Hello everyone:) so, I know that I'm still writing These People but this story was just eating away at my brain! I will probably not post another chapter until I'm done with These People but… I just had to write this! Okay so this is the disclaimer for the whole story: ALLY CARTER OWNS ALL.


I live in a world full of people pretending to be something they're not.

All a girl ever wants is to feel beautiful, to be treated with respect, and mostly, to be loved. Now, in the world that I live in, I am respected, and I always have to be 'beautiful', even if I might not feel it. So honestly, there is only one thing I crave; I want to be truly loved. Not just by my parents, or the rest of America for that matter. I want a man who will love me, for the real me. Not the one plastered across magazines. The thing is though, I live in a world full of people pretending to be something they're not.

I bet you are probably confused right now, right? Don't we all live in the same world? Aren't I just a normal girl? That's the thing though, I'm not. I am Cameron Ann Morgan, Daughter of Governor Morgan and Mrs. Morgan.

Haven't you ever wondered how all of us end up with who we end up with? Well, let me tell you one thing: It sure as hell isn't by choice.

Let me clarify; there is this board of relationships. By the time you are eighteen through twenty two, up until the time you get married, the children of all politically involved couples already know who they're going to marry. They can date people before the marriage, but there are only a handful of exceptions that will allow you to not get married with your original correspondent.

Right now, I'm assuming that you are all thinking, "Well what the hell does this have to do with anything?" Calm your tits, I was getting to that.

My meeting with the board of relationships was a week ago. I found out that I was stuck with Josh Abrams. There is nothing wrong with him, I mean, he can be a stuck up snob like ninety nine point nine percent of the time… But it's better than him. There is only one person that I cannot stand in this world, one person that I abhor with all my heart and soul. That person would be Zachary Goode.

I suppose I should tell you what happened to make me hate him so much… But I kinda like to make people wait to find out things, so; let's just say, I'm a grudge holder.

Okay, so anywho, I was perfectly fine with ending up with Josh, so I had absolutely no idea why the board wanted us to meet again today; this barely ever happened, and when it did, it usually wasn't because of a good thing.

Right now, I was being called into the conference room at the BOR headquarters. It's basically just one of those normal looking office buildings disguised as a computer company.

"Ms. Morgan, right this way please." The perkily annoying secretary said. I followed her into the same room I has been in exactly a week ago. Inside of the room were one of the directors, my mother, my father, Josh, his parents, and the last few people I ever wanted to see.

Mr. and Mrs. Goode, and a smirking egotistical douche, also known as Zachary Goode.

"Now, let's get the meeting started." Said Mr. Smith, the director. "We are her today because there is a slight predicament regarding the previous arrangement. It seems to be that Mr. Abrams girlfriend, DeeDee, is pregnant. They will be getting married next week, because, as you all know, we do not permit the tabloids to know about children out of wed lock." He shot my parents an accusing glance.

I guess I should explain this, you see, my parents were boyfriend and girlfriend before they're contract was assigned and my mom found out she was pregnant. They were deeply in love with each other and were going to have to get married because you know… the wed-lock thing. I was just passed off as having been born a month early and the tabloids never found out. Okay, so now that you know that, back to the present:

"But then, that leaves in question as to who Ms. Morgan will marry. That is where Zachary comes in."

I choked on the water I was drinking. When I could finally breathe again, I screeched, "No. No way in hell am I going to marry him, he is a total player! You will expect me to have kids with him and who knows what the hell I'll catch! No no no no no, I REFUSE to marry him! I'd rather marry a MONKEY for goodness sakes!"

"Ms. Morgan," Mr. Smith stated calmly. "There is absolutely no point in arguing. Our decision has been made."

Later on that evening, I was at my house. I had changed out of my itchy, expensive business clothes in exchange for some grey sweats and a tight sweetheart neckline floral crop top. I had also piled my hair on top of my head in a very messy bun. I had gone into the kitchen for some marshmallows when I heard the front door close. "Mom isf tha fyou?" I asked with a marshmallow in my mouth. Nobody answered so I made my way to the foyer. I popped another marshmallow into my mouth as I walked. When I saw who was there, chatting it up with my mom, the marshmallow fell out of my mouth and onto the floor. "What are you doing here?" I asked with pure disgust lacing my voice because there, sitting on my couch like he owned the place, was Zachary Goode.

SO that might have been a bit confusing but if you have any questions just ask them in a review or PM me, I'll answer them ASAP:) I hope you liked it! Oh and if you want me to incorporate anything again, just review K? Actually, just review in general :)

