Author's Note: This story is set pre-series, but works within the established cannon timeline of events with one important alteration. I've tried my best to incorporate information seen in the show, and some bits I've read on wiki's etc, but I have not read any of the books yet, so if there is anything here which is contradicted by the books I'm sorry but its staying.*grin*

This story is (hopefully depends on its reception really) the first in Series: Sempiternitas.

No real spoilers in this one (apart from you know, the existence of Torchwood), but a general spoiler alert would be "anything seen on TV in Torchwood or Dr Who is fair game and may be referenced"

Warnings for strong language in later parts.

This story is completed and new parts will be posted regularly. Enjoy and let me know what you think


It was amazing how quickly life could change.

Blink and you miss it. That defining moment. That single point in time where everything changes. It can happen so fast that it's barely even noticeable, or it can slam into full force, knocking you down, dragging you under.

One moment you're getting on with your life, dreaming of more but really just hoping that tomorrow will continue much like today. And then it all explodes. Turns inside out and back to front forcing you to learn everything from scratch. Forcing you to open your eyes to what you were never prepared to see. Making you feel so small, so insignificant and at the same time reminding you to count the blessings you have because next time you blink you might not have even those.

Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Most times it just is. You can either let it define you, or you can define it, but whichever you chose, you have to face it. There is no turning back. No rewinding time. These moments happen, whether we want them to or not.

I was just a student. Nothing special. Just a student. Just finished my final exams. Looking forward to the future I had planned out for myself. Then I went home.

I've heard it said the twenty-first century is when everything changes. For me it already has.