Naruto: The New Born Akatsuki of Peace Jiraya's Will

Chapter 1: The New Born Akatsuki

The fourth Great Ninja War has ended, the First Hokage Hashirama Senju, has persuaded Sasuke Uchiha not to destroy the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Sasuke Uchiha has reunited with Naruto and fought alongside him against Obito Uchiha and Madara Uchiha, it has only been a few weeks, the village is still being repaired, and a new Hokage needs to be selected after the death of the fifth Hokage Tsunade Senju. Naruto Uzumaki, the hero of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, will he become the sixth Hokage? Or does another path await him?

The sun slowly rises and peeks into Naruto Uzumaki's window shining into his face as he sleeps carelessly on his bed. He then flutters his eyes and sits up to look out of his window at the morning sun. "It's morning already huh?" Said Naruto as he rubs his eyes continuing to look outside, a loud knocking sound comes from Naruto's door. "Naruto! Get up! Today is Kakashi Sensei's big day! Today is the day they select the Sixth Hokage and Kakashi Sensei might end up as the new Hokage!" Sakura screams from outside Naruto's door. "Alright, alright, I'm getting up!" He screams back towards the door. "I should've ended up being one of the candidates for Hokage; I saved the village after all." Naruto said to himself, as he started getting dressed. "Naruto! How long does it take someone to get dressed? I'm coming in, you better be dressed!" Exclaimed Sakura as she barged into Naruto's room, Naruto is sitting on his bed, dressed and ready to go staring out the window as a tear drops down from his eye. "Sakura…do you really think that it should be me who's Hokage? It's been my dream since I was little but… everyone looks up to me now and I'm not Hokage." Naruto said with frustration, "Naruto, you saved the village and the world, of course people are going to look up to you now, you don't have to be Hokage for that you already have what you wanted, to be respected and known isn't that what you've always wanted?" Sakura said with sympathy. "Yeah but..." Sasuke walks into Naruto's room and stands in the doorway.

"Naruto, Sakura, it's time to go" Sasuke said with disinterest. Sakura walks over to Sasuke. "Come on Naruto, now isn't the time to be depressed." Sasuke said, "I'm not depressed! I'm just thinking" Naruto shouted at Sasuke. "Whatever, just be at the training field, Kakashi Sensei wants to talk to us, and don't be late Naruto!" Sasuke said as he and Sakura walked out of Naruto's house headed to the Training Field. "I am going to carry out Pervy Sage's will, to achieve total peace, and in order to achieve total peace a new organization needs to be formed…the new born Akatsuki." Naruto's eyes glow with fury, anger, and hope to create eternal peace in the Ninja world. Naruto stands up, and walks out of his house headed for the training grounds. "I wonder what Kakashi Sensei wanted to talk to us about... Could it be that he was chosen to be Hokage already?" He thought to himself, "I don't think so…" He added. As he walked near the gate to the training grounds, he could already see Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke waiting for him. Kakashi turns in Naruto's direction and waves at him to come over; Naruto walks inside the Training Grounds and stands next to Sakura, who is standing next to Sasuke. "I would like to thank you all for being a wonderful team." Kakashi said, "It's been fun over the years but that time is now over, I have become Hokage…your new sensei will be decided soon enough, I have to go now but don't worry, we'll meet again." Said Kakashi with a smile as he left the Training Grounds, "Naruto, are you okay?" Sakura asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," replied Naruto, "Sakura… Sasuke…" Naruto said with concern. "What?" Sakura and Sasuke both said simultaneously.

"I-I am leaving the leaf village", Naruto said. "What did you just say?" Sakura said with an attitude, "Just because Kakashi Sensei is the new Hokage means that you're just going to give up on your dream like that? You're just going to throw it all away?" Sakura shouted at Naruto. "No, I've already achieved my goal, and that was to be respected, because not only have I just saved the village before, I saved the whole world from Madara and Obito. My dream to be Hokage is over, Sasuke, Sakura, follow me into the path that I rightfully believe in...The path of peace, I will carry out Pervy-sage's will, and create eternal peace in the world. In order to do that, I must kill all those who stand in my way, the ones that defy true peace...for we are the reborn Akatsuki, the Akatsuki that are to bring peace to the Great Ninja World, where there aren't any troubles, or mishaps everything...will be peaceful, so come, follow me." Naruto said with confidence, "Are you crazy Naruto? Have you finally lost it?" Sakura asked. "I agree with Naruto, I will join him in the fight." Sasuke said from behind Sakura, he walks near Naruto and stands next to him. "Sakura, will you join me?" Naruto holds his hand out to Sakura. "I….I…..fine I'll join you Naruto." She takes his hand and he pulls her to the side, "We are leaving the village immediately, we are also getting rid of these clothes…as we are the New Born Akatsuki." All three of them leave the Hidden Leaf village and are jumping across trees. As Sakura and Sasuke are following Naruto, "Where exactly are we headed?" Sasuke asked Naruto. "We're going to an old Akatsuki hideout, the one Nagato was at." Naruto explained,

"I am the only one who knows the location of the hideout now…" Naruto explained, "Okay, but what do we do after that?" Sakura asked. "Next we gather more members that seek to put this world in eternal peace we might even be able to get some of our own comrades to join us." Naruto said, "But how do we know that they can be trusted?" Sasuke asked. "Always keep your guard up then, maybe we should get some different people, I already have on person in mind that would follow me anywhere as long as I said and did the right things." Naruto replied, "and who might that be?" Sakura asked, "Hinata" Naruto replied, "She will be easy to manipulate and isn't a bad fighter." Naruto added, "You've changed Naruto, you aren't the same anymore!" Sakura said. "Change is a necessecary thing in a world of peace, this time I will carry out the Pervy Sage's will, no matter what you think about me!" Naruto exclaimed as the reached the Akatsuki hideout. He jumped up into the cave and pushed in part of the wall, a secret door opened, filled with new Akatsuki outfits, the collars aren't as tall as the older ones, they're cut down 2 inches shorter, they also have hoods on the back instead of using hats to conceal themselves. "Everyone gets one", Naruto said as he pulled out a kunai and drew a line across his headband crossing out the Hidden Leaf Village symbol. "You all do it too," he added as he handed Sasuke the kunai and he crossed out his new headband symbol, as did Sakura. They all had the new outfits on when they were finished, "We are going to split up, Sasuke you take Sakura and find your old teammates, and they will be useful. I will go to the Hidden Leaf and draw out Hinata, we shall meet back at dawn, move quickly while the moon is out."