Mini-drabble-prompt-anon! Leon and Stahn are in the backyard together, stargazing. Marian notices them as she passes by a window - maybe doing chores or something - and stops to watch. They're close together, both snuggled under a blanket (or maybe Lion's cloak or something) for warmth. Soon enough, they look at one another and appear to be talking. Slowly, very slowly, they lean closer and closer until they kiss. What does this scene look like form her eyes?

It was a quiet evening, nearing her usual bedtime. It didn't stop her from trying to sweep the kitchen floor one last time before retiring. Humming lightly, she made her way around the kitchen, pausing briefly by the window looking out into the backyard.

She swore her heart melted at the scene that greeted her, looking out across the back lot. It appears that they had been there for a while, possibly since dinner, which had been eaten outside as well. Leaning against her broom, she just watched them, a gentle smile lighting up her face.

After a moment, Lion seemed to hunch over on himself a little, causing Stahn to jump a little. She could almost hear him loud and clear, knowing exactly what he was saying at that moment.

"Are you alright?"

She bit back a giggle at that thought. How easy it was to read Stahn, ever from this distance. A non-chalant wave from Lion.

"I'm fine."

She shook her head. Maybe she'd been spending too much time with the duo to know what they were saying from just their body motions. She gave a quiet squeal as Stahn unclasped his cape and drapped it over both of their shoulders, tugging Lion in close to him. A light flashed across the sky, causing Stahn to point up, gasping at the shooting star that was there, and than gone just as suddenly. She smiles, knowing Lion is chewing him out, albiet gently, for getting worked up over something so meaningless. Then Stahn said something, looking back at Lion, causing Lion to turn red and drop his gaze to the ground.

Marian smiled. That was a side of Lion only Stahn really got to see. The shy, embarrassed, flustered smile he had, nearly hidden by his hair. She vaguely wondered what Stahn said that caused that blush, but all thoughts were forgotten, as was the broom she leaned upon, as Stahn tipped Lion's chin up and gently kissed him.

The clatter of the broom hitting the floor startled her and she stooped to pick it up before it made more noise than it did. By the time she returned to looking out the window, the scene was over. They had returned to just sitting there, watching the sky. Maybe it was just her imagination, but it looked like Lion was leaning just a little closer, and Stahn was sitting just a little straighter.

With a bemused sigh, she left the window to finish sweeping. The two of them deserved a brief moment of peace, and as much as she just wanted to continue watching them, she would respect their privacy.