Past Hidden Memory

Pairing: Jayden and Mia

Summary: Mia has been having a weird dream and was confused by it. Meanwhile a Nighlok attack the city and when the Samurai Ranger arrived; Mia was shock to see the same Nighlok from her dream. Can she and the other rangers stop the Nighlok? Read and find out.

Chapter One

"Don't go wondering off too far sweetie," a woman's voice said.

A brunette little girl was playing in the park alone with her ball when suddenly out of nowhere a nighlok appears and lunges at her.

The brunette little girl drops her ball and screams.

Mia sat up in bed panicking and was breathing heavily.

"Mia, are you alright?" Emily asked, appearing by Mia side.

Mia shook her head and slightly smile "I'm fine, it just a bad dream," she told her friend as she brushes her hair with her hand.

"Okay," Emily touches Mia's shoulder "I'm here if you want to talk about it," she says before she returns back to her bed.

Mia nodded and lays back down unable to go back to sleep. She pulled the cover up to her neck, thinking about the dream "What was that dream about and what was it trying to tell me?"she wondered.

Thinking back to the dream make Mia shudders so she decides to push aside and think about it in the morning.

In the kitchen, Mentor Ji was making breakfast when Jayden walked in "Morning Ji," he greeted.

"Morning Jayden," Ji replied.

"Where's everyone at?" Jayden looked around the kitchen; notices the chairs at the table were empty.

"They're outside training in the yard"

Jayden nodded and walked outside in the training yard. When he walked out, he saw Mia was sparring with Antonio. They were using their swords.

"Hey guys," Jayden says as he approaches to them.

"Hey Jayden," Emily replied.

"Jay, check out Antonio and Mia going at it with their swords," Mike told him with a smirks on his face.

"Can you guess whose winning?" Emily asked.

Kevin shrugged "I don't know yet".

"We will have to see," Jayden told them.

Antonio managed to dodges the attack from Mia "Nice," he remarked "Almost got me there".

"You should pay more attention," Mia teased.

"Thanks for tips," Antonio says as he tries to strikes at Mia who block it with her sword.

"That's a good fighter," Emily commented.

"I know, Antonio has been training since he was kid," Jayden says as he was watching.

Emily looked at Jayden "Uh, I was talking about Mia," she clarified

"Oh," Jayden looked at Emily and then turn his attention back to Antonio and Mia.

"Man, those are some great moves," Mike remarked.

"Well Mia has been training hard lately," Kevin mentioned.

Mike stares at Kevin

"What?" Kevin looked at Mike confused.

"Dude, I was talking about Antonio".

Kevin looked at Jayden and Emily who shrug their shoulders and chuckled.

Antonio and Mia were still training when Emily notices that Mia was starting to lose focus "Jayden, is just me or is Mia starting to struggle with her training," she asked.

"No," Jayden replied "I notice it too".

"Me too," Mike agreed.

"Wonder what's going on?" Kevin asked.

Mia swings her sword high to tries to hit Antonio, but he blocks it with his sword and came closer to her, with their swords in between them "Jayden is watching you," he told her with a grin on his face.

Mia slightly glances over at Jayden and notices he was staring at her. She could have sworn that she saw a concern look on his face.

She looked at Antonio and shook her head "I think he's watching both of us fight," she says.

"If you say so," Antonio smiles and moves his sword away from her.

Mia and Antonio lunges toward each other with their swords when all sudden the image of the dream appears in Mia's mind, making her lose focus. She was lost in her own thought that she didn't even notice Antonio swinging his sword at her. Next thing she knew, she felt a sharp pain to her side and fell to the ground

"Oh my god, Mia!" Antonio shouts, dropped his sword and rushes over to her "I am so sorry," he apologizes.

The others soon rush over and were surrounding her. Jayden and Antonio offers their hands and helps Mia get off the ground. She wobbles a little bit leaning toward Jayden who steady her with his hands on her back. He notices that Mia was wincing in pain and knew that she was hurt from Antonio's sword.

Mike grabs Mia's sword off the ground as Kevin grabs Antonio's sword.

"Mia, are you alright?" Emily asked as she went over and stand next to Mia.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's nothing really," Mia told them with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Mia," Antonio said, feeling awful for hurting her.

"It's not your fault. I wasn't pay attention," Mia assured him "I'm fine, let's continue," She was about to reach for her sword when Jayden stopped her, grabbing her hand back "Ok that's enough training for today," he said, not wanting Mia to train especially when she's hurt "Let's go eat," he suggests and grabs Mia's sword from Mike.

"Okay," Antonio agreed, grabbing his sword from Kevin and then left into the house with Mike and Kevin following behind.

Emily touches Mia's arm "Are you sure, you're okay?" she asked, worrying for her friend.

Mia nods "I'm fine, let's eat," she says with a smile and left into house leaving Emily with Jayden who was still holding Mia's sword that was resting on his shoulder

Jayden looked at Emily "Do you know what's going on with Mia?" he asked.

Emily shook her head "No, she doesn't tell me about it," she replied "But I'll see if I can get her to talk to me".

"Okay," Jayden nods.

Jayden and Emily walked into the house where the others were waiting for them in the kitchen.

Emily sat next to Mia while Jayden sat next to Antonio. Ji notices everyone was quiet and wonders what's going on.

"Anyone care to tell me what's going on?" He asked, looking at everyone.

Jayden glances over at Mia who was eating while staring down at her plate. He was worried and concern for her. He really wants to know what was bothering her.

Antonio sighs "Mentor Ji, me and Mia were training in yard when I accidentally injured her," he says.

"You what!" Ji exclaimed.

"Ji, it was an accident," Jayden spokes, helping his friend out "He didn't mean for it to happen".

"I see," Ji replied. Then he turns and looked at Mia "Mia, are you okay?"

Mia nods "I'm fine, Ji," She gave him a smile "It just a scratch, that's all".

Ji smiles "I'm glad you are okay".

Everyone continues to eat and talk to each other except for Jayden and Mia. Mia was busy eating her food, not saying anything while Jayden was staring at her as he ate his food.

~Later On~

Everyone was in the living room playing a game when Mia walked out from the kitchen.

"Mia," Emily glances up at Mia with a smile "Come join us!"

Mia at first wanted to go outside to be alone, but seeing Emily so happy, she didn't want to ruin her friend day so she agreed.

"Here, I saved you a spot," Emily smirks, patting the seat next to Jayden.

Mia smiles and sat down in between Emily and Jayden "So, what are we playing?"

"We are playing a poker," Emily replied.

"Poker?" Mia asked.

Mike smirks "We were planning to play strip poker, but Emily was uncomfortable with it so we played regular poker instead," he teased and earn a whack in the back of his head from Kevin and Antonio and receive a glare from Emily.

"Ow!" Mike rubs his head.

"Any ways," Emily smiles "So do you want play?" she asked.

"Sure!" Mia agreed.

"Okay ladies and gentleman let's start a new game," Antonio says.

Jayden uses his Lion Folding Zord to shuffles the cards. Then Kevin took the cards and was about to pass the cards out when the gap sensor went off.

Everyone got up as Ji came running in "Nighlok is attacking the city," he told them.

"Let's go!" Jayden says and all of them run out the door.

~At the Park~

The rangers arrived in the park already morphed and saw people running away panicking.

"Show yourself!" Jayden shouted, looking around for the Nighlok.

Suddenly the nighlok appears in front of them from a far "Ah rangers, what a pleasant surprised especially you, pink ranger," the monster smirked.

"What!" Everyone turned and looked at Mia in confused.

Jayden notices Mia was shock and startled from seeing that Nighlok. It seems that she recognizes the nightlok.

"It can't be," he heard her muttered

"Mia?" Jayden spokes, but she didn't reply to him.

"What matter pink ranger, you don't remember me?" the monster asked.

Mia tightens her fists. Without thinking she yanks her sword out and lunges at the monster.

"Mia!" Jayden called out to her, but she didn't seem to hear him.

Mia slashes the monster in the chest making the monster tumbles backward. She was about to slash the monster again when monster grab her wrist, yanking her sword out of her hand before he punches her three times in the stomach. Then he slashes her in the chest with her own sword and sent her flying backward.

"Mia!" Jayden ran toward her, catching her and she collides into his chest. Both of them landed on the ground as the other rangers ran over to them.

"Jayden, Mia, are you guys alright?" Antonio asked, helping his friends get up.

Kevin and Mike went ahead and fight the monster.

"I'm fine," Mia replied as she got up with Jayden help.

"Out of my way!" The monster blasts Kevin and Mike in the chest "I only want the pink ranger!"

"Not on my watch," Antonio says as he swings his Barracuda Blade at the monster taking back Mia's sword "Thank you, I'll be taking that!"

The monster tumbles backward "This is not over yet, rangers, I will be back!" He growls and then disappears.

Mike and Kevin ran forward

"Dammit, he got away!" Mike yelled.

Kevin turned around and looked at Mia "Mia, what's going on?"

"Why is that Nighlok after you only and not us?" Emily asked.

"I...I," Mia winces in pain and then fainted.

"Mia!" Jayden caught her in his arm "Let's head back and deal with this later," he suggests before he carries Mia in his arms.

The others nodded and follow Jayden back to the Shiba's Place.

~Shiba's Place~

"What!" Ji got up from his chair "That Nighlok is only after Mia?" he asked.

"Yeah," Mike replied "He was like "out of my way; I'm only after the pink ranger" crap".

"Do you see the way that Nighlok look at Mia," Kevin mentions "It's like he knew her already".

"Ji, do you have any idea why this Nighlok is after Mia?" Jayden asked, worrying about Mia.

"Something tell me that it's has something to do with the previous pink ranger," Ji says.

"Are you saying that you seen that Nighlok before?" Kevin asked.

Ji nodded "Jayden's father and the other samurai rangers fought this Nighlok. It was defeated by the pink ranger. Now it has returned back to settle a score with the pink ranger. If you asking how this nighlok return back, I don't know the answer to it".

"Maybe Master Xandred revives this Nighlok back," Mike assumed.

"It possible," Jayden agreed.

"Now, this nighlok is out to get revenge on the pink ranger," Kevin said, looking at Jayden who in his own thoughts.

"But Mia wasn't one that defeated him," Antonio mentioned.

"It doesn't matter," Jayden looked at Antonio "To that nighlok, Mia is the pink ranger and it's the pink ranger he's want no matter who it is".

Mike got up "Then we must protect Mia and not let the nighlok get her".

"I agree," Kevin got up next to Mike.

"Then it is settle," Jia walked around "You guys will protect Mia and will not let that Nighlok get near her".

The rangers nod. Emily came out and Jayden got up "How is Mia?"

"She's sleeping right now"

Emily sighs "I'm worried for Mia"

"We all worried for her, Emily," Jayden slightly smiles. He was worried for Mia too. When he saw her got hurt in battle with the Nighlok, all he could think was that he needed to protect her and get her to safety.

"Jayden?" Emily said all of a sudden, interrupting his thoughts. He looked at her "Can I talk to you alone?"

Jayden nods and leads her into the dojo room "What did you want to talk to me about, Em," he asked her once they were inside the sparring room alone.

"It's about Mia," she told him and that got Jayden complete attention on her.

"I'm listening".

"Um," she looked down for a minute before she looked up at him "remember when you asked if I knew what's going on with Mia"

"Yeah," Jayden nodded.

"Well something just occur to me when I was with Mia," She looked up at him and he gestures her to continue "Lately, Mia has been having some bad dream and she would wake up panicking in the middle of the night".

"Mia was having a bad dream? How come she doesn't say anything about it?"he thought. "Did she tell you what the dream was?" he asked.

Emily shook her head.

"No wonder why she doesn't seem like her usual cheerful self. She was all gloomy and quiet," Jayden now understand why Mia was acting not her usual self. He then turned and looked at Emily "For now we need keep an eye on Mia because the nighlok is after her".

"The Nighlok is after Mia, but why?"

Jayden explained to Emily what she was missed at the meeting because she was taking care of Mia.

"I understand," Emily said after Jayden finished.

Meanwhile in the Forest somewhere

The nighlok was angry that he didn't get his revenge on the pink ranger "Mark my word, I will have my revenge!" he growls.

Unaware of his surrounding, a shadow was lurking behind a tree watching the Nighlok.

TBC: Review and tell me what you think? Should I continue the story? Please review.