A/N: As you all know I use this site as an outlet to what I deal with on a daily basis. After plenty of alcohol and enough sappy ass romance movies to last a life time on the Hallmark channel coupled with a reminder of what would be my anniversery you have the divorce of our two favorite ladies. Please don't hate me. You know I have to shake the boat sometimes.

Olivia walked in and looked around the office. Leave it to Alex to find one of the most expensive firms in the city. This is what she wanted and she was willing to give her anything no matter the cost. This was a prime example that was tearing her apart piece by piece.

"Can I help you ma'am" The young blonde receptionist asked looking up at her.

"Yes I have a ten o'clock appointment with Alexandra Cabot" Olivia informed her.

"Yes ma'am if you will follow me I will show you to the conference room." She said standing.

Olivia quietly followed the young woman down the hall while taking a look around. Every where she looked screamed money and plenty of it. She could imagine how much it cost to retain this firm and again like so many times before she wondered why Alex had retained them. She wasn't going to argue or fight with the attorney. Whatever she wanted was hers no questions asked.

"Ms. Benson is here" the receptionist said pulling Olivia from her thoughts.

"Thank you" A tall muscular man said as he stood, Alex by his side. "Please come in and have a seat Ms. Benson. Do you know how long it will be before your counsel arrives."

"They won't be coming." Olivia said catching the glare of Alex

"Ma'am this is a litigation to dissolve the marriage of yourself and Ms. Cabot you need your counsel present."

"I don't have counsel and I don't need counsel." Olivia growled as she fought to keep her emotions under control.

"Very well" He said as he began talking. "We have called this meeting to dissolve the union of yourself and Ms. Cabot. Of your own free will you are waiving counsel."

"This is a civil matter not a damn criminal matter" Olivia spat out "I don't need a damn attorney. Can we move this along please?"

"Yes" he said opening a folder in front of him as Alex did the same as he pushed what was apparently her copy as well. "if you please open the folder so we can go over what Ms. Cabot is requesting."

Olivia looked from the man to Alex. Was he serious better yet was she serious. She had told her the night she told her she wanted a divorce that if she named what she wanted she could have it. The only thing that Olivia was requesting was her personal items and nothing else. Hell in all honesty what she walked out of the apartment was everything that pertained to the department and her career, nothing else. When Alex had asked her when had she planned to come and get the rest of her belongings she had informed her that they were hers and she could do with what she wished. She had what she needed and wanted. Then she was served in the most embarrassing way.

"Damn it El we had to miss something" Olivia almost shouted at her partner "How can we have three victims and nothing tying them together. Did they buy a lottery ticket had the same gas station years apart."

"Liv I'm telling you there is nothing" Elliot responded while raising an eyebrow at her. For the past two weeks she had been acting funny. Whenever he mentioned about cutting out early maybe meeting Alex for a nice dinner she would decline stating that Alex had a late meeting or there was something for her to follow up on.

"Damn it" She said again as she snapped the pencil in her hand

"Detective Olivia Benson" A young man said from behind her

"Yes" She said stepping forward "Can I help you?"

"You've been served" he said as he handed her a folded blue piece of paper.

She took the paper from him and glanced at Elliot with a curious look on her face. He shrugged his shoulders not knowing what it could be. As far as they both knew they had already received their subpoenas for all up coming trials. She slowly opened the paper and felt the blood drain from her face. She fought long and hard to keep her emotions under control and not lose it in front of everyone.

"I hate it when I receive subpoenas for a case that's years old." She finally said once she was sure she could talk without losing it.,

"Yeah its rough" Elliot said recognizing the papers having been on the receiving end himself once before "Especially one that goes as far back as that case."

"The penthouse located on upper Manhattan Street" The man continued to rattle off.

"I'm sorry sir" Olivia said interrupting him "I guess I zoned out did you say the penthouse?"

"Figures" Alex muttered to herself but loud enough for Olivia to hear.

"Yes Ms. Cabot is asking for the penthouse on Upper Manhattan Street."

"Alex why would I want that?" Olivia asked as she chanced a look at her "That had been in your family for years."

"Just in case." Alex said looking away. In truth she hadn't put that in there but the firm she had hired insisted that they name everything to keep Olivia from going back at a later date and trying to lay claim to something. She was adamant that Olivia would never do that but they were just as adamant that divorce did bring out the worse in people.

"Look sir" Olivia said looking at Alex and then back at the attorney "We can make this really quick and very painful. If you can just show me where to sign so I can sign and be on my way I would appreciate it."

"Ms. Benson we need to go over everything in case you dispute anything in the settlement."

"Let me make it easy for you" Olivia said as she flipped the pages trying to find the spot where she was suppose to sign "I left with everything I wanted the night she asked me for a divorce and asked me to leave. I have no need or desire to take anything from her. She can have everything. So please just show me where to sign."

"Jesus Olivia" Alex said "These are legal document that will be impossible to change once they are filled with the courts would you please take the time and read what's in there in case there is something you dispute."

"I would say I dispute the divorce but I guess that doesn't do me any good now does it?" Olivia asked almost sneering at Alex.

"No it doesn't" Alex said matching Olivia's glare and tone. She knew the detective only lashed out like she just had when she was hurt.

"Then where do I sign Alex?" Olivia asked "Just show me the line and we are done."

"Ma'am" the attorney started to say but was stopped when Alex placed a perfectly manicured hand on his arm

"Believe me when I say it will be easier and a hell of a lot quicker if you just show her where to sign." Alex informed him.

"Very well" he said flipping all their books to the same page "I will need both of your signatures in several areas here being the first."

Olivia leaned over the table and quickly signed her name pulling back quickly to allow Alex room to sign her name in the spots indicated by the attorney. This continued on for a few more minutes when the attorney finally closed all three books and smiled.

"Ladies I will file this with the courts and your marriage should be dissolved within sixty days. Do you have any questions?"

"Am I free to leave?" Olivia asked as she stood and jerked her leather jacket off the back of the chair.

"Yes here is your copy." He said as he handed her a blue bound book.

"I don't need it" Olivia said over her shoulder as she headed for the door "Give it to her."

"Is she always this difficult?" He asked looking from the detective to the attorney.

"You have no clue" Alex said with a small smile on her face "Thank you so much if you need anything else from me please call me. I need to be leaving as well."

"Olivia OLIVIA wait " Alex called as she ran to catch up to the attorney.

Olivia took a deep breath and looked to the sky. There was no doubt in her mind the lord hated her today. She was rammed both her hands into her leather jacket as she spun on her heels.

"What do need Alex?" Olivia asked hoping to make this quick.

"Was all that necessary?" Alex asked as she indicated toward the building

"I don't know you tell me" Olivia said "You were the one that went and hired the damn firm. I took what I wanted the night you told me it was over."

"I was only wanting this divorce to be fair."

"FAIR" Olivia shouted "FAIR since when is divorce fair. Since when is me coming home looking forward to seeing my wife only to be told she had enough and she wanted a divorce is fair. That you were tired of waiting and pacing the floors for me. That my job took more from you emotionally than what you could handle is fair."

"It wasn't it." Alex said looking to the ground.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you." Olivia said trying her hardest to reign her temper in "It's ok, umm look if anyone asks I'll be the bad guy. I left you wanting more and wasn't there when you needed me to be. I was emotional distant and withdrawn when I was home. You may not believe it but I do wish you the best. I hope you find someone who loves you and can be there for you like you deserve."


"Don't" Olivia whispered as she placed her fingers on Alex's lips "What's that saying all good things must come to an end. We had our run and it was a hell of a run. Now it has ended. If you need anything anything at all you know where to reach me."

"Thank you" Alex whispered.

"You're welcome" Olivia said as she leaned forward and placed one last gentle kiss on Alex's lips. "I love you Alexandra Cabot. I have since the day you walked into the precinct and will till the day they lay me in the ground. Please don't ever forget that."

"I won't. Take care of yourself detective." Alex whispered so low that no one heard her as she watched Olivia walk away from her for the last time.