Hello All! Sorry to disappoint but no new chapter. Life has gotten in the way big time. I'm starting college soon while working 2 jobs and trying to start up a business at college. Also, I'm not entirely happy with the way I've taken this story so I'm scrapping it and starting over! Chapters will be longer and much better I promise! I don't know when I will get it up but you should follow me as an author so that you will know the minute I re-add this story! I will keep this story up until I get the new one up.

Thank you to all my reviewers for their kind words. Every review made me want to write but I couldn't find the time.

So much love to all of you,


And here is a preview of what's to come so won't get huffy and delete this Author's note only page.

Regina froze mid-step as her gaze landed on what, she deemed, an incredulous sight.

Across the street, for all to see, stood Emma and Neal. Yet instead of their usual bickering they seemed to actually be enjoying each others company. If the fact that the two seemed to be fused at the lips was any indication.

The Mayor was truly puzzled, hadn't the Sheriff just been bothering her the other week about how she was never getting back together with that man again? Regina started to walk again, albeit slower than before watching the spectacle with disgusted curiosity.

There seems to be some confusion that this will become a Swan Thief story. I'm here to tell you Viva La Swan Queen.

Also, everyone that is following the story, I hope you realize that this will no longer be updated. Thank you.