Thanks for clicking readers!

These are some things you should know before reading: This first chapter takes place after the events of "Salvage" and the rest are scattered one shots.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or any characters involved

Now enjoy!

When Roy Harper finally stirred from slumber, he rolled over, tugging the sheets with him. His hand rested on the other side of the bed lazily when suddenly, his eyes snapped open. The lingering warmth on the other side of the mattress was faint, but undeniable. He moved his palm about, feeling the pillow and the whole side of the bed before darting into a sitting position. He blinked the heaviness from his eyes and glanced around rapidly. It took him only a second to perceive that the light was on behind his bathroom door. Roy panicked, throwing his covers off and groping around for his pajama bottoms as he quietly crept towards the door, slipping one leg on after the other. He swallowed. This couldn't' be real. He'd been living alone for about a year and a half now ever since Jade had left him. Then... it all came crashing back. His wife, her baby, no... their baby... Lian... He remembered how he'd felt the night before when Jade had dropped the bomb shell into his lap. Shock had arrested him and shook his emotions raggedly without any mercy. It had perhaps been a whole five minutes before he could manage to speak again, or even manage to believe what his eyes beheld before him. It was too fantastic. Even now doubt lingered in his mind. Could something so amazing have been real? What if it were nothing more than a dream?

Without thinking, Roy grabbed the door handle and ripped it open. Jade hadn't even flinched. There she stood, her curvy body wrapped in a bath towel as she brushed through her sopping wet, long black tresses.

"Did no one ever teach you how to knock?" she questioned, looking at him through the sink mirror with a cocked brow and a smirky smile. Under normal circumstances Roy might have been a smart-alec and quipped back with something like "Knocking rules don't count with your spouse," or "Since when did you become self conscious?" but right now, the circumstances were definitely NOT normal. In fact, all Roy could process at the moment was that she was here. With him. After she'd left him in furious indignation, Roy had believed he would never see her again. At first, he'd been too angry to succumb to pain or any sense of loss, but then, it had slowly added to his bitterness, only fueling the self-destructive behavior in which Jade had left him for. But now... she was back.

Jade was still smirking at him, waiting for some sort of response, but the one she received from him was the one she least expected. Roy swept forward and caught her in his arms, hugging her close against him and burying his face between her neck and shoulder. Jade went tense at first, but in the next moment she relaxed and lifted her hands to return the hug.

"You're here..." Roy murmured against her skin. She could hear the unnatural amount of emotion in his voice and the limpness in his whole body as they held each other.

"I already told you why," Jade said, almost sounding exasperated, "Lian needs you more than I do," she said, instantly shutting down any of Roy's hopes that she'd perhaps forgiven him and was ready to accept him into her life once more. Roy was okay with that though. He'd never backed down from a challenge, and earning her trust back was definitely something worth working for.

"Where is she?" Roy asked releasing Jade slightly to stand back and look at her.

"She's with my sister," Jade answered, "I can't take care of two babies at once," she responded. Roy cocked an amused brow. Normally he'd take the bait when she'd throw comments like that out on a hook, but not this time. He was still too lucky to even have her with him.

"I want to see her again," Roy said.

"Not until I've got you looking decent again. You want to make a good impression on your daughter don't you? Starting with your hair," she stated, opening a drawer in the sink counter where she pulled out a pair of scissors.

"I happen to like my hair," Roy remarked, a bit defiantly.

"Spare me," Jade huffed, gesturing he take a seat once she closed the toilet lid, "and everyone else who has to look at you,"

Roy took a deep, stress flushing breath and did what his wife told him. Over the next hour or so, Jade worked to cut away his unruly locks, all the loneliness of the past falling away with it. Roy sat, allowing the comfort of her fingers running against his scalp lull him into peaceful serenity. Once done, she then proceeded to make him shave the stubble which had grown untamed all over his cheeks. Jade was no barber, but she wasn't horrible. The end result as Roy looked into the mirror over all wasn't that bad. He was actually starting to look like his old self again.

"I think I'm beginning to see a shade of the real Red Arrow in there," Jade stated, putting a hand on her hip.

"Thanks Jade," Roy said, turning to face her with a small, but meaningful smile. Jade didn't give him time to linger.

"Now, I need to finish getting ready," she declared, "so shoo," she ordered, pointing towards the door.

"Ready for what?" Roy questioned, moving towards the door but still curious.

"You and I are going jogging," she stated, "and I don't go jogging in public with nothing but a towel on," she stated.

The door was promptly shut in his face, leaving Roy to stand there and wonder what kind of wild ride he was getting into now...

Thanks for reading! leave a comment and let me know what you think! I'm doing my best to keep these characters canon so let me know if I'm failing!

-Stokin D Embers