Naruto stood outside Tatsuki's home, waiting for his date. He was dressed in black leather clothing consisting of a skintight black zip-up long sleeved vest, which he kept zipped up, black boots that had three-inch raised elevator soles and black pants, with black gloves covering his hands.

"What's with the outfit?" Tatsuki asked.

Naruto smiled "Would you have preferred a full tuxedo and coat tails?"

Tatsuki made a face. "No way, I don't like that overly-fancy formal stuff if I can help it unless it's for a special occasion like a wedding or something like that."

Naruto laughed "A wedding huh? And here we haven't even started our first date!" he teased, he couldn't help it.

Tatsuki gawked at him before what she'd just said replayed through her head. As it did, she blushed and growled, mentioning weddings while on a date with someone...she'd set herself up for that one! She punched him in the shoulder to have him stop snickering at her expense.

The blond looked at his date, grinning as if he didn't even feel the punch.

Tatsuki's eye twitched. She even put some strength behind that blow too. Where was the yelp of pain? Then again...Naruto was seemingly made of cast iron, if her memory served correctly, recalling when she'd hurt her hands punching him the day he joined her karate dojo.

The pair walked to the movie theaters in town and Naruto turned to her "Wanna see a few flicks?" he asked.

Tatsuki nodded before looking at the posters on the theater and saw two or three movies she'd like to see…

"Hunger Games." She said simply and Naruto smirked.

"Never heard of it, but it sounds interesting from what I've heard people who've seen it say. Still...they complain that it has too much cut out compared to the books the movies are based off of." Naruto admitted while reaching into his jacket to pull out a wallet and checked how much money he had left and Tatsuki rolled her eyes as they got to the box-office. "Two for both Hunger Games one and two." Naruto said to the teen behind the booth, a goth kid who looked really really bored.

"Twelve dollars please…" He said and Tatsuki shot the blond a look as he exchanged the money for the tickets.

"Why see both?" the dark haired teen asked.

Naruto just shrugged as they entered the theater "Why not?" he glanced over to the snack bar, "Want anything before the movie starts?" Naruto questioned and Tatsuki shook her head only for her stomach to protest with a low growl and the girl blushed lightly. Inwardly however she was also cursing about forgetting to have something before she left her house. "I'll get us some popcorn, drinks and anything else…" Naruto then said with a shake of his head and Tatsuki followed after him while glaring at her stomach and wondering why it had to betray her while Naruto went to procure some snacks.

Returning with said treats, they went into the theater and found seats. Munching the popcorn and assorted candies and enjoying washing it down with soda as they saw the films. When the features were over, they left, talking to one another about the movies.

"That president Snow guy was an idiot. If his own politics are messing things up, it means the system he's using was out of date. You want to control the masses by fear, but what happens when you take away everything that matters to people so that they're afraid? Next thing you know...riots in the Capital." Naruto snorted.

Tatsuki rolled her eyes "That's the whole point of the cliff-hanger, Naruto."

The two laughed. And made their way to a small, legit restaurant with full cuisine and a respectable sit down atmosphere, a decent family-type scene, nothing fancy or for couples only. Tatsuki ordered the steak with mashed potatoes with cheese fries. Naruto ordered a Ramen dish, and an order of biscuits and gravy. It was a nice meal, very good here.

The date came to dessert and Naruto ordered for them. "Yes, could you bring us two milkshakes and two pieces of cake? I'll take all chocolate for mine, Tatsuki, you?"

She smiled. "Same..."

The dessert came up and they ate in peace, and it was a good time then. Tatsuki felt confident she could pull off this date and get closer to him. She saw he had some cake on his whiskers and got up, grabbing a napkin and tried to wipe it off...and that was where things turned a bit sour...

She spilled her milkshake all over the table, which caused Tatsuki, in a rare "girly moment", to panic about her clothes, and accidentally kicked the table, making Naruto's half-filled one to spill on his chest and leg. She sat down quickly and Naruto chuckled a little. "Well, that was a bit crazy. You ok, Tatsuki?"

Tatsuki nodded, blushing deeply in embarrassment. 'STUPID STUPID STUPID! You should have been more careful! Such an airhead!' They finished their dessert, what was left of it, and paid the bill, Arisawa taking care of it after a small game of "I insist" between her and Naruto before she put down her money before he could do anything about her covering the bill, and they left in silence.

Naruto looked to her and smiled. "I had a pretty good time. A little bit of trouble at the end there, but I say it was very enjoyable."

Tatsuki groaned in embarrassment, trying to figure out how she could possibly screw up any worse... "Sorry... I was a klutz..."

Naruto turned to her smiling brightly. "Don't say that. It happens, I guess. Besides, it wasn't like we were kicked out because of a little spill. It was a good time if you ask me. So cheer up. It wasn't bad enough to beat yourself up about."

Hearing that, she perked up a bit before...a roar only Naruto could hear, one he recognized, rang out and a tree fell towards them, Naruto reacted quickly and pushed Tatsuki out of the way, having it, to Tatsuki's horror, land on him and seem to knock him out.

In all actuality, Naruto had burst from his gigi and the Tsuriai's spirit form now stood in the air, glaring bloody murder at the Hollow, his energy spiking and flaring around him so it was actually visible.

"Bastard...I was enjoying today!" Naruto hissed, drawing Hisho Taichi.

The hapless Hollow just realized its mistake in that by refusing to think with anything other than its stomach, it had earned the wrath of someone powerful by ruining a good time they were having on a date with someone. It was only glad that the girl who he was with wasn't spiritually aware seeing as the female party were usually the more aggressive and vengeful about things like an interrupted date, when it came to species, the females was more often than not, more deadly than the male.

Still...judging from the aura of spirit energy blazing around the guy in the fox mask and the blue-gray cloak, that didn't matter, seeing as he was going to act on the anger of both parties. As a vacuum of air sliced off the Hollows limbs and cut them to chunks, Naruto gathered a pyramid-shaped energy attack that seemed to be made of flames in his hand that had a skull's features on it and seemed to moan before Naruto appeared right in front of the Hollow and shoved the attack into it's skull as the energy was also shot point-blank.

"Orcus lampas!"

Naruto liked to name his original attacks in latin if they had no origin beyond his own creativity. The cero-based attacks already originated from Hueco Mundo.

In Latin, Orcus was a god of the underworld, punisher of broken oaths in Italic and Roman mythology. As with Hades, the name of the god was also used for the underworld itself. While the word "lampas" meant lamp, lantern, torch, flambeau or firebrand.

As Naruto's "underworld god torch" attack struck, the Hollow, it ignited and pillars of flame erupted from the stumps where it's arms and legs had been, as well as from the Hollow's eyes, nose, and mouth. The Hollow utterly disintegrated and the blast sent out shockwaves like that of a bomb, yet the energy left all forms of physical matter it came into contact with alone.

The Tsuriai nodded in justified content at his work then turned back to his gigi and then seemed to wake up as far as his date knew. Faking struggling a bit, Naruto squirmed out from under the fallen tree and stretched out his back like an old man.

"Owww..." Naruto said, for once actually glad his life back in Konoha had given him enough injuries to know how to fake being hurt convincingly. "...You ok, Tatsuki?" he asked.

Tatsuki gawked at him " did...?"

"We go to school with a guy who could probably stay standing after an I-beam falls on him, and you know I'm sturdy...why's it surprising I'm not hurt worse? Don't worry." Naruto said, giving her a reassuring smile.

Tatsuki growled and stomped over to him and glared hard at him before she abruptly punched him in the face.

"YEAOW!" Tatsuki hollered, holding her hand. If she didn't know any better, she'd think her fingers and knuckles had broken. She shook her and and glared at Naruto, who winced a bit guiltily that she had apparently hurt herself.

"I said it before and I'll say it again: What the HELL are you made of?!" she seethed. Then she smirked at him. "I owe you for scaring me like that, but thanks for making sure I wasn't hurt, Naruto. Still, I see what you mean with saying you're sturdy." Then she looked confused "Why'd that tree fall over though?"

Naruto shrugged. He knew, but she would just label him crazy if he told her, so he faked ignorance.

Leaving the site of the Hollow-felled tree behind them at Naruto's instance that he was fine, much to Tatsuki's skepticism, and noticing how late it had gotten, they returned to Tatsuki's house. Standing on the front porch, she smiled at him. "Well, all things considered...I had a really nice time, Naruto."

Nodding, Naruto smiled so wide his eyes were closed, so he didn't see, but could feel something soft and slightly moist press against his whiskered cheek. Naruto's eyes opened widened in shock, but Tatsuki was already shutting the door. He barely even acknowledged when she said 'good night' as the door closed, in what must have been a rush to hide her embarrassment.

The currently-blond male must have been standing there for maybe a full minute, his brain trying to process what occurred. He could still feel her lips' contact on his cheek, and his nose had gotten more than a good whiff of her unique mix of incense and…lilacs? His body was frozen to the spot. Eventually, he started on his way back home with only one thought on his mind.

'Did she really just kiss me?'