Young Dracula Season 4: Outtakes

Me: I think I just wrote season 4! Wow! I never thought I'd be in this position.

Vlad: Translation?

Me: I thought I wouldn't be doing season 4 outtakes until season 5 came out... looks like I was wrong, and I'm glad to be.

Ingrid: The soon you get this done, the better. Then I can go back to doing what I do best!

Me: Ingrid, you still have another twenty six days to go after today, bear that in mind. I will only be writing one outtake per night, even though the readers will be behind, and I ahead it doesn't mean I'll write faster, in fact it may mean I will write slower.

Ingrid: Bats, that's almost a month!

Vlad: I doubt it won't be quite that long...

Me: True... I have my half term holidays next week, and although I do plan on only doing one outtake a day and I plan on revising, I think that I may write more that week, but it may not be all outtakes that's all. I mean, I need to get Premature finished and Eternal Love and Which Ones are Vampires. Once they are done I can focus on this, which hopefully will be done within a month and then i will focus on my Eternal Immortality series.

Ingrid: Doing a new season hasn't stopped you talking has it?

Me: No it hasn't, I just wanted to explain the situation to the readers. Ohh... FYI I don't know how long this outtake will be SORRY!

Vlad: C doesn't own me, Ingrid or Young Dracula.

Me: Thank you.

Report – based after episode 13 of season 3 but just before episode 1 of season 4

Vlad was lounged on his sofa, flicking through pieces of paper...

His AS results, he had got his results for his Advanced Subsidary level examinations two months ago, yet still he couldn't believe what the paper said.

He didn't understand how he had managed to worm his way through and get Cs and above.

Sure, he had done that at GCSE, but that was before he had the weight of the world put on the shoulders... kind of. That was before Ingrid was around, before Erin...

Vlad smiled slightly at the thought of his girlfriend, like him she had also done exceptionally well in her ASs, that didn't surprise him. She did have time to revise and do further reading and practise exam questions.

Did he?

The answer to that was not really, but he did genuinely try, but with the unstable truce in place, he just couldn't spend more than one hour doing something that wasn't vampiric without being needed somewhere or by someone. It was all rather frustrating for Vlad.

Everything had changed.

He now had to deal with vampires twenty four, seven and Erin was always in school or slaying juty, Bertrand was trying to help Vlad where he could but Vlad was being very careful around Bertrand, he knew that he wasn't the most trustworthy individual he had ever met, then there was Ingrid, who was too busy plotting and scheming her way into getting her power that Vlad had promised her early. Vlad hadn't forgotten that promise, but with her current attitude, and ungratefulness, lad was tempted to forget the whole idea and leave her to her own devices, she could handle herself, just like he could. Last of all, but by no means least was the Count; he had tried his best to get Vlad to not sign the treaty, but had failed miserably and now was trying to use the council to get Vlad to end the truce.

Vlad wasn't stupid. He knew well that most people were against the truce, slayers and vampires both. Vlad had been told by Jonno that the slayers didn't like the idea, but they both agreed they had taken this too far, it needed to stop before the breathers found out the truth and there was mass bloodshed of both sides – not that there hadn't been already.

Jonno and Vlad at fist had a unstable relationship, but it grow to be a very strong friendship, Jonno confided in Vlad that Mina was against this truce...

"I don't know what to do," Jonno murmured sitting on Vlad's sofa looking up on Vlad who was sat on the edge of his coffin leaning forward listening. "She won't listen to me; her own son!"

"Welcome to my world," Vlad teased. "Dad's exactly the same."

"Your Dad is Count Dracula though; he's the way he is because of what he is and how he was raised." Jonno mused. "Mum wasn't, she's a psychotherapist! She's meant to help people, not kill them!"

Vlad sighed. "For centuries the slayers haven't seen us as people, I'm sure you know that."

Jonno smiled sadly. "I know, mate, but you are so much like any other person and I can't deny the others aren't people either. You're just as bad as we are; which is the part I don't understand. Over time, the slayers have become just as ruthless as vampires in a way... and obsessed with slaying them." Jonno added thinking of his own father.

"That's our fault though," Vlad pointed out. "We were that way, so you retaliated in the only way that would work."

"No," Jonno shook his head. "Mum's wrong. She has it in her head that slaying will make her feel better, that it can bring Dad back. It can't. Slaying you, slaying all vampires... it won't change anything. Killing isn't right, no matter what sentient creature you're killing."

Vlad gave out a large fake sigh; Jonno really wanted this peace as much as he did. I guess that's what you got for being forced into something you didn't want but all along not wanting it.

"Vlad," Bertrand sped into the room.

Vlad looked up at Bertrand placing his results back on his desk.

"What is it this time Bertrand?" Vlad asked calmly, he was starting to get used to the interruptions, not that he liked it.

"There's been more bitings near here." Bertrand informed him and Vlad sat up straight, suddenly alert. "I think I know who it is. He leaves the tradition vampire VVV signature behind wherever he goes."

"How many?"

"Five maybe more, he has the street fangs on his side." Bertrand admitted. "They like how he's going against the truce."

"This is getting beyond a joke," Vlad muttered. "Bitings have stopped everywhere except right under my nose, it has to stop before others follow this persons example."

Bertrand nodded understandingly, even though he himself didn't like the truce, he had to admit there were some benefits to having not more slayings.

"What's his name?" Vlad asked.

"Malik," Bertrand said carefully. "Malik Hellfire Vaccaria."

"Well," Vlad said. "I think it's time to pay Malik a little visit... get Erin for me and tell her to meet in an hour in the courtyard, I'll contact Jonno and tell him the same. I want you there as well."

Vlad sped out leaving Bertrand to follow his instructions.

Little did Vlad know of course, that going against Malik would be something he dreaded in a way but also was glad he did, because he had someone to make an example of... to make the truce stronger.

Me: That wasn't too short was it? I'll try and make them longer! Promise!

Vlad: You're almost as rash with your promises as I am.

Ingrid: That's not a good thing.

Me: I know. Anyway thank you for reading and please review!



P.S: Not sure when the next outtake will be up, I'll try and get it up tomorrow but it's a bit of a pain to come up with a decent outtake for the episode!