A/N:Oh my Gosh! i'm so sorry for not updating for a long time! i/ve been really busy with Math Remedial classes (Yes.. I suck at math!) and also i have a writers block! But since i felt guilty i just squezed a chapter from my brain, so pardon me if it's a very crappy chapter i'm sorry i know that i'm known for never keeping promises... so i'm not gonna pormise anymore :) well i hope you enjoy this chappy!

Disclaimer: If i say that i own Naruto... i'm gonna sound stupid.






Naruto: 24 yo

Akatsuki-13 yo

Listening to "These Times" by Safetysuit while writing this. it adds to the mood of the chapter.

Naruto POV


For 10 years all Naruto did was train his children the same skills the Adult Akatsuki had, but there were some differences, Naruto made sure of that.

Kisame is the same. but he doesn't use Samaheda, instead he uses a tanto that he named 'Suijin'. By using Suijin he can summon water by will and form waves by just a swipe of the sword. Kisame found the sword when he was 12 while he was practicing Water walking with his siblings. Like Samaheda it only obeys Kisame and if anyone else touches the hilt the sword turns into silver water so that the person cannot touch it, and only forms back into a sword when Kisame touches it.

Sasori still became a Master puppeteer by the age of 11, but he doesn't use Human Puppets, Naruto made sure that he stuck to Wooden puppets, and of courese he doesn't have a puppet body, but a human one.

the others are the same except they lack their evil intentions.

"Kids! come here we need to talk!" called Naruto.

Shouts and arguments can be heard from the children as they went down the stairs.

"Tou-san whats going on?" Deidara saide with a grin.

"Sit" Naruto said sternly.

Seeing their dad serious made them stop all their arguments and turned to face Naruto. They sat there waiting for Naruto's upcoming announcement.

"As you know your are already 13 years old, therefore you are already ready to take a genin exam... i will be taking you back to Konoha to take the genin exams there. Don't worry i already contacted Tsunade about this matter. The council is already disbanded so you won't have to worry about them having too much political power to execute you once you step into Konoha, but don't let your guard down, knowing the council, they will stop at nothing to get what they want" Naruto explained.

The children had mixed reactions. Some of them worried and most of them excited. Zetsu was the first to react, he tackled Naruto with a hug and kept reapeating "Thank you! Thank you!". Naruto know the reason that Zetsu is excited. Konoha is known for having abundant amounts of green trees and flowers.

Seeing Zetsu hugging Naruto to death coaxed the others to join in as well, in a matter of seconds Naruto was dog piled. They burst into fits of laughter, they were a really happy family, but if you look closely into Naruto's eyes you can see sadness filling his eyes destroying the cheerful facade, but Akatsuki didn't notice that..


"You know that time is drawing near, Naruto. When will you tell them?" Kyuubi said sadly.

"I don't plan on telling them... I wan't them to enjoy this time as much as possible" Naruto said tears falling softly from his eyes.

"Hmm.." Kyuubi looked at Naruto with genuine pity, trying to comfort Naruto by softly rubbing his back with his tail.

~End Flashback~

Naruto and the children made it back to Konoha just 1 hour before the exams.

"Come on guys!" Naruto's Cheerful mask is back on as he led them to the Hokage tower.

He took a deep breath as he knoked on the Godaime Hokage's door. A faint 'come in' could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Ohayo.. Baa-chan, were ba-" Naruto was cut off by the sudden hug. He let Tsunade cry silently on his shoulder and smiled sadly.

"Gaki! how could you not contact me for years and only contact me to say that your coming back home! do you know how worried i was? All of us were worried sick, Sakura cried for months asking herself i theres something wrong with her that her team mates kept on leaving her behind! Konohamaru and his friends were devastated that their big brother left without saying goodbye! How could you?" Tsunade's voice faded into a silent sob.

Seeing this made Naruto's grief deepen. The guilt and pain wasn't subsiding it was just going deeper and deeper. He felt his heart constricting in sadness.

"I'm sorry, baa-chan.." Naruto couldn't stop the tears from falling.

After a few more minutes, Tsunade already calmed down and said "The kids should head to the academy now.. the exams is starting in 40 minutes. They need to be there 30 minutes before it starts for registration" Naruto nodded and looked at the kids and walked in front of them and they left to go to the academy. Once they were in front of the school, Naruto gave them one big hug full of emotions as tears steamed from his eyes.

"I love you guys so much... don't forget that. For all these years you guys have done nothing but make me proud. All have to say is you are the best decision that i hae ever made. You are all blessings to me... now go take the exams, pass it and make me much more proud" Naruto said with a sorrowful smile that was left unnoticed by the children.

"Tou-san! to mushy! it sound like your saying goodbye!" Hidan laughed.

"Ah yeah.. I'm just being an over emotional father, i guess" Naruto forced a chuckle as he wiped tears from his eyes.

They smiled at him, a smile filled with love that Naruto knew he would never be able to see again. A pang of sorrow hit him again and again, making it harder for him to breathe. He watched as his kids walked into the building, their figures getting smaller and smaller by the second.

"I'll miss you... you are one of the best things that ever happened to me" He whispered, his silent voice getting lost in the air, as he made his way to the forest.


"Even a demon like me has responsibilities, Naruto" Kyuubi whispered to Naruto in his mindscape.

"You know that as the new Kyuubi.. they are now your responsibilities. You will leave them behind someday.." Kyuubi continued.

"I know..." Naruto said in a barely audible voice.

A/N: yes done at last! Special thanks to RavenUchiha135 for giving me suggestion and therefore, curing my writers block!

Ja Ne!