A Future Full of Beautiful Malice

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated. This is for pure enjoyment and entertainment.

~Chapter 15: ~ A Curious Consequence


The grass was wet and ridden with droplets of dew. The air smelled fresh from the previous shower that washed away the lands imperfections. The sun was not alone, accompanied by a faint but admirable rainbow.

Kagome spotted another guard at the top of fortress armed with long bows and sharp arrows. The day was now superlative for reconnaissance and plotting. She sat atop a small hill that allowed her full view of the walls and everything that resided inside. She drew a small circle in blue on the layout in front of her. The paper was disguised inside a hefty and aged book.

'Okay, I'm pretty sure I marked down where all the archers will be.'

She glanced at the blueprint concealed in the novel and then referred to the guard shift schedule for confirmation. Sakana had managed to mark down in green ink all of the regularly stationed guards inside the castle with a triangle. She then grazed her finger over every red square that Sango had marked as the doubled outside forces. It was her job to mark every archer on top of the well-protected walls.

They had stayed up all night carefully scheming. Having Roko as the brains of the operation was an exceptional choice. Seeing as he was one of the generals for the infamous Western land troops, there was no doubt in her mind he had come up with a heist that would not fall through.

With only two days left, they needed to make sure everything was in its proper place and set correctly. There would be no mistakes, no mishaps. Everything would go according to plan and once it did they would escape to Mount Hakurei.

Once she was sure she had accounted for every special archer, she folded the papers and snapped the dusty book shut. She laid it flat on top of her lap and rested her elbows with her palm cradling her face. She sighed and took in the peaceful sights.

The leaves of the trees were slowly changing color. Although they were still green, tints of orange and red spotted a lucky few, foretelling that fall would be closing in soon.

How she loved fall. The beautiful autumn season was one of her favorites. Though she loathed the one that followed. But she wished the season would stay longer. Fall was like fireworks. It was flashy and colorful and loved, but then it disappears too fast and makes its viewers want more. Kagome always wanted more of fall.

And speaking of fireworks, she wondered when Roko would return to bring them some. That was the only component of their mission that they needed. She knew he would come; he seemed to be a man of his word.

Kagome smiled serenely at a group of small yokai children playing in the vast front yard. They were chasing each other all around the open area surrounded by the barracks and employee huts.

Each giggle and grunt of energetic laughter made her smile more. But as time passed that smile started to turn into a thin line. Their rounds of joy displeased her the more she watched, and she ultimately knew why.

Sango saw her friend on top of a hill. She skipped over to her and plopped down in the grass beside her.

"Hey," Kagome deadpanned, already knowing who decided to intervene on her alone time.

She meant to respond back but noticed the disheveled expression pasted onto the Miko's face. "What's wrong?" She inquired.

Kagome didn't answer for she didn't really feel like talking. They did so much of it last night and her lack of sleep left her cranky. She just tilted her head down and looked back at the carefree younglings.

Sango followed her gaze and stilled, knowing exactly how she felt. She sighed and leaned back on her elbows. "I miss my brother too," she whispered.

Although the two best friends had caught up on every subject while they were apart, there were a few things they deliberately left out. Issues of past lovers were not discussed regularly nor were missing or dead family members. And looking passed the different names, the two women were oddly similar on who they had lost. The only exception was Kagome's mother who was still alive, but the option to see her was far off and left her in the same position as Sango.

Kagome started to think again, and with her thinking she ended up feeling selfish as usual. "I'm sorry Sango," she muttered, her eyes still fixated on the children.

She turned her head questioningly at her friend. "Why would you be sorry?"

"Because I know where my brother is. And I have a mother, yet I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself and being ignorant towards how you must be feeling."

She hiccupped a giggle. "Don't be. I know he's out there. That's what keeps me going," she uttered passionately.

Kagome's eyes peered at the flowing grass. "Once this is all over, I'm going to help you find him. And we aren't going to stop until we do," her tone almost seemed angry, like she was speaking to the fates and telling them to 'fuck off'. She wouldn't let karma or destiny keep her best friend from seeing her brother again. It just wasn't fair.

Sango smiled and nodded her head, pleased at the Miko's confidence and perseverance.

"Roko arrived in your room," Sango said, cutting their recreation time short. "He wanted me to fetch you, seems there still some more things to discuss in detail now that he has what we need."

"Sounds good."

The two women stood up and entered into the castle, neither of them looking back at the kids playing hide and seek.


When they reached her room and opened the door, only Sakana hung about folding Kagome's strewn clothes.

The Miko protruded her jaw and scratched the top of her head. Sakana didn't seem like she was going to stop her duties so Kagome decided to end it. "Hey…partner in crime," she joked, grabbing her attention.

Sakana straightened her body with a bundle of garments in her arms. "Yes lady Kagome?"

She rolled her eyes and set a hand on her hip. "So where's Roko? I heard he needed us here." She took the book with the blueprint out from under her arm and threw it on the bed.

"Oh, right. He said for you both to meet him right outside the fortresses gate doors."

Sango lifted a brow. "Uh, and how do you expect us to get passed the guards? Might as well leave and go to Mount Hakurei now if that's the case."

"Yeah," Kagome agreed. "Screw the plan."

"Would you two hush? He arranged the guards elsewhere so you two could meet him. But it is only for a short time…so get going," she shooed them with her hand.

The women exchanged an odd look but complied with the maid's request.


They walked back outside and were greeted with nothing except the suns bright rays. Kagome scaled the brim of the walls with her eyes, but there were no guards atop of them like there was a short time ago.

"Must be nice to do whatever you want," Sango announced, referring to Roko.

"Mhm. Wonder what he told them."

The children no longer played in the grassy area and there were no gardeners or servants about busying themselves with their jobs.

They walked along the path and stilled at the two very exuberant closed doors that lead to the city.

"So, do we….just knock?" Sango asked.

But her question was answered with Kagome pushing the doors apart. Sakana said their time to get this done was short so she didn't want to waste any by climbing the length or brainstorming ideas of how to force it open. For as large as they were, it was surprisingly easy to unlatch.

She only left the door slightly ajar, just enough for them to squeeze through. One by one they turned to their sides and slithered through the small opening.

They appeared without difficulty, facing the commotion of the far off city. Kagome turned and saw Roko standing a few feet away by a shaded tree.

"Finally," he said, walking up to them.

"Okay were here….so why are we here exactly?" Kagome wondered.

He motioned for a figure to come forth. From behind the tree a stunted plump man emerged from the shadows. Hungry flies swarmed the demon, which he seemed to care less of their company. His lack of hygiene thoroughly repulsed Kagome but she ignored it for the time being.

He waddled forward and stood behind the general. In his hands he carried three stacked boxes marked with the word 'Oranges'.

"You can set those down," he instructed.

The man heartily grunted and carefully placed the heavy boxes on the ground. He huffed and lit a fat hand rolled cigar from behind his ear.

"These are the fireworks. I need you here to help carry them inside."

"Those look like fruit shipments to me," Kagome observed.

Roko rolled his eyes, annoyed at the Miko's obliviousness. "Yes. And when dealing with illegal black market imports, I need the boxes labeled 'properly', understand?"

Realization dawned upon the women and they nodded their heads in recognition.

"How did you get the guards to disappear?" Sango asked, completely curious.

"Being a general, it has its advantages. But a well-timed brawl in the servant mess hall suited quite nicely. I may have asked some of my men to investigate further, which is why we are short on time."

"I see," Kagome quipped. Her eyes diverted passed the lingering flies and onto a small dot hopping two and fro from the shoulder of the rotund yokai. She examined more thoroughly and her jaw dropped.

"Myoga?" She watched the flea bound from the shoulder of the incognito seller and jump on top of hers. He stuck himself to the side of her neck. She felt a prick of discomfort and slapped the nuisance with her palm. His now flattened body floated off and landed on her shoulder.

"Nice to see you haven't changed," she said with silly frustration and remembrance.

"Kagome!" He chirped happily, he glanced at the other woman, "Oh and Sango! What a glorious day this is," his stuffy voice seemed honest and true.

"Hello Myoga," Sango smiled, bending down to get a closer view.

Kagome shook her head. "Haven't seen you in a decade and the first chance you get you suck my blood," she accused.

"I'm sorry. Yours is just so succulent and mouth watering. My apologies."

"Moron," Kagome whispered to the little pest.

"Ahem," Roko interrupted their interesting reunion. "I see you know one of my sources."

Kagome pointed at the spec. "This, is one of your sources? I thought that guy was," she said switching to the smoking man.

"You don't expect me to hand deliver these boxes now do you Kagome?" The little flea asked.

"I suppose not," she said with a crooked jaw.

"Yes well, Myoga has proved to be quite useful the past couple of years. I've needed him for a few occasions and he's pulled through for me without fail. It was obvious that if I were to buy some big fireworks, he was the little guy for the job," Roko explained.

"Mhm," the women chimed together.

Roko pulled out a fat stack of currency and handed it to the demon. He bowed and walked off down the path that leads toward the city.

"Aren't you going with him?" Kagome asked Myoga.

The flea jumped up and down for emphasis. "No way! Not now that I found you two!"

"Yeah well I'm sure he'll make himself scarce at the first sign of danger," Sango said.

The two giggled like little girls and nodded their heads in agreement. Myoga stuck his pointy nose in the air and turned away offended.

"Alright," Roko began, "lets get these boxes into your room before my guards come back."

"Sounds good."

The three beings picked up their own box. Roko used his bottom to push the door further open. They slipped through and swiftly walked along the path that lead them to the foyer. Luckily, no guards were present; apparently the mess hall still needed their presence.

With the coast clear, they slinked across the marble floor and climbed the long flight of stairs. Once they reached the top they glided down the two sets of hallways and entered into Kagome's room. They set the boxes beside the dresser and Roko quickly shut the door.

"Okay, now we have to go over the plan again and make sure everything is in order."

A sudden knock at the door was heard. Sakana entered through with a smile.

"Oh good. Just in time," he waved for her to crowd around. He pulled out the blueprint within the book and laid it out flat on the center of the bed. They all circled around the paper and listened.

"Alright, we have every guard and archer marked on the map including their shift change and doubled forces. Do all of you know what to do still?"

They all nodded except Sango. She raised her hand, "Uh, you might need to go over it again," she admitted bashfully.

Roko deadpanned. He sighed, "Fine, I will go over it once more. But you better get it this time."

"I will, I promise."

"Okay," he began, "the two of you will prepare yourself and dress accordingly for the ball. You will be escorted out into the front yard to welcome the special guests that will be arriving. Do not leave until the royal family has entered into the castle. Once they do, follow them and you will enter in through here," he instructed, pointing a finger towards the grand ballroom on the map. "There will be a large open space for recreation but towards the side there will be two long tables. Your names will be marked on small cards, find them and know where to be seated for the announcement and introductions. This is where you will stay until the fireworks go off."

They all nodded and waited for further direction. "This is where Sakana comes in," he said, looking at her. "Now that we have the fireworks, I need you to place them somewhere safe and hidden behind the back of the castle. Since the ball is now two days away, setting them up tomorrow will give us enough time to make final preparations the next day."

"I will accomplish the task."

"Good. The fireworks will be in their proper position while you two, "he double pointed at the humans, "are in the ballroom waiting for them to go off. There is an overlooking balcony inside the room, which is where I will be standing watch. Once they go off, I will usher the soldiers guarding the room to investigate the unexpected noise. The guests will undoubtedly inspect the commotion. That is where you make your escape. Crawl out of a front window and wait outside for a couple of minutes. According to Lord Inu no Taisho's guard shift schedule, they switch positions every five minutes. I have bought enough fireworks to last about five to seven minutes so it is crucial that you slip passed the archers and guards while they are making their switch. If the fireworks have stopped before you get passed them, then you missed your chance."

The women nodded in understanding.

"Sango, have you briefed your companion of this mission or did you forget?" He wondered.

"No I did not forget. I told Kirara to be hiding behind the barracks. She will smell my scent when I am near and come around the side to take us away from the fortress."

"Great. Once you escape on your feline, head northeast and you should reach the mountain. How fast does Kirara fly?"

"Pretty fast. We can reach Mount Hakurei within a couple of hours."

"Perfect, because I will only be able to cover for you for the night. Kagome, if you are not back by morning to have your session with Sesshomaru, there is nothing I can do. He will most likely discover that you are gone."

"I know. We will be back before dawn. I'll make sure of it."

"Lady Kagome," Sakana added in, "I have packed an extra set of clothes and some light armor for you and Sango to wear just incase there is any trouble. I just need you to take the satchel and attach it to Kirara before the ball."


"Okay, so now that everything is discussed, do you all understand what you are to do for the next couple of days?"

They all nodded. "Wait," Kagome interjected, "how will Sakana know when to set the fireworks off?"

"When the announcement happens of course," Roko answered.

"Yeah but we have to make sure it is the right announcement or long introduction that deserves fireworks. She will be outside. I know you have good hearing Sakana but we don't want any mishaps. Shouldn't there be some type of signal to let her know?"

Roko stroked his stubble in thought. "Hmm, yes you make a valid point. We want complete control of when the fireworks will go off. Very well, Kagome you come up with a signal, and when you think it is the right moment, give me that signal so that I may in turn signal Sakana."

"How will she see the signal?"

"There is a large window on either end of the balcony that gives off a nice view of the front and back of the palace," Sakana answered for Roko. "I will clearly be able to see him through the window. Just make sure you are in view of the window when Kagome gives you the signal."

Roko nodded. "Of course. Kagome, do you know what signal you want as an indicator?"

"Uhh," she scratched her head and pondered. "Hmm…"

"You don't need to answer right now. You have until the day of the ball to come up with one. Just make sure you inform all of us so we know."

"Alright, will do."

"Well if that is all, then this meeting is dismissed."

Sakana made her way to the door and held it open for Sango. The slayer waved goodbye and left the room followed by the maid.

Roko inhaled and relaxed his worn out voice. He rolled up the blueprint and guard schedule and folded them comfortably in his pocket. He smiled at the little flea on the dresser who remained silent for the whole discussion.

Roko was about to leave until the Miko stopped him. "Hey," she began.

He turned with a lifted eyebrow and acknowledged for her to continue.

"Thanks for this. Probably couldn't have made this happen if not for you," she complimented.

He chuckled and straightened out his shirt. "I know," he turned to leave again.

"Wait, one more thing," she held out her flat palm vertically.

He pivoted on his heel and swung around. "Yes?" He asked somewhat tired.

"I was wondering. Do you even know what this celebration ball is for?"

Roko shrugged his shoulders. "Unfortunately I do not. Only the royal family knows. All we are informed of is where to position ourselves to guard, which obviously I will not be receiving an award for that category..." he winked.

Kagome giggled. "Okay, well thanks again" she waved and watched him exit the room.

She stretched out her muscles and collapsed on top of her bed. She was tired but her heart beat excitedly for the upcoming heist.


The next day was considerably uneventful and boring thus far. The ball was already tomorrow before dusk and apparently it seemed wise to the lords if they cancelled all training sessions for the next couple of days. So without her usual routine and pleasant time waster, Kagome laid on her bed staring up at the ceiling. She had been doing so for hours, thinking about nothing except a casual idea of what the signal should be. She couldn't really think of one that would be not so obvious yet obvious enough for Roko to clearly understand.

She hadn't even received a return letter from Shippo since she sent him her last one. There were no books to read. There was nothing to do at the moment. So currently, she felt quite depressed and unaccomplished.

She sighed and squirmed so she was staring at her dresser. Parts of clothes seeped out of the slightly opened drawers. Her workout attire and their extra counterparts were spread all over the rug and armchair. Sakana was too busy setting up the fireworks while at the same time attending to whatever Okuri needed her to do for the ball, so her clean up department was lacking. Not that Kagome minded. In fact she always felt bad for the woman picking up after her. She preferred her living space to be how she wanted it, which was messy. She felt more at home that way.

"I wish I could watch television," she muttered to herself.

The soundless room was too quiet for her taste. And when it came to technology, it was the perfect time waster.

"Television?" She glanced at the top of her dresser. The outside voice came from Myoga, who was lounging on a pair of blue underwear. During her stay, Kagome gave Sakana specific instructions on how to make the undergarments that she was used to. Sakana didn't understand why she didn't just wear the lingerie that was already there, but decided it best not to question the already odd yet interesting miko.

"Yeah, television. I'm pretty sure I once told you what they are in my time."

He scratched his tiny head. "Are those the boxes that somehow capture a memory? Or blocks that mysteriously allow you to talk to someone and hear their voice without them being present?"

Kagome giggled. "Haha, those are cameras and phones. But I'm glad you at least remembered those. No, a television allows you to watch moving pictures. They tell stories or you get to see interviews. I'm not one for movies myself but its passes the time."

"And how do those 'moving pictures' even come onto the 'television', or however you call it."

"Uh…" she sat up and protruded her jaw. "There's like a station…or channel. Each channel has a moving picture I guess."

"What is a station…and channel?"

Kagome grunted. "Never mind, it's too complicated to explain. Makes my brain hurt."

"Understandable. I never really remembered you using your brain very much in the past. I can see why it hurts."

Kagome's brows formed a rigid line. "Hilarious…" she deadpanned. "And would you get off my underwear already?"

Myoga's face blushed and he scrambled off of the thin cloth. He jumped down from the dresser, using each open drawer as a stepping-stone. He waddled over to the bed and tossed himself upon the bedspread next to Kagome.

"My apologies," he said looking down. His nose and his whiskers twitched and shifted awkwardly.

She lifted a brow, amused by his humiliation. "It's okay," she chuckled.

Myoga brightened his mood and bounded off the sheets and onto her neck. He hugged her tightly, but his pointed nose found something else to hug.

She rolled her eyes and slapped the bloodthirsty pest. He cascaded slowly and landed back on the bed.


"My apologies again," He bowed and plopped down.

Kagome huffed and shook her head. "So, Myoga. What have you been up to while I was gone? Besides running shady errands for Roko."

He lifted his face, stroking his long white mustache. "Well, not much actually. I have been keeping myself busy with my involvement in the growing black market industry. Besides that I have been helping Totosai craft swords and I have taken it upon myself to enjoy peaceful leisure's."

Kagome smiled. "Haven't you already been doing that your entire life?"

Myoga frowned. "That is not true. I do make myself useful when I want to," he defended.

"I know I know. You can be of some use here and there."

"And lets not forget I saved your life by sucking out that poison when Master Inuyasha thought you were done for!" He exclaimed proudly.

His named reentered her mind again. And that got her thinking as usual. "So…you haven't been with Inuyasha since I vanished?" She eagerly wondered.

He sighed. A solemn look graced his rusty features. "Unfortunately no. Last I heard he was gallivanting through different lands beheading and decimating demons. I have not seen him in quite awhile. I do hope he is well."

"Me too," she agreed, picking at her sheets.

Myoga observed the woman and inspected her. "I trust you have not seen him since you came back?"

She shook her head. "I have seen everyone else though. Sad to hear that Kaede has passed away, but I know she's probably happier up there."

"Yes, I have seen the others on occasion. I visited the day of Kaede's cremation and shrine ceremony. But since then I have only seen Miroku when he needed my help."

"Miroku needed your help?" She asked confused.

"Have you heard of the 'don't ask don't tell' policy?" He grinned.


"Well, then don't ask."

Kagome rolled her eyes. There could be many possible explanations for what Miroku needed, and she quite frankly did not want to know.

Although they both had the same topic in mind when it came to what kind of help Miroku always wanted. Usually involved women and alcohol. Or how to achieve a woman through the use of alcohol. The two cracked up and shook their heads.

"I can honestly say I'm glad you're here though, Myoga. It's always nice to see a friendly face. I only ever talk and hangout with Sango or Sakana. Sesshomaru on occasion, but he's been distant recently."

His eyes grew wide and he looked at her like she had grown several limbs. He couldn't grasp the concept of Sesshomaru having some sort of relationship, if any, with someone. Let alone a human…a human woman who used to run along with his half brother, which he despised. He remembered countless times of the two at each other's neck trying to end the other. Kagome had always been right there to observe the battles. And then he suddenly realized that he didn't actually put two and two together that Kagome was currently living in the western lands castle. It was all too much to try to understand and figure out.

Kagome must have sensed his inner contemplations. So she decided to enlighten the flea.

Her explanations of what had occurred before and after her arrival had taken up a large portion of the morning. It was now nearing lunchtime and though Myoga was still confused about Sesshomaru, he left the topic unfinished for the moment.

Kagome didn't feel like validating their relationship to the flea any further. For it was bewildering to her when she sat back and thought about it as well. It wouldn't make any sense to her either if she never disappeared, but that was then and this was now. Enormous parts of her past had changed. And although some were remorseful and shocking, where she ended up was considerably pleasant. But that's if she only thought about those specific circumstances and not the Tenshi no Guntai and their leader that currently plagued the lands.

She ended her own contemplations and the two left the room for lunch.

On the way to the back patio they saw many servants still rushing about decorating already decorated halls and rooms. Jumbled and hurried guards were even needed to help carry large boxes full of who knows what to the ballroom. Kagome was secretly relieved that no one had asked her or Sango to help with the preparations. Although she figured Okuri did not want pesky humans aiding her in her endeavors.

They finally arrived at the patio. From her shoulder she heard Myoga gasp. He was dumbfounded and mesmerized by the palaces beauty, even when it came to the outside architecture and ornaments that surrounded it. He glanced from the fountains to the buffet to the Miko.

She nodded, reassuring him that this was where they would be lunching. He gulped, blinked a few times, and exhaled a pleased breath.

Kagome spotted Sango at a table already eating. She grabbed her own plate, filled it up, and joined the woman. They both nodded in greeting.

Myoga leaped from Kagome's shoulder and started pacing around the table looking at the environment.

Kagome observed him with a smirk. The little flea probably had not been surrounded by a place of such beauty in a long time.

"Geez Myoga. It's like you have never been around anything pretty," Sango said, aware of his astonishment as well.

"Well I…uhm," he nodded, not able to put his thoughts into words.

The two women giggled and returned to their lunch. A few minutes passed and Myoga had yet to say anything, still obviously at a loss and in the confines of his small mind.

Sango ended the silence. "So, did you and Kagome catch up?" She inquired.

Myoga was still looking at the flowers and ivy that hung from above. He shook his head to end his concentration.

"Yes, we did catch up on a lot. But most of it is still very confusing and bothersome. Anyways Sango, I did want to ask you. How are you and the mon…"

Kagome smashed the nuisance on the glass table, muffling his sentence. She lifted her hand and glared at the flea, silently cursing at him with her eyes.

Myoga must have got the hint, for he brushed himself off and started to play with the condensation on one of the cups.

Kagome told him mostly everything that has happened but had left out a few details on purpose. She hoped that he would not bring up any unfinished business but of course the pest did exactly that.

Sango furrowed her brows but said nothing. She ignored whatever he was supposed to ask, secretly knowing what he was going to say. "How's your food today?" She nonchalantly asked.

Kagome peered down at her half eaten meal. "Oh, it's very nice. How's yours?"

"Can't complain," she answered, fidgeting with the rice on her plate.

She looked at the slayer with worry. She did not want her to feel sad or distracted, especially the day before they were going to escape. She wanted everyone to be rested and have clear minds if they were going to pull this off.

She placed a delicate hand on Sango's arm and smiled. She graced her with a smile of her own with as much happiness as she could muster. Kagome accepted that for now, but knew what was really troubling her.

The rest of lunch they sat in interesting quiet. There was really nothing else to say that would not reawaken past heartache. So after they had finished their meals, Sango took it upon herself to babysit the flea. She took him away from the patio to show him more glorious wonders of the palace.

A servant took Kagome's empty plate before she could discard the platter herself. She sat back and allowed a few minutes peace to ponder meaningless thoughts.

She gazed at the backyard and admired where the sun hit specific patches of flowerbeds and grass. It was truly a marvel. She herself was still not fully accustomed to this kind of elegance and luxury.

But she did spot Sakana rummaging around in a bundle of flowers. Her brows furrowed. 'She better not be setting up the fireworks in public where everyone can see her.'

Kagome stood up and made her way over to the moronic house Carl. She followed a stone path that curved and took her around a bend to where the yokai was off to the side. She crossed her arms. She must have still been unaware of the woman standing right behind her.

She casually waved a hand without looking at her. "Hello Lady Kagome."

The Miko whispered with petulance. "What are you doing?"

"Picking flowers," she happily answered.

Kagome's mouth went crooked. "So…you're not placing the…"

"Flowers? No, I already did that." She stood up with a bouquet of blossoms in her hands.

"I'm not talking about flowers…" Kagome said slowly.

"Yes you are. And don't worry. I have already placed the flowers where they need to be."

Kagome gave her a confused look. "Uh…is flowers code for…"

"I. Have. Already placed. The 'flowers' where they should be," she stated, over analyzing each word.

The Miko's brow lifted, somewhat catching on to what she was spitting out. "Okay…so, where are these flowers that you have already placed?"

Sakana nodded behind her. Kagome turned around and scanned the area. All she could see were more gardens and the trees that she used to practice her agility on.

She sensed Sakana right beside her now. The woman whispered. "I have set up the flowers behind each of those trees. They are in bushes, well protected by foliage to preserve their beauty and to keep them safe."


"Have you come up with a signal so I will know when to 'deliver' these flowers?"

Kagome side glanced at the demon with a smirk. She respected the maid for her swift cleverness. "Not yet. But don't worry, I will think of one before the day ends."

Sakana nodded and walked away with the large bouquet secured tightly in her hands.


The rest of the afternoon Kagome strolled around the palace. She never strayed too far for annoyance of being berated by the soldiers. She peeked in the ballroom but servants running in and out always obscured her vision. She saw Sango walk out of the front door, probably to show Myoga where the two had been spending most of their time.

And then her interests returned to the celebration itself. She wondered if she was going to look acceptable in that lustrous gown. But she shook that thought from her mind. She didn't understand why she cared. There was no one at the ball that would take notice to a measly human. Let alone there was no one that she was trying to impress. At least she didn't think so. But was there? And she repetitively kept shaking those pesky questions from her brain.

But she did at least want to look acceptable, she concluded after much deliberation. It was the least she could do for everything that the palace had done for her and Sango. 'Out of respect.' Yes. She would look more than acceptable…out of respect.

She took no notice of where her thoughts had leaded her. She finally snapped back into reality and realized she was standing in the middle of the hallway between Sesshomaru's door and her own.

'Well if I'm going to look more than acceptable I at least need to bathe.' She walked inside her room and wriggled out of her clothes. She grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around her body, securing it tightly so she could move about freely.

She stepped back out into the hallway and walked towards the bathhouse door. She reached for the handle but stopped. Her ear was pressed to the wood. Kagome could make out a faint voice inside the room along with the sounds of steam and splashing.

She never did enjoy bathing with others around. Not in the girls locker room back in school. Not ever. And so she refused to do it now. The voice that she could hear singing a melody grew louder. Footsteps were now accompanied by it.

"Shit," she said out loud. For fear of being accused of eavesdropping and appearing just plain creepy she backed away and booked it. Her frantic mind didn't even know where she was heading. All of a sudden she slammed into a figure. She started to fall backwards and almost crashed to the floor but two hands stopped her from colliding.

Her eyes were sealed shut. And she did not want to open them.

"Kagome…" a soft yet hard voice spoke moments later.

She winked one eye open. Sesshomaru was looming closely above her, bent over with one knee on the floor for support and Kagome's legs slid between his own. The only part of her body that touched the ground was the heels of her feet. His hands tightly grasped her upper arms and a tinge of concern clouded his stoic features.

With both eyes open now her embarrassment was evident. But what was more embarrassing was the fact that he mimicked her lack of clothing as well. He had a towel draped around his hips where the edges lazily dangled upon her cloth.

The entryway to his room behind him was open and the two figures were half inside the doorway.

Kagome could hear someone gasp from behind, most likely the person who was bathing. Whoever it was scrambled towards the exit of the private chambers. She caught a sense Sakana's aura leave the area. She was more than relieved that it was at least her who had witnessed the odd scene and not another.

The Miko returned to the one who had saved her from further humiliation. His brows were slightly angled, awaiting an answer from the flustered woman.

"Sorry," she squeaked, managing to make herself appear more foolish.

He stood up, bringing her along with him and he set her upright on the wood paneled floor.

She stared at him for a while. Out of reaction she nodded her head in thanks. And then she wondered why he had come out here in the first place. "Uhm. Why are you in a towel?" She asked, purposely looking away from his half naked body. Color started to form in her cheeks and she tilted her head down to try and conceal it from him.

"I was about to bathe." He could sense many emotions radiate from within the Miko. Although some, he admitted, were vaguely foreign. But he did smell a faint scent of vanilla emanate from her skin. His nose twitched and he composed himself.

"Bathe where?" She asked confused.

He flicked his head behind her. She glanced at the bathhouse. "Don't you have your own?"

He sighed with a little annoyance. "Mine is currently being cleansed. So I am going to occupy the women's."

"Oh, okay. Well I'll just wait for you to be done then," she started to walk away but he spoke again.

"There is more than one hot spring for a reason," he deducted.

The color returned in her cheeks ferociously. Before she could say anything else, he had already made his way to the door and walked inside.

Was that an offer that he wanted her to accompany him? 'No, of course not.' That was absurd. Although he didn't seem repulsed by the idea. 'No shit.' He was only stating a fact. There were more hot springs than one and he figured it would be more convenient for her if she bathed now instead of waiting for him to finish. 'Highly unlikely.' He did not say it for her convenience, like he cared.

And why was she thinking so much into it? What was wrong with her? There is plenty of room for her to bathe along with him. If anything, it would be rude for her to deny his statement. She didn't want him to think that he grossed her out. But why did she care if he did think that?

'Ah, what the fuck!' She literally slapped herself in the head and made her way over to the door. Before she turned the handle she took a double take at the end of the hallway. She could see the vertical line that had a small amount of light shown through it. She remembered the mystery behind that hidden door. And she so very clearly wanted to know what lied beyond it.

She locked away that curiosity for the time being and stepped inside the bathhouse.


Kagome glanced at him every five seconds to assure herself that he was not peeking. Although she had to admit she didn't know if she was watching to protect her own privacy or the temptation to invade his.

He was across the room in his own hot spring with his back facing her. The two springs being used created more steam than usual. It filled the air creating a faint fog. She could still see his naked form in the background, his hands gracefully lathering his long silky locks.

The suns rays were only casted down on half of the room. Sesshomaru was in the light while Kagome was in shadow. His hair was illuminated and complimented his bright complexion. He gathered the strands and swayed it over his shoulder, making his back ever present and alone.

She washed herself thoroughly, trying to concentrate on getting the job done quickly but nonetheless looked like a pervert if anyone were to see her gawking. She did drop the soap more times than one when she was too distracted to hold on to it properly.

As the steam rose higher the rays broke through its barrier and created a spotlight on his glistening form. She could see the slick and reflective texture on his back from the water. Each movement he made more and more muscles she didn't even know existed protruded along with his shoulder blades.

He appeared more or less like an ethereal being standing there in the light and fog.

Kagome didn't even know what to make of it. Of all the times she had accidently witnessed Inuyasha bathe it had been quite the opposite of enticing. He was never very graceful and careful like Sesshomaru was being at the moment. Yet again neither was she. Far from. But it couldn't hurt to observe someone who was.

He reached back up towards his scalp and he started to lather it again. His biceps pulsed creating vivid curves. Kagome held onto her soap with one hand while the other remained aloof and useless. With each new activity her lids lazily fluttered and the grip on the soap tightened.

With another pleasant movement she squeezed the bar again and it shot forcefully out of her hand and landed on the stone floor sliding across the room. Its fast pace slammed into one of the rocks that surrounded Sesshomaru's spring. It spun around for a minute and then slowly stilled.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me.' Her mouth nearly reached the water it was so agape.

Kagome stood there dumfounded for minutes just staring at the mischievous bar of soap.

She didn't know what to do. If she tried to get it there was the large risk of him turning around and seeing her. She didn't want to yell for him to throw it back. He would most likely think she was a nuisance and incompetent. Her pride still needed to remain in tact. Then she remembered her towel. She turned around and looked at the edges of the stone but the only objects that rested upon it were the containers for her hair that she had already used. She panicked and used her foot to feel around the baths floor just incase it had fallen in.

And of course, wedged underneath the wall of stone and a rock was her now drenched and soaked towel. She rolled her eyes and huffed. Using her large toe and the one next to it she yanked the cloth in between them and pulled her leg up. She held the wet towel and set it on the edge.

She slapped herself in the head again for her carelessness and stupidity.

The towel no longer mattered seeing as it was useless. She gnawed on her lip and pondered how she would crawl out of the spring without making a lot of noise.

Instead of wasting more time she decided the hell with it and gripped the edges of the spring. With all of the upper body strength she could muster she slowly pulled herself out of the water. Luckily the steam created a nice noise buffer. She swung her leg over the edge with her toe pointed like a ballerina.

She plopped her body on the stone landing on her side. She then rolled over and laid flat on the ground with her eyes glued to Sesshomaru's beautiful back. He was still leisurely going about his business completely unaware of his stalkers previous inspections and clumsiness.

Kagome started to crawl across the paved masonry using her hands as a pair of oars to pull her along.

Her slippery skin made the trip much easier than expected. If he made a new movement to grab an object and clean his body she would stop and hold her breath. Once he picked up a consistent rhythm she would continue the short journey to his spring.

She only had a few more guided strokes until she reached the edge and her heart was annoyingly loud. Kagome only hoped that he could not hear its pulse and pounding.

The hot room made her skin condensate but she could not determine whether it was the steam that hung about or sweat that poured down her face from anxiety. With one more tug from her hands she finally slid right before the soap.

This close to Sesshomaru she could finally see the shiny water droplets on his smooth skin. He truly did look like marble except he wasn't a Grecian statue that was intricately carved with chips and cracks. He didn't have those imperfections that came with age. He defied that limitation. His skin would never break or become weak. If anything, his makeup and build would blossom over time, becoming harder and more indestructible.

She silently shook her head and concentrated on the task at hand. She gently reached for the soap, her fingers slightly trembling. Her arm extended as far as it could, and she lightly grasped the rectangular bar and curled it towards her chest.

Kagome figured it was now the time to make her escape. She had already finished bathing herself and couldn't use her towel so this moment was key. She would come back later for the containers when the room was empty.

She sat up with her legs folded underneath her. Her heart was still drumming loudly within her chest for fear of him turning around and seeing her sitting pretty without anything on.

Her hand placed the soap back down next to her and she used her palms to slowly stand up. She glanced at the yokai every so often to make sure he had not heard anything. Still bent over, she gathered up the bar and stood up straight.

She gulped an inaudible breath and turned around. With each movement and step, she made sure that it was muffled and precise so it would not arouse suspicion. With her back now facing the bathing chiseled figure she would have to rely on her ears to tell if he turned around.

Her feet by accident brushed against a few pebbles on the floor causing them to roll away. She stopped and waited for any noise from Sesshomaru but none occurred so she continued on her way to the door.

A splash was heard from behind her and she again stilled her entire body with her breath held tight. After minutes of more silence she guessed he had not discovered anything so she took it slower.

The door seemed like it was never getting any closer the more she walked. But finally, after minutes of agonizing silence and trepidation she was only a few feet away.

She exhaled and smiled. Right when she took another step that would allow her to turn the handle she heard a loud splash followed by movement. Her heart hitched up to her throat and she couldn't breathe or swallow.

Her body slowly turned around. And when it did, there he was, standing completely nude in front of her. He peered at her, his eyes never leaving her face. Kagome blanched and dropped the soap that she was holding.

It took everything in her power to not allow her eyes to travel south. He heart lodged itself out of her throat and back down to her chest where it began to beat again with that loud pulsating drum. She felt a heart attack coming on that she couldn't stop. She didn't notice a towel in his arm that he held away from his body. His eyes offered it to her, which she shakily took and wrapped it around herself.

He smoothly bent down and stood back straight with something else now in his claws. "You dropped your soap," he coolly stated. Dumbfounded and embarrassed once again she took the bar and stared off into the distance. She heard him move towards the door and vacate the room.

Her hand came to her chest and it clenched itself into her skin. Her heart was not slowing down and she really did think she was going to suffer from an attack. The other hand was flat against the wall for support.

It took all of her strength not to keel over and just let whatever happens happen. She felt overwhelmed and she just wanted to knock her head against the stone and never wake up. Why couldn't death just take her right then and there?


"Okay, Sakana set up the fireworks in their correct position. Sango, did you…"

"Yes, I have briefed Kirara once more of what she needs to do. I have already attached the bags to her saddle."

"Excellent. And Kagome, did you?"… Roko observed her with slight concern.

The human sat on her bed gazing off into space. Her hair was still damp and twisted up in a messy bun. Her fingers were idly twiddling with themselves.

"Kagome?" Sango added.

The Miko blinked a few times and turned her head in their direction. She looked at Roko and Sango and finally rested upon the maid leaning against the wall. She could sense Sakana's awkwardness. The woman would not look at her and she had the feeling she knew why.

Kagome cleared her throat and stood up pacing around the room. "I have been thinking for awhile. I really can't come up with anything that isn't too obvious."

Roko sighed and pressed his fingers to his temples. "Well, clapping wouldn't work. I assume you would be doing that along with everyone else once whatever is revealed from the lords will occur."

Sango joined in. "How about snapping of the fingers?"

"Eh, I don't know. That seems kind of stupid," Kagome quipped.

All four of them stayed in silence thinking of options. One little pest bounded up and down from the dresser. "Oh, oh I know! How about if Kagome yells something, like hooray! Or congratulations!" Myoga offered excitedly.

Roko deadpanned. "And you don't think anyone else in the vicinity will be shouting that too?"

Myoga ceased his jumping and sat down defeated. His whiskers twitched in annoyance.

Sakana watched all of them in their severe contemplations. She folded her arms and eyed the Miko. "Anything recent happen to you Lady Kagome that you could make a signal out of?"

Her head snapped towards the woman. She knew what she was referring to. But even then she couldn't think of something. But maybe the events afterword she might be able to.

"Hmm," Kagome grunted. "What if I go like this?" Everyone turned towards the woman and watched as she placed her hand over her heart and tightened the grip. It appeared as if she were going to collapse onto the floor.

Roko circled her and nodded his head every so often inspecting the scene at different angles. "Hmm." He stopped in front of her. "Well, it's a weird thing to do. But at the same time I wouldn't expect any other demon at the party to appear like they were going to die from the announcement." He circled her again. "It's a subtle gesture. But not too subtle where I wouldn't be able to notice it."

"And the other guests will just see it as a human that is too overwhelmed by the announcement," Sakana stated.

"The start of a heart attack," he nodded fully now, accepting it. "I like it. This will have to do," he concluded.

Kagome smiled and released the grip she had on her chest. She looked towards Sakana and flicked her head in thanks. The maid reciprocated it.

"Okay well now that everything is in order I do need to resume my duties for the time being. I will see you all tomorrow at the ball." Roko bowed and left the room.

"Yeah, I should probably go clean myself. See you for dinner Kagome," Sango waved and followed Roko out the door.

Before Kagome could get too comfortable with whatever she was going to do Sakana pulled out a letter and tossed it on the bed. "Your friend wrote back. I will see you tomorrow morning so I may prepare you."

"Thanks," she said as the maid left.

Kagome untied the ribbon. From her side she felt a little pressure on her shoulder as Myoga was now occupying it. She rolled her eyes and started to read.


Dear Kagome,

Sorry it has taken me longer than usual to write back to you. I have been busy with attending to more crops and helping out with Rin. She isn't mad at me anymore. Well, I don't even know if she was mad at me to begin with but she's talking to me now so I'm assuming everything is fine.

Anyways, I am glad you survived from being poisoned. I'm really starting to not like you being there though. If someone tried to kill you or harm you then that castle you are staying in isn't safe. You should probably just come home.

I know Miroku should handle his own problems but you know Miroku. He will always love Sango, even if he messes up here and there. He's stupid and you know this. But if Sango's happiness does mean a lot to you I think we should set up a future date where we all meet and have a picnic or something like the good old days. Just to talk and catch up in person. So let me know if that's a good idea.

Is anything new and interesting happening at the so-called 'safe' fortress of yours? Have you made any progress with Ukaran? Write back soon and fill me in.


Your favorite fox


"So there is something still going on between the monk and slayer…" Myoga mumbled.

Kagome side-eyed glanced at him and shook him off her shoulder. He fell on the bed and scurried to situate himself.

She crawled across the sheets and opened her nightstand dresser. The letter was neatly placed on top of the others and she shut the drawer.

"So nosy," she told him.

"I'm just curious" he defended. "You did not tell me you still keep in regular contact with the little fox."

Kagome giggled. "You said you have seen them since I left. Did you not notice that he's not very little anymore?"

His cheeks reddened. "Well yes, of course. I just keep forgetting. He will always be a little fox to me."

"Coming from the flea who is no bigger than a tiny rock."

His jaw went crooked and his brows were slanted.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding," she held her hands up. "Well, not really. You are no bigger than a tiny rock." She laughed to herself and watched the flea grow more aggravated.

After awhile he lightened his features and joined the woman in a small giggle.

"Kagome, I was wondering."

"Hm?" She said as she leaned back on her elbows.

"Would I possibly…maybe…uhm…" he struggled to find words.


He stood up and paced on the bed. His hands were clasped behind his back. He was talking to himself in low murmurs that made it impossible for her to hear correctly.


"Well I…seeing as I used to…you know…everyone…all of us…would I?"

"Spit it out already!" She chirped.

"Can I accompany you and Sango on this adventure of yours?"

Kagome's brow rose. She was completely at a loss. "You mean…you're saying, you want to come with us?"

"Well I…uhm, yes. If that's okay of course."

"You do know it could get treacherous. Probably will. And we all know how you are when it comes danger Myoga."

"I know. But I promise I will stay by you two no matter what. Even if that means watching Kirara off to the side and making sure she is okay."

Kagome shook her head and grinned. "Yeah. Sure, why not. The more the merrier right? Just don't be a problem or get in the way okay?"

"Now Kagome, how could I possibly do that? I'm no bigger than a tiny rock," he smiled at her and the two shared another laugh.


The slayer and the Miko sat across from each other enjoying their dinner. The sun was still visible but was slowly sinking behind the landscape. There was a nice breeze and the birds created peaceful background music. Kagome felt particularly hungry and was currently gnawing on a large chicken breast.

Sango was gaping at her. Her two sticks held rice and vegetables and were currently frozen in place before her lips because of her friend's distracting table manners.

She set them back down on her plate and folded her hands. "Uh, Kagome."

The woman looked at her while still devouring the meat. "Yeah?" She said, her mouth half full.

"Why do you eat like a rabid dog sometimes?" She wondered.

Kagome swallowed a large chewed piece of chicken and dabbed her chin with a cloth. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I have only seen you eat like an animal twice. Once, the night before we left to come here. And the second, right now. What's wrong?" She questioned.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, but Sango knew she was lying.

She eyed the woman suspiciously. "Kag…" but was cut off by a servant.

"Excuse me ladies. I do not mean to interrupt, but I have a letter here for the both of you. It is from Lord Inu no Taisho himself." The servant set the paper down, bowed, and left to go clean up other messy tables.

Sango internally reminded herself to finish their conversation later. She lifted the parchment off of the glass and began to read it.

Her eyes scanned from left to right and she said nothing. Minutes went by and Kagome grew curious.

"What does it say?" She asked.

Sango held up her index finger to tell her to remain patient until she was finished. Kagome tapped her foot on the ground and sighed loudly. After a few more minutes passed her impatience could no longer be caged.

"Alright Sango, come on," agitation clearly present in her voice.

The slayer finally reached the bottom after reading thoroughly. She handed it to her friend and continued to eat. Kagome snatched the parchment and started at the top of the aged paper.


The contents and information of this letter are to be disclosed to particular guests residing in the private chamber of second-in-command Lord Sesshomaru.

To the occupants of Kagome and Sango,

The time has finally arrived where tomorrow before dusk; the Western Lands will be hosting a mandatory and celebratory ball. While in the past these festivities have been known only to entertain the yokai species, a series of circumstances have changed the regulations taken place during this ceremony. It has come to my attention that there are aspects of a yokai celebration that are foreign to other beings. This parchment is meant to aid and brief you of certain customs and rules so everything may proceed without error.

What is expected:

- The house Carl Sakana will prepare the two of you accordingly so you meet the standards of regular yokai functions

- An escort will be at your door to lead you to the front yard of the fortress. This is where every employee and recipient, including myself and the royal family will greet our special guests

- You will wait until they have entered the castle along with the Western royal family. Your escort will then prompt you to follow inside

- Arrive in the grand ballroom, find your table placement, and I will give out proper introductions and greetings

- After, you are allowed to do as you please

- There will then be a feast accompanied by a dance

- I will not make the big announcement until the end of the night

- Once the ball ends, wait until the royal families have vacated the area, your escort will find you once again and will lead you to your private quarters

Behavior, customs, and rules:

- You are allowed to roam the vicinity wherever you please, but must seat yourself once I announce the guests to do so

- For everyone's safety and especially yours, I recommend that you keep communication to unfamiliar yokai at a minimum. Most will not be used to the presence of humans

- I have made sure that the feast prepared for after introductions is suitable to your kind

- During the feast, do not eat anything until my family and the royal guests have taken the first bite, it is custom in our culture

- During the dance, the royal families will start it off. After, the other guests will partake. While I do not oppose to the two of you joining in, some of the other guests might find it odd if you do. So, I have left that decision for you two to contemplate

- If you are partaking in the activity of alcohol consumption, do not accept or pour a glass that comes from the rack behind the yokai serving drinks. Our sake and assortments of alcohol are brewed and fermented differently than those of humans. It is much more potent and strong and if consumed it could be deadly. You must ask the yokai to serve you a glass of Daiginjō-shu. It is a very special brew of Sake that I have ordered for the purpose of foreign guests.


While the aspiration for this ball is unknown to everyone but my family, the reason we are hosting it is publically directed towards my son, Lord Sesshomaru.

It is custom within yokai myth and belief that every household is to bring an offering of their choice. To be more specific, the offering is whatever the household believes symbolizes the one they are celebrating. It functions as a good luck charm and prosperous future by the ones who present it.

Common offerings include swords to symbolize their ruler along with future victories in battle or handmade objects with the household's emblem to serve as a reminder that they stand behind their ruler until death. Since you are guests here and will be attending the ball, I trust that you will find a suitable offering to give to Lord Sesshomaru. You may gift it to him at any point after the initial introduction.

I write this with my sincerest apology that I could not relay this information in person or inform you of finding an offering sooner, but my job has entitled me to be elsewhere. I trust that you two understand what is needed of you and I truly hope that you enjoy yourselves at the ball.

Your dutiful adversary,

Inu No Taisho


Kagome finished the note and grazed her finger over a seal. The hardened wax had an imprint of the Western Lands symbol next to Taisho's signature. She folded the paper and placed it on the table.

"Well, that's a lot to remember," she told Sango.

"Indeed," she said back.

"Do you have any idea of what to give as an offering?"

Sango had finished her meal and set her napkin on top of her empty plate. She stretched out her neck and sighed. "I don't know. I may have something that will be suitable but ill have to think about it more thoroughly tonight before bed."

"And we have all day tomorrow before the ball as well."

Sango shook her head. "Yes well don't procrastinate and wait until the last minute. I don't want anyone thinking we are incapable of following yokai traditions and customs."

"I know I know, don't worry. I'll come up with something," Kagome took her own napkin and placed it on top of her half eaten food.

The two decided to turn in early so they had enough rest for the upcoming day. As they entered the hallway Sango bid her friend a goodnight and retired to her room. Just as Kagome was going to open her door, her curiosity sparked once again.

Her head snapped towards the end of the hallway and from a distance investigated the long vertical and almost invisible line. She stalked silently over to the wall and stood in front of it.

She squinted one eye and could still see a small amount of light come from beyond it. She looked all around the surface for a handle or something to pry it open with but there was none to be found.

Her arms crossed and she puffed out a breath of air. Her mouth protruded and she scanned the entire wall more carefully, but still could not see anything to help her open the hidden door.

"Hmm," she said to herself as her hands now searched the wall for any abrasions or bumps. Her fingers grazed over the shiny wood and worked its way higher. Her search carried her hands over one of the lanterns and she gave a small tug. All of a sudden the object pulled down a few inches and made a clicking noise. She stepped back in regret, thinking that she had broken the lantern. The one she had grasped hung significantly lower than the other and would surely be noticed if she did not fix it. Before she could make any repairs it clicked once again and slowly dislodged itself and scaled the wall until it hung in the same position as before.

The thin line she had been observing for awhile now grew large. The door with no handle abruptly creaked open leaving it slightly ajar.

She stood there in shock only for a moment before she gripped the edge and slithered through.


Kagome never thought that this was what lied beyond the hidden door. It was beautiful…it was serene…it was inexplicably peaceful.

The area was a semi-circular balcony with a railing. The ground was white, made from marble. Columns protruding along the railing created a wall where a canopy of ivy infused with roses hung from above them. She looked up at where the foliage created a perfect circle to peer up at the nighttime sky. She blinked and looked back down to assure herself that this place actually existed.

The splashing sounds she had heard before came from intricate fountains that were dispersed and engraved throughout the masonry. They all surrounded a large crystal pool in the center. The smaller fountains had different chiseled statues that sprayed droplets of water. But what caught her attention was the way they splashed. The droplets within each of the reservoirs bounded and leaped into different ones. They choreographically jumped into the next one creating an entertaining and mesmerizing liquid show.

The glow she had seen behind the door came from candles scattered on top of the stone. They were blistering red and pure white with vibrant flames that danced along the array of columns. But the candles only held so much light besides where the moon shown through the opening in the ivy. To the left, there was a large part of the terrace that was masked in darkness.

She blinked again and again to keep reminding her that she was not hallucinating. She had never observed a place with such tranquility and fascination. Her feet guided her around the different fountains and towards the larger pool. She stood along the edge and peered down. The inside of the pool lit up with a brilliant aquamarine hue. She was confused as to why it was so bright and then saw that smooth crystals made up the inside walls like mosaic tiles. The crystals reflected off of the moons light, which was why the pool was illuminated in such a way.

Kagome shook her head, at a loss. She sighed and glanced all around to take in more of the vicinity's wonderment. She felt happy for no reason at all. It was as if the place had made her feel that way, and she didn't know why. And it wasn't because of its beauty; it was the aura radiating from the area itself.

She twirled slowly with her head turned upwards and enjoyed the rippling sensation of bliss. But her spinning was cut short. A low growl was heard and she stilled her body and snapped her head towards the dark part of the terrace.

Her breathing stopped and she intently tried to see who had caused the menacing noise. She heard it again and grew more concerned as time went on. She could see nothing that lied within the black.

There was another growl, but this time…it came with a body. A body she recognized all too well.

He emerged from the shadows, stalking at a delayed but controlled pace. With each step he took, tiny pebbles and rock were shaken from the smooth stone with intense exertion.

Hi face, half covered in darkness, accented his blood red eyes. The fountains around him splashed away as if they purposely were clearing a path for the immovable figure. It was as if the surroundings moved according to him, like this particular dreadful and painfully quiet scene was meant to happen. The path of demise was leading straight towards her petite frame.

The agonizingly slow movement of his feet facilitated and deepened her concern.

He finally became stagnant, mere inches away from her. He radiated friction and the tip of his fangs protruded from the small crooks of his mouth.

Kagome searched the area for answers, searched for the right words. "I…I was just curious," she managed to say.

He stood still, unchanged by her feeble attempts at a plea. "And do you know what happens to curious ningen's Kagome?"

Her eyes widened. He spat out that last word like he had condemned her name from his vocabulary. The first time he uttered her name was fresh, reassuring and cordial. But this time, oh this time she really wished that the name did not belong to her.

He continued to walk forward again, this time forcing her feet backwards in measured steps. He never touched her, but from a far enough distance they appeared to do just that. She could feel his hot ravenous breath against her cheeks. Before she could make a run for it, her back was pressed up against the side of the cold manor.

In the next second his murderous hand was clasped firmly around her windpipe. She didn't even see him move, but her air passage was suddenly strained and uncomfortable.

With no words, he wound his other hand back, claws shimmering in the candlelight. The appearance of his fine hooks were balancing between horror and some how the rising sense of allurement. The sudden concept of time came into play. And time slowed. She could see the hammer of her fate glistening in the darkness. She could see the executioner's red eyes flash, as if a glint of happiness would consume him once he finished dismembering the recent burden that resided in his private chambers.

She had pushed him too far, farther than the other times. She had crossed that line. And not even crossed it, she had jumped and taken a boat to the other side. Whatever this place was, she was never supposed to step foot into it. And no measly excuse or apology would stop his descending claws from penetrating her delicate flesh. For once she wished her wandering mind and curiosity would never spark her interest. For once she wanted to be boring, the person who never steps out of their routine boundaries.

His hand crashed into a surface. He made contact with her skin. She closed her eyes and waited for death. Her heart pounded.


Time no longer pulsed in slow rhythmic equations. It just stopped. But she did not see a bright light or celestial beings in the distance greeting her. She just saw black. Her eyes were still closed and she could still feel the cool breeze of nighttime. She slowly squinted her eyes open. Her heart nearly climbed out of her throat and burst into flames.

His mouth, frigid and unrelenting, was pressed to hers. Those hard but…yet soft lips were sealed to her own. His hand was buried beside her into the wall of stone as if he had chosen the more pleasant action in a last minute decision to end her life at a different time.

She felt absolute terror. The being that nearly killed her was also engaged in a more sensual, less violent execution. Should she run? No, he would surely chase her down and murder her for bruising his impenetrable ego.

What inspired him to lock lips with a human, let alone her, was beyond her comprehension. In fact, all of this was beyond her comprehension. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to feel. But her body answered for her.

She closed her eyes. Her hand trembled but as she slid her palm up his forearm it moved with control and precision. Her fingers curled and dipped along the curves of his fabric. She twisted her hand within his hair and caressed the silkiness of his strands.

A small, unexpected whisper of pleasure came from a deep place within his form. She suddenly felt no fear anymore. She wanted to feel bliss again…and so she did.

The grip on her windpipe eased and she reveled in the new found breath that came from his mouth. His scent was tantalizing, intoxicating. She nearly collapsed onto the floor but his heavy chest suddenly compressed her fragile body to the wall and prompted her legs to remain upright.

She grasped the side of his face and gracefully traced his jaw line with her thumb. He moved his head forward, crushing his lips to hers.

She could hardly breathe, but she didn't want to. She enjoyed the dizzy sensation associated with their current engagement. She felt so lightheaded that she didn't know if her feet were still grounded. Never had she shared this type of intimacy that ended up feeling like she had partaken in an outer body experience. This was all new. This was unfamiliar.

She let a soft moan escape. The sudden tension she felt from his body only furthered her gratification. She slithered her hand from his jaw to the back of his head and pulled him closer. Their lips morphed as one. She did not understand how she didn't bleed from the sheer force of their contact. It hurt. The kiss was painful but she loved every damn second of it.

Kagome no longer wanted it to end. It was content, more than content. It was everything she doubted minutes ago. Who was she kidding? She loved to cross boundaries and lines. She practically lived for it.

Both of their heads tilted at the exact moment in opposite directions. She lightly opened her mouth and swiftly swiped her tongue across his smooth lips, begging for entry. He slowly obliged, pealing them apart and gifting her admittance to the confines of inner perfection.

Sesshomaru's eyes suddenly snapped open, like he had been dreaming in a false reality and was thrust awake. Before the tip of their tongues touched, he broke away from their entanglement and disappeared.

Kagome's lids palpitated and she beamed forward. He was gone…and she wanted more. He stopped too soon. It all happened so fast. She grabbed her chest, making sure that she still had a pulse. She slid slowly against the wall and descended to the snow colored floor.

She blankly stared out into the night, questioning if the past moments had actually occurred. She exhaled and leaned her head against the wall and peered up at the twinkling stars.

'So that's what happens to curious ningen's.'


A/N: I hope you like this chapter, took me forever to write. The upcoming chapter will have the ball and other things that should be interesting, so stay tuned.

Thanks for the support like always. You guys are awesome!