"Izaya, wake up!" Izaya was shook out of his deep sleep by the urgent voice of Allistar. When he opened his eyes he was met with the parrot's urgent face. Almost immediately Izaya could tell something was wrong. Allistar looked panicked and pale and Izaya could see bruises forming on his arms and bare chest, worst of all he could see the parrot was molting. Multicolored bright feathers littered the floor of the room they were in and as they sat there, even more feathers fell from his wings.

"Allistar, what-" Izaya's question was cut off by the other.

"Listen, Izaya. They started the preparation sessions, I was first and Mikado is there now. Once they're done with him, it's your turn. It's horrible, it hurts, they're going to do unspeakable things to you. But don't try to fight them, do what they tell you, it'll be much easier and it'll be over much sooner." Allistar warned, his eyes were bleary and it looked like he was fighting unconsciousness, he gingerly put his hand on Izaya's arm as the cat mimi sat up, his touch barely there, as if the parrot thought Izaya was a dream.

Just as Izaya turned on the bed and put his feet on the floor, the door opened and a man pushed Mikado through. The dark bird stumbled, nearly falling to the floor, feathers falling from his wings as he jerked with the effort to stay upright, joining Allistar's bright feathers on the floor. Allistar rushed to Mikado's side, holding him up by his shoulders.

"You," The man pointed at Izaya, making him jump. "Come with me." Izaya looked between the birds then back at the big man standing in the doorway. He stood warily, tail flicking back and forth behind him. As he crossed to room to the door, he could feel the sympathetic gaze Allistar was sending him.

Izaya stood in front of the man and felt him put his hand on his back to guide him out the door. As he heard the door close behind him, fear finally set in, making his head swim and his legs so heavy they were nearly impossible to move. His pulse raced faster and faster as he thought about what could possibly leave the others in that bad of a shape. The farther they got from his assigned room, the more his legs felt like jelly. His ears were flattened into his hair and his tail bushed out ever so slightly.

They stopped at the end of the hall, where a dark wooden door stood. The other man opened the door and pushed him inside. As soon as he stepped foot into the room, he could smell the stench of metal and old blood, along with something that made him gag but he couldn't exactly identify.

"This is where your preparations will be held. We will be doing the initial thorough examination today. You would be better to not disobey." The man beside Izaya said before going over to a metal table tucked away in the corner of the room. He picked up a file and started to read through it as another man, this one skinny and tall, hustled into the room, white labcoat fluttering behind him.

The longer he was in the room, the more he hated it. The walls and floor were dark, making him feel claustrophobic. The ceiling was high, when he looked up he could see chains hanging ominously down, and the sheer height of the ceiling made him dizzy. Despite the shade of the walls, Izaya could see darker spots where something thick had been spilled or splashed or-

"Sorry I'm late, is this Izaya?" The man in the labcoat said to the other. The one holding the folder nodded his head and the speaker strode over to stand in front of Izaya.

"Says here that he's Orihara-bred." The bigger man read from the folder. There was that name again, it made Izaya's heart skip sourly every time he heard it. "We've only had a few of those through here. They're usually off limits."

"Was probably dropped." The other replied, striding over to Izaya. "Hello Izaya, I'm here to perform your physical exam. I would greatly appreciate it if you would not struggle. If you struggle, we will have to restrain you." He pulled some latex gloves from his pocket and slipped them on, snapping each on at the wrists. As he looked at Izaya, still bare in his underwear, Izaya fidgeted under the gaze of the man, feeling extremely uncomfortable. There was something off about the way he looked at Izaya. It chilled him to the bone. "If you would be so kind as to remove your undergarments, we can get the exam under way."

Izaya just stared at the man in fear. He didn't want to be bared in front of the two strangers before him. His legs reflexively closed tighter, and Izaya shook his head minisculy. The doctor furrowed his eyebrows, obviously unhappy about Izaya's disobedience. He tutted at the feline Mimi.

"If you're not going to cooperate, I'm afraid we're going to have to restrain you." Something changed in the man's eyes as he said those words, looking to the one holding the folder and nodding to him. Turning back to Izaya, the doctor stared at him with a look in his eyes that told Izaya that there was something wrong with him.

The bulky man walked over to Izaya and reached up above their heads and pulled down a thick chain. Izaya looked in fear as the man took a hold of his hands, both of his fitting in just one of the other man's large ones, and wrapped the metal links tightly around his wrists to where his arms were held about his head and his feet barely touched the floor.

Izaya tried pulling his hands free, the chains biting into his wrists at the effort. He hissed as sharp pain shot down his arms.

"Now, since you've so adamantly refused," The doctor said, an edge of something to his voice. "I will take the liberty to take your undergarments off." With that, he walked over to Izaya and placed his hands on the waistband of his boxers before hooking his gloved finger in the waistband and pulling down, baring Izaya to the open air.

"First test we're going to do is your flexibility test." Izaya heard, then he felt someone grab onto one of his ankles and begin to lift it. While another set of hands kept his other foot planted on the ground. At first it was only embarrassing, having himself exposed in such a way, but then they lifted his leg even higher, pulling at the tendons of his hip and knee.

It started as just a dull ache, but the higher his leg rose, the sharper the pain got until he was screaming and it felt as though they were going to pull his leg out of place. His leg was nearly touching his shoulder and he was close to begging them to stop when they finally let go. He tried to balance most of his weight on his other foot, the other leg burning at the joints.

"Not bad, about an eight." He heard the doctor say then heard a subsequent scrawl of a pen against paper as the muscled man wrote in his file. The sounds of the pen was out of place in the room where he was hanging naked by chains. It seemed almost too normal to be coming from the room he was in. "Next is the preparatory exam." White coattails fluttered behind the man as he walked over to the table that held the folder the other was now holding.

The doctor opened a small box laying on the table, taking out a small bottle and pulling the cork stopper. The pungent smell hit Izaya's feline nose almost immediately, it was that smell that filled the room when he first stepped inside, the smell that made him gag, only now strong and getting stronger. It made Izaya dizzy.

"Now this little mixture is a lubricant of my own design." The doctor said, holding the glass bottle out as if presenting it to Izaya. The word 'lubricant' made Izaya shrink back, not liking the direction this was heading. "It has some...unfortunate consequences when applied to mimies. The effects differ by type, like for instance it's making your bird friends molt. Although I haven't tried it on a cat before, so this will be a learning experience for both of us." The look in his eyes was getting worse as he talked about his 'lubricant', a smile crossed his face, only serving to chill Izaya down his spine.

The doctor poured the liquid onto his fingers, the lubricant coming out thick, before coating all of his fingers in the substance. There was a look exchanged between the two, then the larger man moved and grabbed Izaya's tail firmly, making Izaya gasp and pull against the hand.

"Now now, Izaya, that will only make things worse~" The doctor moved behind Izaya to where he was next to the man holding his tail in an iron grip that shot jolts of pain down his back every time Izaya moved the least bit. He felt the doctor's fingers prod at his entrance before plunging in all at once, making Izaya's hips snap forward in an effort to escape from the sudden pain, his tail pulling taut between him and the man holding it. "Ooh, there was some resistance. You haven't been bred before, have you? Or you haven't very often, anyway." He heard the doctor ask him. His thoughts were brought to Shizuo, to how wonderful it felt when he did this to him. Nothing like what was happening now.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation started from the inside and worked its way out until his entire body felt numb. Colors began swirling around his vision, making it difficult to see. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this was the effect of the lubricant, he was oddly thankful for the side effect, which made it much easier to ignore what was being done to his body.

He spent the rest of the time in a haze, only vaguely aware of when he was being touched or hit or probed. Every time he shifted his eyes, it'd make the colors jump around in his vision. He didn't remember how long it had been that he was strung up in that dark room, nor did he remember when he passed out, but he must have lost consciousness at some point because the next thing he knew, he woke up in the small shared room with Allistar sitting against the wall across from the bed he was laying on. There was something lingering in the air, it had a vaguely warm smell, but it was fading. He sat up and before he could say a word, the parrot spoke up.

"Mikado's in heat. The guards smelled him and they...they took him…"

~*~Chapter End~*~

Oh god, I'm so sorry for the wait, my laptop stopped working and it was so long before I was able to afford to get a new one ;A;

Hopefully there will be nothing else to stop me from working on this story

Apologies if things seemed kind of abrupt and lazy in this chapter, I lost confidence when writing it and started rushing things OTL