Chapter .26

Nyx laid motionless after Minato's attack, "Did we do it!?" asked Mitsuru.

Suddenly Nyx Avatar stirs, and slowly begins to levitate back up into the sky. "Such a pity. You understand fate, yet you still fight against it with all of your will. If more people were like you, then perhaps the Fall could have been prevented... But it's too late now."

Minato fell on his knees watching it rise, "I beat you, I beat you! You can't do this!" As Nyx Avatar continues to rise, the moon opens up to reveal a large entity within.

"The moon!" cried Fuuka.

Nyx Avatar sends a beam up into the moon, "This... This can't be real!" said Akihiko

Aigis looked at the sky with a hand on her chest, "Soon it will descend upon us upon us all."

"At last." everyone looked back and saw Takaya dropped to the floor on his back and laugh, "Vexing, isn't it? The look on your face is priceless!"

"Shut up!" said Akihiko

"But, what're we gonna do!?" said Yukari.

Fuuka held her head, "Something's coming!" The moon shoots out a wave of energy that hits everyone, and they struggle
to remain standing.

"What is this?" said Ken starting to fall.

Yukari felt he legs start to fail but wouldn't quit, "This is nothing."

"How ridiculous. Are you out of your mind?" asked Takaya.

"Look who's talking!" yelled Junpei.

"Death is imminent surely you know this. What do you hope to accomplish now? I wanted to see the end with my own eyes... Jin." He whispered before he passed out.

"I will never give up! Never!" yelled Aigis.

Nyx Avatar is continuing to feed the beam into the moon. "Why resist that which is inevitable? You will only suffer." The moon sends out another wave. Everyone falls down, even Minato.

"There's no need to worry. This isn't the afterlife." the fool opened his eyes and found himself in the velvet, "You're still alive. Do you remember what I once told you? How the strength of your Social Links will determine your potential?

"I failed, I throw everything at nyx and I still lost."

"Listen. Can you hear the many voices? Each one's power is limited yet they all reach out to you... Can you feel them?"

"I, I can sense them. loud and clean."

"Close your eyes and listen carefully. Their voices may be faint, but certainly you hear them." Igor holds up his arms and summons a large mass of enerygy.

"I'll always have your back, Minato. All I can do right now is pray... But, whatever it is, man... I know you can do it."


"Bunkichi: Something frightful's going on... but we won't give up."

"That's right, dear... Minato wouldn't want us to lose hope."

"Bunkichi? Mitsuko?"

"Something crazy's going on here... but I know you're out there doing all you can, Minato... So, I won't lose my cool, either. You taught me that."

"Oh god, this can't be happening! I wish I could talk to him, and calm myself down... I don't even know what he looks like, but I hope he's okay... He has to be... I can feel it."

"Minato-kun I know you're trying to stay focused. You were there when I needed you... I hope I can do the same."

"Everyone else is scared, but not me... You showed me how to be tough! I won't give up."

"Minato-sama... 'ow are you doing? I 'ope you are okay... I am 'ere for you... like you were zere for me!

"What on earth made me think of you at a time like this...? Well, I suppose you did teach me a thing or two about loyalty."

"You must be fightin' the good fight right about now... Well, you taught me that runnin' away never solves nothin'. so I'm here for ya, kid."

"I'll take on any challenge that comes my way, without complaining about it... You taught me that, Minato... I bet you're fighting right now too, huh."

"You saved me, Minato... I was so blind before... I'm sure you've got things under control, right? You always do."

"I know I'm not the only one who's suffered... You've endured a lot, too... But, you can't just give up... You taught me that."

Igor chucked as Minato heard all of the voices, "Can you hear them? These are the voices of hope that wish to help you... Separately, they are weak... But together, they will bring about a great change in you. Now is the time to draw on the true strength of the bonds you have forged!" The energy mass transforms into a card that descends down to the table, "I never dreamed of seeing that card with my own eyes... This is indeed a surprise... Behold the last power you and I shall unveil... It is the power to bring about a new beginning, or the ultimate end. It may be possible now, with this new found power... You may be able to defeat the one who cannot be defeated."

The card floated to the fool as he reached out to grab it, "What is it?"

"What you have in your hands is the power of the Universe... Nothing is outside the realm of possibility for you now."

"We will soon reach your destination." announced Elizabeth.

"It seems that, in addition to Death, fate has also dealt you the wild card. You must accept your destiny. Our contract has been fulfilled. I have completed my role as well you were truly a remarkable guest.

"Thank you Igor, Elizabeth." The room suddenly reaches the top floor, and the back wall opens up. Minato wakes up back in reality and easily stands up. He then begins to float upwards toward the entity in the moon, "Nyx, I'm coming for you!" Upon entering the moon, Minato finds an egg-like object, "This is the real Nyx." It attacks with a giant orb of energy twice as strong as megidolaon on him, which should kill him, but Minato stood strong living through it then hears the voices of his friends.]

"There's nothing we can do!?"


"Don't give up! We have to believe in him!"


"Give him strength! Take my life if you must!"


The energy flows to Minato giving him the strength to keep going. Nyx uses Death again, but this time it missed.

"Yeah, I'm willing to risk mine too!"


"He's going to face it all by himself!"

"Fuuka." Minato mumbled with warmth.

"No, he's not alone! I won't let him die!"


More energy appears and heals Minato. Nyx tries to use Death again; this time it had no effect."

Koromaru barked to cheer the fool on.

"I won't allow this world to be destroyed!"


"Alright, let's do this."


More energy appears, restoring Minato to full power, "Time to end this." Minato pointed to the sky as untold amounts of power flowed out of him releasing a bright light.

SEES appears at the foot of Tartarus. The tower suddenly breaks apart and disintegrates into the night. Minato appears before them, and Aigis begins crying, "Hey." was all he said when everyone rushed to welcome their leader back home. The sky returns to normal, with the Dark Hour gone forever.

One month later. Minato was in his room sitting at his desk. till There was a knock at the door.

"It's me, Aigis. May I please come in?"

"It's open"

The door opened and Aigis walked in, "Thank goodness I'm so happy to see you again. I'm sorry to show up so suddenly, but I really needed to talk to you."

"What's on your mind Aigis?"

"I remember everything. Everyone seems to have forgotten, but I remember that day, we."

Minato stepped closer and put his hand on her shoulder, "You're right, please don't cry."

"I'm sorry. It's just that, when I remembered I was afraid you might go somewhere far away, like you did at the last battle." Minato just stood there silent, know the painful truth, "Graduation's today, isn't it? I'm sorry, the ceremony's already begun Such nice weather outside. Do you remember the promise we all made? Why don't we go there and wait for the others? We can enjoy the view of this peaceful city."

Aigis and Minato were on the roof of the school watching the sun rise and reflect of the water, "The wind feels so nice this is my first time experiencing spring. But, this season will eventually pass. After fighting alongside you, and facing the world's end I finally began to understand what it means to live."

"What's that?"

"Thinking for yourself, not running away, accepting the inevitable, all things eventually come to an end. Every living thing will one day disappear, only by accepting this can one discover what they truly want. What the meaning of their life will be I understand now why I was so tormented by my lack of strength. Protecting others became more than just an order I had to obey. I wanted to do it for my own reasons."

"What did you learn now?"

"I realized this once I decided to try and prevent the Fall. When I thought I might never see you again, something else became clear to me about what I wanted most. And so, I made up my mind. I decided that I would continue to protect you, I want to be your strength, I know I'm not the only one who can do this but that's okay. My life will be worth living if it's for this reason. Thank you."

Main raised a hand to Aigis's face, and she takes it, "Don't 'll be okay."

"You're right, what am I doing? I understand now, so I should be happy."

"Hey!" they heard voices calling out to him from the stairs and was growing loader.

"Everyone." said Aigis.

She stepped back when the door burst open and Fuuka ran across the roof to Minato short on breath, "Minato, I remember it all now, how we all fought with our lives at stake, the miracle that happened. And, who was dearest to me during it all! I'm sorry, I'm sorry I forgot."

Tiredly the fool wrapped his arms around the priestess and they held each other tightly, "It's okay Fuuka your here now that's what matters now."

"When I remembered, I got scared that you wouldn't be here anymore." Fuuka held tighter burying the side of her face in Minato's jacket, "You're so warm. I'm right here with you."

"Thank you, Fuuka." the couple sat down an the bench, Minato laid his head on Fuuka's lap and closed his eyes, "I love you Fuuka. Never forget that." the fool's eyes shut tight as he felling hypno's hand, forever.


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Before say anything yes the 5Ds story is now in the works. PEACE OUT!