As "L Lawliet" isn't exactly a name you find on birth certificates, L will be referred to as "Liam" from here on out. Please enjoy!

November 5th, 2007

Describing it is impractical. The sensation could be compared to sleeping. It is… exceedingly close, but the difference is… just as massive, gargantuan, titanic, along with numerous other synonyms, and, at the same time, it has to be described in the same way. It is similar to sleep in that the signals of the synapses – signals the brain receives and transmits – are perceived as clouded; the five senses feel as though they are reconstructed in a manner that is comprehensible, yet undeniably foreign. There is no logical thought at all; even perceiving the same sensations as life takes place without consciousness. For a lack of a better way to put it, concepts are just known, details do not exist except as concepts, and all relative information escape as soon as something else appears though it is neither lost nor forgotten. All is simply known. Maybe it is peace.

That's it.

I am at peace. I suppose even if my corpse were rotting in front of my eyes, with my executioner clutching it in his arms, I wouldn't feel any worse for it. I know I am dead. Why should I strive to retaliate? Why should I, a deceased man – who can finally rest in peace – fight back? Why, when I could muse over the many obscured secrets of the unknown? Like the air. How come the air feels so heavy and intense, yet so buoyant at the same time? Why do I feel air at all? If my flesh is gone, then why do I feel?

But I digress. It - the sensation of being deceased - could never be expressed, but then again...

The last thing Liam had ever expected was to be present for the moment the case that killed him ended. Never had he imagined that Kira would become so arrogant as to confess in front of, not only the task force he had organized all those years ago, but, also, the successors Wammy had raised in L's place.

Kira had been doomed from the beginning; everything was coming together.

Liam had been right; he had known it all along, even in the most confusing and trying times. Light Yagami, among others, was the one who started the mess that the world was in. He was Kira.

A blank expression in place – no different than when Liam was alive –he surveyed the scene from above. He couldn't quite understand what Light was saying, or what any of them were saying, though the tone of Light's voice sounded close to hysterics. And then his back turned to those he had betrayed.

Liam would never be fully adjusted to the feeling of being dead, he was sure, and even less to acting as a ghost; it was far too different. Even his vision was off and nearly impossible to decipher. Strange auras and sensations clouded his eyes.

What was worse was it felt as though time had stopped for him. One minute he had been dead, his eyes closing to the sight of Light's smirking in his face, the red aura first making its appearance to him, and the next he was watching as Matsuda shot Light's hand with bullets in a fit of emotion, perhaps out of reflex, but betrayal emanated strongly from him..

"MATSUDA, YOU IDIOT!" A wheeze. A gasp. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SHOOTING AT? DON'T SCREW WITH ME." A pathetic scene by anyone's account. Light was truly defeated. The one man he thought he could count on in the task force was making a stand. Now Liam saw even more betrayal.

The ghost leaned closer, though he had no reason to move an inch in the weightless, weight-heavy air. He had finally focused on something verbal. The ghost straightened up just as soon. Yet another unnecessary movement, but the habit was there. He could just see the blood dripping from Light, though likely it was more like he saw the life draining out of Kira.

Light would die soon, and just as Liam had died in the arms of his killer, he too would be there to watch the great 'God Of The New World' crumble to pieces. The sound of begging from below, pleading directed at everyone Light had ever trusted, confirmed his assumptions. Light was better than begging. He would die soon. Kira was on the brink of death.

Liam snapped his head towards a new scream. Mikami. In all the dramatics, he had forgotten that the man existed. He too would die today, and the spray of life from his chest only confirmed his thoughts.

Without turning, through vision that encompassed the entire area without a single optical nerve, he 'saw' Light open the door and stumble out onto the sidewalk. It seemed that in death eyes were unnecessary to view the world, but he thought he understood why hauntings often took the form of falling objects. The ghosts simply couldn't direct a physical body without misjudging. He performed no better.

Liam floated through a wall, not the door as he had intended, and above his first real friend to watch the last walk. He almost felt sad to see such an intelligent, young man fall in such an ungraceful, bloody way. Light was everything graceful when Liam had been there.

The Shinigami Ryuuk only spared the ghost of L a glance as Liam followed Light to a new building and descended to watch his archenemy's death. It felt like the world was moving in slow motion, as if time were slowing down once again.

Liam could hear the scratch of pen to paper, and he knew it was Light's name being written. It didn't take long. Just over half a minute. Light Yagami died on a staircase. Time stopped instantly.

Alright! I'm glad it got this far, but now I'm at a standstill. What to do next? I have a basic idea, but I'd love to hear what you guys have to say. I'm Internet 'famous' for my fan fictions on another site, but that means nothing for this site. I'm very willing to read all the reviews. Anything, even hate, if that's your style, but I suggest not using your real username. ;)