Hello there, Mayu's here. I know I have like, thousands of on-going stories I have to update but I can't resist writing this one. This won't be a series, though but a mere two-shot, I suppose, or three-shot, at most. I hope I still have readers, anyway. Hee. To the story, then!

Chapter 1

It is 10 minutes beforethe class starts again after recessand the students in class 2-1 are either talking to each other or preparing for the next class. They are the best class in their year, often coined as the dynamic class – which means the students are not only good in academics, but also excels in sports and other extra-curricular activities. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the students are well-known in the entire school.

"Athrun," calls Kira as he sits facing his best friend.

Kira Yamato is one of the hot shots in the class. Always placed second in every exam ranking, he is an important member of the student council which is expected to take the seat of president next year. He has quite a number of fangirls who blush when he passes them, even though most of them are too shy to actually confess to him.

But the real deal of the class hot shot is the friend he is talking to. AthrunZala, with his perfect score in every exams and natural talent in soccer, is the heartthrob of the entire school. There is no single day passes without his shoes locker filled with love letters, which are always collected and kept without even opened. Those who have enough courage to confess directly are expected to face gentle rejection from the blue-haired lad.

Athrun turns towards Kira. "What?"

"Don't you think it's time for you to find a girlfriend? It's pitiful to see you sitting alone the whole time like this," Kira said with a smile.

The statement earns Kira a playful shove on his shoulder. "Just because you got one recently doesn't mean everyone should too," Athrun retaliates with a laugh. "And the guys have just left me alone so I wasn't sitting alone the whole time – not that you'd notice, if you're busy making out with Lacus the whole time."

Kira blushes at the mention of his girlfriend. It is true that he has recently hooked up with Lacus Clyne, the princess of the school. He had a crush on her forever but never thought himself as on par with her and her reputation but just last week, with a push from Athrun and the other boys, he finally confessed and it turns out that Lacus had also had her eyes on him for a long time.

"But everyone had some girls they set their eyes on – it's only you who don't seem to have one; you, who can get practically anyone."

Athrun smiles as he shifts his gaze across the class. "Says who? My eyes have always set on someone."

Across the class, a group of girls are chatting animatedly, with their hands flying here and there to further describe what they are trying to say. Among them is a short-haired blonde, laughing loudly at something that is being said while slapping the table.

"Cagalli!" one of the girls, Miriallia, nudges her. "Mind your manners – you're laughing like a boy!"

Cagalli Yula Athha rolled her eyes. "Who cares? Do you actually think of me as ladylike all this time? I'm sorry to give you the wrong impression, Milly."

Her remark receives laughter from the other girls but Miriallia still whispers in urgency.

"Well. That's that. But right now, Athrun is watching us; probably you. You'd want to impress him – he is the Athrun Zala!"

The other girls stop laughing immediately and proceed to fix their hair and sit more properly. Cagalli, on the other hand, simply raised her eyebrows and has a pondering look on her face.

"Oh yes that reminds me. I have a business with Athrun Zala," she mutters under her breath.

"Auel, pass the ball – we play in teams for a reason! Guys, spread a little; we got a wide field, okay? Shani, take off the fucking headphone!"

Athrun sighs as he observes the two teams play. He has picked some of the member of the soccer club and put them into two teams - one consisting regular players from second and third year students and another from the promising first year students. As a captain, he is responsible of the quality of the players. Nevertheless, their school has always been leading in the high schools league for past few years. All he has to do is to maintain the streak.

All of a sudden, he feels a presence behind him and turns swiftly. His emeralds immediately find a pair of embers, which for some reason, look disappointed.


"How did you notice me? I was planning to sneak up on you…"Cagalli mumbles, eyes casted down to hide her childish dissatisfaction.

Athrun can't help but to smile at her simplicity. No other girls will have the guts to sneak on him – most of them know that he is impossible to be surprised whatsoever, anyway. Cagalli, for one, has never show any attraction towards him so the fact most probably went unnoticed by her. However, this is also the first time Cagalli has sought for him so he is quite curious about her intention.

"Sorry that you can't ambush me. What is it that you want? Don't tell me you're confessing right here."

A blush creeps onto Cagalli's face hearing the last remark and she punched Athrun's chest lightly. "Don't think too highly of yourself, okay? It's sickening."

Her small fist is easily caught by Athrun. He lets it go, however, when Cagalli pull it back quickly.

"It's a joke, okay, a joke. What do you want from me?" he asks again.

For some reason, Cagalli suddenly look undecided. It takes a moment as she gathers her courage and reveals the reason she goes out of her way seeking for Athrun.


"Pardon me?" Athruns raised his eyebrow, asking Cagalli to repeat even though he has caught a gist of what she is trying to say.

Cagalli takes a breath and starts again. "I want to play soccer with you guys."

It takes Athrun a few seconds to register the information in his head. He knows Cagalli is athletic and loves sports more than average girls do. But for her to suddenly demand on playing soccer with an all-boys club is quite unexpected. He almost wants to think that Cagalli is playing a joke on him but he happens to know that she is not someone who will put so much effort into something that she does not consider seriously.

"You love soccer? Can you play? I mean actually play on the field, not on PC or PS2."

Cagalli finds some hope in Athrun's question and answers eagerly. "I play during middle school – my school back then has girls' soccer club, you see. I wanted to create one when I came here but no one is really interested. So sometimes I would play with my friends from middle school, but that's hardly enough."

"So you haven't been playing regularly?"

"Well, if I have been then I don't need to ask to play here, right?" Cagalli retorts impatiently. "But I'm good, really good, so I won't interfere with your training and all."

Athrun chuckles at her self-appraisal. "Really good, eh? Well. I can let you play."

Cagalli's eyes leap like a dog's when given treats.

"But on one condition."

Her bright eyes dim with suspicion. "Which is…"

"Kiss me."

It takes Athrun everything of him not to laugh at Cagalli's changes of facial expression for those few seconds – from suspicious to confused look and now she is blushing furiously from both embarrassment and anger.

"You sure don't know when not to joke, huh?" she said through gritted teeth, her hands forming shaking fists at her sides.

Athrun senses danger in her tone of voice. He wipes the glee look of his face and turns serious for a change, though a smile is still lingering on his lips.

"No, I'm not joking. It's huge favor you're asking there. It's only fair I'm asking for something in return, right?"

"Forget it." Cagalli turns back swiftly and begins to walk away when Athrun stops her.

"Is that all it takes for you to stop playing? I had thought you got some determination at least."

The statement freezes the blonde and she stays rooted at the same spot, unable to decide whether to continue walking or to return to Athrun.

Athrun moves towards her with slow steps. He stops only when he was a little over one inch apart from Cagalli's back, before bending as he whispers directly into her left ear,

"Here goes the deal. A kiss a day keeps your right to play. If you agree, then wait for me at the changing room area at 6 today."

The probability of her coming is 96%, Athrun thinks as he walks towards the changing rooms. He has always been the last to use the room, and the last to go home after practice, in fact. That is the reason he chose the place to meet Cagalli. He quickens his steps, nearing the place, with a smile refusing to leave his face.

No, make it 99.9%.

Athrun's confidence is confirmed when he reached the changing room. Indeed, there is Cagalli, leaning on the wall staring at nothingness while her world is shut off by the blaring earphones in her ears. The presence of Athrun, however, breaks her little bubble. Faint traces of blush appear on her fair face as she watches Athrun approaching her.

"T-Too close…"protests Cagalli weakly when Athrun stops directly right in front of her, leaving almost no distance between them. She tries to push Athrun's body away but her hands are again trapped by Athrun's own. This time, the lad do not let go when Cagalli tries to pull them away.

"You're too close, Athrun," greatly intimidated by Athrun's unabashed gaze, Cagalli cannot believe how meek she sounds like as she struggles to put some distance from him.

Athrun, nonetheless, shows no sign of relenting. "You're here, so I suppose it's a deal?"

The deal brings back some sense into Cagalli. She stands up straighter and brings her gaze to meet Athrun, finally ignoring their closeness and how her hands are still held by the latter.

"I-It's a deal. But, no one will know about this," she states as firmly as she can. "You have to promise me that – or your fangirls will skin me alive."

Athrun chuckled despite the seriousness in the air. "Sure. I have no business of letting them know, anyway."

Cagalli lets go of something that sounds almost like a relieved sigh. She has been thinking about the deal offered by Athrun for the whole evening and the more she thinks about it, the less absurd it seems. It is not like Athrun is asking her to sleep with him, or anything worse. She has kissed a guy before, even though no one seems to notice that fact and she has no problem with it, so a kiss, or more accurately, kisses should not matters that much anymore. The only thing that is still bothering her is the fact that that Athrun is protected by so many girls that admire him - and girls' jealously is something that she hopes to avoid. Worse, some of the girls are her friends.

"Then," Athrun's voice brings her back to reality. "Should we proceed, then?"

Even so, this is still hard, Cagalli thinks as she stares at Athrun's smiling face. She is sure that his smile is not as angelic as the girls seem to think; in fact, it seems devilish to her.

"C-Can you close your eyes?" she asked shyly, thinking that it is impossible to do anything with his startlingly green eyes boring into her face. "And let go of my hands."

Athrun obliges without a word, even though it seems impossible for him to keep himself from smiling. He leans forwards to lessen the gap between their heights, putting his face right in front of Cagalli's.

Then, Cagalli, with all courage she can muster, put her hands on Athrun's shoulder and closes her own eyes as she claims the slightly parted lips with her own.

"How special."

That is what I thought when I first saw her. While the girls all fell silent as I walked into the room with Kira, a girl with short, blonde hair was laughing her head off at one of the boys's joke. Her laughter actually rang throughout the fairly quiet class. Some girls might do that to attract my attention, but this one did not seem so – none of the girls had ever sat on a table with legs so carelessly wide apart.

I soon learned that she is Cagalli Yula Attha, the only daughter of the diplomat Uzumi Nara Attha. It surprised me at first; she did not look like a lady no matter how you see it. But it intrigued me further and before I knew it, my eyes are locked on her.

She is kind of a tomboy – what with her short hair and lack of ladylike manners and skills. But she is celebrated by both boys and girls alike. No one, really, will refuse her company. It is quite impossible to decide whether she hangs out boys or girls more because she really can join any of them. Friendly as she is, she often serves as the peacemaker between the classmates.

I often wary of her getting admirers but much to my surprise, and pleasure, none of the boys ever look at her in that way. Even when they talk about girls they would like to date, her name has never come up. Instead, her name is mentioned as one of their buddies. One side of me wants to chide them for not seeing how great she is as a girl, another had hopes that it wouldcontinue that way so there are chances for her to be mine and mine alone.

It was my selfish thinking all along. Every time people prompt me to find a girlfriend, all I can think is how to make her mine. There is no reason why I should risk a rejection by confessing to her now when I know she has never looked that way at me. All along I have been thinking of a way to let her know how much I can mean for her, just this evening she came and surrender herself, clearing a pathway for me without even knowing.

The girl of my dream is kissing me and for once, I want the time to stop.

How, how, how? I'd like some review, if it isn't too much to ask. Just to let me know that I still had it in me. =)

P.S. I know I should update at least Archangel High Deux soon. I appreciate all the reviews and PMs that call for it. The next chapter is in progress, though so rest assured. And I'm re-watching SEED/Destiny so I hope that it will make the creative juice flow faster. Uh huh. And by the way, I'm in college now – the last semester for my foundation so time is a little bit tight. Again, everyone's support is very much appreciated :')
