Chapter 7

Ziva shifted in her chair. She was getting uncomfortable and checked the clock on the wall, again. She hadn't left Tony's side since his return from surgery and that was five hours ago, and she didn't notice that his eyes were open.


"Yeah? I'm here, Tony."

"What day is it?"


He thought a minute, obviously struggling with some calculations which at the moment seemed far beyond his brain power.

She leaned over him and rubbed his arm, "Today is Gambatti's trial and Abby should have already testified."

"She okay?"

"She is fine, thanks to you."

He didn't feel like he deserved any kind words. He felt awful. "How's McGee?"

"He is fine too."

He stared at the ceiling for it was about the only thing he could stare at. He was flat on his back with not so much as a pillow for comfort. He could see his arm and it was securely encased in plaster and it seemed suspended in air. He closed his eyes at a feeble attempt at keeping the pain at bay.

"I can call the nurse if you need her."

"What can she do?"

"She can give you more pain medication."

Tony's insides were on fire and his head pounded. And his arm ached. Hell, there wasn't a part of his body that didn't hurt. Even his hair hurt, and he wondered if that was possible. He had questions to ask, but through the haze it was too hard to formulate them.

"Do you want some water?"

He nodded.

She wasn't sure how much he took, if any, but she dabbed up the excess moisture around his lips and asked, "Can I get you anything else?"

He shook his head. Swallowing hurt. Blinking hurt. He figured out he was in a neck brace and that started him thinking about the rest of his body. He tried to move his legs but they felt like lead. "What's wrong with me, Ziva?"

"Aside from the obvious?" she teased.

He smiled but his eyes weren't in it. She rubbed his arm and explained, "You were shot twice, once in the arm and once in your shoulder. The bullet in your arm went straight through but the one in your shoulder didn't. You also took a bullet graze to your head, which is probably why you have a headache and are seeing two of everything. Gambatti's men worked you over pretty thoroughly and you have a concussion, broken arm, and a broken foot. All said, the doctors are pleased with the surgery and are cautiously optimistic about your recovery."

He blinked several times, taking in her words but not too sure if he was comprehending everything. "What does that mean?"

"It means that they think you'll make a full recovery if you do exactly what they say and give yourself time to heal." She smoothed down his blankets and straightened his hospital gown. He still had blood on most parts of his skin and she filled up a small basin with warm water and gently dabbed at his skin, cleaning him up.

"Can you call the nurse?"

Ziva pushed the button and a minute later a middle aged woman with pre-mature graying hair entered. Ziva said, "I think he wants some pain medication."

She looked through his chart, grunted something, and said, "I'll be back."

When the door opened again, Ziva expected it to be her, but instead, it was Abby. "Is it okay to visit?" she tentatively asked, poking her head inside.

"I think he'd like that," Ziva smiled. "Tony, you have a visitor."

"Not just one," Abby corrected. Following her into the private room was a stream of people.

Tony opened his eyes but again the only thing he could see was the white ceiling above him. Soon, Abby came into his line of vision.

"Abs…" he said, exhausted.

She held his good hand and smiled down on him. Her blondish locks and soft make-up was exactly how he remembered her. "We did it, Tony," she whispered, "We got him."

As much as he could, he squeezed her hand, "You got him."

She'd continue that argument later, and said, "Actually, we all got him. When he found out I had been hiding right under his nose, Mr. Gambatti had to be restained! He's not going to be bothering anyone anytime soon." She rubbed his arm softly and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good."

Ziva shrugged, "He's in a lot of pain. The nurse is getting some pain killers."

Tony tried looking around but finally he gave up and asked, "Where's McGee?"

"I'm right here," McGee said moving into his line of vision.

"Any problems?"

McGee wasn't sure what he was referring to, but he guessed it was getting Abby to the courthouse in time to testify. "No, no problems at all. Except," he thought of something, "I'd still like to know how you managed to kidnap me right under Gambatti's nose. Who were those guys?"

Fornell had lots of questions and hearing McGee's question, he asked, "You got kidnapped, McGee?"

"Yeah. And taken to The Willard Hotel."

Abby said, "We sure confused the concierge, Tony. Imagine his surprise when I went up to the room with you and came out with McGee."

Fornell was trying hard to follow the NCIS ruse, perhaps one of the best hide and seek cons he'd ever seen. "Wait. You spent the entire time right here in DC at The Willard Hotel?"

"The Honeymoon suite," Abby said, waving her ring in the air. "We're married."

Fornell looked even more confused. Did he miss something? "Who's married?"

"Tony and I."

"When did you do that?"

Enjoying his expression, she leaned down to Tony's ear and said, "Tony, darling, you left before we could consummate our marriage."

Ziva and McGee startled; was this all part of the continued ruse, or had they been left out of the office gossip? Gibbs smiled.

Tony mumbled, and all they could hear was, "Rule Number 12."

Abby smirked, "Yeah, about that… I'm not sure I like that rule anymore."

Gibbs shook his head, having lagged behind just in case any of Gambatti's men had thoughts of reprisals for what his team had done. He stepped aside when the nurse came back, and if she didn't look happy earlier, she really didn't look happy now. "Excuse me, but there is only supposed to be one person in here at a time." She weaved her way through the visitors and set her tray on the bed. Without waiting for an answer, she fiddled with his IV line, plunged the needle in and released the contents of the syringe directly into the tube. She checked his bandages on his shoulder, wrote down his vitals, and left without saying another word. Gibbs realized she was used to having prisoners and such under her care and the reprimand was her way of saying, 'I did my part; can't help it if you all don't listen.'

Gibbs stepped up next to Tony and looked down on him. With the medication taking affect, he was fading fast, but he did manage a soft moan, acknowledging that he recognized his boss.

"You did good, Tony." And it was with that final thought that his senior field agent lost any battle he may have been waging against sleep and his head titled slightly to one side as he fell into a deep, drug induced slumber.

"I will stay with him," Ziva announced.

"I will too," Abby said. "Tony was right, you know. He said the moment he saw a doctor, Gambatti's men would be on him." She studied his bruised face and battered body and sighed. Even though he didn't know it, she held his hand.

McGee wasn't sure how he felt just then. He was accustomed to women fawning over his friend, but he didn't like it all that much when Abby seemed to be one of the ones doing the fawning. But he did owe Tony a huge debt of gratitude. If not for him, Abby most likely wouldn't be alive, and for that, he was thankful. And he was thankful for one other fact that he'd just learned. At least now he didn't have to wonder what the honeymoon consisted of. He suddenly felt good. Relieved that Tony was going to make a full recovery, relieved that he'd gotten Abby to the trial on time, and relieved that she was still pure and virginal, at least as far as he was concerned.

Gibbs gave his Gothic scientist a peck on the cheek, noticing her worried look, and added, "Abs, he's going to be okay. After all, this is Tony we're talking about."


I had a lot of fun writing this and it has made me want to write more Tony and Abby stories. I think they have a very unique relationship which is fun to explore. Thanks to everyone who read and commented. It really does make a difference. ~Jasmine