Notes: Hello! So, this is my very first Torchwood fic. It's rated T for now, but subject to change later on. Not sure if it will, but hey, we'll see.
Also, any sort of response to the story would be greatly appreciated if you can spare a moment. Whether you're saying you enjoyed it, or you loathed it, I'd like to know so I can make it better.
Thanks in advance for reading, and I hope you like it.
Chapter 1
"Tosh, it's coming your way!" Jack shouted from across the damp street, squinting through the drizzle. He hated to shoot his gun while it was so dark out of fear of hitting someone he didn't want to hit. He was tempted, though, as he saw a dark, shadowy figure making its way quickly to his teammate. He could see the uncoordinated limbs flailing as the creature sprinted towards the woman, and he raised his gun, aiming blindly as she screamed.
A loud bang echoed through the streets, and Jack looked at his gun in confusion. He certainly hadn't pulled the trigger, he thought, looking up just in time to see the Weevil that had been running at Toshiko stumble and turn in circles, letting out a loud, angry wail. From behind a parked car, Ianto jumped up, his gun pointed at the creature and his legs bringing him to stand in front of Toshiko protectively. The Weevil was only distracted for a moment before it turned and headed back towards the two people, snarling viciously.
Jack sprinted in their direction, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the repellent. More shots rang out as Ianto tried to get the creature to turn away, but it was persistent in its attack. The captain tossed the small can to Toshiko, who grabbed it midair. He fingers fumbled for a moment, and Ianto screamed at her to hurry up as the Weevil drew uncomfortably near. Just as it came within arm's reach, her hand shot out, the can spraying a constant stream of repellent into the beast's face. It hissed, drawing backwards and curling in on itself, the head shaking back and forth madly. While it was sidetracked, Jack leaped in, pushing it onto the ground as Toshiko continued to spray it.
"It's about time," Owen said, jogging up to the group with Gwen at his heels. They were both stooped over, out of breath and panting, their guns held tightly in their hands. "We've been chasing that one for over an hour."
"How many is that? Three?" Gwen muttered, rubbing her neck and watching as Jack pulled the creature up and over to the van. He opened the back, shoving it in next to another howling, dazed Weevil. He slammed the door shut, turning to them.
"Four," Jack said, "counting the two back at headquarters." Ianto and Toshiko joined the small group, both looking visibly shaken. The man's hands were quivering as he put his gun away, and Toshiko's eyes were wide as she glanced around nervously.
"Why are their suddenly so many of them?" Gwen asked, furrowing her brow. Her dark hair was wet, and her bangs were plastered to her forehead. It was only drizzling, but after hours outside, every single one of the Torchwood members was soaking wet and extremely grumpy. Even Toshiko, who was always so sweet and easygoing, seemed to be tired of chasing Weevils around all night. She wiped off her glasses, but her damp shirt was no help, so she just put the wet, smeared glasses back on with a groan.
"I don't know," Jack admitted hesitantly. "Has there been any increase in rift activity that could have caused this?" he asked, turning to Toshiko. She was, of course, already ahead of him, shaking her head slowly.
"The rift hasn't fluctuated lately at all. No increase, no decrease," she said, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I've no idea what could have caused this." Suddenly a small device at her side beeped insistently, and she picked it up. She gave a futile attempt at wiping off the misty screen, then Toshiko sighed, looking up at everyone in turn. Her eyes finally met Jack's, and he frowned, holding up a finger.
"Don't tell me," he muttered tiredly, "there's a Weevil sighting." The group collectively died a little inside.
Ianto Jones hated Weevils, he had decided. They were far too human-looking for his taste. Not that he had a particular desired appearance for an alien, but he just didn't want them to be so similar to the human race. There were obvious differences, like the nose, or lack thereof, and the head shape in general. But whenever he looked closer, the Weevils never ceased to send a shiver down his spine. The eyes, for instance, always freaked him out. They were so… human. What was the difference, really, between the two species? Had humans just happened to outgrow that animalistic, vicious tendency? If they hadn't, would they be just like Weevils? Worse? It frightened him to think that one tiny tweak in Earth's history could have turned them into this.
Ianto jumped as a Weevil behind the clear enclosure in the Hub snarled, hurling itself towards him. The gnarled, yellow-tinted teeth were bared at him threateningly, sending another chill through his body. Behind the creature, four other Weevils growled, staring at him like he was a piece of meat. Wouldn't be the first time, he thought grimly, smiling to himself.
"Chatting with the prisoners?" Ianto side-stepped away from the cage like he should have been guilty, and he looked over at Jack as he entered the room. His boss smiled at him with that crooked smile he always had on and walked towards him with a certain look in his eyes. Ianto watched the blue eyes carefully, thinking he had seen that same look before, on someone else. He scrunched his eyebrows together and looked sideways at the Weevils, who were staring at him intensely. There it was, he thought, watching the dark eyes. There was a daunting, visceral passion in them. And when he looked back at Jack, he felt like a piece of meat again.
"Yeah," he muttered as Jack moved in closer. The man moved to stand behind him, and he wrapped his arms around Ianto's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. Then again, Ianto figured, it wasn't entirely bad to be a piece of meat. His boss's breath tickled his ear teasingly, making his skin tingle. When he spoke, Jack's neck vibrated gruffly against his shoulder, making his heart thump.
"Why don't we," he whispered pointedly into his ear, raising the hairs at the back of Ianto's neck, "go to my office so you can help me fix my fax machine." Ianto mentally rolled his eyes at his metaphor. He and his innuendos…
"You don't have a fax machine," he replied, hiding a mischievous smile.
"Yan, let's pretend I have a fax machine for a moment," he whispered back, his arms tightening around his hips. And were they sliding lower? Ianto wondered, secretly hoping they were. "Now let's go fix it."
"But you don't have a fax—"
"Ianto, I swear to God I will go out and buy a fax machine later as long as you come into my office right now." As Jack's voice began to get desperate, Ianto decided to give up playing hard. It wasn't like he'd last longer in this game than his boss anyway. Jack's arms had tightened around his waist again, and his fingers were definitely playing with the Welshman's belt.
"Yeah," he whispered breathlessly as Jack's fingers began to unhook the belt, "okay." He was roughly turned so he was facing Jack, their noses barely a centimeter away. His back pressed against the clear barrier, and his boss pushed up against him, much to his appreciation.
Ianto Jones loved seeing Jack this closely, he decided. He loved seeing his pupils dilate madly, and his lips twitch fervently. He could feel his breath on his own lips, and he just wanted to get closer, though he wasn't sure that was physically possible. No matter what the situation, too, Jack always smelled absolutely incredible. Ianto couldn't exactly place what the smell was, though. He just smelled like Jack. And oh, God, did Jack smell magnificent.
A hot, sticky breeze crept over the back of Ianto's neck, and he froze, looking over his shoulder as Jack leaned in to pay some much-needed attention to his neck. When his eyes focused, Ianto was staring face-to-face with a snarling Weevil, its lips curled up around crooked teeth. Over its shoulder, he could see the four other creatures staring just as intensely, looking like they were about to pounce.
"Uh, Jack…" he muttered, slightly embarrassed when his voice cracked. "I'm not sure I feel comfortable with an audience." His boss reluctantly pulled his head up to look at the Weevils, and he chuckled in response.
"Then let's go to my office," he suggested, grabbing his hands and tugging him away. Ianto stumbled along beside him, a bit too distracted at the moment; Jack was pulling at his tie and simultaneously unbuttoning his shirt. The Welshman watched his concise fingers, and a sudden realization dawned on him. How long had Jack been doing this, exactly? He couldn't die, so he had to be exceptionally old. And knowing his boss like he did, Jack was probably as sexually active then as he was now. That meant Ianto certainly wasn't the first person he'd been so… actively involved with. Nor would he be the last. He was just one miniscule addition to a long, growing line of people.
"Oh, Jack, come on!" Owen exclaimed as Jack and Ianto staggered into the main area of the Hub, arms intertwined and lips pressed together. The Welshman looked up, humiliated. He had completely forgotten that Owen and Tosh were still here. The woman was staring wide-eyed at the two men, obviously taken back by their sudden entrance. Or, more likely, the way they entered.
Ianto muttered his apologies as he tried to awkwardly pull away from his boss. Jack, however, had other ideas. He pulled his lover closer, grinning towards the two coworkers smugly. "Well, are you going to watch?" Owen and Toshiko quickly turned away, gathering their things and heading out. Owen stopped at the entrance, turning back and looking at his boss.
"Just give us a warning next time you and Fuck Buddy are going to get it on, eh?" Owen shook his head and exited, leaving the two men behind. Ianto stared for a moment, wondering if he had heard him right. Did he just call him… Fuck Buddy? What happened to Tea Boy? Was that all he was now was Jack's plaything? Ianto, crushed, looked over at his boss, and his stomach dropped. Jack was laughing. He thought this was funny. Ianto frowned, looking away to try and hide how much it actually hurt.
"Something wrong?" He looked back up at his boss, who was still smiling slightly. He tried to smile back as he shook his head.
"No, nothing," he muttered.
"Good," Jack replied, running his hand up Ianto's spine, his fingers cupping the back of his head and bringing his lips towards his own. "Then let's go to my office and fix that fax machine."
"Seriously, Tosh, they're like two animals in heat," Owen mused as the two coworkers headed out. The image of Jack and Ianto was burned permanently into the back of his mind, their limbs wrapped together and their faces pressed against each other forcefully. He shivered, trying to clear his mind.
"It keeps them out of trouble, though," Toshiko said, shrugging as the hidden door to the fake tourist help center slowly opened, granting them passage. They walked out, looked up, then froze. A colossal man, no older than thirty-five, was staring at them calmly, a warm smile on his face. His dark, chocolate-brown eyes drifted over to the shutting door, then wandered back and rested on the two shocked personnel.
"Hello," he greeted, and Owen brought himself out of his shock to step forward and take his hand. The man was… Well, he was monstrous. His hand alone dwarfed Owen's, and the doctor tried not to let it get him down too much. After all, the guy was nearly a foot taller than him.
"Hello, I'm," he paused for a moment, then smiled and continued, "I'm Ianto Jones. How may I help you?" Was this how it worked up here? No one besides Ianto had ever worked the help center before. They hadn't ever been told what to do. And they certainly hadn't been told what to do in a case like this. This man had just seen the secret door open; that wasn't suspicious at all.
"Nice to meet you, Ianto," the man said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers. His eyes darted back to the wall that had just opened, and he smiled slightly. "So," he started, looking down at 'Ianto', "where's that door lead?"
Owen searched for an explanation anywhere, looking to Toshiko for help. The woman stepped forward, obviously at a loss for words too. "What door?" she offered after a small moment, shrugging at Owen as if to say it's better than nothing…
The tall man just looked at the woman for a minute, then nodded slightly, slowly. "I see," he said in a gravelly voice.
"Well," Owen muttered, trying to remain calm. "Is there anything else we can help you with, Mister…." he trailed off, hinting that he wanted a name. The gentleman smiled politely and shook his head.
"No, thank you, Mr. Jones. I think I've got everything I need." He turned and walked out the door, leaving the two people to stare confusedly. Owen looked over at Toshiko, who looked a little stunned.
"Shit," he muttered after a few moments. "That didn't sound so good." Way to state the obvious, he thought grimly, running a hand over his face.
"Should we go tell Jack?" Toshiko asked, hooking a thumb behind her.
"Do you want to go down there and interrupt them right now?" Owen looked at her pointedly, and she shook her head understandingly, as if just remembering what was going on. "I'm sure it's nothing. The guy probably just thinks we're a couple of nuts with a hidden closet fetish or something."
"Yeah," Toshiko said, nodding mostly to reassure herself. "It's nothing. It'll be fine." They nodded to each other once, then left in silence.
"I swear to you, it's them."
"Are you sure?"
"The wall," there was a pause as the man gestured, "opened. Why else would someone hide a room behind a wall? It's them. It's Torchwood."
"Did you see anyone?"
"There was a man and a Japanese woman."
"One: Ianto Jones."
"Find him."