Hello everybody. Thank you for all the reviews and I am actually going to ask those of you who want to put their opinion in this story. I don't really know where I should go to with this story. Which is stupid because I should have already planned this out. But, I was thinking that maybe you guys could review or message me what you would kind of like to see happen. I would like everyone's opinion and hopefully I could get some inspiration. Thank you all and hope you like this chapter.

Angel was just starting to wake up. He let out a soft groan and sat up. Slowly opening his eyes and panicking at the sight of an entirely different room. This wasn't his room, or Paul's, or any other room that he new of. It was completely different and that scared him. And then, he remembered. Two Vampires were in his room. In his room! He felt his heart stutter for a moment and bit his lip. Standing from the bed and walking around the bed to the door. He tried prying it open, but it wouldn't budge. Tugging on it he nearly whimpered in desperation.

"Come on!" He tugged and twisted on the doorknob before finally giving up and sitting down on the bed once more. Closing his eyes and leaning his head into his hands. He had been kidnapped. There was nothing he could do about it. Angel racked his brain. Trying to come up with some reason, some spontaneous reason, that someone wanted to kidnap him out of all people. He was no one special. Angel was the new kid in town that no one knew besides the pack and a few of the Cullens' that actually saw him as good company. Then it came to him. Paul had said something about a Vampire a while back. Could this be the same man?

Angel didn't have any more time to think. A man walked through the door hurriedly, red eyes that pinned Angel to his spot. He nearly gasped, if he wasn't so frightened. This man looked eerily similar however. Wait.. this was the Vampire that one in his room! The man that took him from his new home. Took him away from Paul. He tried to keep calm, even though this man's appearance was rather... intimidating and it seemed to radiate power. Then he started to walk forward and Angel scooted back a bit on the bed. Watching the man's every movement. The man stopped. And Angel looked him over.

He was handsome, no doubt about it. Pale porcelain skin that looked almost unhealthy. Dark brown hair that was slicked back but also had a bit of wildness to it, if that made any sense. He had slight scruff to his prominent jaw. And had a rather angular and square facial structure. The man's shoulders were broad and went down into thick muscular arms and an equally as broad chest. He nearly radiated danger. His eyes were red, of course. Making Angel highly aware of the fact that this man wasn't a "Vegetarian Vampire" like the Cullens. The man before him drank human blood. Which made Angel the more nervous of what the Vampire had in store for him.

Noah was not pleased. His idiotic minions had an absolute different idea of what the plans were. And the newborns were starting to get antsy and problematic. He sent them all out to hunt and went over the plans with his most trustworthy minion, which wasn't very promising. Now he just wanted to stare at his little mate and be calm. Noah was rather surprised however when he opened the door and found that his little mate was already awoken. He couldn't help the slightly giddy feelings however. He finally got to look into those blue eyes once more and could finally talk to his mate.

"Hello." Angel stopped. Glancing up at the man's face. That was all he had to say to him? The man kidnapped him from his family and friends and his new home! And all he had to say was, "Hello." No. Angel was mad. He stood from his spot and crossed his arms, slightly embarrassed by the sheer fact that he was only in his pajamas and this man was properly dressed. He scrunched up his nose and let out a long drawn out sigh.

"Why? Why did you take me from my home?" Angel crossed his arms and looked up at the man. He looked slightly disturbed and almost.. disappointed almost. But that couldn't be. Why would his kidnapper feel like that? He was a strange man. And Angel felt even more frightened as the man simply continued to stare at him for a long moment before closing his eyes and muttering to himself. Then he opened them again and took one step closer to Angel. In turn, he took a step back.

"It is simple, little one." Noah took a step closer to the beautiful little specimen before him. He watched as he sat down on the bed and nearly shook with joy as those big blue eyes simply continued to watch him. He was truly lucky to have such luck with a mate as gorgeous as him. "You are my mate." Noah watched as his mate's eyes widened and his heart sped up. But he mistook those actions for joy of having him as a mate. Noah was wrong, his mate was frightened and confused.

Paul growled and slammed his fist into a nearby tree. Shaking in pure rage as he turned back to stare at Sam. His mate was missing! They went to the Cullen's only to find out that Alice had seen the vision too late and didn't alert the pack in time. Paul's heart clenched. Those fucking leeches were in Sam's house, and he didn't smell them. It was all his fault. He could have killed those bastards. But.. he didn't. He didn't even smell them. What was wrong with him. Angel was his, and he let him slip between his fingers. It was all his fault.

"Paul, calm down, we will find Angel." Seth, ever the peace maker, tried to to calm him down. He himself was devastated when he heard that Angel was missing. The kind boy that weaseled his way into everyone's heart. And although he sometimes disliked Paul with his horrible temper and bad manners.. you never wanted to loose an Imprint. The pain nearly ate you away.

"Calm down? How the fuck am I supposed to calm down!? My Imprint is gone and into some fucking crazy leeches grasp!" Paul shifted then, running deep into the forest. No real destination in mind. He ran and ran. Thinking of why someone would take the one good thing in his life away from him. He forced himself to go faster and think harder. It came to him and he stopped and howled to the sky. That fucking leech from before was back and took his Imprint away from him!

He paced and huffed. Digging his large paws into the ground beneath him. How could he find a Vampire that had no scent? Paul swore to Angel that he would always protect and let no one harm him. And now what? He was probably gone forever. His heart felt heavy and he slumped to the ground. Letting out a snarl as he closed his eyes. He would find some way to get his Angel back. No matter what it takes, he would have the love of his life back in his arms once more.

It was turning to nightfall once Paul finally decided to go back to Sam and Emily's. All heads had turned to him once he entered the house. Everyone had eyes full of pity and Paul slumped on an empty chair. He thought a bit before looking up at everyone. They all looked so sad and a couple had red rings under their eyes, they had been crying.

"We are going to have to meet up with the Cullens again. Maybe Alice can help find the location and what the fucking leech has planned to do for Angel. We should go. Tonight." Paul's voice was filled with anger. Everyone flinched at the tone and nodded. They all stood up from their places and walked to the door. Trying not to do anything to make Paul go into a deeper state of depression or anger. Paul solemnly watched as Sam pressed a kiss to Emily's forehead. He also should have the privilege to kiss Angel whenever he wanted. But he couldn't. Not now. Not until he killed that leech and got Angel back.

Angel's heart had nearly stopped when he heard him say those words. His mate? But he was Paul's! This Vampire was only confused. That was it. Nothing else. He should just let Angel go right now and find his real mate. He felt light headed and he looked at the man. Sighing and running his hand through his hair, nervously glancing up at the Vampire every so often.

"No..no.. I.. Paul is already.. I'm his mate. His Imprint."

Noah growled harshly at that statement. That mutt had tricked his mate into thinking that he was a dog's Imprint! No, he would not have that. His mate was his and his alone. No one should come between that. Noah had worked hard to get his mate, and now that he had him within arm's reach, he was never going to let him go. That was final.

"That mutt is lying. He would only hurt you in time. With me, you shall be protected. No one will come between us." Noah bent down to grip his mate's jaw, trying to be a bit gently. But he struggled and he tightened his grip a bit. Loving the soft whimper that came from his mate. He pulled him closer to his cold body. Tilting his jaw up to run his nose along the smooth skin of his neck. Letting out a low growl that turned into a purr. Venom pooled into his mouth as he smelled that delicious scent that was simply his mate. "Mine."

Angel bit his lip to keep in the scream. He felt the fangs of the man scrape against his neck. But not adding any pressure to break the skin. He gripped the bed sheets in his hands and closed his eyes tightly. It was only when he heard the door open was when he opened them. He shivered though when he heard the growl from the Vampire in front of him.

"I told you not to disturb me when I was in this room." Noah stood from his spot and already missed the smell of his mate and the soft skin. He looked at the minion and snarled at him. Crossing his thick arms across his chest. "What was it you needed idiot?" He really should get an IQ test of every newborn, and if they weren't smart enough for his standards. Well then they would simply have to do without a head.

"I- I'm sorry sir but a couple of newborns s-still don't know the plans." The minion shivered with fear as he felt those piercing eyes upon him. And he forced himself to hold his breath to keep himself from smelling what he knew would probably smell like heaven, for not having a snack in a week.

"Fucking idiots." Noah muttered and shoved the minion out of the room. He turned and walk back over to his mate. Watching him as he tried to compose himself. He leaned over and pressed his cold lips to his mate's hair. "Tell me your name."

Angel closed his eyes and gave in, softly murmuring. "Angel."

Noah smirked and leaned back, cradling Angel's face in his hands before standing up once more."Don't wait up for me Angel." And with that, he went out the door and locked it behind him. Intent on killing a few newborns for disturbing his time with his mate. Angel. It was fitting. For his mate was an Angel. He finally had what he needed.

And there it was! Sorry it seems kind of jumbled up. I just came home from a date and their was a little bit of alcohol involved. So sorry for the slight rambling and mixed up, well, everything. But hopefully you guys still liked it. Remember to review and or message me ideas so I can get some inspiration. I am looking forward to it.