"Morning, Bria." Dad put a plate of blue pancakes in front of me. It was a weird tradition that Dad got from Grandma, but it was really calming.

"Where's Mom?" I asked through a mouthful of doughy pancake.

"She got called into work." Dad sighed. "She's got a huge client right now."

Mom was an architect. She was always out designing some new building. Annabeth Jackson was the biggest architect in New York. Everyone was calling specifically for her. And my Dad was a teacher at my school. He drove me so I didn't have to ride the bus.

"Go get dressed. We have to go in 10 minutes." Dad said. I wiped the syrup off of my face and ran to my room. I pulled out a grey Hollister T-Shirt, pink skinny jeans, a gray jacket, and pink leopard print Vans. I slipped my necklace over my head and put my earrings in. I put on one of my signature beanies over my curly hair. "Come on, Bria! We have to go!" Dad yelled.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I ran out into the kitchen to meet Dad. "Let's go." I walked through the door. Dad ran behind me.

"Geez. In a hurry?" He smiled.

"I told Jake I'd meet him behind the school this morning." I answered.

"Jake, huh? I don't have a good feeling about him." Dad muttered, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Dad, I've been with Jake for 3 months. Things are pretty serious." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well, just keep an eye out. Something about him seems shady." Dad sighed. We pulled up to the school, and I ran around the back to meet Jake. I saw him standing by the dumpster.

"Hey, Jake." I called, causing him to turn.

"Hey, Bria. Thanks for meeting me here." Jake smiled. He had the cutest little crooked jaw. "I really need to tell you something."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm going to kill you." He hissed. Then, he started to transform. His legs melted into a huge serpent tail, and his shirt melted into his skin, revealing a bare, purple, scaly chest.

"What are you?" Was all I could get out.

"He's a lamia. A Greek demon." I turned, and Dad was standing behind me, staring at Jake.

"Dad, did you follow me?" I asked in disbelief.

"I told you I had a bad feeling about this guy!" Dad replied. "Go, I'll hold him off." He pulled out a pen that he always kept in his pocket.

"What's a pen gonna do?" I asked. He didn't answer. He just uncapped it, and a sword grew out. "You have a sword? Seriously?"

"Yeah. Seriously. Go get Mr. Underwood. Tell him it's time. He'll understand." Dad instructed.

"I won't leave you!"

"Go!" Dad screamed, as Jake picked him up and squeezed him, turning my dad to gold dust.

"Dad!" I cried.

"You're next, girl." Jake growled. I turned and ran to the front door, running into Mr. Underwood's room. He's the Earth Science teacher.

"Mr. Underwood!" I was out of breath.

"Bria, what happened?" He looked genuinely concerned.

"Jake, he turned into some snake thing and took Dad. He told me to tell you that it's time." I stuttered. Mr. Underwood's eyes widened.

"Come on. Get in my car." Mr. Underwood pushed me out the door.

"What's going on?"

"I'll explain on the way. Just get in my car, and look out. Jake could still be out there."

I nodded and ran into the parking lot, Mr. Underwood running, no, not running. Galloping behind me. Jake spotted us. "There you are."

"Get in the car, now! I'll hold off Snake-butt." Mr. Underwood yelled. I nodded and climbed into the passenger seat of the car. I watched in pure shock as Mr. Underwood took off his shoes and pants, revealing goat legs.

He screamed and ran into the car. "What happened?" I asked.

"I couldn't hold him off." Mr. Underwood gasped.

"No, I mean why is my boyfriend a snake, why do you have goat legs, and what happened to my Dad? Mr. Underwood, what's going on?"

"First of all, you can call me Grover. It would be a lot quicker. I'm a satyr, and your dad's protector. That means, I'm also your protector. Jake is a lamia. He's a Greek snake demon that comes after demigods."

"But, I'm not a demigod! I have both of my parents, and, correct me if I'm wrong, neither of them are gods!"

"True, they're not gods. But both of your parents are demigods."

"What?" My mouth hung open in shock.

"Your Mom is the daughter of Athena, and your Dad is the son of Poseidon." He must have sensed my shock. "I know it's a lot to take in, but trust me, it's actually really cool."

"Look, Grover, just tell me where we're going." I tried to calm myself.

"We're going to Camp Half-blood. You'll be safe there."

"Camp what?" I yelled.

"Half-Blood. Don't worry. Nothing will attack you while you're there." He smirked. "Except maybe the other campers."

I sat in scared silence, until we stopped. "Why'd we stop?" I asked.

"We're here." Grover stepped out of the car and trotted to my side, opening my door. We walked up a hill, and we reached a fence. "Come on, don't be shy."

I stepped through the archway, and was immediately greeted by a woman, about my parents' age, with frizzy red hair. "Hi, I'm Rachel. And you are?"

"Bria. Bria Jackson." I shook her hand. Her eyes widened.

"Jackson? Are you related to Percy Jackson?"

"Yeah. He's my Dad. And, you probably know my Mom. When she went here, her name was Annabeth Chase."

"Oh my Gods, that's amazing! I was friends with them back in the old days." Rachel smiled. "And, Grover, good to see you again. So what finally brings you to Camp Half-blood?"

"She was attacked by a lamia." Grover said.

"Wow. I'd better get you to Chiron." Rachel grabbed my arm.

"Who's Chiron?" I asked.

"He leads the camp. Don't worry. When he finds out you're Percy and Annabeth's kid, he'll love you." Rachel assured me. I honestly wasn't so sure.