A/N: Hello people of Fanfiction, you might know some of my(admittedly horrible) early stories, if not, for the sake of your own sanity, don't read them, if you do, know that you read them at your own risk. For those who may have been reading my Scream/Teen Titan crossover and enjoyed it, don't worry I still plan on continuing it, but I want to make it in a way that's original, meaning that I want to make some aspects of the story unique so that it doesn't technically rip off the Scream movie franchise, if any of you guys have suggestions or ideas make sure to put them down in a review while I brainstorm ideas as well, without further adoo, lets continue with this story, expect all the characters to have OOC aspects as they are older so with becoming more mature, attitudes and behaviors do change slightly, I'll try to balance out their original behavior with their slightly different ones so they don't seem TOO OOC. As for fandoms, this is going to be heavy Robin/Raven and heavy Beast Boy/Terra. There's going to be points in the story where it's read from a characters point of view, then me, the narrators point of view, so be prepared for that as well...

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, or any media references/groups that are in this story.

Summary: It's been 3 years since the episode "Things Change", the Titans including Terra are all in their 20's now with the exception of Beast Boy, now dubbed The Changeling who is now 19, The Changeling has gone solo moving away from Jump City, he now watches over New York City fighting crime and bad guys that are in every corner and back alley of the city, he feels a disturbance in the world but he is not the only one, all the heroes of Earth can sense this sense of doom that threatens to awake at any moment, what is this imbalance they feel? Can they stop it before it's too late? What is Terra and the Titans up to? Does Terra still want to live a normal life? Or does she realize that a 'normal life' is not all that it's cracked up to be?

Changeling's point of view

As I walk through the streets of New York City disguised, more specifically, Manhattan, I contemplate on my life, what I accomplished in it, all the mistakes I made, and more importantly where I think my life is headed, I know what you're thinking, 'What is a 19 year old doing contemplating on his life?'.

I've been through more in my life then most people do in their whole lifetimes, it started when I was a little kid, there in the jungles of Africa where I got my supposed 'gift' from a green monkey, my parents died shortly after my exposure to the monkey.

It's been so long I don't even remember the specifics of it, just that they did in fact die, then I grew older and was adopted by Elasti-Girl and Mento, becoming a member of the Doom Patrol team as well, Mento I suppose was the father figure in my life, though I never really liked him.

To me he was just some arrogant silver spoon who doesn't have the ability of empathy because everything he ever achieved was just given to him, he never had to work hard I bet that mask that is the key to all his powers wasn't even made by him, bah! I'm just rambling now, needless to say I have severe daddy issues when it comes to him, Elasti-Girl was a different story, I have no problem calling her Mommy.

I eventually grew even older and formed a group with Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and me called the Teen Titans, Robin claims himself to be the leader, but all know that the team governed itself, it didn't have a specific leader.

I had great memories as a Titan, then... she came, Terra, or 'Tara' as she goes by now, she swept me from under, and she had me tied around her little finger, and she knew it, she wasn't a Saint, but she wasn't evil like some people think either, when I met her and during the times I hanged out with her, all I could gather from her was that she was just confused and sad, and needed a companion, little did I know that she was working for Slade, a man who for all I know is still an active villain, even as an agent of that mans will she was never evil.

She was promised control of her powers IF she did his will, Slade knew she had low self esteem about her lack of control, and took advantage of that... long story short, she ended up redeeming herself in the end, saving the world and us, in the process sacrifcing herself by being encased into stone.

A year later and she came back! Though not in the way I would have liked, she kept on stating she wasn't Terra, even though deep down I know she knows she is, in my last encounter with her she flat out told me, "Things change Beast Boy, the girl you want me to be is just a memory".

I remember being heart broken and infuriated at those words, it was only a couple months later that I decided to leave the Titans, I made sure to tell all of them of course, not one of those horrible cliche's where I wrote a note onto a wall saying I'm leaving forever, all of them were shocked, but accepted my resignation, Robin I remember was peeved at me, saying what I was doing was irresponsible and that I have a duty there, I remember punching him straight in the face that day, don't get me wrong, I loved Robin like a brother, still do, but sometimes, the things he say just piss me off, needless to say that was my last day as a Titan.

Since then I've always thought of them, and I especially still think about Terra, wondering what she's doing, if she was in college, did she even put on a 'normal' persona anymore? Most of all I wonder if whatever she's doing makes her happy, that's what I'm concerned with the most, I suppose I'll never know, I made a pact to never enter Jump City again, mostly because the city holds too many painful memories of me and her, it's not healthy for my mental state of mind, that's what I tell myself anyways.

My Super Hero career has been lack luster to say the least, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of bad guys in New York City, but very few, close to none, super powered villains, and if any do show up, to put it short, they're pathetic, on Doctor Lights level, if not, worse.

I always keep in touch with the Titans through Skype, from what I've heard, their careers are no better then mine, I think I should be grateful that I'm not the only one, still, I can't help but feel this...imbalance... this disturbing anger that is in my gut that I feel. The disturbance is big whatever it is, I contacted the Titans about it, and they feel it too, it's like the calm before the storm.

After I contemplate my life, I see that the light across the street had a person logo on it, meaning that I can go now, I walk down the street, in mid walk, there's a Taxi that nearly runs me over, I look at him angrily,

"Hey do you mind?! I'm walkin' here!" I exclaimed, the Taxi person just looks in the back seat, I look at him curiously, I walk to the window of the back seat to a woman with a big gut and a man looking at her worried, the woman looked panicked, and was yelling to the Cab driver to drive faster, the driver says he ran out out of gas, thats when it dawned on me, she was in labour,

"I.. I feel the baby coming!" the woman exclaims, I gulp, well I am supposed to be a hero right? I'm supposed to help the innocent and catch the bad guys, I suppose 'helping the innocent' can apply to this.

I open the back door, the man, whom I assume was her husband looks at me confused, "Just trust me on this, I'll explain everything when this is all done" the man gives a sigh of relief, "Honey, this man is a professional, he'll help you give birth to our baby".

The woman sighs exasperated, "Hurry up then!" she screams, I gulp nervously, "Hey, uh dude, your gonna have to get out of your seat to give your wife some room", the man got the hint and got out of the backseat, the wife then proceeded to lay down in the back seat, she was panicking, I try to talk to her gently,

"Okay miss, I'm going to have you take some deep breaths" the woman nods and takes some deep breaths, I nod at her, "Okay.. okay good, now let me see the progress the baby made" I say humorously, the woman just glares at me and I gulp, I look under and almost go light headed at the sight of the baby's head, I look at her,

"Okay, now what I want you to do is push" she does so and screams while doing it, I look again and the baby is slowly being pushed out and I almost throw up my breakfast, "Okay good job, just push a little more, push, push..." I say gently, the woman screams really loudly, so loud everyone on the sidewalk is looking our way, the baby is halfway there.

By now there's a whole crowd around us, the whole process of giving birth is tiring not just for the woman but for the guy helping her as well, but the end results are always worth it, I look at the baby in my arms and smile, pulling this life force from a woman, is truly a beautiful process, the baby just sleeps calmly, but it cried plenty when being pulled out, I give the baby to his parents, the Mom looks so happy holding him in her arms, for a moment I look at them and smile, then all of the sudden the woman is replaced by Terra, and the man replaced by me, I shake the picture away and blush slightly.

The man, comes up to me to shake my hand, "Thank you doctor for helping my wife give birth to my boy", I chuckle slightly, "Yeah... about that, I'm uh... not a doctor" the man and woman look at me shocked,

"A stranger who just happens to stop by and help my wife who was in labor? Who are you?" the man asks, I get rid of my disguise, "I'm the Change-", "You're the Changeling!" the guy says, the woman looks at me shocked but smiles, "Thank you Changeling sir, what's your name by chance? Your real name" she asked.

I look at her unsure, I'm kind of embarrased of my real name, even if people around me don't think it's that bad of a name, "My real name, is Garfield Logan miss", the woman nods, "Then honey, I want to name our child Garfield" The man is all too happy to comply with the name request, I find myself extremely flattered,

"Yeah, uhh, dudette, you don't have to do that if you don't want to" the woman just laughs, "Nonsense! It only makes sense to name our boy after our hero" I just laugh nervously, "Well, I might as well give you guys some alone time with your kid".

As I walk down the sidewalk, I can hear someone call my name, when I look back at the source it's the husband of the woman who just gave birth, "Changeling, wait!" I stand there, "Here's our phone number, we are in your debt now, if you ever need anything just call and we'll provide" I laugh,

"Dude, there's no need for that, it's just all in the job for me", the man just shakes his head, "I insist!" he exclaimed, I sighed, thinking I'd get nowhere arguing, I take their number and nod,

"Thanks again, Garfield", I nod, "About that, you might want to keep my name a secret, you never know what type of unfriendly ears you may attract with my real name" The man smiles and nods, "No problem, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take my wife home and get Garfield settled in his room" I smile and nod while he runs back to his wife.

I walk back to my apartment, and close the door shut, I walk toward my couch and fall on it, laying on there I just relax, as I relax on my couch, I hear the Skype call sound, and groan, did they have to contact me at this time? Granted I haven't talked to them in a while, but still, I just helped a lady in labor, I open my laptop next to my couch, I sigh, 'Well here goes nothing' I think in my head and answer the call.

A/N: SO guys what did you think of the intro? Did you think it was good? bad? Please make sure to review so I know if you like the story or not, and what I can do to make the story better.