Harmony Sea of Gryffindor house sat on her dorm room bed while the fire from the fireplace cackled and emitted a warm glow around the room. She listened and laughed while her best friends exchanged, quite excitedly, all their laughter-laced stories of their many summer adventures at the same time. Borrowed clothing, makeup brushes, books and posters were scattered all over the buzzing room. They laughed and caught up as the sixth years unpacked all their belongings from their trucks, preparing for another life-changing year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"...and so the shopkeeper actually came up to us and asked us to leave because we were being too loud! I mean, it wasn't our fault that we found a book titled, 'Unique Shaving Patterns for Your-'" Liven couldn't finish, and instead burst out in giggles, as did the other girls.

Liven Pameo was sarcastic and bold, to say the least. She was always speaking her mind and not thinking nor caring about the consequences until they actually came into effect. With long, shiny black hair, dark blue eyes, and a dangerously contagious laugh, she had almost all the boys pretty much kissing her feet and the girls wanting to burn her alive.

"I mean, who even writes something like that? And who thought it was good enough to publish? I'm willing to bet there was hot office romance involved." Alice Prewett cut in.

Alice was a quiet girl, known for her intelligence and ability to obtain the oddest facts; if Harmony ever had a question about something any normal person wouldn't know, she would go to Alice. Alice had thin brown hair that brushed her shoulders and soft green eyes, not to mention the most adorable little blush that covered her cheeks when the source of her fancy, Frank Longbottom, talked to her. Even if it was just about homework.

The girls burst out in laughter and continued to bash the store owner from Liven and Alice's story. They chuckled about this highly inappropriate book that only Liven would have the guts to open until Lily Evans cut in, her own laughter slowing down.

"Let's get a move on, you lot, we'll miss dinner if we keep at this rate."

"Yes, ma'am." Liven snorted. But nevertheless, the girls, still laughing, turned from Liven and Alice to finish unloading their overpacked trunks.

Harmony hopped off the bed and continued to fold her clothes and place them neatly into the drawer. She knew they were never going to stay that neat, but at least she could claim she attempted.

The Hogwarts express had to leave five hours earlier due to the ever-present threat of the oncoming war. Said war was caused by a dark wizard named Voldemort, who was obsessed with blood purity. In other words, it was severely frowned upon to do the frick frack with muggles or muggleborns and if you did happen to forget this vital rule, you and your kid would be shunned and/or killed. It was lovely (Sarcasm. Total sarcasm). So the legendary headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, thought it'd be safest to bring the students to Hogwarts at six am (five hours earlier than all the previous years) so when Voldy's army, the Death Eaters, show up to kill everyone, they'll be five hours too late.

For any average being, waking up at 4:30 in the morning would be difficult. For Harmony, it was an excruciatingly painful process that took the better part of 30 minutes. On top of waking up late, she also had yet to complete, or even start, packing her trunk.

But Harmony's summer was pretty good overall; regardless of the six am departure. She spent it mostly with Rebecca Leen, a weird-in-a-good way type girl who loves books and had dirty blonde hair that hung just past her shoulders. She lived right down the street from Harmony, so they spent enormous amounts of time in each other's company ever since they were little girls. Memories flooded into Harmony's mind, of all the times they snuck out, screamed over books, cried over boys, blasted music too loudly, and so on. Honestly, she had thousands upon thousands of life-changing experiences with that girl. Harmony started smiling to herself from just the mere thought of all the late nights spent under the stars, (many times) intoxicated and laughing away in one of their many hideouts.

Becca's parents were both muggles, just like Harmony's. As soon as they found out they were both witches when they were eleven - well, it was one of Harmony's most heart-splittingly joyous memories. She thought back on running around outside at 11pm, screaming, "WE ARE REAL LIVE WITCHES!" for the world to hear. It was a good thing that they both lived pretty much in the middle of nowhere, or the Ministry might have had to obliviate many muggles.

Harmony was brought back to the present by a loud cuss word and laughter from across the dorm room. Lily Evans had pulled out a jumper from her tidy trunk to find that it was covered in sweet smelling hair wash.

"Did she actually just drop the f-bomb?" Harmony asked, directing her question at Becca but gawking in Lily's direction.

"Yeah, I think she did!" she heard Becca say beside her.

Lily Evans, the model student, kind to everyone, top grades, helpful, organized, prefect (the list goes on). Her long, wavy, red hair and shocking emerald green eyes caused lots of boys to fancy her, regardless of the fact that she had a steady boyfriend of just about 6 months. A Ravenclaw, Korey List, was a tall, handsome, smart prefect with buzz cut length blonde hair and the lightest blue eyes.

"Maybe next time you should close the cap, yeah?" Harmony smirked at Lily as she came back from the bathroom, clean jumper in one hand and wand in the other.

"Oh, hush." Lily rolled her eyes and Liven snorted loudly from across the room.

"How ladylike." Harmony commented dryly from near the window, where her bed was.

Liven snorted again at this comment.

Harmony mock-sighed and turned back to her trunk. She was so happy to be back at Hogwarts, her home, with her extended family. She always missed her actual family beyond belief, but it was nice to return to the school for another adventerous year. Harmony had a great home life, she really did; loving parents, a little sister who was six and showing promising signs of being a witch, and a little brother, Ryan, who was in his fourth year at Hogwarts.

Harmony was a somewhat quiet girl, almost the complete opposite of her brother. While he was loud and popular, she was more for sitting back and observing the situation. A bookworm, and top of classes next to Remus Lupin and Lily, people often assumed that she was your typical, shy, sixteen-year old. Harmony actually did find it hilarious when people automatically made these assumptions about her, though, because when you actually took more than three and a half minutes to get to know her, it was quite obvious she wasn't that at all.

Two things Harmony and Ryan had in common were their looks (dark hair, tan-ish skin) and their mischievous streak. Ryan's was pretty obvious all the time, which is probably the reason he had the entire fourth-year grade level greeting him in the hallway. Harmony's mischievous side, on the other hand, was more hidden. Although when it came out to play, she was either extremely dangerous or extremely brilliant. Or both. Usually both.

Harmony had little fascinations on the side, too. Besides stars and space, she loved fire. Fireworks, flames, matches, (firewhiskey), explosions, sparklers; you name it, she loved it. Becca was constantly calling her a pyromaniac; a trend that quickly spread like fire itself. It was suddenly 'Harmony, that bookworm/pyromaniac from Gryffindor'.

Well, that was how the Marauders saw her.

The Marauders; a tight group of four Gryffindor sixth-years who were solely responsible for every prank and mishap to happen in or around Hogwarts.

There was Remus Lupin, the most sane and well-behaved out of the group. He always had a book in hand and his honey brown eyes were caring. Him and Harmony were quite good friends, starting when she figured out, with Lily's help, that the sandy haired bookworm was a werewolf. It didn't bug any of the sixth year girls, which lifted a weight off the poor boy's shoulders knowing that his two groups of friends now knew about his furry little problem, as James put it.

James Potter, handsome, smart, Quidditch star was quite the looker, with his messy black hair and deep hazel eyes which any girl would kill to look into. Too bad he had only eyes for one; Lily Evans. They would probably be the prime example of 'opposites attract' and 'match made in Heaven', if Lily didn't appear to hate his guts so damn much.

Constantly bickering with him, Harmony was surprised Lily's eyes didn't just fall out if their sockets with all the eye-rolling that went on when Lily and James were in close proximity of each other. Harmony always felt bad for James, as did the better part of Hogwarts' population, because everyone knew that James Potter would do anything for a Lily Evans smile, when Lily Evans would do anything to see him die a painful death.

That's just the facade she put on for everyone else, though. Harmony and the girls all saw the hidden attraction to him. Ever since fourth year, when he gave her a secret love note and a silver bracelet on her birthday. No one knew about it until Liven found it while digging in Lily's trunk for a quill, and obviously told the rest of the girls everything about it.

Lily always claimed that the bracelet was from her parents, even though they were muggles and the bracelet was goblin made. They didn't say anything, because they lived in constant fear of the Lily Evans temper to match her hair colour.

Peter Pettigrew, a short, plump boy with watery blue eyes, blonde hair and poor grades was always being questioned on why he was in with the famous and attractive marauders. Well, he was questioned up until Sirius Black threatened to hex the next person to ask about Peter. Needless to say, the questions stopped then and there.

The final marauder, Sirius Black, was the biggest womanizer, or as many girls who were victim of him call it - the biggest 'man whore' - Hogwarts has ever seen. Wavy, dark hair, stormy grey eyes, a Quidditch body that all girls wanted like air, and a dazzling smile that had you smiling back without even processing the action. Not to mention that he was smart, hilarious, charming, and had the whole badass thing completely working in his favour.

Never leaving James, and vice versa, the pair was like a smile-activated bomb; blowing up ovaries with the curve of their lips and causing chaos wherever they went. As a whole, Remus, Sirius, James and Peter were the most popular boys in school; the marauders.

"We'll be late for dinner! And we can't get to bed too late because I know this year is going to be hell."Lily's voice pulled Harmony from her thoughts once again.

"Two swear words in one night; Lily, you're on fire!" Becca exclaimed.

Liven, Alice and Harmony burst out laughing.

"Oh shut it." Lily rolled her eyes playfully. "Hell isn't even a swear word."

The girls continued their mindless chatter all the way down to the Great Hall for another one of Hogwarts' famous feasts. Students were everywhere, shouts of "I've missed you!" and "How was your summer?" echoing off the stone walls in the packed corridors lined with all the Hogwarts usuals - empty suits of armour, torches, talking portraits and tapestries. It was safe to say the entire school was buzzing with excitement and life.

This year is going to be great, Harmony thought, watching her tanned friends together again, this year is going to be amazing.

A/N- Thanks for reading. Chapters will get much longer, by the way, as this is only the very beginning. The first few will be short, and the others will become steadily longer.