Title: The Road So Far

Author(s): Singer Colt

Chapter 1

Pairing: Dean/OFC Sam/OFC


We don't own the boys, or Supernatural, trust us, if we did we wouldn't have the time to write. No money is being made from our stories, so, please don't sue. It'd be a fruitless endeavor indeed. That being said Cora, Toni, and any other newbies are all ours, and we don't share. :Whispers in creepy voice: "My precious." Transcripts are taken from "In My time of Dying."

The universe

This reality is a mix of cannon, blank spaces ( Because really we only see a small portion of the boys lives) and our own ideas. We strive to keep the boys cannon, but since we will be shifting around some of the events, that will reflect in our writing and their personalities as well. It's our goal to provide you with quality fiction, and solid, fleshed out OFC. I "Colt" have a sick fetish for making folks love the new kid on the block as much as they love the cannon. Yeah I'm a gluten for punishment *Winks. We appreciate constructive criticism.

Feel free to contact us and join our tumbler


Chapter One

The words that spew from John's lip tasted like bitter ash in his mouth. His stomach bubbled and churned. Latin echoed in the dank, dark, space of the empty boiler room. This went against everything he believed, but for his boy he had to try. He owed Dean at least that much. No one would give him a father of the year award, but he loved his sons. He raised them up the only way he was capable of. Hell, the only way he knew how. His old man split when he was ten, and without Mary's soft touch to guide and temper his military training, things had gone to pot real quick. He slid the knife across his palm, held it over the bowl and allowed the life giving liquid to splash for a few moments. He pulled back, lit a match, and watched as flames exploded before being doused.

He stood and looked around. A hand grabbed his shoulder and he turned with his muscles loose and his eyes trained on the middle aged man in the janitorial uniform.

"What the hell are you doing down here, buddy?"

He sounded normal enough, but John knew better. For now he'd play along.

"I can explain."

"Yeah? You're going to explain it to security. Come on. You follow me."

He smirked, pulled out the Colt, and cocked it.

"Hey. How stupid do you think I am?"

The once normal blue eyes glowed yellow as his lips curled up into an evil sneer that made his skin crawl.

"You really want an honest answer to that?"

John watched from his peripheral as two men in lab coats stalked up behind him.

"You conjuring me, John. I'm surprised. I took you for a lot f things. But suicidally reckless wasn't one of them."

"I could always shoot you."

"You could always miss. " He laughed. "And you've only got one try, don't'cha? Did you really think you could trap me?

"Oh , I don't want to trap you." He lowered his gun." I want to make a deal." As the words left his mouth he knew somewhere Mary was crying. A gleam of interest sparked in the Demon's eyes.

"It's very unseemly, making deals with evils. How do I know this isn't just another trick?"

"It's no trick. I will give you the Colt and the bullet, but you've got to help Dean. You've got to help bring him back." His eldest was the only thing that mattered now. He gritted his teeth. Pushed back the urge to shot the evil son of a bitch between the eyes and end this lifelong game of chase. He'd spent his entire life dragging the boys along with him as he doled out his own personal brand of vengeance. In this, they came first. The thought of his legacy flickering out was a punch to the gut. Sam… he wasn't meant for this life, not permanently. He knew that, had come to accept it over the years. Dean… it was all he knew. Partially that was his fault, but there was no going back to make changes.

"Why, John, You're a sentimentalist. If only your boys knew how much their daddy loved them."

"It's a good trade. You care a hell of a lot more about this gun than you do Dean."

"Don't' be so sure. He killed some people very special to me. But still, you're right. He isn't much of a threat. And neither is your other son."

John looked down, afraid the demon would see the knowledge in his eyes. Recovered he peered back up at the demon.

"You know the truth right? About Sammy? And the other children?" the demon asked.

"Yeah. I've known for a while."

"But Sam doesn't, does he? You've been playing dumb?"

Was he really judging me on my parenting?

"Can you bring Dean back? Yes or no?"

"No. But I know someone who can. It's not a problem."


"Before I give you the gun I'm going to need a few things. I want to make sure that Dean's okay with my own eyes. And I want to bring someone back."

Annoyance crossed the demon's face.


"A girl, an innocent hunter who doesn't belong roasting in the pits of hell for all eternity, Cora Turner."

"I never knew you had such a big heart John."

"I want to see her with my own eyes too."

"Oh, John, I'm offended. Don't you trust me?"

John shook his head from side to side.


"So we have a deal?" John asked.

"No, John, not yet. You still need to sweeten the pot."

"With what?"

"There's something else I want, as much as that gun, maybe more."

His stomach dropped and he knew he wasn't walking away from this one. The Demon nodded.

"You understand?"

"Yes," he whispered.

"And you still want to do this?" the demon asked once more.


"Well then let's go get that delicious girl you requested. She's so pure it makes my teeth ache. It's a delicacy down there you know, truly innocent folks. Such a screamer too, but we broke her of that. We broke her of a lot of things."

The muscles in his jaw ticked. He wanted to rip this bastard apart with his bare hands. Burn his body and piss on the remenants. Cora Turner hadn't deserved any of what they'd done to her. Now the poor kid would never be the same. He had no right to place this burden on her shoulders now, but as usual in their life feelings didn't count much. He cleared his throat.

"All right."

"Now because we're pals, I'll give you a little sample."

John blinked and he was surrounded in an ocean of fire. The flamed engulfed his skin, peeled it

back, stripped it down the flesh beneath. A scream rose up in his throat, but the putrid air took the sound from him.

"Focus John, we're here to pick up your friend."

He glanced over to the dusky skinned woman who lay limp on a rack. Her arms and legs were stretched, her brown eyes were dead, and glazed over. This was the face of hopelessness. Demons surrounded her. One leaned in and began to flay her skin. A high pitched scream rent the air. Bile rose in his throat.

"I hate to ruin your fun Alistair, but this one is off the market."

"Ooh, but she tastes so sweet." The man leaned in, lapped at the blood on her side.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll see her again," Yellow eyes said. "You want her, you go lift her." He snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared. Her body fell to the black slab beneath. John walked over, lifted her up into his arms. She flinched and cringed, but didn't fight. This was not the daughter of Rufus Turner he'd watched grow up.

"Come on Cora, let's get you home," John said.

"Trick." She licked her dry, cracked, lips. "I won't fall for it." The movement of her lips caused bleeding.

A heart beat passed and they were once again in the basement.

"Now because I'm in a generous mood, I'll even give ole Cora here a parting gift. I want her to be fresh and healthy so we can break her all over again when we meet. Cause now that we've tasted her." He licked his slender finger. "We're all a little addicted." He bit down into the flesh of his wrist, allowed it to drop into her mouth.

John tensed, moved to stop him, but yellow eyes held him in place.

"Ah- Ah- ah. You don't get to choose how I fulfill my end of the bargain. Give it a few minutes she'll be right as rain. I'll be seeing you soon John Winchester."

Yellow eyes disappeared, and he turned his attention to the broken body on the floor beside him.

"Cora." He whispered her name, almost afraid she wouldn't answer because she was dead.

Her eyes moved rapidly beneath her eyes.

"Cora it's John."

She gasped, sat straight up and skidded back, using her legs and arms. She hit the wall behind her with a loud thud. He held up his hands.

"I'm not going to hurt you."


"Yes." He nodded.


"I made a deal. I don't have much time, so I need you to listen to me and retain. Can you do that for me?"

Her jaw opened and closed. She clenched it shut and nodded.

"I need you to lay low for awhile, get yourself together, rested up, and ready to get some pay back on these hell spawn, bastards. A war is coming and in order to win they'll need you."

"Me why?" Her voice was hoarse.

" Because you're the last in the line of Colts."


"Samuel Colt, the gun maker."

"Yeah, I know who he is."
"He's your great grand something or another. They'll need your blood to make a new weapon and a shit ton of bullets."

"War with who?"

"Demons on a level more dire than anything we've ever seen. Once you get Bobby's call Toni. You're going to need her now more than ever."

Her face remained blank.

"You getting this?"

"Demon killing gun, call Toni, go to Bobby's. Anything else?" Her eyes flashed with a spark of anger.


He leaned in and continued on. Her eyes grew wide and her breath became choppy. Good she was scared, she should be.

Don't be shy, share your thoughts, because after all we do it for the feedback and the need to put paper to pen .

Singer Colt