Disclaimer: If I owned Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Tsuna would have a harem consisting of Hibari-sama, Mukuro-sama, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Reborn,Colonnello, Fon, Xansus and possibly a few others. So it's best that I don't own it, ya?
Summary: Sawada Tsunayoshi or Tsuna is the unwilling heir to the Vongola Family and is taking a 7 day cruise to Italy to partake in the Inheritance Ceremony where he will officially become the Tenth Vongola Boss. When his life is saved by Hibari Kyoya, the descendant of a long line of keepers of Justice and discipline, he learns that he isn't as Dame as he thinks and that sometimes you simply have to stand up for what you believe in. AU Hibari/Tsuna 1827
Pairings: Hibari/Tsuna aka 1827
Warnings: Gradual Yaoi and possible Lemons in the future! If you don't like yaoi then why are you reading this? Also, there will be a little battle violence, mild swearing. Constructive criticism is allowed, flamers will be locked up with their flames and roasted alive.
A/N: I'm writing family as in blood related family and Family as a Mafia Family. Line indicates a POV change and Hibari Kyoya is written as Hibari in Tsuna's POV until Hibari lets him use his first name (if he ever does) and Kyoya in his own POV. It'd be weird if you refered to yourself with your last name. Now, on with the show!
If you do not find a way, no one will.
Lady Galadriel from Lord of the Rings
Hibari Kyoya sighed, staring at what was currently the largest and most luxurious cruiser in the world. So this is what mother was working on… the pale teen snorted derisively, rolling his eyes at the amount of glamour the ship was exuding.
Either way, it didn't matter how grandiose the vessel was, he would maintain order and discipline, just like him — the man whom Kyoya had looked up to and respected since his childhood, Alaude, his great-great-great-grandfather. The man was well renowned for his strength and sense of justice. Kyoya didn't care about the rumours that his ancestor had been affiliated with an Italian Mafia. To keep order, it was necessary to have contacts in the underground and he would follow in the footsteps of his father and his ancestors' legacy.
Brushing aside a strand of black hair, he glanced around for a moment, noting the odd influx of suspicious looking men in dark suits. A few moments later, a dark limousine pulled up at the roadside near the officer stationed at the boarding platform. The skylark raised an eyebrow as a suited man with curly sideburns and a fedora hat exited the vehicle.
The man then elegantly circled to the other side of the car and held open the door. Kyoya frowned, not sensing the intimidating aura one would expect from someone with such power and wealth displayed…what kind of person would emerge from behind the tinted glass?
Light brown hair - the first thing Kyoya noted was the impressive gravity-defying light brown hair sticking in all directions. The second was that the individual was wearing one of the most expensive suits he had ever seen. The last was a pair of large amber eyes. Kyoya stared at those eyes, noticing that the creature gave off the aura of a resigned man walking to the gallows. Yet despite that, they also shone with a gentle purity and innocence that made Kyoya feel irritated and intrigued. The skylark's frown deepened. What could make such a naïve looking person so resigned?
The dark haired teen closed his eyes, mentally shaking himself. The boy may be innocent but appeared to be only 13 years of age at most. In this world such naive purity is only a burden, a weakness.
In a few years, the child will merely become yet another herbivore in this cluttered world, pulled along by pressure and succumbing to the world's manipulations. Ah, it is of no importance anyway. All that mattered is that should the boy disrupt the peace on his ship, he would be obliged bite him to death.
It's bright. Too bright. Sawada Tsunayoshi groaned, shading his eyes with a hand as he reluctantly admired the beautiful cruiser. Nothing but the best for the Vongola heir…The 16 year old sighed, once again reminded that despite the beautiful and luxurious ship before him is the vessel that will take him from everything he had ever known.
It seemed like only yesterday when he was a normal boy…well a normal boy who failed every class, couldn't run for 2 minutes straight and got beaten up by seventh graders, oh and don't forget getting scared by chiwawas. The small sized brunet twitched, even his inner voice was starting to sound like Reborn.
Reborn, was the tall and scary self-proclaimed home-tutor hitman. He arrived at the Sawada house six months ago and revealed to Tsuna that he was in fact the last surviving heir of the Vongola Family and that Reborn would be his personal instructor in all things Mafia.
At first he hadn't believed him, then he found that his father who was 'away for work', had been assassinated three weeks previously. His father had apparently been member of said Mafia Family and one of the candidates to take over the Family. His passing, unfortunately, left his son as the last living candidate for the position of Mafia boss.
Tsuna sighed again, one weeks ago, he had received a letter from the Ninth Vongola Boss, his grandfather, Timoteo. The boss had recently become very sick and was worried that he might not make it. As such, Tsuna had been issued a summons to Italy where he would partake in the Inheritance Ceremony and officially become the Tenth Vongola Boss. There was just one tiny problem.
"Reborn, I don't want to become a mafia boss! Isn't there someone else?" The brunet moaned for the fifth time as Reborn practically dragged him up the walkway, into the ship that would steal him away from his homeland.
"No there isn't. Stop whining Dame-Tsuna or I'll throw you into the water." The dark haired man glared at Tsuna, tipping his fedora in a threatening manner. The spiky haired brunet lets out a girlish shriek at the threatening tone, shaking his head fervently. The hitman nodded, deeming the boy appropriately threatened before continuing. "Besides, you already know what will happen if you don't become the boss."
Tsuna sighed, indeed he knew. If the boss's seat remains empty for too long, other Families will try to take control and the only one powerful enough to do so is the Millefiore Family. The product of two Families with as much power as the Vongola. If the Millefiore consume the Vongola, they would be the greatest power in the world. This made worse by the fact that one of their leaders is known for his cruelty and indifference towards the lives of his Mafisto.
"JYUUDAIME~!" A loud voice rang out over the water, shocking Tsuna so badly that he stumbled and almost fell into the waters below. Fortunately, Reborn's quick reflexes saved him from taking a large drink of salt water. Thanking the hitamn, he turned to the familiar silver haired boy running towards him. A dark haired boy carrying a baseball bat on his back and a white haired boy with boxing gloves following at a more leisure pace.
"Yo, Tsuna~!" The dark haired boy waved as he approached while the white haired boxer punched the air and shouted, "EXTREMELY GOOD TO SEE YOU SAWADA!"
The silver haired boy rushed up to the slightly panicked looking brunet and immediately began apologising for startling his future boss. Tsuna hurried to reassure his self-proclaimed right hand man that he is perfectly fine and that it was his own fault for not paying attention. This prompts Reborn to immediately agree that Tsuna should have been more aware of his surroundings, least he kill himself by accident before the assassins can get to him.
"Gokudera, let Tsuna breathe a little, I think you're scaring him~!" The dark haired Japanese boy joked, teasing the silver haired Italian Mafisto. Gokudera turned to his rival, glaring at him with irritation. "Shut up baseball-freak! How dare you suggest that the tenth would actually be scared of anything! And if he ever did, I, his faithful right hand man would protect him!"
"Oi! Octopus-head you're being extremely loud to the extreme! Everyone's extremely staring at us and Yamamoto, I extremely think that our ship is going to go extremely soon!" The white haired boxer announced loudly as he jogged on the spot. Gokudera then turned on him. "Don't call me that! Turf-top! And I refuse to board another ship, we should be in the same ship as the tenth!"
"Gokudera-kun, I appreciate your feelings but I'll be fine with Reborn, the other guests also need protection." Tsuna murmured gently, gazing at his friend and guardian with large imploring eyes that immediately melted the boy's scowl. The 16 year old guardian practically sparkled with delight at being entrusted with a task by his beloved boss, all he needed were a pair of ears and a wagging tail to complete the image.
"Jyuudaime…don't worry Jyuudaime! I won't let you down!" Gokudera burst out enthusiastically, determination burning in his eyes before turning to the other two boys. "WELL? What are you two idiots standing around for?! The ship is gonna leave without us!"
"THAT'S THE EXTREME SPIRIT! Octopus-head!" The nicknamed Turf-top shouted in an equally enthusiastic manner. Reborn sighed before turning to the three teenagers, levelling them with a frosty glare.
"Gokudera Hayato, Sasagawa Ryohei, Yamamoto Takeshi. Assuming that the three of you idiots actually absorbed any of your tutors' lessons, I expect there to be no casualties aboard your vessel. The duty of the Vongola guardians is to redirect adversity away from the Vongola Family. That includes making a foolish and idiotic spectacle of yourselves. You will be on your best behaviour, if rumours spread about how unruly the Tenth Vongola Guardians are, I will personally administer punishment." The three aforementioned boys gulped silently, feeling a moment's pity for their precious boss who would be spending the next seven days in the company of such a sadistic man. The teenage guardians-in-training snapped a quick salute, bidding their kind hearted boss farewell before bolting away from the terrifying hitman.
Tsuna smiled gently as he waved at his closest friends. At least his only friends were coming with him. Though, Tsuna frowned, he wished that his friends were not involved in the whole Mafia business, especially Yamamoto-kun and Onii-san.
Gokudera-kun was already involved due to his father but before they became friends, Yamamoto and Ryohei were normal students. After they became his friends and showed that they had impressive fighting skills, Reborn had offered them the position of Tsuna's guardians.
Tsuna still didn't want to accept it, they were only teenagers. They don't understand the danger of the Mafia, I don't want anything to happen to my friends…was what Tsuna felt, yet what could he do? It was their choice and he was nothing but Dame-Tsuna, the biggest looser in the world. As he boarded the cruise liner, one thought kept repeating through his mind. There's nothing I can do.
A/N: Ok, I know I should be writing my Bleach story, but I'm kinda stuck on that one, and this one's been sitting around for ages…so I decided to finish it since this plot bunny won't stop nibbling on my toes and I'm gonna lose a whole foot at this rate. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and please review~!