. I'm sure you could get a job at one in New York. We aren't all going to be living these fantastic lives. I don't get paid unless they accept whatever I write. I'm pretty sure Puck and I are going to be tied down to two jobs each. Working steadily could be nice for you. And as for Rachel, girls are weird. Maybe she is stressed or something."

"You're right." Finn replied.

"Always am." Quinn winked.

"But I just miss Rachel so much." He emphasized. It was true, missing Rachel had been so hard on him. He never would have imagined he could feel so close to someone he barely knew.

"Then work a little harder and surprise her early, book-boy." Quinn said.

"You think I could pull it off?"

"You're Finn Hudson. You can do anything." Quinn said vehemently.

Finn grinned his huge grin, and Quinn twirled around as she turned on music for them.

"Now, let's put your do-anything skills to the test see is two horrible cooks can make a decent meal."

Rachel Berry was stressed beyond belief.


She sat on the bathroom counter, head in hands, practically shaking. Right now, there was a baby inside of her. Finn's baby. Oh God. She felt vomit coming on, but didn't know if it was because of the morning sickness(which was actually all-day-whenever-the-hell-it-wanted-sickness) or from sheer nerves and panic. A baby. An actual baby.

She leaned over the toilet, expelling the contents of her stomach.


Shit, shit, shit. Kurt had to be home now.

Mid-vomit was not the best time to answer his "Honey I'm home!"

Footsteps grew closer towards the door.

Rachel heaved, willing herself to puke just a little faster, damn it.

"Rachel, what the-"

The brunette sat up, leaning against the toilet as she wiped her mouth. She followed Kurt's eyes to the counter, where she had left the test.

"Rachel, what is going on?" Kurt asked, standing in the doorway. "Is that-"

"Please, just don't judge me because I already feel like-" Rachel's voice broke off as Kurt knelt down and wrapped her in a hug, Marc Jacobs be-damned.

"What am I going to do?" Rachel asked, sobbing. Okay, so controlling her emotions had never been her strong suit. And now, on top of feeling overwhelmed, she had being pregnant with a thousand hormones to deal with.

"Well, you can keep it, or I can take you to-"

"No." She cut him off fiercely. Sitting up, she momentarily collected herself, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. Talk about mood swings.

"Shelby could have very easily aborted me and lied to my fathers. The child you may adopt some day could have been aborted. I can't, won't do that."

"Okay, so you're keeping it. Now, you are a grown woman, so the whole too-young thing can basically be checked off." Kurt said. "On top of that, Blaine and I are always here for you. And, despite they're huge dreams for you, your fathers will support you. Let's face it, they got a late start in having you, and want nothing more than a little grand-baby. It's gay men and babies." Kurt said, nudging her a little.

Despite herself, Rachel smiled. Deep down she knew her fathers could never abandon her.

"But what about my dreams, and Broadway?" Rachel asked later, sitting in-between Kurt and Blaine on the couch. Blaine had been shocked, but quickly pulled Rachel into a tight hug.

"What about it? You have the kid, get the weight off, and get back out there." Kurt said over takeout.

"Yeah, this one model is like thirty, and just got her start. Plus, she has a kid, too." He finished.

"Okay, so even if I can beat all odds and somehow still make my performing dreams come true, there is still Finn. He is coming in a month and a half and I don't know how to tell him. Or what he will think. While he is sweet and would look adorable holding a little baby, I don't know if he will willingly accept the role of being a father. And however strong his feelings may be for me, and the other way around, we still are strangers, really."

"So, you hope for the best, and if he backs out," Kurt said.

"Which he won't." Blaine cut in.

"Anyways, you have two loving gays that will make sure Baby Berry is the best-dressed kid in all of New York." Kurt finished.

"Exactly." Blaine added, grinning.

Review! Muah!

Edit! A question came up, which I realized was something I had assumed my readers knew. Finn/Quinn's part in this was the normal time, which may have seemed forwarded. I back-tracked to cover Rachel finding out. Now and in the next chapter they are all in the same time frame. Sorry for any confusion.