My First Doctor Who fanfic, hope y'all enjoy it. And as always I do not claim any ownership for the characters or plot lines from the series. Please review, but keep them polite and professional please.

Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye

The TARDIS appeared on the deserted beach in Norway, the Doctor opened the doors without a sound and walked out on the damp sand, his feet making light impression as he moved slightly forward until he noticed that only Jackie, Donna, and his counterpart had followed him onto the beach, Rose was still standing before the console not moving. They had not agreed about what was happening right now, she didn't want to leave him again. Sighing he turned and motioned for the other three to give him a moment with the stubborn blonde within.


"I can't do this, I don't belong in this world! I'm supposed to be traveling throughout time and space with you for the rest of my life!" She crumpled to her knees as a sob wracked through her thin frame; he kneeled down next to her and wrapped her up into his arms placing a gentle kiss to her temple. "I told you I loved you the last time we were here, and it broke my heart that I wouldn't be able to be with you, but instead had to love you from afar..."

"Sometimes, my dear Rose, loving someone from afar is the best thing you can do." He tilted her chin up to look into her eyes. "I know you don't understand right now, but I promise one day you will understand."

He helped her to her feet and walked side by side out onto the beach where the other three waited patiently for them to come out.

"But I spent all that time looking for you, I don't want to come back here now..."

"But you got to, we saved the universe, but at a cost...and the cost was him. He destroyed the Daleks, he committed genocide, he's too dangerous to be left alone."

"You made me!" Protested the Doctors counterpart.

"EXACTLY. You were born in battle full of blood and anger and revenge...remind you of someone? That is me when we first met," the Doctor's gaze returning to his blonde companion. "And you made me better, and now you can do the same for him."

"But he's not you," she almost whispered tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"He needs you, that's very me."

"But it's better than that, though. Don't you see what he's trying to give you?" Donna spoke up from behind the Doctor. "Go on."

Rose turned to the second Doctor as Donna's gaze fell on him to explain what she was saying. He looked back her with only a second to think then gave her the explanation her eyes were pleading for.

"I look like him, think like him, same memories, same thoughts, same everything, except I've only got one heart."

"Which means?" Her voice pleading.

"I'm part human. Pacifically the aging part, I'll grow old and never regenerate. I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you if you want?"

"You'll grow old with me?"


"This reality is sealing it off..."

"But this still isn't right, the Doctor is still you." Rose went to move towards the Doctor as if to keep him from leaving.

"And I'm him..." the Doctor said matter of fact.

"Alright, well answer me this; the last time I stood on this beach on the worst day of my life, what was the last thing you said to me? Go on say it."

Both Doctors standing on either side of her now.

"I said Rose Tyler," the Doctor said gently if not sadly.

"Yea, and how was that sentence going to end?" She urged him to continue.

"Does it need saying..." his voice starting to crack.

"And you other Doctor, how was that sentence going to end?"

The second Doctor leaned down to whisper into her ear so only she could hear the words. She glanced at him for a second then pulled him close into a passionate kiss. The Doctor and Donna took the moment to return to the TARDIS and set back to the original universe and let the Vortex close behind them leaving Rose and the new Doctor to spend their lives together in the parallel universe. Rose pulled away from the kiss at the sound of the TARDIS departing and made a half attempt to run to it, but stopped mid stride knowing there was nothing she could do now; the new Doctor coming up to her side and lacing his fingers with hers, he was not jealous or upset any that she still wanted to go with his other half, she had loved Him first, but he would show her that this was for the best and he was still the man she loved, just not immortal anymore.

**AN: Might I add it is not easy to do word for word transferring from the show to this...I know I changed some of the original words, but I needed it to fit the beginning of my version so please don't hate.