The Legend of Pyro: Cross Dimensions

Chapter 21: New Body, New Power

Once the war had ended, everyone began repairing the city. Pyro was trying to get used to his new body. It wasn't taking very long since. His instincts and his friends were helping him cope with it. Razor had even challenged the new Pyro to a sparring match to see if his new body was better than his old one. It turns out that it was; Pyro defeated Razor much more effectively with his new body. It is now around mid day and Pyro was in the hunting grounds. He and his family and friends looking for prey. The young king was arguing with his brothers about them being in the hunting grounds. Pyro looked to his brothers and said, "Look guys it's not that I don't trust you. I just don't want to put you in danger. There are lots of crazy beasts out here. My friends and I can protect ourselves, but I don't know if you can."

Jordan and Conner both let out loud sighs that everyone heard. Jordan was the first to speak, "Look Justin, we know you're a dragon king now, but just because we're not fire breathing reptiles like you doesn't mean we can't take care of ourselves." Conner backed up his brother's statement by saying, "Yeah, if you survived out here in your human form, so can we." Razor rolled his eyes as he said, "He was in human form, but he still had the powers of a dragon." Ethan backed Razor up by saying, "Razor's right. He may have looked like you guys, but inside he was still one of us. Inside he's a rock hard dragon." Pyro then said, "Actually Ethan, I'm a burning inferno on the inside." That comment got everyone laughing out loud. Star was walking beside Pyro and she couldn't stop laughing at his joke. As she finally suppressed her laughter she looked up at Pyro. She examined his new body and found him surprisingly attractive. Pyro felt someone's eyes on his and turned to see Star looking him over.

He then asked, "Is something wrong Star?" Seeing that she had been caught she quickly said, "N-N-No, of course not. I was just getting used to the new you." Pyro smiled and kept looking ahead. Skye was behind the two dragons and he said, "Why is love always so dramatic for teenagers." Jordan was still talking up ahead and said the one thing that you should never say, "Common guys, what could possibly be out here that we can't handle." It was then that Pyro's ear picked up some movement nearby. He turned to where the noise came from and started growling. Everyone else heard the noise as well and responded the same way. It was then three black and large creatures stepped out of the bushes.

The strange creatures began snarling and hissing at the dragons. Pyro took a long look at the creatures. They were obviously cat like creatures. He then asked, "Star what are those things?" When he didn't get an answer he turned to his friends and saw that they were all focused on the creatures. That's when he knew whatever they were they were dangerous. Pyro then asked Star, "Hey, what are those things?!" Star ceased her growling and said, "Their called 'Ferals'. Their strong feline creatures that make the others we fought look tamed." Pyro took another look and studied their bodies. Each of these 'Ferals' were as tall as he was. They were jet black and had dark green, orange, and yellow eyes. The Ferals had spikes going down their backs and ending where their tails began. Their tails were long and had a tuff of fur at the end of it. Their ears were pointy and stood out like horns. They also had teeth like a saber tooth tiger. They also had large sharp spikes on each of their elbow joints. These creatures looked like they were fast and strong.

Jordan then said, "These things make lions look like house cats." Conner then said, "I think we better run before these cats make us their dinner." Pyro was about to attack when Star said, "Pyro, each of them is strong enough to take on at least one of us. They are seriously fast, we have to go while we have the chance." Pyro nodded to her showing he agreed. He then yelled, "Run back to the dragon city as fast as you can!" Not missing a beat they all started running. As soon as they took off the Ferals were after them. Pyro turned around and saw that they were gaining fast. He then thought to himself, 'These things could give cheetah's a run for their money.'

As they all kept running Pyro noticed his family was falling behind. He then yelled, "Jordan, Conner, get on Skye and Razor! You two fly them out of here!" Obeying their king's orders as soon as the brothers jumped on they took off. Star and Ethan took off as well. Pyro was about to fly when he noticed his mother was nowhere in sight. "Justin, help! I can't get loose!" Pyro stopped in his tracks and turned around to see his mother's leg caught in a tree. He turned around and ran at her as fast as he could. He tried to get her loose but it wouldn't budge. The Ferals had already caught up and were surrounding him. Pyro knew he had no choice but to fight. He took a deep breath and breathed a fire stream on the ground putting up a wall of fire. He then stepped out of the flames and was ready to face his enemies.

The first feral lunged at him with claws and teeth ready to tear him apart. Pyro ran forward ducked his head low and bucked his head up. The feral was tossed over the red dragon, but because of its reflexes it landed on its feet behind him. Pyro turned his attention to the second feral. The feral came in and tried to bite him. Pyro sidestepped the attack and slashed feral in the face. The third feral stopped its charge and faced the dragon in a standoff. It came and tried to slash him. Pyro ducked under the attack and uppercut the feral in its chin. The feral tried to slash him again but Pyro jumped back, spun around, and whacked it the head with his tail. He was about to strike again when another of the three rammed in his side. Pyro skidded to a stop on his back. He shook his head and looked up to see the same feral that he slashed lunging at him.

Reacting quickly Pyro turned around and slammed one of his paws on the ground with all his strength. This sent him into a sideways spiral and out of harm's way. The feral charged again and tried to slash. Pyro looked up and saw the charging beast and shot a fireball into its face. The feral that had been tossed by Pyro in the beginning of the fight was watching and waiting for an opening. He then heard a sound behind him. It was Stella. She had managed to pry her foot free of the tree root and was now trying to find a way out of Pyro's fire wall. The feral started to make its way towards her. Stella looked to her side and saw the feral coming towards her.

Pyro was still keeping the other two Ferals at bay when he heard his mother scream. He turned around and saw one of the Ferals walking towards her. While he was not paying attention one of the Ferals charged him. Pyro's battle instincts told him the feral was coming and he reacted. He dodge rolled out of the way of the Ferals attack and got behind it. He then grabbed it by the tail and started swinging it around. He then tossed the feral into the one going towards his mom. He was about to go finish them off but the third feral jumped on him from behind and tackled him to the ground. The other two Ferals saw an opening and they all started attacking the downed dragon.

Stella was horrified she looked and saw as the beast beat her son mercilessly. She felt so useless as she could only watch, while her son put his life on the line to protect her. Pyro fought back the best he could, but there wasn't much he could do from the position he was in. One of the Ferals had his right back leg in it jaws. Another had his left forepaw and last one was slashing and biting at his face trying to get a hold of his neck. He then decided enough was enough.

He opened his mouth and unleashed his fire stream into the face of the first feral getting it to back off. He then pulled that had his forearm and punched in the face with his right one getting it to let go. He then kicked the last feral off his right leg with all the force he had. He then grabbed the one that had his right arm by its left back leg and tossed into the one he had blown his fire into. He then used his jaws to grab the one that his back. Pyro then stood on his back legs and held the feral against a tree. He then punched in the gut and knocking the air out of it and tossed it aside.

Right now Pyro's entire body was in excruciating pain. However he knew he couldn't afford to lose for the sake of his mother. He looked to the sides and saw the two Ferals surrounding him. He looked between the two and waited for their attack. Then he realized something; where was the third one. It then hit like a ton a bricks. The third one had gone after his mom again. As soon as he figured it out the two Ferals lunged for him. Pyro reacted and jumped into the tree that was just above him. He began to climb and Ferals were hot on his tail. He reached a long branch and stood there. One of the Ferals had jumped to a different tree while the other jumped on the same branch as Pyro. As the feral edged closer Pyro let out a loud roar threatening it. He was so busy with that one, he didn't see the other feral as it came and jumped on his back. The feral that was in front of him attacked as well and pushed him off the branch.

The three beasts fell to the ground clawing and biting at each other. When they finally hit the ground they hit hard. One of the Ferals was still on Pyro's back, biting his shoulder. Pyro stood up and slammed the feral on a rock knocking it out.

The other feral that fell out of the tree tackled him to the ground and tried to go for his throat. Pyro kept turning his head away as the feral kept trying to bite him. He then used left forepaw to push the Ferals head away. He then used all his strength to stab a whole through the feral with his right arm. He then tossed it on the ground and shot with a fireball, ending its life. He then pulled his arm free. His attention was called when he heard his mother scream again. His firewall had gone out and she was backed up against the tree as the feral closed in on her. Pyro reacted and dashed in at the feral.

Stella closed her eyes and waited for the attack. Just as the feral lunged for her, Pyro came in and stabbed the feral through the neck with his tail blades. Stella opened her eyes to see that her son had come just in the nick of time. Pyro then spun around and tossed the feral body off of his tail. He then used his Gatling Gunner to incinerate the beast. He then turned to his mother and smiled at her. She slowly smiled back and was about tried to stand up. Just as she was about to stand up the feral that Pyro had knocked came and sunk it fangs into his right shoulder. Pyro roared out in pain as the fangs sunk in. Stella screamed at the top of her lungs as she saw the beast come out of nowhere.

Pyro used whatever strength he had and grabbed the top part of the Ferals mouth. He then began to push it jaw up while its bottom fangs were still stuck in his shoulder. He kept pushing until he heard the Ferals jaw completely break. He then grabbed its head and tossed it off his back. He then jumped onto it and with all his strength he tore its head off. Pyro held the Ferals head in his jaws by the neck and started to turn around. He then spit out on the ground and walked over to his mother.

He then asked, "Are you ok…" But before he could finish his mother grabbed his neck and pulled him into a hug. He was covered in bruises and scars that would leave permanent marks. She was crying her eyes out at seeing her son so beaten and battered. She finally managed to say, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Pyro had a sympathetic look on his face he could almost feel her sadness. He then pulled away from the hug and said, "Mom it's not your fault. These things happen. Look let's just go back to the city their probably worried about us." She nodded and climbed onto his back. With one big flap of his wings they took off into the sky. Stella looked out over the sky and saw the beautiful sunset. She then asked, "So this what flying feels like?" "Yep!" he said responding to her quickly.

It wasn't long before they reached the city. When Pyro arrived back at the palace he received a surprise. Jordan, Conner, Ethan, and Star were all waiting for him. As soon as they saw them come in Jordan and Conner ran to their mother and hugged her as tight as they possibly could. Star however ran straight at Pyro and hugged him with everything she had. She then started nuzzling the side of his neck. Pyro was very surprised by this sudden show of affection. Star then whispered, "Your ok. Your ok." Pyro felt completely relaxed as she continued to comfort him. However he was brought out of his relaxation as Star tightened her grip. Pyro felt a wave of pain pass through his body. He then politely said, "Um Star…not that I mind the hug, but it's starting to hurt." Star then blushed and let go of him. She then said, "I should probably heal you now." He nodded and lied down on his stomach. Star began healing him and decided to ask what happened. "Pyro, what happened after we left?"

Without looking back he said, "I killed the three Ferals and headed back here, although as you can see, I didn't get out of that fight unscathed either." Star and the others were baffled. Even adult dragons had trouble dealing with numerous Ferals. Then again, dragons of the royal bloodline are not your average dragons. Pyro then looked over to his adopted family. They were all together. Pyro knew if they stayed her they wouldn't be able to protect themselves. He then came to a difficult decision. He then said, "Mom, look you guys can't survive here. I'm sorry but you need to go back home." Jordan and Conner were very surprised. They both looked to their mother and she then said, "I know your right. This is your world, not ours." Jordan and Conner both had sad, yet understanding faces. Jordan then said, "You'll come visit us right. I mean we still have to get you back for beating us at the dojo." Conner then said, "Yeah, that and were going to miss our little brother."

Pyro laughed and said, "Don't worry guys. I'll visit any time I get the chance. Who knows maybe one day you guys will become dragons and stay here." Ethan laughed and said, "Yeah, crazier things have happened." They all started laughing enjoying the moment. It wasn't long before everyone went home and went to sleep. Pyro took another look at his family. He knew he had to keep them safe, even if it meant he had to send them away.