N and Cheren had made it back to Cheren's house safely. The rain had drenched them both, making N shiver in cold. Cheren didn't have much luck either.

"I-I think I'm going t-to get a warm shower ready for the b-both of us," Cheren stuttered, shivering also.

N just nodded, as Sophie came out and shook out her pelt, spraying water everywhere.

"Brr!" she exclaimed, shivering like the others. N then wrapped her up in his arms.

Cheren smiled. "You sure do love Pokémon," he said.

N then looked at him, kind of surprised. "Yes I do," he said. "Do you?" he asked.

Cheren nodded quickly back. "I love Pokémon!" he exclaimed in joy. Then he looked down at his feet in embarrassment. "I just wished I wasn't so afraid of them…"

N then cocked his head to the side. "Afraid?" he asked dumbfounded.

Sophie then sneezed, making the boys jump.

"I should probably get a blanket for you two now while I start the showers…" Cheren then ran off in his big dark home.

Surprisingly N wasn't scared, despite his hatred of homes like these. N then got up and started to look around.

Sophie then jumped on his back. "Won't Cheren be mad that you're snooping around his home?" she asked.

"Relax Sophie, I just wanna see what he's like," N said, looking at rows of pictures on the bookshelf.

Sophie snorted. "Seems like snooping to me…" She then shivered. "When do you think Cheren will be back with those blankets?" she asked.

N shrugged. "Maybe he's getting the showers ready first…?" he asked.

"That seems silly then, if he is getting the showers ready first, then that means we won't need to blanket," she said.

N then realized that this was turning into an unneeded argument and turned his attention back to the pictures.

He saw many picture of Cheren and his family with Pokémon, this confused N a little. "I thought he was afraid of Pokémon…" he said to himself.

"Hey! Look at these pictures!" Sophie exclaimed.

N then turned his head over where the little Eevee was pointing to and nearly gasped. It was pictures of Cheren in a hospital bed with teeth marks all over him. N then went to go investigate the picture more. "These teeth marks look a lot like an Arcanine…" he said.

"You guessed it," N heard Cheren sigh from behind him, causing Sophie to yelp in surprise.

N then turned around and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry for messing around with your stuff…"

Sophie then jumped up and smacked him in the head with her paw. "I told you no snooping!" she growled.

N then winced a little, but kept his main attention on Cheren.

Cheren then sighed and smiled. "It's ok!" he said in an upbeat tone. "I guess you would have to know sooner or later haha," he said, rubbing his hand on his back. "I brought the blankets!" Cheren said as he threw the blankets at them.

N then quickly wrapped himself up in the blanket and then wrapped Sophie up in one as well.

"Ok," Cheren said. "I don't think I know your name yet…"

"It's N," he said with a smile.

Cheren then smiled back. "Why hello there N," he said. "Can you tell me about yourself please?" he asked.

N nodded. The boy then started to tell Cheren all about his love for Pokémon and what not. N also told him he was trying to return a hat to White.

Cheren then seemed to be very interested in N's life. "I never knew a young boy like yourself lived in the forest!" he exclaimed. "I bet it's fun to have the comfort of Pokémon there around you!"

N nodded, while Sophie wriggled to his ear. "Shh, don't tell him everything we do in the forest," she ordered.

N rolled his eyes at her. "Don't worry," he said to her.

Cheren then cocked his head to the side. "Worry about what?" he asked N.

"Oh, um…I was talking to my Eevee, Sophie," he said, picking up Sophie. "Now don't worry Sophie, Cheren won't hurt us, haha."

Cheren then laughed. "Well N, your life is very amazing!" he said. "You remind me of a friend who died from falling off a cliff…" he said, his voice trailing off.

N then looked at Cheren. "Care to tell me about your friend?" he asked.

Cheren nodded. "It would be an honor to bring up my friend, Neko, again," he said.

Cheren then went on about this 'Neko' kid, and Cheren was certainly right. The kid nearly sounded exactly the same as N! He loved Pokémon, just like N, he would do anything for his friends, just like N, and he didn't like to Pokémon battle much, just like N!

"Man, I wish this Neko kid was still alive, he sounds awesome!" N exclaimed.

Cheren then smirked. "That makes two of us..." he then sighed and it all went silent for a few minutes. All of a sudden there was a big 'ding' which made everyone jump.

"Oh! The showers are done!" Cheren said. "C'mon!" he said as he beckoned for N and Sophie to get up.

N then followed him to the bathrooms with two showers and a mini shower. Probably for Sophie… N thought.

Cheren then started to undress and went into the shower. N then put Sophie in her mini shower and did the same as Cheren did.

After they all were warm and ready to come out, Cheren put on some PJs and gave a pair of PJs to N, since N didn't have any.

"It looks like you're gonna have to stay here tonight," Cheren said, pointing at the window, showing that it was still raining and lightning hard.

N didn't seem to have too much of a problem with it, though Sophie seemed scared.

"C'mon, lets head to bed," Cheren said, yawning.

N yawned too and nodded, however at of nowhere a cry of pain from a Pokémon screamed in his head…