Hey guys! So me and ZaneMetaKnightlover thought of creating a story just for Zane fans! Now in here we can do tons of stuff.

(ZW)-ZaneWalker aka me (bold)

(ZML)ZaneMetaKnightlover (italics)

(ZW) Hello all of the beautiful and handsome Zane fans! Join me and ZML are here to unite all of us! Join us to discuss all topics all about Zane! Don't be shy! We also have competitions too! Why don't you tell the readers about those ZaneMetaKnightlover?

(ZML) I would gladly do so! Since ZaneWalker has a DeviantART, the contest is this! You can draw or make a picture that displays a scene out of any of our stories and the winner recieves special shoutouts and more!

(ZW) There's no deadline so make them as awesome as ever! Send in questions and topics for both of us to talk about! We'll answer to anything! I know everyone has a naughty side, so don't be afraid to ask! XD

(ZML) That's all for today! But be sure to do these things, Zane fans! See you guys later!