NOTE: None of the following characters are owned by me

The following is the first chapter of story, and like the following chapters will most likely take place from Tomoki's point of view.

It's Not My Fault She Isn't Popular

Chapter One - This was bound to happen.

Shit, there she goes again. As usual I'm kept up by her and her weird habits. I don't know what she's doing in there, but I want her to stop. At this rate I'll never get up in time for school tomorrow. I was too tired to get up, but If I didn't I wouldn't get any sleep anyway. That damned fooled was going to get an earful when I got there.

I finally forced myself up, and began dragging myself lazily across the room. I felt the walls until I finally found what I was looking for, and with a click illuminated my room, causing me to cover my eyes since they been already so adjusted to the dark.

More than I hoped that she would stop, I hoped that she hadn't woken Mom up. The last thing I needed was for Mom to unintentionally make it even harder for me to sleep by lecturing her. I slid open the door and walked over to room, and slid it open just a peek.

Maybe I'd find her doing something bad I had hoped, maybe If I couldn't get to stop by normal means I could use some blackmail. But I Instead to my shock found her on the floor drooling with a glazed look her in eye. I ran over to her and held up her head, and began banging her chest.

"Tomoko... TOMOKO...?" I screamed.

I took a quick scan of the room and noticed various empty bottles of pills on the floor. My hands shook in fear, had she actually done it, had she finally taken her life? In my panic I almost forgot she wasn't actually dead yet. I ran downstairs and grabbed the phone. As fast I could I dialed 1-1-9 and ran back to her side after, and waited.

It wasn't long before they arrived, running in with the stretcher. I never thought she would do it, attempt to take her own life. I had humored her before when she had said so, but even so I always thought she would just wuss out. Mom had woken up by now, and was in tears. She wasn't shocked though, as horrible as that sounds.

She probably thought it was inevitable, and for some reason that lack of effort on her part mad me angry. As the ambulance pulled away with them, and I was left alone at home. I couldn't help but remember every last thing I've said and done to her. We got along great as kids, but I didn't want anything to do with her as we had reached this stage in our life.

I abandoned my own sister, but she had also abandoned me. I can't be fully to blame... but maybe I'm just telling myself that so I wont feel guilty. Either way, I won't be getting any sleep now. I doubt Mom would even care If I skipped school either. I took a seat on the couch and just tried to get my mind off of it, at a moment like this I feel like thinking about it too much will just make you worry too much.

I want to believe that she will be OK, but I can't I spend my day pacing around the house thinking of all the wrong I've ever done to her. So I sat, and I watched TV and I waited.